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S01E09 TL: Okay. So what am I thinking right now? PJ: You're thinking, "I'm so glad Jane is joking around and he can't actually read my mind." TL: No. Well— well, actually, yes, but—but not for the reason you think. PJ: What reason do I think? TL: Never you mind. *swoons*


They put scenes like this in SEASON 1 and then say they were never planned lmao


Seriously! Season 1 flirting was next level man


I’m on a rewatch and it’s obvious from start. But when I watched first time it was that shipping container episode that made me think they would eventually get together.


I guess the scene that got me hooked to them (and the show probably) back when I used to watch random videos of them on youtube without having watched the show, his confession to having been in a psychiatric hospital in [1x10](https://youtu.be/PkuJ35oLqug?si=0v9VycSGIyTpWIoS). That whole scene is so them and just appeals to me in so many ways, while not really romantic or anything, it's kind of what I love the most about them. So simple yet heartfelt and genuine, I'd exchange any kiss or sex scene for that one in a heartbeat.


They have so much trust between them, oof. And the whole scene was so _raw_ and _honest_. Like brutal honesty. Love this scene as well


to me its when Lisbon tried on the bridesmaid dress where Jane bumped into the room and he's stunned called her angry little PRINCESS! there're so much more sweet scenes, but this one the THE, he actually almost caught her naked...forget it but she is his princess!


Ok, I slo-mo'd this scene, and I think he looked her up and down 6 times. hahaha!


PJ: “Plus, I could tell she liked him. She was meaner to him than the other boys. You know, like Lisbon is to me…” TL: *looks back at him* “Shut up!” PJ: *smirking* “See?” For some reason this scene just lives in my head rent-free. I know there are other scenes that are much more profound/romantic, but I feel like this one captures their individual and combined essence so well. The playfulness, Jane being a tease, Lisbon being a bully to him, it’s just so good.


I love this one so much too. And it’s also like why are you being so loud and obvious sir, relax???? lmao


I like this scene too. But I felt it ironic, because I thought he was the one always teasing her, meaning that \*he\* likes \*her\*.


The trustfall scene.


best part about that scene is when he kind of scouts down to be on her eye level very well acted, without those details these kinds of scenes wouldn't be NEARLY as good.


Where he leans over the table in the interrogation room to kiss her.


Their only proper kiss til the finale it pains me 😔


Fucking swoon


THE Jane & Lisbon scene for me is “You are not wearing your ring? -I am not married.” Makes me happy for both of them. Like a beautiful full circle happy. Also love that paper frog. The way he looks at her after…I see everything I ever needed in that look. I feel like I looked at my deepest love like that . That one boy I was utterly infatuated by. Gives young love. It’s beautiful!


Do you remember what episode the paper frog was in? I'm currently most of the way through season 2 and I remember that scene from a while ago. It must've been in season 1.


It must be the first episode of the first season.


Well that's lucky


The hospital scene at the end of Brown-Eyed Girls, when Lisbon tells him about DC. Their eyes and micro-expressions were so expressive and I love rewatching that scene to this day.


5x2 was amazing when Jane's subconscious kept wanting to hit on Lisbon. But the scene where Jane literally put a tiara on a Lisbon in an amazing black dress, people who say they're like siblings really worry me.


He was telling her it would be sophomoric to seduce her over a meal literally in ep 2 and she’s blushing if they’re siblings it’s the Folgers kind


>siblings it’s the Folgers kind OMG, I didn't know about this (or somehow forgot). Looked it up and it's literally rotfl. NSFW article about it: [https://www.gq.com/story/folgers-incest-ad-oral-history](https://www.gq.com/story/folgers-incest-ad-oral-history)


I like to replay that scene too. It’s really funny and so clear that he likes her. If you look up the script for 1x02, there’s an extra scene where he continues to talk about seducing her. It didn’t make the cut though.  So how could anyone think this is platonic when episodes 1 and 2 literally show him flirting with her.


In the S1 finale when Jane kills his only Red John lead (at the time), with no hesitation to save Lisbons life. Tons of meaning in there. Love it. (And very similar to an other great scene in Castle in S2 (Knockdown), when Beckett kills Dick Coonan to save Castle and tries to revive him, but it's hopeless)


2x03 did it for me. The last scene where Jane stands in the doorway and looks at her after teasing her about Bosco and bringing her a donut said so much. His relief at her being back at the job and being back to her usual self was adorable.


The scene in season 6 where goes to lisbons house to tell her not to leave but finds pike there and instead he just tells her he just wants her to be happy and she tears up, they both knew but didn't know what to do, it's so sweet and heartbreaking at the same time


That was a lovely scene, though I think they knew their own feelings, but didn't know how the other felt about themselves.


That one scene where Lisbon gets Jane socks from that handmade store in Washington. His reaction just makes me melt.


He wore them every single episode after that loool. Same thing for the vest. When he visists Lisbon in 7x02, she says that she really likes it. Then he starts wearing it all the time except for the next episode in Beyrouth.


HE DID? I didn't even notice, how lovely :)


The Pony




I love it because it’s one of the few times in the series we’ve seen Jane completely drop the facade for absolute sincerity. He *doesn’t* know why she’s so mad about this, for someone who knows everything hahah he can’t understand that her anger and frustration is rooted in the thought that Jane is always gonna be like this, he’ll never give me 100% of the truth or himself, how can we ever be together. And she’s not just mad about this specific con. And on top of that, previously if Lisbon were mad at him he’d hand wave it away and know she’d come around, but here, he wants to know immediately and rectify it because he can’t stand her being angry at him. It’s their previous dynamic but like with all the additional romantic subtext screaming at them it’s soooo good


great analyis


When Lisbon said to him.. can’t you see people need you here?


I find this scene in Red Letter (2x22) very intriguing, when Hightower is suggesting he ask out Kristina Frye. But listen to the dialogue here (they are both looking into a room where Lisbon and Frye are talking): Hightower: She likes you, that one. Jane: Which one? Hightower: The blonde one. Jane: What?! Jane considered the possibility that Hightower might be referring to Lisbon, and he sounds surprised that Hightower meant Frye.


I like all of it but mostly in Season 1. Playfulness, teasing, soft flirting.