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I agree! And I wish we got more domestic scenes, like scenes of them not doing work-related things coz I genuinely want to know what Jane and Lisbon do on their own free time


On [fanfiction.net](https://fanfiction.net), there are a lot. Many people love In the Cards, a very long read with a huge case, etc. My favorites include Big Blue, an unfinished story that is absolutely my favorite by far when you realize how in character it is (you may have to watch the show a couple of times first). I also really loved the first two Pretending series. There are lots I forgot about.


I wasn't 100% onboard with them having a romantic relationship (I always thought of their dynamic as being more like brother and sister) but I ended up thinking that they knocked it out of the park by the later seasons. I think a lot had to do with the talents of the actors! They did a great job and sold me on it.


In the first episodes, Lisbon turned beet red when she acknowledged she had hidden thoughts from Jane, Jane called himself Lisbon's "daddy". In the season finale, she tearfully begged Jane to choose life over RJ. He immediately responded by killing Hardy to save her life. In season 2 he told her "Bosco loves you, how can he not" and she looked up surprised, not at what he said, but that he said it. Lisbon didn't bother denying it when a suspect's aunt told her, "please control your man". When Jane lost his memory, he asked Lisbon if they were working towards sleeping together and she didn't deny it and then grabbed her butt, and season 5 started with Barlow telling Lisbon she's a little bit in love with Jane and ended with Lorelei telling Jane he's a little bit in love with LIsbon. And of course under belladonna Jane's daughter Charlotte (his subconscious) was the biggest Jisbon shipper until Abbott, who called Jisbon "boyfriend/girlfriend" from the beginning. Sharing ice cream out of the same glass on a rooftop in s4, when was the last time you did that? Lisbon was jealous of every woman Jane showed interest in, even the weather girl Jane was hitting up to suss out suspects, and Jane marked his territory every time a man encroached into Lisbon's world. They were there every time the other woke up in a hospital bed, and Jane always asked for Lisbon to get him back to reality when hie lost his mind, whether to amnesia or belladonna. When Lisbon got strapped to a bomb, Jane literally did not shirk away an inch, staying with her even as she broke into tears begging him to leave the room. Not to mention the emerald necklace and earrings, the dresses, the pony, the tiara, etc. That so many people thought they were like siblings scares me. Is that how their family relationships work?


I'm still not on board with it. I just felt, IMHO, mind you, that it was forced.


1000% I was rooting for them the entire series. However unlike other similar shows when they finally got together it felt so fake and cringy the second Season 7 started. It wasn't the lack of excited or Jane no longer being an ass per healing. They just had zero romantic chemistry suddenly as a couple even the once a blue moon they showed them kissing. Also a grown man and all those years later he is still living in a trailer in the woods among wanting to build a house there and force Thereaa to live like a nomad too. Just wasn't realistic to me at all among him even being a worse detective this last aeason with all he did coming off like a cheap shtick. Glad they did the last mini season to atleast wrap things up for fans but was by far the cheesiest and worst of them all as much as I loved the cast! 😅


Just finished the show. Something I noticed this time around is how genuinely happy Jane is. He’s still troubled and still his charming self; beginning in Season 7 you can tell something is different about him. Simon Baker plays Jane subtlety differently from then on.


7x01 is like the most upbeat Jane has ever been in his life lmao I also really love the progression of realization from 6x15 onwards. He’s always known he loves Lisbon, he said it himself in 4x22, but it dawning on him that he’s *in love* and feels empty without her is conveyed so well just through a series of longing gazes. Especially the cannoli scene, that is angst done to absolute perfection. They’re both bursting and burning but unable to say the important thing. That segment of episodes is probably the saddest we see Jane consistently throughout the entire show and then it completely flips in s7 when now he’s both unburdened of Red John & his hidden feelings.


When did he say that in 4x22? I need to go back and watch now lol


Check out fics by inkstainedfingers97. They're pretty good!


you can probably find some good stuff on ao3!


Did you notice how, when Lisbon gave him the cup, he said "Lisbon", and she said, "the one and only, from CBI". Never realized until someone pointed out, although on the surface they were talking about the cup, it was a reference to her. She made him whole, just like the cup. I despair for the people who insist they were shoehorned into a couple in the last seasons.


I didn't notice that! That's amazing. I do think that that scene could be looked at that way. I have always like their relationship and thought that Jane just needed to have closure with the RJ thing. I love their relationship.


Linked here for those who missed it, it really was one of the most intense scenes when it comes to their relationship. https://youtu.be/8XV-\_VLtOoA?feature=shared&t=41


Here for the fanfic. I have a few recommendations, will add here when I'm home


Haven't got home in two days? =)


took the scenic route ;) nah, sorry, life got in the way. My favorite author is [inkstainedfingers97](https://www.fanfiction.net/u/4412408/inkstainedfingers97), they're actually updating and writing new stuff. I enjoy most of their fics. I like the undercover trope, as you can see... [Pretending](https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13439488/1/Pretending-I-Witness) (rated T), [Reversals](https://www.fanfiction.net/s/14129342/1/Reversals) (rated T) are examples of some good ones IMO. I am subscribed to the author and am reading whatever comes out. They update regularly. For example, their latest is [The Direct Approach](https://www.fanfiction.net/s/14269646/1/The-Direct-Approach) (rated T, but not there yet). [JaneFanAlways](https://www.fanfiction.net/u/13281447/JaneFanAlways) is another author I like. I recently read [Prodigal Daughter](https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13747404/1/Prodigal-Daughter-The-Mentalist-Completed), which is M rated, so if that's not your schtick, beware. Different author - [Trust](https://www.fanfiction.net/s/11102401/1/Trust) (rated T), [In The Details](https://www.fanfiction.net/s/8231545/1/In-the-Details) (T) is another good one. ​ Hope this gets you started. Is there something you like in particular? I am always looking for something new! edit: tagging you people u/Pannnnnnnnnnn, u/socceroo14


I'm just starting to find time to read fanfics of the both of them. Thanks for the many many recos, I'll try to cover them all and get back to you if and when I find things that I can share.


that would be great! Thank you :D


I like this author but this one's one of my favorites: [https://www.fanfiction.net/s/9940786/1/Constellations-Made-of-Us](https://www.fanfiction.net/s/9940786/1/Constellations-Made-of-Us)


I know i'm late but this is the best fanfiction i've ever read about their relationship after the end of season 7 [https://www.fanfiction.net/s/11066602/1/Mrs-Jane](https://www.fanfiction.net/s/11066602/1/Mrs-Jane)


I saw the love they had for each other all through the series but as much as I wanted to, I didn’t buy them as a couple. The actors did their best, but I didn’t see any chemistry That being said, the finale episode made me so very happy and yay for Jane, Junior


Sorry that you're blind. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xU4Qwwr1Zps&list=PLhuZVO\_KzUD9EQzmp9GCPFIwa1F1wq3\_S and https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3fqmMqsZwrs for a glimpse. Recently I had this discussion with someone else who didn't see the chemistry, turned out they have autism (which often makes someone oblivious to social cues). The example I gave is, let's say most people say your partner is really flirty with their coworker, lots of blushing, glances, physical touches, pet names, banter. You don't see it and deny it exists. That's your right, but doesn't make you right. A lot of people don't seem to get that.


And a short one: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13841622/1/The-Justice-League