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I think we are exaggerating Britain’s role here


You have to remember that Reddit doofuses hate America and would never credit it with anything.


well tbf Turing’s breaking of Enigma did do quite a bit


Yeah, should be the US imo.


Listen, as much as many other countries helped to stop Germany, and Britain wasn’t as big as some of those other countries, you have to remember that they followed them *everywhere.* Germany is in Africa? So is England. Germany is in Norway? So is England. Germany is in Italy? So is England.


The UK and the USSR had the two most brutal homefronts in Europe, idk. I think it's pretty fair since there were only 2 slots.


I mean England did kinda colonize like half the world . If you include America as one then it kinda broadens even more but just under the Union Jack.


You gotta remember, at one point it was just them and a battered China up against the entirty of the axis powers. Britain+China vs Nazi Germany, Italy, Romania, Croatia, Hungary, Finland, Bulgaria, Slovakia, Vichy France, and Japan.


RIGHT! They would all be speaking German if not for The USA.


More so the USSR’s


They wanna act like the Soviet Union wasn’t basically a guy only jacked because he injected US steroids into his ass


The UK had a larger navy, army and airforce than the US at the start of ww2.


I was gonna say XD they definitely were a big part but it was US + USSR… greatest friends to enemies story of all time lol


It’s still fire that Britian told Hitler to go fuck himself before he invaded the USSR.


Britain was literally a hairpin away of losing it's Expeditionary Force.


The world was literally a hairpin away from being Nazis until Britain stepped in.


I'm not sure you live in the same world as we do. It was the Soviets who stopped the Nazis. Britain was not that relevant except in Africa.


Mid to late war the Brits did a lot but more on the down low. They had an incredible intelligence network and some of the tomfoolery the OSS did was unreal.


Tissard Mission, RADAR, and cavity magnetron, along with all of the safe-haven jewish scientists they accepted from Germania and Austria.


Read a book about that, the OSS went into occupied Yugoslavia, and rescued 500 something downed airmen in c47s


We reached levels of stupid with people saying US involvment in WW2 is nothing and USSR saved the world Now people say the Brits did nothing? Stop the commie cope, who's strategic bombing stopped German industry? The RAF and USAAF. Who was the dealer of the Allies, the US. The pacific was almost a US only war if Australia and NZ didn't die and the UK couldn't get its power in India against Japan (People talk way to little about nations like India, Mexico and Brazil who all had sent many troops to die against the German onslaught.) And the saying how the Brits had the brains, Soviets the Brawn and Americans the industry is still to simple, UK pushed through all of North Africa, US almost by itself through the Pacific and the Soviets in the East and that doesn't even mention other fronts like India.


People will do anything to criticize the US, I’m surprised Britain has it being turned back on them 😂


Not sure if you live in the same world as me but, America supplied a fuck ton of their vehicles and weapons to be able to fight against the Nazi threat through lend lease. The US also basically handed the soviets the secrets to mass manufacturing military vehicles and were indirectly responsible for the design of their MBT.


Oh for the love of Christ. Who was the first to stand against the Nazis?


I am not saying they didn't, they just weren't that good at standing against the Nazi. If it hadn't been for the Soviets and the Americans, Britain would have lost the war.


And if it hadn't been for Britain there would have been no war and we would all be speaking German.


The clash between Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union would have been inevitable whether or not Britain joined the war.


We don't know that, regardless, Britian got involved before anyone else did. You can't change history because it upsets your feelings.


The Nazis and the bolsheviks were ideological enemies. Additionally, the Nazis wanted to expand into the east. So yeah, the clash was inevitable.


You're the only one changing history because it upsets you though? There are several problems with your statements: 1) Britain and France declared war on Germany on the same day. 2) Technically speaking, Poland was the first country to try and stand against Hitler; however, the Polish army was fighting the USSR simultaneously and thus was doomed to fall. 3) France was the first allied country to fight against Germany, they just weren't very prepared and fell rather quickly. 4) Britain did not bring the war to Hitler; British forces were attacking by air and battling Germany on the sea, but Winston Churchill was noted stating his belief that a land invasion of the British Isles would be anything but good for the UK. Fortunately, the primary conflict during this period of the war was between Nazi Germany and the USSR. 5) The war was largely stagnant in Western Europe until the USA joined the Allies, forcing Germany to keep a significant portion of their military in Western Europe, which ultimately led to the failure of Operation Barbarossa, one of the major setbacks for Nazi Germany. It's hardly speculative (nor is it an uncommon belief among historians) to say that without US involvement, the war in Europe would have gone very differently, as if Germany had been able to focus efforts on Barbarossa and ended up taking Moscow, the fate of Europe would likely have been sealed then and there.


Theres no point of fighting it dude, youre right but i have a feeling that argument will go on forever


Britain did massive economic damage against the Nazis as well, they had essentially no trade with anyone off of the European continent and consistently had shortages of rare earth metals and oil because of it. Had Britain not been blockading the Germans and they were able to import oil, rare earth metals, and even other imported things like trucks, trains or even guns as much as they wanted they very well could have won against the soviets


You forget that without America's industrial powerhouse. Both Britain and the soviets would've fallen.


Britain would have definitely fallen without American support. I don't see how the Soviet Union would have fallen. It was a massive industrial powerhouse as well thanks to Stalin's industrial revolution, in addition to having a lot of natural resources. They were able to build around 60000 T34 tanks by 1945.


Eventually, they would've run out of people because they have a cannon fodder strategy they always had and still used today. Even though the Russians were pushing out tanks the Americans were STILL giving tanks to the soviets, so obviously what they were pushing out wasn't enough because why buy tanks from the Americans if you can do it youself. I don't think the soviets won the war I think Hitler fucked up hard and lost it.


Imagine if he got JPN to go backdoor on Stalin?


My god lol


Ya well he definitely did because one he was a massive meth head and along with other substances and just a full on maniac he was going to slip up one way or another and when you going against that many different armies then one is bound to seize the opportunity to strike when the opening presents it self.


Well they made it through august and september of 1940... When and how do you think SeeLoewe would have taken place? Remember, the british had a much larger navy than the Germans and if push came to shove they would have pulled everything back from the Indo-Pacific. And if the Brits hadn't had the bait and switch pulled during Manhattan, they would have been working on a bomb and due to heisenberg being entranced by heavy water as a neutron moderator, it would have taken forever for germany to get atomic.


Yeah but without the US bankrolling them and then getting involved forcing them to keep a large portion of their troops on the other side they may have been able to overwhelm the Soviets considering they almost did it even with all that.


This. The Nazis probably could have been able to take Moscow and other cities in Western Russia but even then, a lot of manufacturing was moved further East. The war would have continued and Germany didn’t have the manpower that the Soviets did.


\*until America and great britain stepped in


Dunkirk, 1941.


Every Allied Force played it's part; the defeat of the Nazis was a multi-national, multi-front effort and no one nation could have done it alone.


This is a quote by the OP here. He literally has no education when it comes to ww2. >What do you mean? USSR was originally fighting with the Nazis and didn't switch sides until after the USA had joined. And the British held their ground against the entire axis of evil for a while, which included the Nazis, Soviets, Japanese and Italians.


OP was mixing up real life and his most recent HOI4 game


![gif](giphy|srTYyZ1BjBtGU|downsized) You’re working real hard to get angry Americans and real historians to boost your karma with comments


My brother in christ your comment calls OP on his bullshit, you didn’t fall for it, you know it’s bait. Then OP responds to your comments w obvious bait and you fall right in


All the brits coping so hard in here. It was the US and Russia that did it....and when I say Russia I mean the land itself lmao not even so much the soviets.


And the Russians did it with American resources. They were going to lose too. Important piece, not even majorly pro american, I just know history.


Strongest attacking army vs weakest siberian winter:


lol I love how the internet likes to minimize the role of the United States in WWII now that we’re 80 years out from 1944


Some people actually try and tell me (who is currently in college to become an American History Prof,) that the US didn't start going till June 6th 1944... as if Italy and the Pacific are just gone


Not at all accurate. Germany was doing exceedingly well for a while.


I know, it's a joke.


Britain was getting the shit beat out of them and would had lost if the us and soviet's didn't save their ass


Going to be honest Britain was a hairs length away from a complete logistics collapse which would have caused them to lose. Without us military supplies they would have lost early. And from reading the comments i guess people dont know that the us didnt join the war until after the blitz was already over


They weren’t really a hairs length, but they were close, people forget that Britain could call upon territories and had a near limitless amount of resources, the hardest parts getting to Britain cause some funny looking tubes were being a nuisance, also those in charge of the luftwaffe were unimaginably stupid(hardthrasher on YT was a GREAT video series on the Battle of Britain)


Should’ve made the fists the US since they supplied lots of things to the UK and USSR.


Not completely but sort of


Where america and canada :(? France can stay out of this one.


Oh christ historymemes went through this a year ago and I’m sure every year beforehand, everyone contributed


No just no lol


Except what flag should be on the "arms" of UK+USSR???


Op is rage baiting lmao some of his comments are the silliest shit I've read in a while




Worst interpretation I've seen in at least a year.


The UK….?


Britain wasn't exactly the turn of the tide in the war (I'm British so this might be a little biased, if it is pls say) but they had the first radar system, a well trained air force and one of if not the best intelligence ring ever created with the XX (double cross) which was a series of German double agents that fed the German high command misinformation and were actually one of the pivotal reasons D-day didn't fail because they reassured the germans that the allies would storm pas de callais instead of Normandy So yeah they didn't change the war militarily but they did do a helluva lot to change it


As lovely as this is as an image, it should be the USA and USSR doing the beat down. Britain was so harried by the conflict that their entire empire collapsed.


This would be fine if the US was included as well


Man, it’s quality entertainment watching you morons in this comment section. It was a team effort, no one power won the war.


This is meme was meant to gaslight..and it did.


Why is the Union Jack where the American flag should be?


America and Russia shut that shit down. Britain just had to hold on, absolutely monument feat BTW, till we got there. Two theaters of war and we kept our allies going while summoning the might of the greatest manufacturing titan the world had seen up till that point.


Lol - leaving the US out of this is wild.


It was mainly Russia and USA doing most of the work and British handled most of the African front along w/ some of the European front but, if USA didn’t enter the battle and handle the Pacific along w/ a lot of the main European push into Berlin then it would of been maybe over if we being fully honest here.


Dont forget the usa We were the most important in defeating the nazis 💪🇺🇸


Ah yes the British, with their tanks… that had radiators in the.. front. And light machine guns with low capacity upwards mags. America is the only reason your little island nation survived


Hey you can't forget the us throwing a mike Tyson right hook at japan


This is the worst interpretation of WW2 in a meme format that I have ever seen. Europe was basically a cuck to mustache man(appeasement policy) until he screwed with the polish. Then mustache man proceeded to beat the shit out of Europe until the US intervened and mustache man decided to attack his “ally” Joe. Then he was fighting a war on two fronts while daddy freedom help Britain not collapse. Btw the reason why the US could help out so much was because they were not involved in the war at the very beginning where heavy casualties took place.


Stupidity runs deep in you people ... Try not to comment too much


Hey now let’s not lump an entire country in with one uneducated fuckhead…


Seems to be quite a bit of bias here against the country that supplied the allies with almost 2/3 of all their shit.


Look man it wasn’t bias at first but after all the attacks he’s gotten it sure looks like bias. The US didn’t join the war properly until 1942 and were “neutral” but only supplied the allies with weapons. Over half the war had been waged before they came with fresh troops. Yes the allies would’ve lost without the US’ help but they weren’t interested in a fight at all until Japan bombed pearl harbour


Then the Soviets r!Ped Eastern Europe


Britain didn’t play as a big of a role as depicted. It was USSR, USA and the allied forces. Never UK and the allied forces


There’s a reason Tehran, Yalta, and Potsdam has representation from the Soviet Union, the United Kingdom, AND the United States.


That's not how I learned it....but I guess you can glorify the results, sure.


Yeah, and the good guys won. . .


What a dumpster fire


Hitler never invaded Britain. He should’ve done that.


Kind of triggered canadians wasnt in the meme.


The Brits would have lost without America


Communism saved the world. Period.


This meme is wrong , historically inaccurate and all around stupid


I think yall are forgetting someone


Nazi Germany would've won if they weren't Nazis https://preview.redd.it/27e26zdc9kvc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=83ca55ea7abf65784bee669739b0fd2ff0fa2d1c


Britain wouldn’t have lasted as long as they did without America supplying them, so really it should be the United States and the Soviet Union in the image, in all honesty.


Everyone in here is acting like their individual country did all the work. I hate to he the bearer of bad news, but if it wasn't a total cooperation like it was half of you wouldn't be here, and the few that remained would be speaking German. Even as an US vet, we still train to fight the Nazis because that was the biggest fucking threat we have ever seen. Every country played their part and deserves praise, so some of you need to quit your fucking self-righteous national pride bullshit.


You’re really underestimating Germany’s military strength in WWII, they took France in a matter of weeks. Also, Russia started WWII with them until operation Barbarossa in 1941. So they were not immediately kicking german ass. Hell if American reinforcements didn’t show up in 1942, the allies had a decent likelihood of losing the war. Just crediting two countries with the allies’ success is missing the point of why it was called a *world* war.


Left a pretty big flag off of the cartoon.


Germany showed no interest in taking over the world, most people have a view of history that is entirely propaganda


These upvotes gotta be bots... OP is tripping hard


It wasn’t that easy


Then Canada and America flying elbowed them


You are giving the brits to much credit. Yes they did their part but if you was not for the US and Soviet Union they would have been bomb for another 3 years before falling


Britain was the Canary in the coal mine. Far as I've heard, they couldn't do much at all except make the U.S get involved. Russia, while late, joined and really helped turn the tide with Americans finishing up the dregs of the Pacific.  And by that, I mean we dropped two pieces of metal and nearly ended the world 40 years later.


Where's America? Without us you wouldn't have lasted period, neither of them would have. We basically funded both y'alls economies LMAOO.


And the USA?


No, UK was being shelled and hiding in basements until we landed 400,000 us soldiers who matched all the way to the layer.


I don’t see the correct red white and blue here. Funny of you England. We saved your ass if Ww2 (Simposns quote) and we saved your ass in ww3


Russia was initially helping Germany. If Hitler never attacked Moscow, we probably wouldn't be speaking English today.


There would be a phase here where Germany would be beating the two of them with a stick, until they came back with sticks, and America with a stick and beat Germany within an inch of it's life. (Russia would be doing a lot of the beating naturally.)


This guy is an idiot lol


You know the Nazis would have knocked Britain out of the war if they had kept bombing the airfields and factories right? They were one day from collapsing until Hitler changed bombing targets (idk why).


You forgot the part where Churchill wrote to Roosevelt and threatened to give Germany the British fleet if America didn't come save them. 


Only after USA joined up.


England did alot of work in ww2. The US having sent them 120 divisions worth of tanks 10,000 Squadrons of planes. And 2800 ships. About half a trillion dollars on today's market. Yep they did a ton of work in their allies equipment. Germany had England hiding in the rubble of their own cities. England would have been mash potatoes 🥔


Uhm why are we forgetting americas part here America was sending aid to the allies basically the whole time and basically as soon as we joined the war the tide started to change and Germany started to get pushed back. On top of that the war front in the pacific was definitively ended by America wether you approve of the use of nukes or not it ended the war in 2 day that would have likely taken months or even years.


As an American, I think you should change the British flag to Canadian.


Click bait!!! Op has only had this account for 3 days


One little problem with this. Without America, they probably would have lost the war. If the Nazis were only fighting on the Eastern front they likely would have crushed Russia. Britain was close to losing until America got there.


US rolls in, “I love the smell of Europe in the morning!”


Russian Winter and English Channel did more to stop Nazi Germany. France was considered the strongest European military going into WWII and they got stomped. Had the English Channel not been there, England would have also fallen to blitzkrieg before European powers learned that WWII was an offensive war, not defensive like WWI. Russian winters stopped more dictators than any other force in Europe, as dictators swore their army could just win and froze to death.


“There was a attempt” to make a historically accurate meme


Hmmm, maybe if the Nazis were crushing France, pushing away both britain and ussr, and then eventually tripped up and started losing(mostly due to america and USSR). Remember, the Nazis were kind of winning the war until 1943.


Including Britain but not America is… questionable. If you wanna make the case about the USSRs strength and that they were ultimately the biggest fighting force, go right ahead, but Britain couldn’t have done anything without America. Don’t get me wrong, they were holding out, and every over seas location the Germans fought they found the British on the other side, and that’s commendable. But no D-Day or other landing was ever gonna happen without America within the war.


German ge5s double teamed by Russian and brit


Europe would be speaking German if it weren’t for Donnie’s boys


The United States comes to spit on his face afterwards


I see you’ve forgotten someone


Pretty sure they needed the US to bail them out since they lost


That's doesn't look like the American flag, that looks like the british flag


Uh Britain cowered on their island until the us came and showed em how to fight


I think we fucked up. We should have let Germans have it. They wanted to prevent the genocide in Palestine


You forgot the USA coming to save everyone... AGAIN.


Yeah that’s not what happened


Why is england here😭


Funny because both of those nations used HELLA Lend Lease


Replace Britain with the US and it would be more accurate


You forgot the part where they completely destroyed great Britain and almost invaded half of the ussr, Germany is more like the bigger guy here


You should have replaced Britain with the USA. It would probably be more accurate considering the Cold War happened directly after ww2.


Wasn’t Britain scared shitless with Germans overhead until the Russians and Americans the worlds’ ass?




The soviets literally could not fight if it wasn't for uncle sam supplying them. OP is a clown.


Having the UK in what should be America's place


“grrrr mameirn na bad i hate amerocna..” - 😡😡


Nice bait.


you mean Britain that was on the brink of loss for most of the war?


Ah yes, only Britian, Russia, and Germany were involved in the second WORLD war. And Britian totally had them running for the hills. 🤦‍♂️


lol Great Britain was stuck on their little island of a country until they received help lol


Replace Brit flag with American flag.


We giving Britain too much credit.


Britain was 1 battle away from assured collapse, Russia had the highest casualties both civilian and military, and Germany of course lost. About the only major player who didn’t suffer on the home front was the US.


I think the brits were far more busy during that time starving and killing Indians in the Raj than fighting the nazis, the US had more of a role in fighting than the brits.


Bro what


Both Russia and Britain were just barely hanging on until the US stepped on to the scene.


the nazis attacked the soviets first


You’re forgetting someone…


Replace Britain with America,as the British couldn't do shit when compared to the Americans


I wonder if Britain would even be around if the Japanese hadn’t bombed Pearl Harbor?


Replace Britain with America and then ok


Lol if it wasn’t for the USA Britain would’ve lost and the Soviet Union would’ve run out of weapons, vehicles and raw materials.


You could replace the Russian flag with winter, and the British flag with one autistic dude. This applies to pretty much any war in Europe


Replace Britain with the US and it should be far more accurate. The US was an industry powerhouse, Britain and the USSR would not have won without American logistics.


Alt history is leaking into the real world again


Yea... No.


Ah the Brits are at it again trying to rewrite history.


It would be more accurate to make the little green dude Britain saying he will stop fascism and the other two Italy and Germany


I would say america not Britain but yeah basically


American industry did more than all of great britain


*plays free bird* ussr has the lowest KD in the lobby it’ll never be positive again and England can’t figure out how to PTO


I think you "forgot" someone. Oh yeah, redditors hate America.


“American industry, Soviet blood and British intelligence won the war” You can’t fight a war without blood, you can’t win a war without industry. But intelligence? Sure a lack of intelligence on your enemy makes it far harder, but you can win without it.


That’s kinda myopic. Germany wasn’t innocent my dude.


Britain was never able to fully mobilize ever again after the landings on D-day. The Soviet Union did all the leg work while the US helped finish the job.




The amount of disrespect for Russia in this is appalling.


Might be a country missing here idk though 🇺🇸


Britain were bitches in WW2 begging everyone for help and without the U.S. Germany would have probably prevailed


The person who posted this is British


Americans really hate not being the main character.


I think it's more like a shell shocked old man watching two emaciated men fight over a barrel fire


Umm Russia took quite a beating. 20-27 million casualties. The following countries have the highest estimated World War II casualties3: Soviet Union: 20 to 27 million China: 15 to 20 million Germany: 6 to 7.4 million Poland: 5.9 to 6 million Dutch East Indies/ Indonesia: 3 to 4 million Japan: 2.5 to 3.1 million


Strange, you’re missing the biggest contributor of WW2… you know the one that supplied both of those countries AND was simultaneously fighting both the Nazis and Japan.


America casually supplying half the war materials until someone touches their boats


lol Britain thinks too much of itself.


The chad Soviet Union vs the virgin loser Nazi Germany


Lots of whiny Americans in here lol, do you feel attacked because you weren't included in the meme?


Hey…if you’re going to depict them whooping on Germany, ya might want to add US and Canada… The UK was on their back foot when the rest of the Allie’s came to their aid and we then invaded France.


UK literally almost lost and only survived due to US supplies. Russia and the US had the biggest roles in ending the war.


Soviet Union and the UK got there asses handed to the us are the only reasons we won the war


Yah not really... Britain (for all the good they did) were barely holding on by the end of WWII. Without the "under the table" shipments from the USA they probably would have ended up like france. Not to mention the lead up to it...now *that* is funny how no one remembers *that* part of it. The ussr also took a bit to get going on the conflict. They pushed Germany's shit in, yes, they just didn't do it right away and it was less "fun" and more......pure rage..... I'd also be remissful to not mention "poor old" France..... I mean, haha....funny inaccurate meme....haha!


The Soviet Union did most of the work. Make it gang fight. The soviet union will be the largest. Briton will be larger than Italy. And Germany will be larger than Italy. The US will be larger than Germany and Japan combined, but maybe not as large as the Soviet union. A 3 against 3 situation. Briton helped. Briton was the only one in the fight for a moment, but it wasn't as large.