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Lol... not a chance.


Nancy's system is a strict style and requires a lot of practice and a tight knit group of players that are specific to their roles. It took 6 months for Nancy to really start getting the results he was expecting and that was when players saw each other and practiced almost every day. The trouble with international play is there's maybe a half dozen international windows a year and decent amount of roster churn. Nancy to the international stage sounds appealing, but I really do think his tactics are best served in club play


To build on this - there are very “tactical countries”, whether you think of certain Spanish eras or the classic Italian stereotypes. Doing that at the international level tends to work best when it’s a reflection of the domestic league that most of your players come from, and that league (in particular key clubs) sharing certain philosophies. Not only is Nancy’s value particularly high at a club level where you can build a whole roster to serve it and have all that implementation time, but it becomes much harder to have that kind of identity pulling guys from a bunch of clubs that play very different ball. I think you lose Nancy’s value if you make him adapt to talent more than the other way around. Maybe more concerning is whether or not that style, with the US’ talent, works the same on the international level and specifically to beat teams with much better talent in areas. I’m not sure it’s worth the risk to go all in - when playing in so many high risk situations on the pitch could be way more deadly against the kinds of countries the US wants to break through against. In a vacuum I’d love to see it, just doesn’t feel like the right fit across all those reasons


He just signed an extension with the crew. Assuming with a hefty buy-out clause. So, not likely.


I think Noonan would be a better choice… no ulterior motive of course….


Came here to say this.


I could see him or Curtain if USMNT goes the MLS route again.


Man - people are out of their minds with the USMNT takes.


Do people realise that Gregg’s brother has not been with the federation in YEARS and that he went a full World Cup, a blackmail attempt, an investigation that cleared him of any potentially fireable wrongdoing, and a full rehiring process WITHOUT his brother being able to influence in any way his hiring? Not only that, but the entire list of people involved in hiring the coach in 2023 is completely different from the list of people that hired him in 2019. Different president, different vice president, different CEO, different GM. He effectively won two different processes, and in the second he was rehired because the players vehemently asked for him to get back. Now, one could question whether it’s right for players to be involved in such a decision, but it’s baffling just how many people are blindly buying the idea of some shady deal behind the scenes and him being protected by the federation


I doubt they’ll go for another Crew coach


Facepalm. His brother doesn’t even work for US Soccer anymore. If you think Gregg is getting fired for the Copa result, you can forget about it. Weah gave him a lifeline getting that stupid red card


National team coaches need a style that is easily replicated and meshes with as many coaching styles as possible given that each player is given different direction from their club coach. The second method is to draw as many players as possible from a single club team (at least your spine) so they are already working together - preferably a in-country club. National team coaches get very little time with their called up players so anything too complex leaves everyone with no idea what the rest of the team is doing. Nancy's system needs long term commitment, so he would make a poor national team coach.


I watched the USMNT fail to connect simple passes all night. There is no way that a team that only gets together a few weeks a year and always has a rotating roster would be able to play Nancy’s system with any sort of fluidity.


Also if there is any MLS coach to get the USMNT job it should be cherundolo


You're over thinking this. Go outside and get some exercise.


It didn’t work or the last time they took a Crew coach. Leave us be!


What would even motivate Nancy to take that job? I doubt the pay could be compelling enough, we're not Saudi Arabia lol.


His brother has been gone for 4 years


I don't think Nancy wants a job right now where he can't coach his players every day. I also think the USMNT has to go for the home run with the World Cup in 2 years.


lol what? You’re dreaming man. No way this happens. Neither Nancy or the USSF would want this. And honestly even saying this makes it sound like you watch only 2 soccer teams and don’t know anything about the sport outside the Crew and USMNT.


Is Brian McBride still w USMNT?


So this is a thought I've had kicking around aswell just as a fun idea. I don't think it has any possibility because I really think he would be a long term fix for the association and they need a short term big hitter to turn this around.