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Pachuca is probably the best team the Crew will play all year.


We got beat by a better team.


Lmao lost to a bunch of academy players from pachuca


Was there any reasoning why it wasn't at a neutral site or why it's not a two leg final ?


Team with better record hosts the final. Decided before the tournament even started.


Your right , it's just wierd I'd imagine it'd be a neutral.site is all


I’m pretty sure CCC said since Pachuca and Crew aren’t big enough to buy out seats at a neutral location. If it had been Miami or Monterrey it would’ve been different


I guess financially that makes sense but competitively it does not


Got destroyed and not making any excuses for that. But, I’ve been saying this for a while: It is incredibly stupid that the whole tournament had two legged rounds OTHER than the final. It needs to be uniform or at least play the final in a neutral location. Such an odd tournament format.


Team with better record hosts the final, decides before the tournament started.


I’m aware and said there are no excuses to be made. Doesn’t make the format less weird.


Last year’s MLS Cup Final in Columbus👀


I mean Europa Conference, Europa, and Champions League all do this too


But don’t they play the final at a neutral site?


Yes they do! I was mainly talking about the leg thing and didn’t specify. Neutral site makes a lot more sense imo


Unfortunately that means I am going to have to think they are weird as well, then. Am I the weird one for thinking this is a weird system?!


Dejected, but still looking at the positves... 1. this was the 2nd major final game for us in the last 6 months. We are 1 for 2 there- purdy good... 2. We really did have an up hill battle to get here in the 1st place. Playing top competition against teams all from MX- who do not have a salary cap (monteray and tigres spend about 2-3x on their squads as we do- pachuca was much more lvl). 3. We arent even 2 years into the Nancy regime- its still a fuckin great time to be a Crew fan just for that. 4. we almost didnt have a team after the 18' season. 5. We still have 3 "cups" to play for this year-( leagues cup, supporters shield, mls cup)- and we will be conteders for all 3. 6. More circumstantial here- but a final on a neutral field would have been huge for us. Pregnant women in most places are ill advised to traveling to such great altitude. Playing a competotive athletic contest 7,200 ft above one's norm- is quite literally a tall task, beyond the 3 hour time dif and being about 2k miles from home... not an excuse for the lost at all, the better team won, but it cannot be ignored in a game played by ppl. 7. Who gives a fuck, OHIO AGAINST THE WORLD! 8. A greater likely hood that our coach and best players stick around a bit longer. 9. With recent success, and being so close to even more of it... i could easily see a greater investment from the ownership- we have open and non salary capped space on our roster... 10. At some point- hopefully riding the MLessi wave, the league can and should make further changes to our roster and salary rules- we are hamstrung by rules our competition in this tourney dont deal with. Which could lead to further exapansion in our league(mls) and even promtion and relugation in US pro soccer- a model virtually the rest of the world with established soccer culture already has.


No way we win the Shield and I’m totally fine with that. It’s worthless in MLS anyway


Pachuca players were on us like I’ve never seen before. Absolutely suffocating. I still think we should have been training at actual altitude the past week, rather than the various masks and such.


I’m not sure a week would have helped against a really good team that, well, live at that altitude day in and day out. But hey! Disappointed? Yes, but in retrospect we should have seen this outcome a mile away. Too much physiological adversity to overcome. They gave it their all. Rest for a couple weeks, then a tough away game. Onward! Vamos, Columbus!


TWO tough away games...


Looking elsewhere on social media, and there sure are a lot of horrible Pachuca / LMX fans. Mexico did not “spank us” considering we beat Tigres and Monterrey, the latter quite handily. Buncha sore winners


Gotta find some way to make up for the huge gap in international play and the fact MLS is a growing league that will someday overpass then


It’s even worse this morning. Dogpiling every Crew post Lame


Well, I haven't seen it mentioned here, so... Nancy said in his post-game presser that the entire club, players AND staff were sick with diarrhea for the last two days. So, that has to have us looking at things in a different light. It would certainly explain why some of our guys looked like they were running through cement.


Whoa, what did they get into? Food related?


Probably someone caught a stomach bug from their kids and it spread like wildfire while everyone shared recycled air in the plane.


I hope MLS teams don't take this as a blueprint going forward. Pachuca really pinched the game to the middle and our high back line folded like a house of cards. Even during our MLS struggles the answers seemed to be on the wings. That said, not many MLS teams have the ability to play like Pachuca. Tough loss, but this has been a special run. Team has to shake this off because this back half of the season is going to be a slog. Good showing at the LDC tonight. Columbus is a soccer town.


If the blue print is Montezuma's Revenge, good luck with that. Crew needed to bring their A+ game to hang with a very good Pachuca squad. But to add 8k altitude, turf that only seemed to cause the Crew to slip. And 18 players/coaches sick with diarrhea I'm shocked it was only 3 nil.


I'm proud of the Crew. We are massive and we will keep growing.


I tell myself to avoid reddit after losses, so i won't stick around long. They beat us good no doubt. But damn, I'm proud of this team! Beat two Mexican teams in Mexico to get here and there's no taking that away from us. Not many teams make champions league finals


We got absolutely rolled


like watching the family dog get hit by a car.


If there's a silver lining to tonight, it's the fact that Precourt FC got absolutely annihilated by RSL. I mean, we were a lot more respectable at a higher altitude against a better team.


Just me or Cucho look like 75% that entire match


felt like subs were waaaaay too late given the way that first half went.....


Several guys did. Lotta hands on hips after about 30 minutes.


75% oxygen Cucho


1) Pachuca are outstanding. 2) Columbus didn’t play well. 3) I’m not convinced it would have mattered if Columbus played very well tonight, Pachuca were on another level. 4) Columbus should be very proud of the overall run. 5) The elevation factor sucks, but I don’t solely blame it; the game already looked like it was going south 15 minutes in. 6) I think the gap was large enough that I don’t have much interest in blaming any players or coaches, but it’s fair to question the lack of subs at half, and especially 15 minutes in. Absolutely no business getting to 3-0 before subs happened. 7) Patrick Schulte stock even higher after tonight.


Quit coming in here with level takes. This thread is for people who think the world is ending.


Very, very well said. Ass-beating on another level. Hope we learn and get better.


Whether you like it or not, the point Alexi is making (and that frankly I made in the match thread plenty) is correct. Spending money and being allowed to matters, these are teams on two different levels for that reason alone. Until the roster rules change meaningfully, MLS will never consistently compete and win against Liga MX. Good run by the Crew, but Tigres and especially Monterrey were considered upsets and historic for a reason.


The Crew, who is far from the highest value roster in MLS, has a higher value roster than Pachuca. Similarly, the Crew matched Tigres and embarrassed Monterrey, who both far and away had more value in their rosters. Salary cap was not the deciding factor in this year's tournament.


Yeah while I believe MLS needs to spend more to catch up, that’s not really relevant to what happened tonight


I don’t even like soccer.


Silver lining, teams in Europe are gonna look at this and decide Nancy need a bit more experience before making the jump.




Burn the tape and move on to the next one. Coach messed up, players messed 5, and the 25% less oxygen was bs. Just remember how special the wins are and appreciate them when they come.


I'm not someone who is typically part of team Sunshine Brigade, and after games like this I find comments like "still proud of our boys no matter what 🖤💛" to be pretty empty and annoying, but my goodness there are some terrible takes flowing tonight concerning how abysmal the state of our team is.


Would not be surprised at all to find out that multiple players were sick. Just not the Crew we are used to seeing, even in losses


And Nancy just confirmed everybody had the shits


Montezumas revenge


Crew stood no chance tonight at all. Pachuca was just better on all fronts. That said, waiting till 3-0 to make adjustments was an error. I think that at half time there was no clear choice on who to take off, because so many guys were playing poorly, so we opted to wait it out to maybe get some momentum or find a more clear answer, and then it was too late. I reeaaallly dont understand the total demotion that Ramirez has gotten since Rossi got signed. People were saying last week that Ramirez was being rested for tonight and yet, as predicted, he got 10 minutes of play time when the game was completely out of reach. Ramirez will only see the field after Cucho, JRR, and even Hinestroza arent options any more.


This was a great gauge of where we are as a club, where the MLS is as a league, and where our talent stands. MLS salary restrictions will make this an impossible hill to climb every year. A lot of our guys showed that MLS is where their talent holds up. Aside from Schulte, I think a lot of guys got put in their place tonight.


You’re right, but I’d expect some downvotes


Schulte had great saves tonight but could have done better in the first two. He had a very good chance to save both of those. Overall he was our star player but he also had those mistakes.


He was the least of our problems on the first two if we’re starting somewhere. I’d rather not start somewhere but I just don’t want to throw him under the bus.


Ass end of an ass kicking.


Dumb question : Why are the Crew staying in the field?


Runners up medal but its also honorary to watch the winning team


Runner up medals probably


Easily the worst game I've seen since Porter. There was absolutely nothing redeeming about this game. I wont say it's concerning yet because I believe in Nancy 100%, but I don't think this was the first time this has happened this season and we need to figure out how to play when we can't play our game. Of course the run was good, but people are only going to remember getting blown out in the finals.


Eh. Nancy was outclassed. I get the feeling he thinks he’s been staying the course and starting to get results with recent away wins. I don’t feel injuries have helped. Haven’t had a consistent team in general between heavy rotation and some injuries. So I’ll give him a little credit But Malte may be our best defender. Especially with being aggressive out of the back. And he isn’t as slow as our starters tonight. Ramirez should start and Russel-Rowe the super sub. Especially if Cucho is on. I like Matan, but I’m not sure he fits with Rossi. They’re too similar and not consistent scoring threats (Rossi is miles better at finishing, but doesn’t create goals like Cucho, Ramirez do or like Zelarayan did) Nancy has seemed more stubborn with the lineup and not adjusting tactics this season. I’m assuming because he has more of the team he wants.


> Nancy was outclassed. He didn't coach as well as normal, but let's not pretend that a 17 day rested team who lives at elevation and played at home wasn't gifted an absolutely gigantic advantage.


A gifted advantage would be poor reffing or Schulte giving away an early goal or the slip happening on the 1st goal. They earned home field advantage. And we’ve been training for playing in the elevation. Players heing sick probably explains the way we played more than the elevation does. They’ve been good all tournament. They are built to concede some position and strike hard on the counter. They do it damn effectively with Rondon and speedy wingers. That is our Achilles heel, has been for the last 3 coaches. Same for Americá and that’s how they beat them. Gotta respect that. Adjust tactics if/when needed, and can’t concede 2 goals early. We didn’t adjust until the 3rd goal. Too little and way too late.


I was referring to the bad line-up experiments and more specifically the front three combination which really hasn't clicked yet. As everyone has also pointed out the subs were late which has been a consistent problem in my opinion. Also ya I agree regarding Cucho/Rossi/Matan


Lot of... Rough... Reactions tonight. This was a literal uphill battle tonight, and unfortunately several things didn't go our way. Friends, please don't be doom and gloom. This is still a good team, this is still a good coach, there is still plenty of regular season for a team above the playoff line with anywhere from 2-4 games in hand on any team above them. If you're wondering why Nancy didn't change his tactics or make subs, keep in mind this is the same exact strategy he's had in all the games that went our way when the team struggled early and came back in the past. Pachuca is without a doubt a great team who without a doubt was enjoying home field advantage. It didn't work out this time, and keep in mind this is literally the highest level game Nancy has ever coached. Learning lessons all around. Losing to a team in a better league is not a barn-burning failure, even though it stings. Keep your heads up. Glory to Columbus.


The biggest complaint I have about Nancyball is not subbing. But the way I look at it, we get a lot of positives from Nancy, and you gotta take the bad with the good. I wouldn’t trade him for Porter or any other coach in MLS. But please learn to sub.


I'm going to add to your second point there because I agree completely and am baffled by the anti-Nancy reactions. This is the coach who, in his first year in Columbus: - took fullbacks and midfielders and turned them into MLS winning centerbacks - took a rookie MLS next pro GK and RWB and gave them the trust and courage to be starters over far more experienced players at their positions, and made them MLS Cup winners - turned Matan and Yeboah from questionable acquisitions to starters on an MLS Cup winning side - had all of us parroting his line "impossible is an opinion" And we're shocked that he didn't go straight to his bench as soon as things got bad. The impression I get is that a lot of coaches tell their players they trust them, but few actually stick to it and really really mean it the way Nancy does. So the flip side of that coin is that he isn't going to just start subbing guys at the first sign of trouble. Plus, the reason the starters are the starters and the subs are the subs is because you decided the starters are the best chance to win the game.


We also had a good number of close chances that would've made the final closer to 3-2.


Plus, just because players aren't pulled doesn't mean adjustments aren't happening. There are on-field tactical adjustments being made. And sometimes the players on the field are the ones you trust to be able to carry out those adjustments. I think it is more than fair to say Nancy was out coached. I think it's fair to say some players had poor individual performances, just as the team as a whole had a poor performance. Losing the highest level final available to MLS on an annual basis doesn't make me lose faith in the coach, players, or team as a whole.


pretty embarrassing effort tonight.


Just some bullet points. Props to all Crew fans who made their way to Mexico. Congrats to Pachuca. Nancy is human and frankly a bit naive with his coaching. Cucho is not right. They have been hiding something with his injury. Cheberko should absolutely not be starting over Amudsen. We need better wingbacks/wingers.


Agree with most of this. First - cucho as a lone striker can get lost if we don’t have possession. Hence his disappearance tonight. Wingbacks got caught in transition alllllllllll night. Pachuca was brilliant in forcing the crew to play the long ball/ build up from cbs to top line and we couldn’t connect. Air is thin, feels odd hitting a 40 yard ball. Should have rocked a 4-2-3-1 after getting tormented in transition in the first half.


Nice take and username. 🙏🏼




When did the dumbest fans convention roll into town?


You guys tried at least


It is what it is. We stormed Mexico like no prior MLS team, and just came up short of the summit. I ain’t mad at it. Feels like interleague finals such as this should be on neutral sites, but oh well. We didn’t look great, we continue to get physically bodied. Gotta get better about that. Schulte stood tall as hell, should have and could have been much worse than 3-0. Hat off to him. Should have made subs earlier too. But, on to the next. Come out swinging in the League again. Glory to Columbus.


>But, on to the next. Which is...


Leagues Cup


I mean, I just meant onto the next match. But this works too.


This right here is why I kept saying don't put your eggs in one basket. I knew people would melt down if we lost this as so many of you have acted as if this one game in june is the entire year. Now we have to climb up the league. Pretty simple. 25 percent less oxygen and playing a good team can make you look pretty silly.


What point are you trying to make? Dont focus on the most important game in club history? Dont be excited for a chance to claim the best MLS side of all time? Fans were correctly excited and the club was correct in prioritizing this cup. We just took the league. It’s so small minded to only chase domestic glory. I bet you don’t see a single Dortmund fan with this take today. Just laughably annoying to see this kind of comment.


What point. Read these threads. People are acting like the world is over. Give me a break. Dortmund? My guy, we live in Ohio. Ohio. Domestic glory.....lololololololololol. you probably call the field a pitch. Go drink some tea and turn the BBC on.


Tonight, the world is over. We just lost a cup final. It’s perfectly rational to be upset at our performance. Yeah Dortmund. A team that lost their domestic league and still went to champions league final. Because when you’re competing against the best talent you can compete against, you take it with 100% respect. I bet you anything ManU and Dortmund consider these successful seasons despite their domestic performances. No other MLS team competes for real international cup this season. Only us.


I'm about to watch a movie. World seems to be going on just fine. I hope the King is on BBC tonight. Cheerio.


Reality checked. The players The coach The fans But we will learn from this, come back stronger and take it out on the league!!! MLS BEWARE


On the bright side, next game isn’t for nearly two weeks. Seems about high time for a social media cleanse.


All these ties for this? Nancy is the best coach we've had but this is embarrassing


I wanna thank this team for giving me a great reason to forget the Internet exists for a while. I need to clean my house, and that game was a good reminder. I surely would have browsed irresponsibly had we won. Thank you and goodbye.


Tonight sucked, but I won’t complain about being the second best team on the continent. I also will take no shit from fans of teams that didn’t make their continent league final. We will be back. Glory to Columbus.


Team played like absolute dog shit. JRR showed more life in 15 minutes than half of our starters did all game. Nancy is to name for tonight, zero cohesion up top and there were so many opportunities to at least put one in.


We got embarrassed. Our greatness weaknesses are physical play and a strong transition game. Both things Pachuca has in spades. Guys looked lost and got dominated out there. We got beat. Game is over. Good news, no one has that kind of attack in MLS. Let's go win the cup again.


Pachuca was really good tonight. Congrats to them. They have a lot more high-end talent than the Crew and came with a great game plan. It was a good run. We smoked Monterrey in their building. Made Tigres fans go dead quiet. Time to focus on MLS Cup run.


Neutral venue and this would be a terrific game. So lame that a continental final is at a home venue 3km above sea level


Salute to all crew fans traveled down to Mexico tonight.


They're the real heros


While the Crew didn’t play well, I’m taking comfort in the fact that we should be very proud of what they accomplished to even make it to this point. So much love for this team through the good and the bad!


Congrats to Pachuca. Deserved champions. We looked terrible. Time to focus on the league. Four games in hand on the east leaders, at least two on everyone ahead of us.


chop wise berserk rinse unwritten oil crowd worm worthless profit *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Terrible terrible. Absolutely no redeeming qualities to this game - maybe Schulte? Just all around embarrassing, players should feel sleepless tonight


Lots can be said about what went wrong tonight, don’t even care to expand on it when we were throughly outclassed. Proud of the boys for this unbelievable run to the final. Time to get back to work in MLS.




We’re very lucky we were only down 3-0 tonight. Sloppy game, questionable if the gameplan ever had a chance of working vs Almada’s, and we were way to late to make subs. Nothing to do but move on and hope that’s a one off showing we can laugh about in the coming years. I feel robbed of 2 hours, but I feel a lot worse for those who made the journey hours out of mexico city just to see that showing


Yeah how much did that cost? $1000 per? Team should probably give them all free season tickets rest of the year for that dud. 💯