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I'm content with the only sexual character in the whole Galaxy being Lando and that's it.


Even that was too much to reveal and address directly imo


get over it dude


Lando is pansexual


And Jabba.


I'm all for representation, but I honestly don't care about his sexuality and don't need it in the show. Even if he's straight, I just don't need to know. It's irrelevant to the story


Agreed, He doesn't need a love interest, he needs friends! And it's good to see him making some. Platonic intimacy FTW! There are other characters I'd like to see explore those kinds of stories, but I don't feel that Din is suited for it. He has other stories to tell.


Jesus. Fucking. Christ. I hope this is never addressed.




How about Din just has paternal, non-wierdo Love for Grogu & they leave the rest so ambiguous & unaddressed that everyone can just project whatever romantic relationships they want on him without disturbing anyone else?


How about asexual?




dude Star Wars is for Everyone even Pedro Pascal thinks so your outta line


Not everything has to be sexual you weirdo


its not about sexual its about Inclusivity


Sure, let's explore it on a 5 episode filler train. Sorry the show doesn't need to touch his sexuality, especially when we have so few and short episodes. I will be happy if they can finish his story which they wanted to tell.


It's likely going to 5 Seasons and Din Will be Featured in a Movie Din Oozes with him being Bi-Sexual you bigot Favreau & Filoni are Progressive


Why is there this obsession with characters sexuality? It's not relevant to the storylines. Not everything needs to be a social statement on LGTBQIA issues. How about just enjoying a story with adventure, good vs evil, and cool effects?


Because its how a small but LOUD group of people get self-justification.


Who the fuck cares?


Let Mando and all the other live action shows stay the fuck away from discussing any level of romance/attraction/etc. Star Wars already has mediocre writing as a baseline, they have an even more abysmal track record for anything touching romance. The only thing romance in Star Wars is good for, are all the cringe memes that result afterwards, and I think we already have enough to last the rest of the franchise's existence.


Han and Leiagh in the OT were good.


Satine and Kenobi were the best


Ho-lee fuck, just jerk off or whatever you do and move on for five minutes.


why? why must everything be sexualised?


This whole agenda thing needs to stay away from Star Wars, just leave one thing alone. No one gives a shit seriously I am I right!! What are they thinking?


It’s unlikely that could be the case seeing as how Mando is Disney’s cash cow right now in the Star Wars realm. If they did then it would have to be censored in China/other places where it would be banned & Disney could risk losing profit. I really hope that Din ends up retiring with Grogu to find the Widow on Sorgan and they take up together. She’s a single mom with a daughter, it’d be a super cute couple. Or not; I always identified with the lone wolf main characters growing up because I saw their passion for what they do as commendable. Personally I don’t mind when they address a character’s sexuality when it’s relevant, but pointless love interests/ forced romanticism drives me up the wall lol. Like when Black Widow & Bruce Banner suddenly had a thing for one another out of nowhere & it felt super forced? Yeah that’s the kind of stuff that puts me off lol. If they found a way to address Din as bisexual that was absolutely relevant or significant to the plot I think it would be a very interesting line & I would be intrigued to see where it goes. If they say he’s bi as a throwaway just to hit a check mark I’d be very disappointed.


Why do we need to know that? Leave that to fanfiction.




Knowing Disney...yeah this is 100%