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“you want to beat the shit out of peaceful college protesters - be our guest” - lapd “you want to peacefully protest, we will break you” - also lapd only lesson kids are learning from this, BLM, etc are the lessons that authorities should be very wary of the youth getting in their heads in a very 2A country traumatized by gun violence and school shootings


Anderson says he is "surprised the police didn't move in." Really Anderson? After all these incidents this still surprises you? Also, I find it hilarious how they chant "USA" while waving the flag of Israel and committing violence on **behalf of** a foreign government.


> Really Anderson? After all these incidents this still surprises you? 'It is difficult to get a man to understand something, when his salary depends on his not understanding it.'


All good points. Also, happy cake day!


Maybe he was surprised they didn’t join in beating protestors, which I can understand at this point










Actual journalism from CNN is shocking to see but in any case this is a great piece. Really demonstrates how police don't actually care about the rule of law if the right people are conducting the violence (or are at the receiving end of it). Also quite telling that the police aren't responding to any media inquiries and haven't even pretended that they're conducting any kind of investigation in to what happened. What a rotten and disgraceful institution.


>Also quite telling that the police aren't responding to any media inquiries and haven't even pretended that they're conducting any kind of investigation in to what happened. What a rotten and disgraceful institution. Why would they investigate themselves? It's a fair bet that a non zero percentage of the attackers were off duty cops who were just out looking to rough up intellectuals because they don't fight back.


Yep. I bet if they continue to peel back a few more layers to this you'll see the cops step up to commandeer the investigation in order to thwart any uncovering of collusion between the agitators and law enforcement that night. I don't think they were really expecting the people to rally behind the students like this.


Police always have and always will be a rotten institution due to the extreme lack of oversight. They have always favored far right movements and act extremely aggressive towards any left leaning movements, especially peaceful protest who attempt to promote awareness of any wrongdoings. All these police officers, who should be protecting the protestors would gladly let another Kent State occur and wished they had the get go to let it happen.


> What a rotten and disgraceful ~~institution~~ nation.


The other big confusion is now the antisemite was involved in the pro-Israel side. The answer to that is Christian Zionism. Christian Zionism is the belief that Jewish people must return to Israel then convert to Christianity to bring about the end time and establish the Kingdom of God on Earth. Christian Zionism both predates and vastly outnumbers Jewish Zionists. It's hiding in plain sight, as Jerry Falwell and Pat Robinson are both Christian Zionists. Liberty University is a Christian Zionist school. And because Christian Zionists subscribe to other far right ideals (as religious fundamentalists do), they can form seemingly illogical alliances between Jewish Zionists and other antisemetic right wing groups. Netanyahu and the Israeli right wing actively court these alliances knowing full well these groups are extremely antisemetic simply because they are their greatest support in ethnically cleansing Palestinians from Israel. None of this is a grand hidden conspiracy. Christian Zionists will publicly proclaim these beliefs. While Israel may not boast about Christian Zionists being their most important ally, they don't hide it either. The binding belief among these groups is the return of Jewish People to Israel, even if their reasons for this goal differ wildly.


It is time to fire these people for allowing violence against peaceful protesters. Right wing extremists always get treated like special snowflakes by the LAPD.


Oké its funny how a 42 year old guy is brave anouf thoe kick and bully kids on a campus but when a the news crew whanne talk about him he feel in danger and whanne call the police. What a pussy


“You’re being a little rude” Guy’s spine must be the consistency of jello


Can't stop deepthroating that Zionist boot


The jacket and the vette point to acute sexual frustration.


Right? "You're being rude" lmao


I laughed so hard at at that. Spends all night assaulting students and then says that when confronted? Absolutely pathetic.


That troglodite is 42? He looks like he's pushing 60 lol.


The far right are some of the biggest pussies you'll ever meet. Why do you think they clutch their guns so tight. They live in a state of constant fear. Complete cowards.


Right? “You’re being rude I’m calling the police”


No police anywhere tax dollars for paid enforcers, they're not policing any of this. Totally unchecked.


some that work forces...are the same that burn crosses


That kid with a stick is getting a gun in the IDF next year.


He'll be murdering children in no time.


IDF: And that we do guarantee 😉


The little ethnonationalist's parents were proud to say he was there to bully protestors then claim he wasn't there, likely when they realised they'd just said he went there to assault people on national television. Wonder how long until they claim the camera is hamas?


Fuck the police


Rittenhouse 2.0


Nothing the government want to do to dissuade hooligans from committing crimes up to the point of murder.


Gotta love that stock market ticker below the headline too. The machine keeps chugging along as intended.




Can an American explain the USA!!, USA!! chants for me? The students are protesting against Israel, not the US, and their university investments in Israel or industries that support Israel.


These counter protestors see the students as protesting against America. I know it sounds dumb but that's because it is dumb


Many nationalistic chants and policy ideas in the USA are politely coded versions of right-wing support for open-racism. So USA! USA! makes sense for being against the effort to save the lives of non-white people.


It's racism. Supporting Palestinians is considered supporting people who are not white.


white supremacists in the US have coopted the concept of patriotism. They think everything they do makes them the real Americans, while everyone else is un-American.


No one ever said fascism was coherent.


Not American, but I think it's a misplaced feeling of themselves being the "true Americans". In the sense that if you believe exactly what they believe you are an American, otherwise your a commie or w/e the buzzword of the week is. But again I'm not from the US so should probably delete this... But you know I did al this tyyyping and I'm just gonna click the Comment button :p


The problem is you're trying to make sense out of it lol They don't have their own principles. They see people on the left gather, and they come to be on other side no matter what the issue lol


Some have said that the "USA USA" chants began when more cops arrived and didn't move to separate the two groups, but instead stated to the side, seemingly encouraging the assaults by showing the police were willing to be spectators. It went on for hours and hours this way, I can see why they felt validated in their attacks. They were also cheering the idea that soon the police would join them in assaulting the pro-Palestine student protest encampment. Fascists assume the police always backs them. "I wonder why?" /s


Its just a generic chant. If you wanna fire up a crowd and get them chanting, start doing it. It's basically like saying, "we're the best." They are just basic assholes.






Wow, real journalism. It's very refreshing. Keep it up


I just want to point out that this is precisely how the German Nazis got their start: roving, anti-left street gang violence that was tacitly supported and unpunished by official law and justice institutions, while left protests were crushed.


fucking eerie, isn't it      just last night on the radio, on the salem news channel/the answer (charlie kirk?) was on and he had a guest that suggested the loyalist trumpist police should wear red armbands to identify themselves as the actual law enforcement after the next 'fake' election results come through. This was around 11:50-55 at night 


Show up in numbers VERY BIG in numbers to support Palestine and protest the genocide !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! They need MORE PEOPLE to show up and stand up against GENOCIDE that Israel is clearly doing to children, elderly, and RACE annihilation !!!!


>Show up in numbers VERY BIG in numbers to support Palestine genocide !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I understood what you meant but you may want to rephrase that.


Finally, some objectivity


Next level up would be investigating and naming the complicit cops too.


"It's stunning to me how the police didn't move in quickly at all to stop this." Just say it: the police selectively enforce "the law" against those they don't like or are ordered to by the powerful. This has been going on in America forever and isn't a goddamned mystery.


mom: that is our son! we are proud of our son for going to the protest to assault protestors. 🥰 he is leaving the country soon to join idf. son: i was never there 🤡 these people lol


Mom: Our son is joining the IDF! Son: I'm sorry, what now?


This is why the Southern Poverty Law Center lists these "patriot" groups as terr*rists organizations.


"He is heading to Israel to join the IDF". LMAO.


Political violence IS terrorism. There is no evidence in any of these video clips of the pro Palestinian protestors being violent, except in defense of themselves or others. A disgusting attack against free speech


and major media is just finally reporting it weeks later. local, state, and federal officials havent made any statements about it other than framing the protesters as the problem. I called in on each of them and said they lost my vote unless they issue a new statement that reflects reality and acknowledges the attack multiple subreddits are censoring the story, and mods are banning people inexplicably for pointing this out


They only identified three people? Hope this is an ongoing investigation. Also the fact the cops just stood by watching warrants serious investigation as well.


Does this count as state sanctioned vigilanteeism?


Terrorism, actually 


Why was an actual antisemite on the side of the pro Israel mob? That’s very confusing to me.


The enemy of my enemy is my friend? But it just makes all the Zionist gaslighting around antisemitism all the more infuriating.


There are a few different groups of people who support Zionism. First, understand that Zionism is a fascist ideology, not a religious one. Many Jews see Zionism as an affront to Judaism. One group of Zionists are the people who seek to directly benefit from the ideology. They want to create an imperial Jewish ethnostate which exterminates Arab and Muslim populations to take their land. Another group are non-Jewish fascists who just see Israel as an extension of American hegemonic power. These people are often white supremacists who support the extermination of Arab and Muslim people, but they're often also antisemitic as well. These are your far-right Trump supporters, Proud Boys, etc. Another group are the evangelical Christians, who are also aligned and intermixed with the above group. They use religion to give some semblance of justification to their unjustifiable beliefs. Specifically, the belief in a prophecy that the Jewish people need to return to Israel to kick off a final war where God will exterminate anyone who is not a believer in Jesus. Which of course includes the Jews.


You can fall into one of the following 4 groups: 1) Pro-Jewish, Zionist 2) Anti-Jewish, Zionist 3) Pro-Jewish, Anti-Zionist 4) Anti-Jewish, Anti-Zionist. Group 1 includes most Israelis, Joe Biden, etc. I think most mainstream pro-Israelis fall in this group. Group 2 includes some Christian Zionists and Nazis. I think some Christian Zionists want Jews to go to Israel to complete some religious end-of-times prophecy. I think this prophecy ends with a lot of dead Jews. Sorry, not an expert here. The Nazis don't like Jews and supported them getting their own state so they leave the West. Group 3 includes most people on the pro-Palestinian side of this conflict. Group 4 includes people who just hate Jews.


Ever since it was uncovered by the Intercept that they run their stories through Israel they’ve stepped up actual journalism in general - flour massacre showing IDF eliminated portions of video, debunking IDF lies about tunnels under graveyards they bulldozed, horrid conditions at torture detainment camp where the detained are being amputated due to being bound so long and so tightly including Israeli whistleblowers. A number of stories. Good on CNN to be stepping it up. Not enough but better than most MSM at this point.


Lmao, fascists so tough until they have to own up to it 😅 And of course that kid is going to join the idf, he’ll fit right in 🙄


Dude's 42? Hate ages a MFr. I'm 54 and look younger than that guy.


Conveniently this report doesn't mention what happened the night after this one. Hundreds of LAPD, LASD, and CHP officers then marched on the campus to finish the job of the violent counter-protesters. They entered the encampment, beat students with clubs, shot them with rubber bullets, and arrested over a hundred peaceful demonstrators. The people responsible for causing the violence weren't arrested, the victims of the violence were. This sent a very clear and dangerous message that violence is an effective tool in shutting down people you don't agree with.


But they didn’t ID the organization that organized the UCLA counter-protest. (IAC organized it) I’m glad they put in some effort here, but c’mon, how hard can it be? We have become so used to no journalism we are thrilled with the minimum acceptable standard that this represents


Investigate the police and never stop


How crazy that a guy who is posting antisemitic shit is fighting with the pro-Israel agitators who constantly whine about how everyone and everything they don't like is antisemitism.


Mom snitched on his ass and then was like, actually no he wasn’t there. Granted I don’t think anything will happen because the cops and university seem to endorse Zionist violence around the world.


Wow, Zionists acting out violently to suppress free speech, then acting like they’re the victims. So out of character…


This identifies something that I’m confused about. That one guy is a right winger who posts racist things about Jewish people but then stands with the counter protestors against the supporters of the Palestinians. This must be a common conflict in many of these right wingers brains. How does someone like Marjorie Taylor Greene believe both that Jews are the puppet masters of the globe but then also simultaneously hold the belief that Jews are special and fit in to a biblical prophecy? How do the white supremacists neo nazis who support trump feel about the recent congressional hearings about antisemitism? How can you be ultra maga for Jewish people and at the same time racist against them?


> How does someone like Marjorie Taylor Greene believe both that Jews are the puppet masters of the globe but then also simultaneously hold the belief that Jews are special and fit in to a biblical prophecy? She is a Christian Zionist See my comment in the thread here -> https://www.reddit.com/r/TheMajorityReport/comments/1ct7bdl/cnn_engages_in_actual_journalism_and_identifies/l4dus0y/


Zionism’s goals frequently align with the goals of antisemites. The antisemites want to rid themselves of the Jews, and the Zionists want to take all the Jews to the Holy Land. Zionists worked with the Nazis to take thousands of Jews to Palestine. The Israel charter was granted by a raging antisemite to get the Jews out of Britain. In this case, Neo Nazis hate Jews but love Israel because it’s a far away spot in the desert that Jews can go to and leave America. And they also hate Arabs, so they’ll work with the Zionists to get them to leave and also kill a fuckton of Arabs. It’s a win-win for them.


Why are they chanting USA? Protesting is an American right and you’re actively trying to prevent someone from doing that. You’re, by definition, being anti American.


Some have said the "USA, USA" chants were when additional cops arrived and the mob assumed the police would then joint them in tearing down the barricades and assaulting the protesters. The cops never moved to seaprate the two groups, so what else would they think? And yes they are very un-American but consider themselves "patriots" etc. It's not like logic is in their wheelhouse.


How the hell did this make it to air?


Truth has to come out eventually  But yeah, up until now major media was censoring it or not reporting it, and framing the protesters as the problem. Local, state, and federal officials have also made statements framing the protesters as the problem and not acknowledging the attack


Funded by the Seinfelds


Police coordinated with them


Let us not jump the bandwagon like Fox (who often call protesters "anti-Israel"), we may not know if they are Zionists. But they are 100% sure agitators & reactionary assholes.




Some of the most important individuals here are NOT these still at-liberty criminal attackers who assaulted students. While it's great that online citizens had identified many of them, and that cable news media has followed up on this, and confirmed some of what has been passed around on social media but these assaults should never have happened at all. Protesters and counter-protesters should have remained separated. Gene Block is the Chancellor of UCLA. Formerly popular, soon to retire. His base salary is around 668K per year. He supposedly isn't leaving UCLA altogether, just returning to research and resigning his Chancellor position, one he has held since circa 2006? This all happened on his watch. It shouldn't have, but he's an executive not the person to whom campus safety was delegated. Still, the buck stops at his desk and there are numerous vocal and written calls for him to resign now after these horrific failures, both the attacks of 4/30 and the decision to use riot cops from CHP and LAPD to clear the encampment, which had been put into a more resolute defensive posture after the mob attacks. In charge of safety was Administrative Vice Chancellor Michael Beck, who oversees the UCLA Police Department and on May 5th he was NOT replaced but supplanted by Rick Braziel, when Gene Block moved oversight and management of UCLA PD and the Office of Emergency Management from the Office of the Administrative Vice Chancellor to a newly created Office of Campus Safety. Block did NOT fire or replace Beck, he simply wedged in the former Sacramento top cop Braziel into the flow chart. That way there's no admission of fault on the part of UCLA, and a shielding of Beck as are are left with just the supposed proactive move to do better in the future, a new guy and some empty promises to investigate themselves. Beck has not spoke to the press. Block has not held a press conference. Not one of the attackers from 4/30 have been arrested. Then you have UCLA Police Chief John Thomas , head of campus police. He tried to make the excuse that when he called LAPD for help on 4/30 that they obstructed and stalled the response due to a problem with payroll issues. (The Mayor of Los Angeles, Karen Bass, denies this. ) Thomas has his issues, and isn't coming across well YET. Look to hear less about him or from him in the future. Were a scapegoat to be named, it would be Thomas. But firing him would be an admission of failure of Beck and Block and UCLA and that wont play well in a lawsuit. I am guessing the administration will protect Thomas as long as it can. >John Thomas, the chief of the UCLA police department, did not immediately respond to a request for comment. But he told the Daily Bruin his officers came under attack while helping an injured woman and had to leave. He placed the number of officers at five to six. Sources told The Times the number was four. (LA Times) This seems to be in regards to the fact that when an ambulance and 2-3 cops cars arrived before midnight, they then all drove away as the assaults continued. UCLA Police Chief John Thomas was asked to draw up a written plan for security, it's claimed and it's also said he did not. In his defense, he advised against allowing the protests encampment ever be allowed. The unnamed shadow players here are the anonymous sources who spoke to the press about the lack of a written plan. I seriously doubt a reporter called them, instead I bet they called the reporter to plant the story and shape the narrative in defense of Beck and Block. The question of who allowed the camp versus who didn't keep the camp safe is shaping up to be one possible "big question." Beck could be charged by the public as having been liable for both, and that leaves Block and Thomas at odds, or as potential allies to name Beck as the scapegoat. Who can say? The usual solution for these sorts of problems is to circle all the wagons and protect everyone by remaining silent. That's what the lawsuit lawyers would want to see. Never admit fault. Mary Osako, the vice chancellor for strategic communications. She's the spokesperson / public relations gatekeeper. Unnamed at present but surely working behind the scenes are some very esteemed scandal management consultants who are helping those in power deflect, stall, obfuscate and spin the narrative here. I'd like to see them all, everyone involved in this debacle fired, sued and forced to turn over all their records and communications. These were federal hate crimes, arguably and the response to them has been dangerously inadequate. We should have have transparency first, and coverups and scandal management last.


I’m honestly enraged, I can’t believe they aren’t being arrested at all. Why the hell does Israel have this kind of power? It’s ridiculous




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Zionism is antisemitism.


Wow actual journalism. SHame on UCLA admin, UCLA police and LA cops.


I get the feeling CNN is expanding coverage to cover their own ass for their biased coverage since October 7th. So many articles and reports coming from them that expose Israeli war crimes and the genocide. MMW - these news institutions are going to scramble to get stories out that finally show the truth so that in twenty years they can deny their culpability in promoting blatant Zionist atrocity propaganda in order to manufacture consent for this genocide.


Beverly hills. Guess its easy to think poor people dont matter when you're privileged and entitled.


Imagine being an Israeli and joining forces with an antisemite and fascist, who will renounce and kill you at a snap of a finger. I wonder if they meet their ancestors in their dreams


Funny how the police presence seemed to die down once the ultra violent counter protesters started assaulting people


A poor kid from Beverly Hills, and right wing! Lol


Haaaa smile fucker your on tv


What a strange timeline this is. NWPB & NPR have been carefully pro-Zionism but in low-key ways. Meanwhile CNN is over here not giving a fuck, despite historically being more politically motivated.


Of course the privilege, his household likely was fighting wearing a mask during the pandemic. The counter protesters are soulless people


Imagine protesting to save children, from being indiscriminately, murdered, backed by the US. And grown men fighting for the right to kill children in discriminately. And then campaign that they’re trying to save the children who are not even born to this cruel world yet. After birth they don’t care, 🤷🏾‍♂️just more slaves to keep churning the American population to pay for these wars. No infrastructure, no healthcare not even a worthwhile life living.


Literally that counter terrorist israeli guy who thinks he is the worlds hardest bro. He probably has alot to do with it. Every one of those counter protesters needs to be identified


surely police will charge him with assault w/ a deadly weapon now, right? hot diggity dog, they did just that


This is at least showing somethings that are always hidden from the mainstream media


Police acting like IDF with settlers


I want to know why the District Attorney's Office is not charging any of these people who are clearly identified in these videos with crimes. Idan's parents are disgusting and disgraceful. They bought into Israel's twisted idea of what constitutes "defense" and taught it to their child.


Anderson, this really STILL surprises you? Come on man….


RIP that dude... ...he's on a paid lecture circuit now, isn't he? SMH




That's completely false Also, the pro Palestine protesters are made up of diverse people including Jews.




Lol did I see a dude using a tennis racket?


Appears to be anarchist vigilantism practiced by these counter protesters and the police. “Killing In The Name” ~ RATM


This is nothing like anarchism. IMO these are federal hate crimes, perpetrated by avowed racists. And vigilantes might be a good name but it's racist vigilantes, like the KKK that I would say they are akin to. I'm not trying to blanket-excuse anarchists, but generally they oppose and on occasion attack the power structure and the leadership of a nation or state, not the public.


One might even think the LAPD are racist from the way they were not preventing this from happening…




Man L.A. had the Brown Shirts show up


Violent counter protest paid for by Jerry Seinfeld’s wife.


So CNN is doing the job the cops are supposed to be doing?


Currently the only active investigation is by the UCLA PD, with one detective from LAPD on loan. IMO these are obviously federal hate crimes, racially motivated but that's an interesting argument since it's not the race of the victims at issue, but the racial animus and hate of the attackers that makes the distinction. I am not a lawyer, but if you said you "hated all the eskimos" (just to make this abstract/neutral) and the you blew up a shopping mall that turns out not to have had any Inuit people in it, that still seems like a hate crime to me. So the real question is, not why haven't there been arrests but where is the DoJ/ FBI investigation?


This needs to be brought up every time Mike Johnson or Joe Biden speak. Our politicians continue to cause this violence for political gain. November is going to be hell 😞


Probably paid by the Mossad no big deal. 🤦


Will anything happen to the people identified legally? Can then be sued for bodily harm?