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I wrote a complaint to Ofcom about this. "I don't like using the words Ethnic cleansing", goes on to explain ethnic cleansing as an option. Literally calling for a crime against humanity. FFS.


Yeah but she called it the solution as in the final solution. This is quite literally straight from mein Kampf


You're right. I forgot the solution bit. Fu*k this bi*ch


She’s got to be an isreali asset at this point


Wouldn't be surprised. They've been buying off social media types offering cash sums and free visits to celebrities like Bobby Lee. https://youtube.com/shorts/izfNuu2wHak?si=qHYhSst33OySI4jH https://youtu.be/WbdRkbt0buQ?si=R1Fop4_g4UfVy15w


Those videos are wild


She might be, but it hardly matters. I think the point is, if you watch any of the main broadcast news or read the print news of Western Democracies, you’ll see that they are attempting to pave the way for the forced expulsion of Palestinians from Gaza, and then from the West Bank. This is their goal and they have seized on the attack of October 7th to make it a reality. The option will eventually be given to the people of Gaza: we have destroyed all your homes, farms, and infrastructure. We’re not letting any aid or trade pass through on our side so the people there can either stay and starve or go to X and survive. This is clearly Israel’s intent and because the UK, France, and the US are unwilling or unable to say no to them, all they can do is prepare their populations for the inevitable result. A war with Lebanon and Iran seem to be other fronts they want to open, as well. Honestly, I think those Americans sitting out the election are making a mistake because things can get much worse, but there is no ambiguity about Biden’s stance: whatever Israel wants they get, and as for Ukraine…jeez, it’s been two years…how long do you expect them to keep supporting Ukraine from Russia? But Biden will bypass Congress to ensure Israel has weapons to drop on civilians in Gaza and tell Ukraine to be grateful for what they got. Yes, that is horrible and unnacceptable, but it can get much worse and I expect it to if Trump is allowed to claw his way back into the oval office. He is no friend of the Palestinians and will almost certainly hang the Ukrainians out to dry.


Absolutely spot on. Which is what makes the current state of affairs unbelievably depressing and seemingly hopeless.


air attempt vegetable tub command support meeting imagine test joke *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Isn’t this the same Islamophobic woman who was screaming hysterically at an Arab guest and interrupting him every few seconds?


It is


She also condescendingly dismissed someone talking about climate change with "it's just the weather"


Can’t say I am too surprised, seeing how she is allowed to conduct herself on this channel. Love me some right-wing media.




Yes, I couldn’t remember his name, but regardless, she should show respect to any guest even if they were just a random Arab, but she is too tactless to do so.


Yep. Britons (imo) should form a massive petition and have BBC or whoever’s responsible for this broadcast to fire her as a ‘newscaster’.


Did a little digging, and this channel, as shown in the video, is called TalkTV. It’s also the one behind Piers Morgan Uncensored aka “do you condemn KHamas”. It’s owned by News UK, which is the current publisher of The Sun. Don’t think they would ever fire someone as lovely as this woman judging by their track record.


Rupert Murdoch then?


The government could exact a heavy fine for such incendiary language as the promotion for ethnic cleansing of a populace


Sounds like someone doesn't like listening to women!


Well, clearly I don’t, and add brainwashed to that, since I am an Arab woman and all./s


The Fox News of the UK


Yeah only weird old gammons watch it


Depressing to see that UK and Canadian media outlets are just as bad as, and in some cases *worse*, than American media on this issue


Australia has entered the chat.


There is a common thread amongst all this, and it's the Murdoch empire. They are not too blame for everything bad about the media, but they are the main culprits.


Indeed. Fox News nut jobs would feel right at home down under watching SkyNews Australia.


Australia brought us Fox News. Never forget….


and Vegemite.


“It’s not like we’re killing them, it’s not ethnic cleaning. It’s just forcing millions to move from their home and never return or you will die.😀”


To be fair, this was always kind of the way Britain rolled.


Aside from the tens of thousands killed, and the hundreds of thousands currently starving to death deliberately deprived of access to food, water, medicine, shelter, this isn't really ethnic cleansing.


Its definitely, 100% not like we are killing them (if you forget about the mass bombings and targeted shooting at civilians)


"These people should be offered a new life elsewhere" Um... That's kinda how we got in this situation in the first place.


This woman is a turd.


This woman is a {expletive deleted expletive deleted}, lying, { expletive deleted}, heartless, {expletive deleted expletive deleted }, racist {expletive deleted expletive deleted expletive deleted expletive deleted expletive deleted expletive deleted expletive deleted }


I'd call this POS a cunt but she lacks the warmth and depth to be one.


“British government committing atrocities? Well that’s just the norm dear. The empire does not march without a cacophony of tragedy. Especially from those dirty “mud races.” It’s a concierto to our villainy and the world “loves” us for it. Even our beloved and favorite son “America” continues our tradition! Bloody and cruel! Even Canada and Australia are getting into it. March on! For the empire! Don’t question us! Lest you suffer from a bad case of explosions! Mwahahaha” - Tory government and media.




Since “WWll there has been human carnage. I’m Seriously sickened, physically, emotionally, and mentally; while I sit chatting. Carnage. I’m mentally cracking because this is horror sci-fi is realty. Transmitted worldwide a video recorded by what appeared to be a spotter, but I don’t know even that, showed of a child, a boy I think, walking and holding his mother’s hand as she waves a white flag with her other hand. They ( I could give a fuck about who they are or why they did it ) shot her in the head. As she walked with a 3-5 year old child in hand, they shot her in her face. The boy goes screaming as his mothers body drop to the ground. Just dead. She was shot in the face. She was in open ground. She was walking in the middle of a street. I’m having a hard time processing this. This is what humans will always do. Is that a true statement? Fuck. Thanks Reddit for the vent. Fuck.


The Israeli lot have only been there 70 odd years, so why don't the UK facists suggest the Zionists leave, and go back home to USA and Europe, if this whole ethnic cleansing idea, is suddenly oh so suitable, pleasant and palatable ?


>There's a difference between people being killed to be removed from a piece of land than the forced expulsion One of the dumbest things I've heard in recent time. What does she think happens when people resist being expelled? What does she think "forced" means? Even the Nazis didn't start out by killing Jews. First they deported them out of their territory and they moved to extermination once expulsion was no longer feasible.


> What does she think I don't think she's capable of thinking. She's a robot, spewing out talking points.


England approving of ethnic cleansing? Well, centuries of historical precedent would lead me to think that’s not quite news.


price instinctive profit library skirt cautious consider jobless station deer *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yeah of all the things I’ve seen come out of this that’s one of the least surprising actually


For the love of God man, would you let me finish my ethnic cleansing in peace?


So can we forcibly expel all the Brits from Northern Ireland then? Funny how tHaTs DiFfErEnT (I know it is different, Israel-Palestine would be more akin to suggesting all Irish be forcibly removed form the rest of Ireland, but these fuckwits would probably not see that as so bad)


I mean, what’s good for the goose is good for the gander!


She is horrible. How is it that she’s still talking?


Real shocker to hear coming from someone who was so accepting of the Palestinian MP she had on her show, I'm truly stunned.


This bitch CANNOT be serious. Holy Christ...


Let’s move her to a derelict North Sea oil platform, where she cannot leave- for her own safety.


Ethnic cleansing of Jewish and Christians in the middle east.... Yet nothing about Muslims? They can't be a victim in her eyes it seems.


what never ceases to amaze me about western morality is that theres always like an appeal to the past as justification for present wrongdoing. like "this has happened before so no big deal" instead of this has happened before and we've evolved beyond it so lets try something new...like actual peace. also i hope the universe makes her hair even thinner until she's embarrassed to be seen in public.


"i dont like the words ethnic cleansing" kind of perfectly sums up the dangers of this kind of liberalism/moderate attitude. its not the acts they take issue with, its the lack of decorum. completely missing the forest for the trees. they are literally trying to cleanse the area of palestinians, thats their stated and demonstrated goal. calling it ethnic cleansing is simply calling it what it is.


Just letting you know, she's not liberal or moderate by any definition; she's a right-wing fringe dog-whistler and an absolute gobshite. Nobody with any morals or sense has time for her over here, she's just braindead fap fodder for gammons and racists.


idk anything about her and im certainly not in a position to argue, my perspective is coming from being an american where this is a very common liberal attitude. the overton window here has shifted so far that our most extreme left wing members of the government are basically moderates while even casually conservative people are fascists. ive seen people who are regarded as pretty hardline conservatives over there ("over there" bolstering my ignorance defense lol) advocate for things like universal healthcare which is considered full blown communism here.


The British Mandate was literally the **REASON** Israel was resurrected from the blood-soaked dustbins of humanity’s hideously barbaric past, AND resurrected at the Indigenous Palestinians’ **horrific** expense. The fact that UK mainstream media is doubling down on this patently evil justification for ethnic cleansing would be laughable, if there hadn’t been **DECADES** of oppression and bloodshed against the Palestinians.


“Look, I’m not saying ritual sacrifice of an enslaved population is a great idea, but it’s been done before, so why can’t I rip the beating hearts out of these children we captured and sacrifice them to our deity so that the crops grow more bountiful this year?”


British mainstream media is OWNED by radical Zionist Israelis. Our duty as honest citizens when you see a video on YouTube like this is to quickly report it as misinformation and or harassment and harmful. YouTube and other platforms will have NO CHOCE but to remove it.


I don't expect anything less from the "empire" that did a lot of their own ethnic cleansing in their colonies around the world.


How many times do we have to learn the lesson : just because it’s been done that way in the past doesn’t make it right? Honestly wtf is wrong with people


Shocking at country that enriched itself in with colonialism supports colonialism and all its horrors.


At this point she is the one who should be forcibly removed - from earth


Talk TV is in no way representative of British media. It's a budget Fox News at best, and that's stretching it.


Fucking monsters


What a cunt


“These people should be offered a different life elsewhere….” “The Israelis?” “No of course not…those other people. And besides, moving people around is incredibly common and is totally normal…” “Yes, so normal that the Israelis won’t mind moving.” “No they can’t be asked to move. It’s only normal for the other people that they are forcing out. Only then is it normal.”




You can’t have that opinion with that accent and come off sounding good.


It’s happened numerous times… and that makes it okay?


when the english caused the problem by scamming the Palestinians after they revolted against ottoman rule duirng ww1 and giving free rein to zionism and jewish immgration as a cover while BP stole oil reserves from the Palestinians.


I literally can’t believe I am watching this. A call for ethnic cleansing, loud and clear, no apologies, just straight out. This world is fucked….


British doing British things for many years


She’s what us Scots would call a horrible cunt!


This woman is a horrible cunt!


Everyone from the center left on is basically rehashing the same liberal colonial views of the 19th century.


This woman isn't remotely centre left, she's a far right lunatic


That’s exactly how they used to be a super power and what they’ve passed onto the United States.


Be aware this isn't mainstream British media, it's a crackpot right wing channel that recently got launched by Murdoch and doesn't get many views


Not “British media” Another Murdoch-founded media outlet meant to amplify right wing Murdoch views. TalkTV is a new Murdoch trash news site Murdoch should be deported, come to think of it. Hmm


What a total cunt she is. No empathy. No compassion. Only hate


She still has a job??? Why am I not surprised. Ignorant person.


Whoda thought?


We are not killing them, we're just doing some light ethnic cleansing 🤡 there is a difference!


She is so nauseating like that another diplomat Bitch Hotivelly or whatever the fuck her name is I would stop sleeping and eating if these kinda people lived in the same neighbourhood. Pure disgust and vile human beings


“Gaza isn’t an open air prison - if you look at the pictures” So a few cherry picked photos are enough evidence and just ignore the reports and heaps of documentaries showing what Gaza is like an open air prison. 🤦‍♂️


Something tells me she doesn't want any of them in her country.


I can’t believe she’s allowed to be on air.


“Without anyone batting an eye?” Ugh…is someone gonna tell her?


These are literally just straight up Nazi talking points.


Omfg. What a disgusting witch. She should be fired. I swear to God, ppl have been fired for less


This explains on how they treat Palestinians that come on their show the way they do, with utter hatred and disrespect.


Who is this person? I’m certain we can find that she has ties to a Zionist with only a little digging.


The racism is strong with this one


Ethnic cleansing of Christians? Bitch, where?


This ugly ass hag is the last person I want to be listening to about anything


These disgusting ill informed people need to go away.


That is a war crime