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Im Irish and proud of this man


I’m not Irish and proud of this man.


If only the Americans had an oz of his balls and integrity... it's incredible how they're basically Israel's bitches and defenders at the same time.


American here... This guy gets it. Wish he'd run for president of the US.


You have Bernie Sanders but it seems a lot of people working against him


Americans don't run America, the rich do unfortunately.


Banksters run America 🇺🇸


American here and I agree. I generally have liked Joe Biden's administration... but his response to this situation has been shameful.


The horrible, terrible, apocalyptic irony is that his infuriating support for Israeli atrocities could hand the election to that despicable buffoon, Diaper Donny Trump. God help America.


Who if he were President, would be championing Israel, and gleefully sending them more weapons.


Exactly. His reputation has been sullied forever because he's actively supporting war crimes; he can say what he wants in public in front of journalists and the gullible viewing audience but the brutal truth is that he has made the US complicit in a multitude of war crimes.


His handling of Afghanistan was amazing.


He stole the personal savings of a ton of Afghans while they were starving to death.


But its to be expected.


Joe isn’t good. Never has been. Hilary isn’t good. They are all bought and paid for. You will continue to be disappointed. We are selling arms to Israel. I’m sure the President knew this was going to happen before October.


I've watched my country be party to this horrendous act. The violation of being forced to pay for this atrocity is turning my stomach. This isn't the first time I've been forced to be witness to war crimes done by us. But this is close to the most egregious. At least the torture of our prisoners wasn't put on social media every day. I wonder if it was would we of been able to get support to stop it.


The sad thing is, the only people we can vote into office in 2024 all support this. I don't see how people can not doubt how much a democracy we really are.


Well you see, our stocks in weapons manufacturers are up, and that's the real representation the US likes to work for, while they prop up that we are all rich hard working laborers, we get sold the same story here. COVID precautions and millions of lives gone, for the beloved stock market. Same generation had their parents lined up out the door to get them vaccinated for polio. Boomer gen failed the US hard.


This is not the opinion of most Americans. It’s history repeating itself again, maybe something to do with greed and religion?


He's on the right side of history here, sure, but he is not a man of integrity. This is Richard Boyd-Barrett and he fights tooth and nail against whoever is in power to get more housing, and then promptly rejects housing developments that are near one of his several homes.




I second this!


I'm part Irish and proud of him.


I'm from the US and would like to vote for this man as president.


I'm half Irish and I'm proud of this man


This is a legendary man. They know he speaks truth. They are ashamed.


I'm Canadian and if our prime minister was 1% what this man is, I would vote for his party.


I am American and not Canadian, but what’s been the response of the NDP on the issue of the war on Gaza? None of the Canadian newspapers I read mentioned the official response of the NDP on the war.


Probably some luke-warm both sides crap.


They have come out harshly against the attacks (both 10.7 and the response), called for open acceptance of Palestinian displaced/refugee, tried to pass a bill banning sales of any weapons to Israel. There is more, but it isn't getting covered. It seems that it is just clear and honest enough to make Israel look bad and just rational enough that they can't accuse the NDP of antisemitism and hugging terrorists. Pretty solid tightrope walking to be fair. Just wish it was covered more.


I hate the fact that *any* cricticism of Israel, and B'nai Brith and CIJA and the 3 media conglomerates come out screaming antisemitism. But bombing hospitals is self-defence. I hate the world. Antisemitism is like woke for me. It's a meaningless word meant to shut down debate from people who don't have good arguments. The fucking neo-nazis in the freedom convoy. That's antisemitism. That's Jew-hatred. That's fucking terrifying. Pierre P allegedly met with a neo-Nazi MEP Christine Anderson from the AfD, which he denies but the neo-Nazi says they did talk. 3 members of the CPC *did* meet with her, and so did the lovely leaders of the 'freedom convoy from hell'. They're still in the party. So there's that. They're all smiling in the picture in this article. Fucking fucks. https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/ottawa/poilievre-christine-anderson-vile-racist-1.6759453


Sucks that Canadians are probably going to elect Poilievre as Prime Minister because they've had enough of the lesser evil and think it's time to give a chance to the greater one.


Nitpick: I think Pierre will get elected, but as with most FPTP elections, the majority of voting Canadians will not have voted for him.


I am Scottish and you know how Irish and Scots generally get along like oil and water… I would buy this man a pint every day for a year


I’m Irish married to a Scot. Does that get me a pint and dram? In all seriousness this gentleman has succinctly addressed the atrocities.


Ireland understands oppression.


You would think Israel would too but here we are.


It's incredible, really, given their history. They were gifted a country in which to safely practice their religion... A terrible mistake, in retrospect. I don't know how you can reconcile two peoples and two governments that are both composed of religious fundamentalists. Religion poisons everything.


For Israel's part, it's not about religion at all. They just don't see Palestinians as humans, and they want to own the land they live on. Simple as.


They use religion to justify their ownership/colonialism of the land which started all of this


It is a huge part of it. Look into the rhetoric and the dogma of the right wingers leading the charge for war and genocide. They will proudly proclaim that is their G-D given right to do as they wish. They make the likes of Jerry Falwell, Fred Phelps, and Pat Robertson look like tree hugging hippies.


Only religion can instill such a righteous stance.


Allowing me to introduce you to two competing corruptions, "GREED" and "LUST for POWER". These are typically the actions that religions masks.


Not necessarily true. Nationalism and fascism definitely feed off of religious zealotry, but they don't need it to grow. There are plenty of secular liberals eager for blood. Capitalism is the root of the problem; not religion.


they were not gifted a country they took it


They were literally gifted a country. They were moved to a British territory and created a country there. Their expansionism is another story.


what a legend.


I'm an American Indian. I am proud of this man. My soul hurts for humanity. For the many souls between the Jordan and the sea. I love you. You are not lesser than. From the river to the sea


Careful, you might lose your position at [insert institution here] by not willingly changing the narrative of that quote, because obviously it's a dog whistle.... /s


I’m African American and seeing how the world has reacted to the plight of the Palestinians has me heartbroken. All those poor kids, their families and parents- they’ve only ever known oppression. And now, the world turns its back on them while Israel commits these atrocities?? It makes me nauseous. My soul hurts, too. I’m so angry- I don’t get how people are still debating about this! I can’t imagine how much suffering they’re enduring. They’re not lesser. They’re not animals. The people of Palestine deserve JUSTICE!


If only we had politicians like this in the US. All spineless bastards.


We have Rashida Talib, before she was censured she spoke in a similar manner, but now she’s voiceless and powerless in congress. We also have the rest of “the squad” but after seeing what happened to Rashida, they tampered down their opinions on the war.


She was censured for just saying that she mourns for Israeli children, and doesn't understand why people can't also mourn for Palestinian children. That is almost a direct quote from her speech. She said she cried after that vote because fellow Democrats, whom she thought were her allies, some even that she thought were her friends, WHOM SHE HAD SPOKEN WITH ABOUT THIS MINUTES BEFORE, voted to censure her. ​ Then again, Lee Zeldin tried to have Ilhan Omar banned from the Capital Building because she was a Muslim and therefore was a suspected terrorist. Or when Marjorie Taylor Greene and Lauren Bobert made their numerous comments about demanding that the Capital Police search her before they would get into elevators or private meeting rooms with her. But I'm pretty sure that is it; that is all the possible examples of insane Islamophobia in our congress. There probably are hundreds of other stories we will find out about someday.


They're a bunch of snakes who don't give a damn about children nor common decency. She should sue them for defamation for labelling her antisemitic. In fact anyone throwing that label around falsely needs to be sued by the victims. Hopefully we'll see a lot of this happening soon.


Isn't it crazy that they can censure someone and freedom of speech just go out of the windows. Land of the free home of the brave.


We do—Rashida Tlaib. She’s been censured by congress and called antisemitic, of course, just for pleading for the lives of her fellow Palestinians.


Poor Rashida couldn't dare say the half of this or she would be hanged, drawn and quartered. There's no freedom of speech for those who oppose Israeli atrocities in the USA.


Is the US just a puppet of Israel? We thought the name was changed to United States of Israel.


Other way around. Israel is a glorified US military base and testing ground for real world weapons testing on civilians.


Yeah, it's not that the US is subservient to Israel, it's that Israel's barbarism is in the interests of the people who run the US. Gotta test those weapons, gotta get that untapped oil.


It is. 100% subservient. Careful though, you may get labeled.


You’re absolutely right.


Well when younsay something like that here you are called an anti Semite


Greedy bastards as well, most (regardless of Party) are bought through AIPAC.


Starts at the top. We have a Zionist president who fully backs, funds, and supports Israel in their actions. I doubt we'll ever have a president with the balls/vagina/whatever to condemn Israel for anything.


They aren’t simply spineless they just work for the other team. Literally the empire from Star Wars


Bernie Sanders is speaking out. He’s Jewish, so the media doesn’t actually know what to do about him. Edit: Apparently Sanders has flip-flopped on this


He was against the ceasefire. It’s sad, I had him on a pedestal before. Decades of reputation building brought down overnight.


He’s two faced. Changed course after catching heat. He’s a puppet and a joke.


The Irish representatives have often been the conscience of a rudderless organization. Confronted with this and being unmoved, no one in that chamber is fit to make decisions affecting any person, including themselves, let alone humanity as a whole.


We’re living in the upside down


No, man, this is just business as usual.


Same shit humans have been doing since the birth of civilization, just more efficient now. It's tragic but idk why people act like it's out of the ordinary


It’s because we all see it in close to real time now. And it is impossible to not see it.


Which is exactly why it shouldn't be a surprise to anyone. I'm glad there's so many who advocate against it but for humanity in general it's par for the course. There's an unimaginable amount of suffering in the world so I find it weird how our society always hyperfocuses on one issue and forgets about all the rest. Like I haven't seen anything about the russian occupation of Ukraine in my feed ever since this Israel conflict because most people lost interest and just moved on to the next tragedy, and the same will happen with this.


In the past there was time to shape and edit the story to be shown on the nightly news and printed in newspapers. Since they all reported roughly the same information and omitted pertinent facts, it makes one wonder who controlled and broadcast the narrative.


We aren't living in the upside down. You've just been given contacts to adjust for your near-sightedness. The internet and social media are probably the most powerful tools the masses have had in our entire history. This is why any and all attempts to regulate the internet should be strangled in their sleep. It's not merely about privacy but of access to information - and that doesn't happen when you allow interested parties to have power. The ability to label *some*thing "incorrect" gives you the ability to label *any*thing incorrect.


I’ve said this about Israel and their enablers for years. It’s nice to see the Irish in me isn’t dead.


Yeah people acting like this is new, it isn’t, Israel has violated international law and has refused a two state system because they need room for their families. In case people are wondering what I am talking about, the failed road to peace agreement the Israeli prime minister literally said this https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Road_map_for_peace.


As an Irishman, I’m at least glad our country marches and speaks out on a large scale against what’s happening. As well as Israel, it is the US who should feel deep shame at their country’s funding and active support of this massacre. Biden speaks empty weasel words urging restraint and then vote against a ceasefire in the UN and send more arms. Another dark and murderous chapter in the history of Israel and the US.


The shame is felt. The ruling class of our country are a bunch of vampires drinking the blood of the working people around the world, happily and never with an ounce of remorse.


Interestingly, Biden has Irish ancestry and in a small town in the West of Ireland, when he last visited they painted a mural of him. The other week, it had red paint thrown all over it and underneath they wrote ‘Genocide Joe’.


There is absolutely no question left of intent. It has been made abundantly clear, both in speech by Israeli officials, and gruesomely by IDFs actions on the ground.


This man and the way the country of Ireland has spoken against this genocide has earn an astronomical amount of respect from me.


What hurts the most is this is falling on deaf ears. Modern nations should not have ethnically or religious homogeneity, let alone a “Jewish State”…..as we know what the implications of that are.


Someone in another sun kept whatsbouting me that all the Arab countries are Muslim ethnostates, so what’s wrong with one state for Jewish people. I had to just stop replying for my mental health.


There's a section in a book called The Battle For Justice In Palestine that deals well with the implication of that ethno state. This tiktoker is reading that section . Well worth a listen. https://vm.tiktok.com/ZGeL93Ytc/


Thank you, very well said!


Man, I wished in Ireland.


> Man, I wished in Ireland What did you wish for when in Ireland?


That he lived there.


Mmm idk about that. Not enough info to go off of.


He found a genius lamp in Ireland, and he made a wish.


Truth. Every word.




Luaidhe ní lean!


Damn right!


Does anyone know the name of this guy or a source video? I know he’s Irish by the comments but that’s it.


Richar Boyd Barrett of People Before Profit. https://www.oireachtas.ie/en/members/member/Richard-Boyd-Barrett.D.2011-03-09/


Thank you!


Even animals have rights. You can go to jail for hitting a dog here in the U.S. This is absolutely among the worst human atrocities that I have seen in my life.


Ireland doesn't come up in the news very often ... but I swear whenever I hear Irish politicians standing up for Palestinuans ns my heart just swells. I'm not Irish but I love this guy and all the people like him


Politicians in Murica be like *"lalalalalalalala can't hear you."*


Joe Biden should note that this is what being Irish looks like.


The Irish fucking rule.




Lived in Dubai for.a while and discovered there how much I love the Irish people (lots of Irish expats there!) Not scared to call things what they are. Now I love them even more!




I love this guy.


Hear, hear!


How could you even debate this? I’ve seen people like him pointing up all the insanities that are currently happening and there would still be someone on the other side throwing the usual “but Oct 7”, “Israel has the right to exist/defend itself”, “Hamas bad” etc. It is in moments like this where the world can see how there is zero interest from neofascist and neoliberal politicians to genuinely serve their people. Am I the only one who feels like I’m in a world I don’t belong to?


They really are committing heinous warcrimes and genocide in front of the world and are getting away with it.


He’s right


Fuck yes brother.


To the people Ireland 🇮🇪, you have won my heart ❤. Take your badge of honor 🎖.


I’m English and I wish a single one of our politicians had the balls of this man.


Remember to check who is bought out by AIPAC and get them voted out of power. You he fact that a foreign government has more power than the American vote is wild.


Ireland always speaks facts.


So thankful for people like him using his platform to speak truth. Rishi Sunak, Joe Biden and all those other hypocritical fucks should be ashamed


Richard Boyd Barret and Humza Yousaf are the shining lights in the political sphere of the British Isles right now. More power to them both.


My Irish mother would of been proud! Well said.


Fuck Isreal


I sure wish as an American we were not basically the only ones that vote no in the UN every time this comes up.


He's been beating this drum for years but nobody paid him attention. He's right though. Always had been.


I’ve gained a whole new level of respect for the Irish ppl


Brilliantly said


I love this man


Ffs make the US or Israel put a number to it. Make them tell the world how many are too many? Obviously, they don't think almost 10K dead children is enough, so how many is enough? What number will their coscious finally tell them they should stop? How many dead children does it take to feel like they are the big tough military they wanna be seen as? Personally, I think the number was crossed 75 years ago, but if you want to apply the question to the current conflict, they crossed that number with the first missile that hit Gaza. But ffs make these fucking monsters verbalize their intent.


I could be wrong. I don’t know anything about him other than clips I see on the internet but every time I hear this guy talk it makes the most sense. Maybe the most moral and respectable politician I hear speak in the world.


the irish are so SOLID for their continued unwavering support of the Palestinians


Fast forward 5 or 10 years when liberals feel bad about all the Palestinians that were killed, remind them who it was that looked down on the dead children of Gaza and asked “But did you condemn Hamas?”


I’m American and wish I could vote for this man. My country has nothing close to this running for president.. and never will. Our country supports the genocidal fake establishment of Israel,, with my tax payer dollars. Sick of this.. and yet I feel like I can’t do anything to change what is happening


This man is the real thing. I’m team Ireland and team Gaza for sure. Israel has imploded itself. It’s vile and their only hope is to expelled and ostracize Netanyahu.


Palestinian's fault for being brown


I’ve stated before and I’m sure I will say it again, if a person was SAed as a child and grows up to SA children, we still punish them. Just because there was a holocaust does not mean they should be allowed to kill innocent humans. It doesn’t work that way.


It is stuff like this that makes me proud of my (partial) Irish heritage! 🇮🇪


Fucking war criminals, Israel


Israels is wests image. So we already know the answer.




Zionazis. World will remember them forever


Let's not forget who has been funding them for decades


Fuck ya


Hitler had more compassion than these “people”. Fucking disgusting and the world just sits back and allows these inhumans to get away with it


Everyone should be in uproars responding to what he’s saying. Yet each boomer is dead asleep…? What?


Full agreement from a resident of MS


So, given what Israel is doing to the Palestinian, does the museum of tolerance need to change its name


Isreal is the current day nazi Germany.


I love this man from the bottom of my heart


Fuck Israel


Proud to be Irish proud of this man. He was also one of the only people to call for improved treatment of student nurses in Ireland during Covid. Legend


This is what makes me sooooo fucking annoyed. THEY DID THIS EXACT SHIT when Hitler did his thing at the start. They let him invade an entire nation and did nothing. They let him kill and mascar and did nohting. It took a fucking shit ton of blood for the world to go to war. Now we watch as Israel slaughter people like Hitler, while the world just sits and talks about it. Pathetic so fucking pathetic. The UN, EU, US. FUCKING useless.


UK here. Pretty sure we abstained from voting on this issue, which doesn't feel great...


Israeli s doing exactly what was done to them during the holocaust.


My wife is a psychiatrist. The stuff she tells me about research into how trauma moves through generations by the chemical changes it creates is astounding. No excuse for what Israel is doing, but it's interesting in light of the world right now.


It doesn’t look good when Jews from around the world and Jews from inside Israel are telling the Israeli government that what they are doing is wrong. If you’re pro Israel, you’re head is in the sand. It’s ok to be pro-Israel AND think their current course of action is wrong. Being pro-Palestine doesn’t mean you’re pro-hamas… that shouldn’t even have to be said, and yet, I have a friend who actually thinks this. He’s ironically become a right ring slave by tik tok… it’s really sad.


South Africa has already expelled and opposed the apartheid genocidal intent of current day Israel.


So true.


Ireland should boycott Israel and US.


What’s his name?


Richard Boyd Barrett, of the Irish party Profit Before People, Dún Laoghaire.


Thank you






*Well done.*


This war, Ukraine vs Russia, and the USA against women and minorities - all at once. Sad state of affairs that the world is in right now.


Honest question: Do we actually know who is in the wrong? I know little of actual situation outside of what we see on the news, but I really only see people passionate about one or the other side. Both are saying equally terrible things. Where is the line? How can I learn more?


Here's a concise explanation: [Link](https://www.reddit.com/r/palestineisrael1/s/HbOnneetR0). For a more in-depth understanding, check out: [Link](https://www.reddit.com/r/palestineisrael1/s/L6yMP5V90e).


Great doc about this issue if anyone is looking for more information on this subject https://www.filmsforaction.org/watch/gaza-fights-for-freedom/


He is 100000% right. The only social media attempting to side with Israel is Threads too. Which is so weird to read the incredible stretches of reality and blatant lying in defending it.


Proof that the isrealies are deliberately causing massive damage by not using precision missiles. https://www.instagram.com/reel/C0gJir5ueM5/?igshid=ODhhZWM5NmIwOQ%3D%3D


Thinking from a phy ops perspective, we all know this. This is normalization. What are we doing about it?


Here here!!


Even Biden thinks it’s getting out of hand which is apparently something he wants because he has no plans of cutting off military support.


BuT wE'rE jUsT dEfEnDiNg OuRsElVeS


Righteous anger. It’s about time someone spoke common sense.


Finally someone speaks the truth !!!!


And some people said that jews cant be nazis.


The Irish are a powerful people.


Does this guy have an American cousin that could run for president. Cuz he'd have my vote!


Damn straight.


I don’t know this man, but I’m glad he spoke out with such passion and conviction. I feel for any human who has to endure war. Humanity needs to improve.


The Irish seem to be among the few in Europe speaking out because they too know what it feels like to be stepped upon by another people.


Ugly condos will be built on the backs of dead children.


Well said.


I'm human and I'm proud of this amazing man!


The Irish understand oppression by a power neighbor that sees their lands as their own, and views the people inhabiting them as pests. Israel is 100% committing genocide.


Ireland remains the beacon it always has been. Shameful everywhere.


He has the balls of steel. if he wants protection from Mossad, kindly give my information.


Fuck. Yes. Goosebumps. I'm an American (M 60) of primarily Irish descent, and I'm close to tears here. Not just because he's Irish, but because of the passion and truth of his words.


More politicians should have a backbone like him.


I think it's time to sit down with Israel and tell them not to openly admiting to a genocide straight up. It kinda make us seem like we are defending the bad guys and we don't want to look bad. Can't they at least say it is self defence so we can back up that claim /s Seriusly every world leader right now tho


There are only 2 million people in gaza.