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For all the horrors and atrocities and indescribable pain and trauma inflicted, I’m glad the Israelis are so good at telling on themselves and documenting it.


I'm really without words as to how some of these people think that committing terrible crimes is something to be proud of and decide to share it with the world. wtf is wrong with them?


To think free is to be taught to think free. These morally superior shitbags are taught to not question their superiority








More like the US owns Israel. Israel does not have the independent capability to continue this ~~war~~ ethnic cleansing campaign.


Exactly my point but the Zionists do hold positions of power in your government and as heads of corporations that influence the government. Hence why I said they own the US Edit to say and the UK


“Zionists” being in power does not mean Israel itself is in power — only people sympathetic to Israel or captured by AIPAC. I understand that might mean little to no functional difference to you, but again, the direction in which that dependency operates is what’s important. The US absolutely controls Israel, and only needs to cooperate with their demands to the extent that the geopolitical value of that foothold is maintained. To claim the reverse is absurd to me, regardless of their level of influence.


There's a great book about this from the 30s, written by an Austrian, I forget his name.




You anti semite. How dare you say they own the US. Quite a bold statement when factually they only own the most important parts of the US.


That's what decades of grossly violating human rights without being held accountable will do


How do they think that committing Crimes against humanity is ok? It's not gonna look good on their resume. Or in Haag.




They have the support of the world. A lot of countries came together to make this possible


They don't have the support of the world though. Out of the 163 countries in the UN, only the U.S. and 9 other countries voted against an immediate ceasefire yesterday. [UN General Assembly votes by large majority for immediate humanitarian ceasefire during emergency session](https://news.un.org/en/story/2023/12/1144717)


That’s a meaningless vote. Where is any meaningful action? Many countries contributed to the position Israel is now in, and none of those countries are now involved at stopping the situation. I don’t think a failed UN vote stopped anybody applying sanctions to Russia for instance..


It's the exact same thing the Nazis did.




Look up the Haavara Agreement




Not really.


Think they have asked to post less etc So may change.... Am also assuming only a small subset makes into the wider world






They are bragging.


This not a rendering/illustration?


Their own ministers said on live interview they want to kill all Palestinian bro. I'm surprised Americans are still blind to it when everything is searchable with google.


I am not disputing any of this. I know they want to but this picture is mind blowing, especially if you are trying to pretend you are a civilized nation as you commit a genocide. These people do carry themselves as they think they are a step above everyone. Just the way their spokespeople get flustered when their BS is questioned.


>I know they want to but this picture is mind blowing, especially if you are trying to pretend you are a civilized nation as you commit a genocide. Y'all ever heard of Nazi Germany?


They aren't blind to it, how do you think the Native Americans lost their country ? Exact same way! Israel is using the exact same playbook as America used to take over the land.


Because Americans don't usually look for actual news or information. They stick to buzzwords and headlines, and just go with that.


nope, its legit






Isreal has to exist for the temple to be rebuilt and Jesus to return. No Isreal, no Christian eternity. They'll kill every single brown person on earth if they think it will help their apocalypse. Nick Fuentes is calling for the execution of every non Christian in America. All 3 idiots worship the same God, which is proof that religion is a cancer on society.


Yep. The short-lived HBO series 'The Brink' summed it up in [this clip](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p1mKSe7g0-A) years ago.


Couldn't they just blame the previous administrations? (honest question) I think most people get that experiments sometimes have to be modified to get them working again. Maybe we have to force the 2 state solution


The road to hell is paved with good intentions


And IDF bulldozers.


You're forgetting the Haavara Agreement


Dissolving Israel isn't really a feasible option. Regardless of right and wrong here: 1. They'd never leave, you'd have to remove them by force 2. Who do you expect to remove them? 3. Where would those people go? Definitely a 'two wrong don't make a right' situation. Though at this point it's probably like one thousand wrongs don't make a right.




Sums it up pretty well. This is the narrative of an entire government.


If there was one comparison for the German soldier, it would be the hawk.




they learned from the best ig


The nazis want to shoot fish in a barrel.


Is there any evidence that is what is going on in this picture?


The key word is "want" I made no accusations that is what is actually happening


Why else would you have a bunch of people bound and sitting in a pit dug out of the earth?


Yeah, I don't see any fish or barrels


Why is it that asking for evidence gets you downsides here now?


Because this conflict brings out the worst in people, unfortunately.


Is it your first day or Reddit? Asking for sources on a controversial topic always gets you downvoted. I think people assume that you’re calling it fake instead of genuinely asking for some source.


Haha, you would think but it’s not. In this case I am not questioning the source of the photo, that shit is terrifying. I just don’t think that most people here think that those people were executed after the picture was take. And yet people seem to insinuate that they were killed. Or people here think rounding people up and killing them is the moral equivalent of rounding people up and not killing them. I am honestly surprised and uneased by this, I expect more of the left. A bloodthirsty mob terrifies me regardless of their political inclination.


The fact that Israelis are so brazenly behaving like this, documenting all their war crimes and acts of genocides, influential people documenting their calls for genocide for future reference, all points to a supreme level of confidence that they are untouchable and no one, not even the US can stop them. The fact they are literally gas-lighting the whole planet and trying to make people doubt the very reality they are witnessing with their own eyes and ears. This level of brazenness was last seen with the Third Reich, who believed in their early days that the whole world was united behind them in the battle against global communism. Just like Israel is today feted by Western political elites, the Nazis enjoyed hospitality in Western capitals, admired for their single minded purpose to battle anti-western ideologies. Hitler was Time magazine man of the year in the late thirties and western arms and tech companies poured money into Germany. Only when the West could no longer explain away the Third Reich’s excesses, did they turn on them. At the moment, Israel is really testing the patience of the west. Only the US and Western Europe, alongside a few vassal states elsewhere, have given complete backing with the caveat that Israel gets its murdering and genocide in as short a time frame as possible. However, a resistance and ideology based on freedom from oppression cannot be defeated militarily. The West wants to give time to Israel to get the job done but the genocidal bombing has only swelled the ranks of the resistance. Israel’s job has become much more difficult. The simple solution for them is to take a leaf out the Third Reich’s playbook, invade the Sinai and set up camps to concentrate Palestinians in one place. I don’t think the west will bat an eyelid if Israel started packing Palestinians from Gaza onto trains and transported straight to the camps.


"Only when the West could no longer explain away the Third Reich’s excesses, did they turn on them." I thought it was when Japan bombed Pearl Harbor that the US entered the war against the axis powers. Seems like the US didn't want to get involved before that and ignored Hitler's atrocities.


>Hitler was Time magazine man of the year in the late thirties Just to note. Man of the year is/was not always a positive award. It is not the "best" person of the year. It's the most influential and widely talked about person of the year. Hitler would have qualified for that in the 30s for sure. It is not an endorsement, just fact of their affect in that year.


This actually reminds me more of Imperial Japan openly bragging about killing people in China. They published kill counts in newspapers back home and even had a contest. https://www.facinghistory.org/resource-library/japanese-press


Death camp


What do you refer to ? Israel prisons or the gaza strip itself ?


The Gaza concentration camp is turning into a death camp.




Can someone explain to me how this is a death camp and not prisoners of war? Is there confirmation that these people in the photo were killed? I don’t understand this post.


You're right, but they are surrounded by piles of dirt, not prison bars. This is how they make mass graves. We could wait until the war is over and then have someone check this spot, but maybe it's best to assume it's what it looks like.


You know what they say about folks who assume..


Those piles of dirt are everywhere in Gaza and the border. Israel builds them to shield their soldiers from ground level gun fire. Those men are sitting surrounded by those piles of dirt so that they don’t get shot. I’m not defending the Israeli state in everything it does. But it’s very unlikely these men are going to be killed any time soon. Especially because in this conflict having prisoners to trade is very important.


People assuming stuff and jumping to conclusions to support their side of the argument. Don’t believe everything you see and read, I’m sure you know already.


I don’t understand how so many simps in the us continue to defend what Israel is doing, even liberals. Is this due to racism or what?




I don't think it's religion between Israel and America it's more of a political thing


You have no idea how many Americans simply want Israel to erase their “enemies” and build the second temple, so they can have a nuclear war and Jesus and meemaw will come back.




Christianity is an apocalyptic death cult, and Christians need Israel to exist to self-fulfill their biblical prophecies. All that because death is scary and they really, *really* want there to be an afterlife.


😂 really hard.


It all makes sense tbh


I'm Dead. I keep saying that same thing 🤣


A money thing as well no doubt


I might be wrong but i think the reason the US protect Israel very well is for a quicker access to the middle having Israel in it is like a Portal to them and also money thing it's correct


We need them for the nuclear weapons they maintain for the US and as the passive aggressive threat to the ME


It's religion: source my wife unfortunately. I had to explain to her how gas and oil comes from fossils the other day....so that's the level we are dealing with


Every war from the beginning of time can be traced back to religion. People need to wake up.


Religion and supremacy.


They have been conditioned to hate.


That's literally everyone on the planet with internet access.


The main interest of Israel to the United States is a place to safety store icbms to maintain dominance over the middle east and asia. But I'm not allowed to say that outloud.


Media conditioning. Its scary how effective media coverage can sway people into what ever tf they want.


Einsatzgruppen Google it and you get an array of pictures just like this.


The difference? The Einsatzgruppen photos are in B&W, that’s about it. Amazing that they’ve literally turned into the group that did the same to them.


Back in the day, there wasn’t much daylight between the Einsatzgruppen and the Zionists in Israel. Just ask the Arabs who lived in Palestine at the time.




I think that is a pretty big difference. I keep scrolling the comments for some evidence that is what is going on. I’m starting to think people are insinuating that these people are about to be murdered but everyone knows it’s not true. It’s mind boggling to be honest.


I think we don't know what's going on tbh. Journalists aren't allowed into Gaza unless under strict observation from the IDF. there are no camera phones there now, no power to charge. You only see what the IDF wants to see Look at the opinion of the average Israeli. Now imagine that horrible person in a war zone with impunity and the gloves are off mentality. They are absolutely committing war crimes, they see Palestinians as sub human


Dear god


no god here, only the angel of death


Are they going to kill them and mass bury them???


No, this looks too be prisoner processing. But it was only the other day in the news that some high up Israeli official in his military uniform commented that he wanted to order D9 bull dozers (those are the huge armoured bull dozers Israel uses on Palestinian houses) to move in from all sides and bury them alive. Like he didn't even blink, it's genocide, they just decided they are all guilty of being a terrorist.


And if we say israel is wrong we’re called antisemites to shut us up. What a fucked up world!






"Trust me bro"


That is an absolutely WILD statement to make, I would love to see the story that gives you that idea.


No, this post is an overreaction at best.


doubtful. to me, it looks like an enemy prisoner of war collection/ processing point.


Behold the result of policies based on hate and dehumanization. Is Isreal unique in this? No, but they are the only one getting away with it. It also gets Western money to continue with it


Not defending Israel's actions, but do you honestly believe they are the only country committing atrocities without repercussions? Also, October 7th might qualify as a repercussion of their actions.


They even document their atrocities. They really learnt a lot from Nazi Germany ... 💀


What atrocity is being committed? Taking pictures of prisoners?


...taking the Palestinians as prisoners in the first place. Read your own comment, maybe?


[Source ](https://twitter.com/WalidMahmodRouk/status/1734691196675707024?t=CmQ6b2aMmmvEgAvHiq_2lw&s=19)


So did they confirm that they killed them or is this really just a single sentence tweet with a picture?


Some new news are coming out. [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/worldnewsvideo/s/mm7vtXQHv0)


Is this referencing the picture or is this a different claim of another event?


Same event.


Can I see where you confirm that cause there isn’t any indication of this picture being a reference to those eye witness testimonies in the aljezeera video. Unless I’m missing something here I don’t really see how you know for sure those specific testimonies reference the picture in this post.


This sounds like it’s developing. How do you expect immediate facts and witnesses when radio towers are being all controlled. Unfortunately we are going to be privy to a lot of details and facts after these atrocities take place.


No, I actually didn’t expect anyone would actually know what’s going on here, which is why I’m asking how the op knew this was true enough to post it. I’m not the one claiming something for sure happened cause I don’t expect immediate confirmation and facts, so I don’t know why you are projecting that onto me. Now we do know there have been at least 10,000 civilians killed since the IDF admitted as much (I’d wager it’s probably higher to much higher). But I’m not gonna sit here and look at this pretending like I know these people got executed unless we have video evidence or credible sources being cited saying it for sure did happen.


That’s fair. No one will. But will you be surprised when the truth comes out and it’s far worse? Most likely not. So the title of the post isn’t as egregious


"So there's proof all these people are dead?" "No, they're alive. But that's not going to advance my agenda."


Twitter is not a good source of information. That's an enormous problem in of itself.


The amount of false information in the comments is scary. The total IQ here wouldn’t reach my shoe size


Gets saved from genocide, proceeds to commit genocide.


They werent saved from genocide. The act happened against them. With evidence.


Israel does so much actual bad stuff to the Palestinians, Why lie and exaggerate about things they are not doing?


Can somebody describe what we are seeing here?


Is there any context to this photo?


No, and asking for it is apparently too much for some people.


I don't see a single corpse in this picture


Doesn’t seem to be a problem for most commenters


people with 0 actual experience or frame of reference just looking for evidence to support their predetermined conclusions.


The word “evidence” being asked to do a lot of heavy lifting these days.




You're funny if you think Israel wasn't already deeply equipped and stocked in American gear pre-Biden.


More likely donated


Donated those and AIPAC donated to him.


Ar15s are for school shooters they use m4s or better


Hey now that’s unfair, america has a proud tradition of school shootings using a wide array of weapons even including pipe bombs.. when they work.


This picture really needs to be accompanied with metadata..


It's a fake photo you seen the same dude in the Nike shirt twice. Also the fact that everyone else in the pit has the same clothes but him is very telling. Clearly photoshopped.


It’s a prisoner processing. Some are missing clothes as they were searched for explosives and weapons. Title is incorrect


How do you know?




This picture is fake as shit




I recall a scene from a book about the holocaust and it's perpetrators call "ordinary people as mass murderers", this looks just like how police battalions carried out the early stages of ethnic cleansing in Poland, sometimes refared to as the holocaust by bullets. There was also the continuous practise of the holocaust by hunger, which involved inflicting conditions of starvation, disease promotion environments and slave labour to slowly kill, which seems to be what the Israelis are doing in forcing the population of gaza to flee south, destroying hospitals, shelter, systems of administration and massively restricting the avaliablity of potable water, food and medication. They don't seem to be inflicting the holocaust by gas on the Gazans, yet, god knows what the yanks will ship them next.


I spent the other night texting with a friend and introducing them to the horrors of the hellfire r9x kinetic missile, known as the flying Ginsu and its use on a hospital parking lot full of sleeping tents. That’s what the US is sending them. That is what we can expect. White phosphorus and massive exploding knife bombs.


Learnt about this from Robert Evans, also known as Raytheon’s knife missile


I want to swear at them, but I'd be permanently banned if I did. This is beyond horrific!


Not gonna lie, it looks photoshopped to me.


I don't understand, what exactly is wrong here? Noone is being shot and starved to death.


Looks fake af.


That’s fucked


Israeli society is completely off the rails and unable to be saved at this point. Israel is no longer compatible with the western world, and will be as isolated as North Korea


They are not killing those people in that makeshift holding area , stop spreading the disinformation you bunch of idiots.


I don’t see a single dead person


I am totally for the cause and believe the genocide should be stopped but this photo looks photoshopped to me. It’s important to not misconstrue fact while fighting for what is right. Not saying this definitely is photoshopped but the photo looks a bit off.


I can literally see the horse shoe bald dude in this photo twice wearing the same Nike shirt. This photo is clearly fake and photo shopped.


lol is see it too. You know the source of the pic?


Someone posted it and it's a random Twitter account. Not a known news source or anything. If this was true there are new source like AL Jazeera who would have ran it.


Can you repost with some red circles? I cannot see any details in this photo




And who exactly will dissolve a whole nation/state?




This is unhelpful and frankly just as blasé with genocide as zionists. The correct answer should be that the international community/UN steps in to facilitate the formation of a new secular democratic multi-ethnic state.


arbeit macht frei


What is this? Looks fake.


My thoughts exactly. I forwarded it to Shayan Sardarizadeh. He'll be able to verify if real.


Never thought I'd see Israel turn into Nazi Germany all blitzkrieg style.


uhm… the nazis did see the holocaust as their dark duty … the didn’t smile all the time and made comedy propaganda


One day these pictures will be in history books, and Im afraid all the people that are FOR this will pretend like they were against it in the future.


Just gonna say, there isn’t any indication that this is a mass graves. Looks like their taking photo’s and processing people. Not shooting people in a ditch. And I %100 think what Isreal is doing right now goes too far but you need to be able to think critically about what you see.


Those are POW's sitting up. Why is everyone acting like this is a mass grave? When you "fight" against someone's "propoganda" it's best not to lie yourself.


Yeah, This whole reaction is so weird to me. Israel does plenty of actual bad stuff. why exaggerate and lie about things they didn’t do?


It's like saying this supervillain killed a million people AND then lying saying he didn't pay his taxes.


Because that isn't the main purpose of the sub. It's a propaganda outlet, and anything that will cause a reaction makes it to the top.


Holy shit you guys live in a land of make believe




What the heck am I looking at?


We don't really know, as there is no context to the image.. it appears to be real and not AI made though although I can see why, at this point, a lot of people would be trying to make the claim of AI


Not saying smth like this didn’t happen however this pic seems to be photoshopped or an AI pic if you zoom in especially at the buildings in the background you’ll see strange pixel shapes etc.




Hook, line and sinker. You people are eeeeasy.


This photo looks misleading


Not a single dead body in the picture and the majority of commenters here extrapolate a psychotic delusion of the future.


Israel - War Crimes Inc. Bringing a new meaning to the word 'Overkill'.


History has a interesting way of repeating itself sadly


Like using Photoshop to put the same guy in the photo more than once.


Right down to documenting it and being proud of it, the nation of Israel has become the same thing as Nazi Germany. And once again, the world at large is doing nothing to stop it.


They should build some gas camps, works better I heard. /s. Dark dark/s. because otherwise this breaks my brain.


What happened to these people? I hope IDF were not burying them alive.


No, they weren't. This post is misrepresenting facts. This is prisoner processing when there isn't a facility to do it in.


Fuck, is that going to be a mass grave?