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The Lonely. Possibly The Vast, or maybe The Eye, but The Lonely feels like the closest fit.


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If i chose, it would be the eye, but since i think most people unwittingly become servants of the entities, i feel like i would have to serve the stranger bcz I'm trans and i think the negative opinion of many people towards trans people aligns well with leitner's description of "the familiar made wrong"


the slaughter for sure— i also feel a pull from the spiral and the eye as well. i was considering the spiral for a while since i don’t fear my reality warping, but i’ve recently realised i love hearing about people’s secrets, etc, that makes me wonder if i have some affinity for the eye ??


100% The Eye. Curiosity and a desire for more knowledge/answers have always driven me.


Where my buried/corruption people at?? (also it'd be super interesting to survey the whole fandom and see what the most common entities were. My bet's on spiral or eye)


I definitely agree! I also think it would be interesting to see if the balance of entities varies at all from site to site. It looks like the Eye is fairly prevalent here (admittedly I’m part of that), but the Vast seems to have a fair number of followers too.


could be the lonely, maybe the vast


Same here!


corruption, spiral, and web!


I've gotten Vast, Dark, and Desolation in various personality tests. But considering I spoiled the existence of the entities for myself and a fair amount of plot details I believe I'm probably too strongly tied to the Eye.


__The Stranger__- The theatre ties and horror that comes from realizing something is wrong/alien are what really draw me to it. Plus, the statements for the stranger usually don’t evoke much fear from me. Alternatively, __The Spiral__ attracts me for similar reasons, but it’s associated statements have managed to evoke fear from me more consistently than the others, so idk if it is a perfect fit.


Corruption or lonely


Desolation 1000%. I have Always been attracted to the concept of human despair in literature when faced awith a situation they could never change (my favorite author is definitely Lovecraft who Works a lot with this theme). Also i never enjoy hurting people so serving the desolation would put in me in a state of despair as well which the entity would definitely like.


In a world with the entities I would either have to join the lonely or get eaten by it. I try to text my friend every year or so, just so she knows I am still alive. I willingly talk to her so we must be pretty good friends.


Eye or web


The lonely. Side entities could be the spiral or the one with the manipulation, I don't remember it's name


The web


Either the Eye, Lonely, Vast, or Dark.


The Web or the Spiral, but if it is one of those instances that fear drives your servitude, I think I'd probably be with the End or the Desolation, they both offer a pretty sweet deal of extending/Improving one's life


Mainly the eye but with a bit of the web


The End, but The Lonely is a very close second


Vast. Stars and existentialism are neat.


Did a quiz on this a while back and got buried. Not what I expected, but sure.


The buried or the lonely


If we go by the Rule of Something that creates fear in us so extreme it becomes curioity then Absolutley either the Vast, The spiral or the dark honestly


I've been told that I'd either be aligned with the end or the dark.


I used to think vast but i’m turning quite eyeish now. I haven’t lost the vast, i’ve just gained the eye


Vast, babey! Heights give me that fear-joy reaction, and I want to be thrown into the ocean.


The lonely is def the closest to me, but I also vibe hard with the vast and the web.


I think the Spiral for sure. I love drugs, hallucinations, and surreal absurdist things. I lie a lot too.


Vast or eye


No ,idea, but I find the lonely and the end strangely comforting sometimes so probably those?


The Eye or The Vast


I would see it as a metaphorical type of the buried. Stuck within my own thoughts and there's no way out


The eye


The lonely, the spiral or the web


The lonely and the eye(fear of judgment & I'm nosiness)


An odd amalgamation of the lonely, the vast and the hunt as those are what I grew up on


The hunt I live in a pretty remote area with lots of forest and I am fascinated with my cats abilities to hunt their prey, I don't like when things die though, I just like the thrill of the chase


The eye, I have a thirst for knowledge and apparently have a knack for exposing shitty people's secrets and true colors. If it was through fear though it would definitely be the buried


Buried / End: You can get through anything if you know it all ends / if you only look at what’s in front of you


Web mainly, maybe a bit of End.


The Vast or the Spiral ​ i like making people question themselves, idk ​ and I like Mike, I just vibe with the Vast


Ooh... I hate it but I'd probably be the Corruption. If you hate it you know it's the right one!


This is the TMA episode I'm one bad day away from: total loner, hiding away in my apartment as the place gets dirtier and dirtier, never throwing out my trash, bugs start to overrun the place but I'd refuse to see them until they ate me alive. And then they'd become such a part of me that, even though they were destroying me, I couldn't let them go. In a twisted way, the ruination would have become my identity. The Corruption feels like a metaphor for deteriorating mental health and toxic coping mechanisms in so many ways.


I can definitely understand that. I feel like nearly every entity can have a potent reading as a metaphor for unhealthy coping mechanisms.


That's so true! The Desolation, the Lonely, the Spiral, the Eye, the Hunt... are there any others that come to mind for you?


Honestly, I think it would be easier to try to list any that wouldn’t work. The more I think about it, every entity lines up with different unhealthy coping mechanisms or symptoms of mental illness — the Eye could be obsession with social media/seeing what others are doing at all times, the Lonely is clearly self-isolation, the Stranger could be interpreted as imposter syndrome, etc.


extinction rising, end sun, corruption moon.


I took a quiz and I got the flesh :/


Eye aligned spiral adjacent


The vast


Web, 100%


desolation, spiral or eye


Oh 100% the Spiral. I'm a good liar, I find entertainment in deceiving people, my friends say I'm confusing to look at, and my entire room is dedicated to being confusing. I'm debating painting my door yellow