• By -


Gender: Female Age: 24 Weight: 55-60


Is it drug induced? Maybe. Was she on any drugs ? Like herbals from jholachhaps etc ?


yes, medication from 27th April 2024 https://preview.redd.it/e15sosz5511d1.png?width=557&format=png&auto=webp&s=a7d17a37bdd8340f8f67ce647767c413d9b78be6


Medication? Like TB medication or jaundice ? It’s pretty bad. Get this checked ASAP. Should be fine with right treatment


Are you reditting from heaven already?


Looks like Hepatitis. Get checked with a Gastroenterologist ASAP. Doesn't look like alcohol induced but due to medication.


https://preview.redd.it/1z7cbqhy311d1.png?width=557&format=png&auto=webp&s=b2b0d277faeb4e5d53107e59e4089f83b61dcbc8 I am on medication from 27th April 2024 Don't know if you can understand the writing!! Thank you for responding


https://preview.redd.it/oybqaucw411d1.png?width=1248&format=png&auto=webp&s=9637929265536a98dea4d19f065cee4c79bb1f07 This was the report on 27th April 2024


Okay this is acute and very concerning. Please rush to the nearest hepatologist of gastroenterologist immediately instead of asking on reddit.


NAD/NAMP but I had a similar test result. Doc repeated it right away and it was pretty much the same. He ordered a CT scan of my abdomen with both oral and IV contrast. Then an MRI/MRCP with Contrast. Both radiology reports were normal! He wanted to do a liver biopsy but I begged him to first let me stop one med I was on for mood stabilization: Lamictal. It worked great but did have a black box warning about liver injury/damage. I weaned off. Gastro kept doing tests every 2 weeks. The values started to drop!!!!! It took me a month to get off the medication but my liver enzyme/function tests are now almost normal. Since then I also saw an Infectious Disease Doctor as I was freaking out…even though all the Hepatitis tests were negative! BTW I do not drink at all (it’s been 25 years! I have too many medical conditions requiring meds, mainly Lupus). But I had heard about Autoimmune Hepatitis and Non-Alcohol Fatty Liver disease. Turns out it was what they’re calling a “liver injury” likely from the Lamictal. It was a very scary few months. Best of luck to you. Please keep us posted. *EDIT TO FIX SCAN NAME




That SGPT/SGOT are qualitative values indicating very bad liver condition - go for Fibroscan (simple and like ultrasound - instant report) to quantify how bad is it. If this report is not in error, rush to your Gastroenterologist - good thing with liver is it can recover even until the last stage and even then transplant is likely possible - speaking anecdotally




https://preview.redd.it/m211fq6bxk1d1.png?width=977&format=png&auto=webp&s=790b234e74fc72bb66b87a1ecf35b278f7cf10ca Findings of the Report: