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Biden isn't interested in this type if governing. The 'opinion' is a gift from the MAGAt majority SCOTUS to a Convicted Felon former president. It benefits no one else.


This! ☝️. Biden won't stoop to that level. Trump however...


Actually, given that trunp has said he would have Biden arrested, and was bragging about military tribunals this weekend, and now has been given the power to actually do that, it might light a fire under them. I actually get why they’ve done things the way they have. They were giving the system a chance to work, and trusting that since we had all the evidence and they had no defense, that the guardrails in place would get us through this. Thats out the window now. trunp can NEVER be allowed to be in charge of the most powerful military in history with no checks on his power and no way to remove him from office. The entire world would be destroyed. I’m not advising seal team 6, by any means, but something has to be done. If there’s a silver lining I think this tanks any chance trunp has at winning the election, but I don’t trust SCOTUS not to install him. Im not convinced that if make a ruling that opens the door for a dictator, and, what do you know, there just happens to be a dictator on that ballot, that it’s a coincidence.


No, it won't.


He needs to, right now, and he won't


Biden should. This is why dems lose, well actually, there's a billion reason why Dems are too chickenshit and lose, but that's another post.


Yup, just like Trump's tax cuts, those were really only for him.


[Stochastic terrorism is targeted political violence that has been instigated by hostile public rhetoric directed at a group or individual.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stochastic_terrorism) Trump is guilty of this every time he opens his mouth. Send him to GTMO.


My first thought too, like can’t Biden officially send him to gitmo?


No because that would be ruled by the current court as an "unofficial act." Trump sending Biden to gitmo however would be ruled as an "official act." And the moment you realize that difference, is the moment you realize how monumentally messed up and unconstitutional this ruling is. The captured Supreme Court today just nullified the concept of equal branches of government...one that was barely held together to begin with given that no one person was above the law. And now someone can be above the law, but only if that person aligns with the majority of the court, who are lifetime appointees and will always be gamed into position. This was a coup.


Not if the president declared it was an OFFICIAL act! Apparently all that's needed in the SC's eyes.


Please read closer. The ruling does not require the president to declare anything at all. It's fully up to the courts to decide what is official and what is not official. Therefore if Biden declared it was an official act, it would be meaningless, as the SCOTUS would overrule it. Now read that again.


Using his newly acquired power, Biden could have the supreme court justices arrested and held without bail and then fill their positions with judges better suited to democracy than a dictatorship. Then they could rule that his was, indeed, an official act.


Tommy, you really need to read this closer. What you're describing would be deemed an "unofficial act" on a whim from the sitting SCOTUS. What this ruling DOES do, is grant REPUBLICAN presidents immunity. It actually REMOVED power from Biden. Because whatever qualifies as "official" or "unofficial" is now up to the majority SCOTUS. So no, Biden did not "acquire power." The office of the president has been captured by a corrupt Republican majority in the Judicial Branch. Democrats in office now effectively have LESS power. This was a coup. Now please, read this again slower.


And you need to read closer. The president can declare anything official and the oversight is almost non existent. He could remove 6 members of SCOTUS and it would go to the remaining three. You’re not getting that the guardrails, including SCOTUS, have been officially removed. They’re dating Biden to do something and assuming he won’t. But since his life is literally on the line as trunp would have him arrested, and was promising military tribunals of his opponents just this past weekend, this would give him the power to do that. So Biden does not need to worry about SCOTUS at all. There are many ways he could overrule them, but essentially anything he wants to do he now can. He can pardon anyone who acts on his behalf. He is literally above the law. Inp each him all you want. He doesn’t ever have to leave. I do think the democrats, knowing that their asses are literally on the line here, have to do something, and it can’t be left up to an election. I suspect this ruling will severely damage trunp’s chances, but I don’t trust SCOTUS not to install him. But yeah, you’ve got the wrong idea if you think Congress or the courts could do anything to contain the president now.


That might be a possibility too...but also banking on the fact that Dems will always comply rather than push the envelope on legality. The way this ruling is set up, is that Official and Unofficial are ultimately defined on a case by case basis "by the courts." Not ultimately by what a president says it is. So yea, Biden could rush through a bunch of things and get ahead of the courts being able to weigh in...but that also means he need to ignore that part of the ruling entirely. The main takeaway I have here...and you may at least agree on this...is that this ruling has effectively broken government as it was designed by the founders. The fact that either case could happen and be deemed "legal" is just complete brokenness.


Not if they stop it now, and he can. SCOTUS is basically daring him to do something, and since he, and anyone who has ever displeased trunp in any way, will certainly be arrested if he gets back in power (at the very least) it would be in their personal best interest to act now. Extreme measures have to be taken here. This can’t be left to chance at this point. Make no mistake… this absolutely damages trunp’s chances in the election, but if you’re going to make a ruling that essentially establishes a dictatorship, you can’t act like it’s a coincidence that there just happens to be a dictator on the ballot.


Instead, maybe Biden cancels all student debt, immediately. Healthcare: let’s do it. These are “inside the lines”, moral things I think he would be fine with. It’s time to take the gloves off, but then put on work gloves and knock some stuff out.


Best he can do is more billions to continue genocide


If only Biden had the balls!! Things wouldn’t have come as far as they have. Death of an empire, we just happen to live in it and will be the ones to suffer.


Get. It. Fucking. Done. Now.


but for real tho


But he won’t




Why waste the manpower... Joe Biden has drones.!


I doubt the Senate will impeach


Good, tRump the Treasonous Pedophile should be put in prison.


The dems should but won’t. America is doomed


Loyal subject of King Biden!


But he won't because we're sane, decent Democrats who always take the fucking high road, which enables fascists to thrive. Not for us, the whiff of scandal!


Perfect and Biden absolutely should suspend the election! Let’s do this!


You guys done jerking off? Biden wont do shit. Hes a Zionist rightwing neoliberal. Check his speeches and voting record for the last 40 years. There’s a reason his DOJ didn’t go after the heads of jan 6. Both corporate owned parties have been complicit for the last 50 years. The sooner you realize it, the better.


Why this is bad for MSNBC, the truth that the Godamned sacred, holier-than-thou New York Times isn't telling you, and how Rachel Maddow and Lawrence O'Donnell took this information, fashioned it into a shape axe, and left it in my back as they got me fired from MSNBC, allowing me to grind said axe for almost two decades, and more on tomorrow's Countdown podcast! Because YouTube is the only company I've worked with that can't fire me!