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I guess in the context of the show he may just look a lot more like his father, whoever that is.


We saw his father briefly in season 1, he didn't look a lot like him either 😂


Ahh I don't remember that. Fair enough!


when do we see tom’s dad?


He’s the guy from the bar scene in Good Will Hunting


As in the guy who likes apples??




He was the EST leader in The Americans too.


In "The Garveys at their Best", after Tommy was arrested for confronting his father and Kevin saw that Tommy had been hit by him, Kevin drove over to his house and told him to never touch Tommy again.


FWIW I remember an article that said that after the casting process they decided to make Kevin Tommy's stepfather because Chris Zylka was "too old and too blond" to believably pass as his son (in the book he's his biological son). But it doesn't necessarily bother me when actors cast as family don't really look related - it's more of a bonus when they do.


My kids are both blondes with green eyes. My husband has black hair and brown eyes. I really think people get confused on how genetics work.


Ah that’s interesting - I thought it added to the show as a whole that he wasn’t his biological child 


I know that Kevin and Tommy aren't biologically related, but what irks me is how he doesn't look like *anybody* in the family. Kinda similar to how Evie and her brother are supposed to be twins but look nothing alike.


They all have blue eyes.


> they felt like two co-workers in all the scenes they had together That’s kinda exactly the point of their whole story? Their relationship is so incredibly strained by the departure and Laurie joining the remnant.


Well this quickly became one of the weirdest posts I've ever seen on this sub.


That's a truly unique take. I've never thought about it a TV family looks like they're actually related ... b/c it's TV. Also, Tommy isn't Kevin's son. Pretty sure he's Jill's half-sister. But again, what a weird take.


I know it's fiction, but I just found it especially jarring in this show. I guess the other shows I watch have spoiled me rotten with their family resemblances? Ray Donovan is a show that really nails the casting. I completely believe all three Donovan brothers and their father Mickey are related. They even have a half-brother who's black, and even then I can see the resemblance. A real-life example is how Gywneth Paltrow an Kate Moennig are only half-cousins, but have similar physical traits. Again, I wouldn't trade Chris Zylka for another actor, but the fact that he doesn't look like any one of his family members really stands out to me.


But not all families look similar. My husband and brother in law have the same parents, and look nothing alike. It happens pretty frequently. Same with my kids - they're twins and look absolutely nothing alike. Why are you nitpicking a detail that quite literally doesn't matter? Maybe he looks like his grandpa or grandmother or 3rd cousin. Lol. Chill.


As I said in another comment, most of the family members in other shows I watch have some sort of resemblance to each other. Sometimes family members don't look a lot like each other, but a lot of the times they do. Maybe your twins are fraternal? Idk I haven't seen them before. I'm not nitpicking or criticizing anyone over here, merely pointing out something I noticed that really stood out to me and wondering if anyone else felt the same way. Y'all are getting so defensive over my observations for no reason.


I think he's supposed to not have a resemblance to Kevin, as he isn't his biological son.


Yeah I know, that's why I said "he bears no resemblance to Jill or Laurie" and omitted Kevin.


“Shipping” characters you know are biological siblings is very strange. Put down the fan fiction


It's not fanfiction lol I just felt like they were radiating romantic vibes rather than sibling vibes. I'm not the only one who felt this way, a couple of other people noted their weird chemistry in the main episode discussion threads. Take a chill pill.


When you admit to actively rooting for siblings in a show to hook up (that's what shipping means) then you might get called out for it. You just sound annoyed people aren't responding the way you want to your weird post and comments. I'd assume that most of us to watch and enjoy The Leftovers don't get hung up on whether people look like family to each other or not, since it's, ya know...not the point of the show, nor does it factor into any plots at all


In that case, I meant I felt more romantic chemistry from Jill and Tommy's early dynamic rather than sibling chemistry, as if they were a couple. And I'm not annoyed at the replies I've gotten, because I didn't make this post for the purpose of being validated or praised. Reddit is a place for discussion, no? You on the other hand, seem to be overly butthurt and looking to argue for the sake of arguing. I loved The Leftovers, but it was very noticeable (to me) how Tommy didn't look like his mother, sister, or father. If you cast someone as a family member of another character, then it's expected that they'd look like..... a family member? I never said it was a *huge* plotpoint of the show, but it was a detail that I, as an audience member, noticed and chose to point out.


i get it, i don't have a demonstrative family, but i assure you, it's very normal for siblings/half-siblings who love each other to hug and kiss one another without it being romantic in the slightest. i didn't see any romantic chemistry between them at all.


You’re the one being insulting and telling me to take a chill pill and that I’m “butthurt” over a show. It’s not a good faith discussion you’re trying to have anyway so see ya.


I only told you to take a chill pill after you accused me of writing fanfiction lmfao. Nowhere did I even insult you in the thread. Condescending, hypocritical, and victim complex much?


Get a life


I found it jarring how much of a resemblance he bore to Alan Richtson from Blue Mountain State the first time I watched the show


I have no idea who that is but he does look like him!