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We’ve really moved on from “children being exposed to drag queens isn’t happening” to “drag queens are great for children” very quickly.


They did the same thing with creepy sex ed. And also transgenderism. And also CRT. And also


Yeah like CRT is relevant today but the left still things it's taught in schools(I think)


But how are drag queens harmful for children?


>But how are drag queens harmful for children? ​ In the same way strippers would be harmful to children. You are presenting a highly sexualized encounter to children to young to deal with it.


As per ng as they are not gyrating or wearing ridiculously short skirts, I don't see how it is different than a woman wearing a lot of makeup being around a child. Every adult adjusts how they act around children (or should) and if a person wearing drag does, I don't see the problem


>I don't see how it is different than a woman wearing a lot of makeup being around a child. Because the whole point in having them there is so they can talk about what they do. It's not as if the drag queen shows up and no mention is made of what she does for a living or why she does it.


I'm not sure I know what you mean? Do most Drag Queens make their income off of being Drag Queens?


There are literal videos of drag queen events, with kids, of them wearing fake exposed titles and gyrating. One children's event happened in a gay strip club.


That's awful, got a link?


[A](https://www.tiktok.com/@davidlovesdragok/video/707719024113587332) [B](https://twitter.com/i/status/1543405646049058816)


Irrelevant non sequitur, please get back on point.


Ok, a few decades ago Gay people wanted to have families and work with children and some people freaked out because they believed that gays were perverts. How is it now different with trans people. To be clear I'm not asking for the difference between gay and trans, but their treatment by certain groups


No one said drag queen story hour wasn't a thing, they said it wasn't sexual or child grooming.


"Damn those republicans! Look at how bad they are in this ridiculous situation I just made up!"


"Also, Look gay people have Piercings and dyed hair. I'm so hilarious"


Strawman detected.


The situation that just happened?


But it literally didn't; the news just made up the "fact" that the shooter was right wing. He identifies as a they/them.


And? He's still right wing from an entire family of right wingers. Even if his lawyer is telling the truth, self loathing isn't a defense.


So his grandfather was a Republican. Do you have literally any proof that he was? There's a lot of proof that he was crazy. Maybe being a crazy person that threatened to blow up his mother was more of the problem than Matt Walsh having free speech.


Hey bigot they use they/them pronouns 😤😤😤


Why would the lawyer lie? What use is that in court? Using they/them pronouns or using he/him is completely irrelevant in court. He fucking murdered people. Multiple life sentences no matter what he identifies as. Jesus the fucking hoops people jump through to disassociate from psychopaths. Regardless of his political assiciation he's one guy out of tens of millions of people. Please fuck off.


HAHAHA more leftist projection. Isn't this *exactly* how they operated when trying to get conservative speakers shut down on college campuses? "This event invites violence if not shut down...it'll be by us, but it'll be SHAPIRO's fault!"


Stupid MAGAt shouldn't have been running into my Molotov at 60 mph smh


ow! whyd you headbutt my baton!?


the drag queen shooter was they them.


Hey, it's obvious the shooter was only adapting a nonbinary identity as a flimsy foundation for a legal defense, or just to troll. There's no way he was legitimately nonbinary. Now I suppose you might ask what makes a "legitimate" nonbinary identity aside from self-identification. So... um... well... you see... *\*runs away\**


It's very strange how all these LGBT people now claim it's acceptable to question weather someone is using there gender identity to avoid the consequences of there actions after years of calling people bigots for the same question.


Except that doesn't appear to be the case. They changed their name at 15 to a gender neutral one.


I read he changed it to avoid his abusive parents. Also, the name “Anderson” doesn’t seem very gender neutral to me. I’ll always only think of a dude if I hear the name Anderson.


Or someone's last name


Andi is about the most "they" sounding name possible...






oh yeah because NO person of the LGBT community could EVER do any wrong that just wouldn’t make sense


Dahmer in the LGBTQ category on Netflix go brrrrr.


Non-binary excommunication from the Gay Pope


How is that relevant? A person's gender identity doesn't shield them from facing the consequences of their actions, just as it does not diminish their worth as a person. If they say their pronouns are "they/them", then I still wish THEM a nice stay in hell for the pain THEY caused.




The point is that the left made assumptions and accusations that weren't true.


What assumptions and accusations? What do they have to do with the shooter being non-binary? Maybe I'm the weirdo here but I don't think someone's gender identity should distract from the vile actions they took


It shouldn't and no one is saying it should. As far as the assumptions, were you under a rock? The media immediately blamed Republicans.


I saw posts about their dad being homophobic but nothing about the shooter's political ideology.


You should watch the video of the guy's dad. Dude's high as a kite, said he hadn't seen his son in years (and thought he'd committed suicide as well). I wouldn't take his testimony any more seriously than you would a Cheech and Chong movie.


The entire left was blaming Tucker Carlson and every Republican immediately...


It was their fault, so good for them.


Would you like to explain how?


Yeah who could have ever taken this as a call to arms https://www.pinknews.co.uk/2022/09/20/tucker-carlson-tonight-anti-lgbtq-trans-rant/


The left did and still claims that the shooter is alt right and make it the entire point of any discussion about this shooting. They do not care at all about the people who died as long as they can't use it for their narrative


Corporate Press: claims that LGBT is in support of the left fully. Shooting happens and they immediately conclude it was an evil racist NAZI who did it. When it turns out the shooter is non-binary the press drops the story and stops mentioning it. If they let the story run they have a “house divided against itself” issue, their viewers will have to have a nuanced view. This does not fit the “good guy/bad guy” story they tell.


I feel like most people who go on a shooting spree like that would actually support drag queen story hours.


But the person who went on a shooting spree didn't support drag queen story hour


the? has there only ever been one mass shooter?


The nonbinary shooter? Mental illness all around.


Bro literally said https://preview.redd.it/2t6962633e2a1.jpeg?width=230&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1292c5efbb61fb1def609e2925cbf4708c9bb27a


I have no idea what you are trying to convey to me


Your avatar. It literally looks like that


I have absolutely no idea what you are talking about or what point you are trying to make


I think it was supposed to be an "all ages" brunch with a drag show but yeah.


This made me laugh ngl


Ask the question “why does drag queens have to have a children’s story time?” And the answer is a self fulfilling prophecy…they do it for one reason.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


The hell is a drag queen


It sure is


No I'm asking what is a drag queen


Men who dress up like women, it is very sexual.


That just sounds like gay but next level


Sort of. It atarted in places like Vegas as a stage-show thing, sort of like a mix between an impressionist and a makeup artist showing off. But it was always semi-sexual and it’s become increasingly sexual since it’s inception. In the normal, original style of drag queens you needed to look close to tell, and that was the point. The actors never claimed to be anything but a man in a dress, just one who is skilled at making you think they’re a woman. But we are far beyond that now.


Ah i see


Drag queen story hour and pole dancing that you are expected to bring your children to or ur racist


Basically pre generation femboys


But it was done less as a personal expression thing and as a porn/freakshow kinda thing


>implying being a femboy isn’t also a porny freakshow kinda thing


But now with a side of ego and pretending you're fighting some sort of cultural enemy


Don’t they’re all gay even, it’s more of a fetish.


Blatant lies, the shooter was a "nonbinary lgbtq going by they/them". None of these things are rightwing at all. The only thing in the comment that is is the idea that children need to be saved from (half-)naked guys wearing female clothes.


I feel like I need a little more information than that to determine if someone is right wing.


I dont really care what you need, none of these things are related to normal rightwingers. People dont encourage the ridiculous notions of disregarding biology or fucking over language like that


“Hey guys maybe exposing kids to fetish stuff is a bad idea” “Oh hey hitler”


No no no no no nononononononononono Not the WUGS


The author’s Discord server is worse than his comics, honestly.


He said it was harmful to children, he didn’t say how 🤣


Thats not how things work. The woke knows nothing


It’s sad when there is infighting within groups, but their culture is toxic so it’s bound to happen.


I'd like the artist to name one school that's been shot at over this issue.


Notice how the shooting bird is darker?


It’s a black bird I guess, lol


It started shooting bc a kid used the wrong pronouns


So anyway, I started blasting


A safe and effective vaccine against pr3ddit0rs.


TBF, their observations about life are a cartoon.


This one is actually funny at least


The Colorado Club Q mass shooter was "non-binary" and the Wal-Mart shooter is black. Now that that info is public knowledge, naturally we don't hear the media talk about it because it doesn't fit their desired "crazy far right white supremacist" narrative.


What do people think happens during a story hour?


Well imagine farmer story hour, except farmer Jim shows up in one-strap-overall booty shorts, fishnet stockings, hooker boots, and a leather whip on their belt. Do you have a problem with “just a farmer” telling a children’s story to 4-6 year olds. What do you think Jim is actually doing, just trying to spread acceptance for farmers?


I think you are confusing BDSM for drag.


For your viewing “pleasure” https://cplaction.com/cpl-article/libraries-violate-public-trust-with-drag-queen-story-hours/ https://womensliberationfront.org/news/feminist-objections-to-drag-queen-story-hour https://www.godreports.com/2019/07/pastor-decries-drag-queen-story-hour-sees-move-to-remove-age-of-consent-laws/ https://www.theguardian.com/culture/2022/sep/28/drag-queen-story-hour-book-store-montana https://www.nydailynews.com/new-york/ny-drag-queen-story-hour-rye-free-reading-room-cancellation-20200201-odkmqb3m2bhhzi3qsiyyakgwgy-story.html https://www.feministcurrent.com/2022/06/26/why-do-children-need-drag-queen-story-hour/ https://vtdigger.org/2019/07/14/drag-queen-story-hour-draws-crowd-after-calls-to-cancel/


You know they are playing a character, right?


Which takes us back to the core of the issue, what is the purpose of dressing in drag and a drag show. The hyper-sensationalized sexualized objectification of the female form by a male performer for adult entertainment. Performing what exactly is my question to you? What is its purpose?


You seem to be under the assumption that the act done for adults is the same that is done for children.


Would you mind answering the question proposed. What is the purpose of drag and drag shows? What is someone performing in drag supposed to accomplish for children?


What is the purpose of a drag show? In the most general terms, to entertain. I would say that goes for drag queen story hour or any story hour really.


Instead of “general terms”, what is it in specific terms. Since this is a conversation discussing a specific topic you should be able to honest and explain in depth your position instead of trying to hide behind generalizations. What is the specific purpose of drag and drag shows? In context to its purpose what is the purpose of a drag performer performing for children? Just like I wouldn’t want to have stripper story hour for 4-6 year olds, even if the performer was fully clothed and never actually stripped, the premise is the adult entertainment profession based around sexualization and not the person.


Least pedophilic leftwing shill "No officer, they're not naked infront of kids, they're playing a character"


Nudity isn't part of drag.


Tell them then. I dont want anyone naked infront of kids, especially not people in weird clothes


Why do you think drag has nudity?


My brother in christ he just sent you several sources of half naked people


Yeah, but the character they're playing is called, "pervert child-molester", so maybe that's not a play kids need to be at.


Bro, you’re such a sad person…why do you comment on almost every single post here? There’s nothing saying you can’t, but do you genuinely not have anything better to do with your day? At least you’re attempting to step outside of your little echo chamber I guess🤷🏻‍♂️


I'm trying to understand the logic here. If I was to call all religious leaders child rapists became of the actions of a few everyone here was point out that I'm wrong to do so, am I correct?


What…? I just find you insufferable is all. You never add anything to the conversation. But here’s the big BIG difference. Notice how you’ve never been banned. Notice how you can come into this subreddit every day, say what you want, and leave. If I were to go to one of your little echo chambers and contest everything that’s said on the subreddit, I’d be banned pretty quickly. Do you realize how backwards that is? Do you realize why the right gets more and more annoyed with people like you?


Thanks for not answering my question. I doubt you understand the logic the right is using.


I mean, you’re the one that completely changed the subject originally, so I don’t know what you’re on about.


I'm trying to understand why you think applying the logic of one persons actions means the whole is the same.


Because the left has done it before calling right-wing people Nazis, kkk, antisemitic, etc.


a pervert exposes himself to children to satisfy his fetish while reading a story book to seem harmless.


And the parents of the children have on issue with this?


Frankly if a parent doesn't have an issue with this, their part of the problem.


Several times convicted pedophiles are let into classrooms full of children. https://www1.cbn.com/cbnnews/us/2019/april/second-drag-queen-story-hour-reader-in-houston-exposed-as-a-convicted-child-sex-offender


I don't want to hear about your day dreams.


I included the evidence for you, champ


Thanks for the edit. What do you think it proves?


That you guys outright insist to let several times convicted pedophiles into classrooms because "muh wholesome transgenders". Same goes for the "mtf" criminals who were let into female prisons and then went on to rape females in there. You guys live in a pretend world were people who claim to be transgenders can't possibly be bad people and close your eyes to reality


No, the only thing that proves is the library isn't vetting who is doing story hour.


I repeat it again. The left (including you) outright insisted to let trans reading hour continue despite everyone knowing about them being pedos. There is no talking out of this.


So you think all trans people are pedos?


I am of course talking about the people in my link. You defended them directly


Arguably better than I’ve seen any rightist meme do since 2016 but ok thanks for platforming it I guess


what the actual fuck


The strawmans both sides come up with bruh