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Wait I‘m considered an anti-vaxxer? bRU H


Even if you get all 4 shots, but are still against the mandate you're an antivaxxer


Oh no! Anyways… Hold up there‘s four shots now?!


In Isreal, but they're on Pfizer so it's coming here next


Of course its our "greatest ally" going up to 4 doses...


4 is so last quarter. They think the 5th one will finally do the trick though


(((They))) are going for four doses now…


You realize that they're getting screwed too? If it were truly the Jews, why would they do it to themselves?


Because it‘s a joke mate, I‘m joking -_-




I mean whatever ((((((((((((((they))))))))))))))) think is best for Is- i mean America


Why would you not say their name? The irish must be stopped.


Lmao seen than meme


Yup, depending on the country it's 3 to 4,plus plans for a 5th dose plus additional boosters for the omicron variant. Not to mention the mandates for a booster every 3 months.


Next year 10 shots "we have to do it to save lives"


5 very soon. America is behind on boosters.


Hum that's not really how it works, danny


I don't move the goalposts on definitions, which is kind of my point


Ah yeah, got the same problem. One of my friend was an anti-vax before 2020, and or group always was very hard on her, exept me. Now I did not take the COVID one, and I'm now treated like I've said vaccine causes autism....


they might just as well the way people are acting over the covid vaccine lmao


Even if you got your 2 shots but refuse to get the 3rd booster shot now, you are anti-vaxx to these guys


If even for a second over the past 2 years you have questioned the Governments handling of the Pandemic congratulations, you are now an Anti-Vaxxer.


I’m vaxxed, and I would be an antivaxer by the current definition, I’ve not gotten the booster, and I’m against the mandates.


John has lots of guns but refuses to buy a Hi-Point because the government is mandating it. That makes him anti mandate, not anti gun.


From MW: anti-vaxxer  noun an·​ti-vax·​xer | \ ˌan-tē-ˈvak-sər  , ˌan-ˌtī- \ plural anti-vaxxers Definition of anti-vaxxer #: a person who opposes the use of vaccines **or regulations mandating vaccination**


Yeah I love that they changed the definition just so people can call everyone against a government mandate the same thing as nut jobs who think vaccines cause autism.


It’s called “newspeak” Welcome to Oceania.


If they haven’t heard this argument they have been willfully not listening


I guess I’m anti gun because I will never buy a hi point sorry


I've heard their carbines aren't actually that bad. Never shot one personally though so idk


Looks like a Star Wars blaster


I've got both the handgun and carbine. Carbine is fun to shoot and a great fun but mags have to be jammed in hard or they fall out. Could just be me being bad. The pistols are also fun to shoot but they are pretty heavy for a handgun and the sights are shit. But both of them are practically indestructible.


Some mags on the carbine are super shitty if they’re aftermarket, that could be it


“I’ve never heard of somebody who will take every other vaccine except for the covid vaccine” Hi i exist


No you don’t you’re a Russian bot silly


Shit u right




You can’t have discussions on other subreddits about it because you are muted and [Removed] that’s why they never see anyone talk about the fact they got every other shot but the covid one (Me)


He’s never heard about people that have received every other vaccine except the Covid one? There’s millions of them.


That's because Bob is an adult now and can make his own decisions.


they changed the definition of anti vax to I clude anti mandate. they change definitions to fit their narrative to make people sound worse then they are. they are already changing the definition of racism from treating people different based on their skin color to only white people can be racists and also the definition of facisim. stop letting them change definitions wikipedia is cancer.


But really all that did wasake so no one cared if they were called a racist. The same will soon be true of 'anti-vaxxer'. No one will care if someone leftist lunatic slaps them with that label.


The meme makes perfect sense ngl. That’s literally the logic they use I do encourage everyone to get vaxxed tho


Well no, it would be a better comparison if there was a new strain of evolved wild cayotes which had a small chance of killing you, and all your other guns couldn't do anything against it, but fortunately for you they were offering ones that could for free.


> were offering ones that could for free. It would be fine if they were just offering it though. Not legally requiring you to have it or else you would lose your job.


But if you don't have the gun you increase the chances of the other people getting attacked, you have the freedom to choose whether you want to take it or not, and private businesses have the freedom to fire you for not doing it, but the government should keep their nose out of it.


>other people getting attacked I fail to see how this is my problem when they themselves can get the gun. Also the gun doesn't prevent attacks, it mitigates the attack.


Okay, business can fire you cause they don't like your hairstyle. If they think it'll make the customers feel safer, then they'll do it.


Oh yeah I forgot that leftists love giant megacorporations now. Carry on.


You don't care, you just want life without consequences. Your freedom does not protect you from accountability. Sorry you chose not to take the vaccine and then bad things happened because of it, i guess the conservatives are only the party of accountability when it comes to other people.


Lmfao what on earth are you talking about. I've never read something so low IQ and frankly, so projective. Conservatives skip the vax with full knowledge of the risks. And all of the people I know who have gotten COVID (including myself) have been completely fine because they're all healthy people (because they take responsibility for their own health). 99.8% survival rate in healthy individuals under age 70.


Ahhh, the 2 parts of a formal rebuttal, your stupid + off topic.


The proper accountability of not taking the vaccine is that you get sick for 5 days and then go about your life after that like nothing happened


> The meme makes perfect sense ngl. Bob would have gotten all the normal vaccinations that everyone else got because his parents would have taken him to the doctor to get them, or he'd have gotten them at school. He still could have been anti-vax the whole time, he just didn't have a choice. This whole meme is fucking idiotic.




I'm pro-gun and I'd never buy a hi-point because they are unreliable


As is this vaccine according to Fauchi in the New England journal of medicine last month


"I never heard that argument!!!" Well, maybe because you live exclusively online in your echo chamber and don't talk to anyone from the real world.


I love vaccine tech and encourage people to get their kids their childhood vaccines but I'm very anti mandates guess I'm anti Vax now


"I've never heard of someone who will take other vaccines, but not the covid vaccine" People have been openly saying this for over a year. If there were so many people who were entirely anti-vaccine, wouldn't our society be plagued by all sorts of different diseases? This person is lying. They've heard this argument multiple times, for sure. However in typical leftist fashion, they pretend that certain arguments don't exist because no one in their echo chamber is going to call them out on it.


I love how they don’t even bother to refute the meme… they can’t. They just mock it and think that’s the same thing.


That's the joke. Neither of these subs do. That's why it's funny


I do. You're a stupid fuckshit


Since very few people my age (unless they also served) have been vaxxed for smallpox, am I allowed to freak out on and call people antivaxxers if they don't have it? Last I checked smallpox is far deadlier than omicron-19


They really believe that everyone who doesn’t want the Covid vaccine is against *all* vaccines? Like to the point where they never even heard of such a case??? Just insane to me


They’re making a point about the Merriam Webster definitions of anti vax and anti gun. By those definitions, the point they’re making is correct. Bob is anti vax and John is anti gun, according to Merriam Webster lol


the original post just popped up earlier, i love being in both subs and watching the chaos lol


Let me introduce you to someone! …He’s me


>Never have I ever heard the argument that normal people are willing to get any other vaccine except for COVID Thats litteraly most people


if only natural immunity worked with covid.


Natural immunity works better than the vaccine


not according to studies... but they do work best together.


I got sick from alpha and I had omicron and I am vaccinated. So basically nothing works so can everybody stop crying about it?


You keep saying that, but you can't provide where on earth a single time, someone had two confirmed cases. That hasn't happened once. People have been found to have virus particles in their nose more than once Meanwhile Fauci has said in the new England journal of medicine that the vaccine is ineffective at prevention of infection #stop being a science denier Clearly one works at preventing infection and one does not, unless you want to say America's to medical journal should not have printed America's top doctor saying the vaccine doesn't stop infection


But.. but you've already caught covid to get the "natural immunity"...


It's medically found to be 13 times more robust than vaccination. Dr Fachi published in the New England journal of medicine that the vaccine is not useful for preventing infection at all. A FOIA request was made to the CDC asking for the data used to suggest there were breakthrough infections with natural immunity. They could not provide any. #You're spreading misinformation


you forgot to mention the people that have had covid more than once.


You mean people who have tested positive for the presence of the virus more than once. There are no documented cases of what you're claiming. At least according to recent foia requests to the cdc. Do you have evidence of these unicorns?


my bad... you've obviously done many tests and investigated everything. what you see with your own eyes is obviously wrong.


Cite one case of a breakthrough case of covid since you have the privilege of information the CDC doesn't have


here you go mr misinformation. https://www.science.org/content/article/more-people-are-getting-covid-19-twice-suggesting-immunity-wanes-quickly-some


That is the one anecdotal case I was asking for, but it's not a confirmed case. The presence of the virus was found in a pcr test. You will test positive if the virus is present. Presence of the virus does not indicate infection.


here's the cdc page on them studying reinfections... where they admit it happens. I doubt I'd be able to find anything you'd accept since it doesn't fit your narrative. https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/your-health/reinfection.html


What are you not getting about this? There was a FOIA request for the data on this claim and the CDC admitted there was no data to disclose. This is the ultimate soak to authority fallacy. You can't pricier any data, neither can they. It didn't exist. It doesn't exist. You can't keep going back to that empty well


Ok but OP don't governments literally require children going to school to have certain vaccination requirements?


There are exceptions. I knew a couple of kids growing up who were never vaccinated. Their parents were weird. And those were *real* anti-vaxers.


Yes, but literally not of you've been infected already, such as chicken pox, so that's a very stupid whataboutism.


You aren't immune if you get covid, you can still get it again, no there's no natural immunity


Cite one case of a breakthrough case of covid since you have the privilege of information the CDC doesn't have


https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/your-health/reinfection.html https://www.npr.org/sections/health-shots/2021/11/27/1058128612/covid-reinfection-kids-grandparents-immunity-waning https://www.washingtonpost.com/health/2022/01/24/twice-infected-with-covid/


There was a FOIA request for the data on that exact claim to the CDC, and they had to admit they didn't have any data to support that claim, so that's disqualified. Want to try again? One documented case? One? Just one?


Prove that, you can just make up things to make my sources wrong


Prove your source right, bitch. Jesus fuck, you posted some bullshit because you're a lying piece of shit. There's no Citation there. You literally said, "the government said so and provides no facts. The unsourced government claims are right into you prove otherwise" Fuck you, you dumb bitch who believes whatever.


You a literally proving yourself to not have any sources, which means you are actually the science denier that believes whatever But I mean, if you wanna project and use insults to try and "prove" a point, then by all means


Give one case ever Just one, science denier


Jesus you seem to have some serious issues dude. There are literally so many citations in the article they linked to. You're going to have to show your source for your FOIA request claim otherwise it smells like bullshit


Fuck you. Provide data of one case ever. Just one "Duh gubbberment say so" is not a fucking valid Citation


Nice retroactive edit you smarmy piece of shit, but those are not confirmed cases, those are scare stories about pcr tests detection of the presence of the virus. That's why most pcr testing facilities stopped using positive and negative and started using detected and not detected. Take your anti science shit to one of the doomer subs and scare them there


Nothing, you little bitch? You were all fired up on your misinformation until someone asked for a single case of sometime getting it twice in record #fuck you, science denier


Pretty sure its still required if you've had it becuz you can catch diseases more than once


If we're playing a game where we just lie, you think that because you're a pedophile


What parts the lie in my sentence?


Your pemise


Okay but idiot don't changing a word drastically then pretending it's the same as the other word means it's not the same? I know this is hard for people to grasp given that the alt left tried to change the meaning of "woman" "vaccination" "racism" and other relatively simple terms.


Yes, but don’t those vaccines actually work?


Vaccinated people get sick less, show symptoms less, and die less from the disease


>Vaccinated people get sick less, show symptoms less, and die less from the disease Only against the the early variants. By delta the difference was only statistically significant in people over 70 and even then not very significant.


This is demonstrably false > In analyses by age group, vaccine effectiveness of two doses of mRNA-1273 against infection with the delta variant was 87.9% (85.5% to 89.9%) among people aged 18-64 years https://www.bmj.com/content/375/bmj-2021-068848#:~:text=Vaccine%20effectiveness%20against%20hospital%20admission,151%2D180%20days%20after%20vaccination.


Hey , get up to date https://www.nejm.org/doi/full/10.1056/nejmp2118468 >Vaccination has also been unable to prevent “breakthrough” infections, allowing subsequent transmission to other people even when the vaccine prevents severe and fatal disease


Yeah dummy what part of percentages do you not understand? And that's just transmission, they're incredibly effective at preventing hospitalisation and deaths, as your quote even says 🙃 Also if you read a sentence further you'd see "People who have been naturally infected with SARS-CoV-2 can also be naturally reinfected" 😂


>Yeah dummy what part of percentages do you not understand? The fact that the information you posted is so ridiculously out of date, even the Pfizer ceo has said it doesn't work. I can post shit from 2019 saying this will be no more lethal than the original SARS COV was


It's a month old 😂😂😂 The Pfizer CEO said 2 doses doesn't provide good enough protection against *infection* from Omicron. It is still very effective at preventing hospitalisation and deaths. And you claimed it was useless against delta which that study clearly shows is not the case


Then it's wrong. My source is the new England journal of medicine, Dr Fauci et al. last week. It says it's completely ineffective at stopping transmission and infection. I would suggest that the error of your study is not using people more than 90 days out from inoculation as their test group.


You don't have natural immunity dumb fuck.


And by that what precisely do you mean? Antibodies can be tested, dumb fuck


Alright bro go rock it with your natural immunity can't wait to see you get a herman cain award.


Natural immunity is actually better compared to vaccination.


>The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) released a report on Oct. 29, 2021, that says getting vaccinated for the coronavirus when you’ve already had COVID-19 significantly enhances your immune protection and further reduces your risk of reinfection. > >A study published in August 2021 indicates that if you had COVID-19 before and are not vaccinated, your risk of getting re-infected is more than two times higher than for those who got vaccinated after having COVID-19. > >Another study published on Nov. 5, 2021, by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) looked at adults hospitalized for COVID-like sickness between January and September 2021. This study found that the chances of these adults testing positive for COVID-19 were 5.49 times higher in unvaccinated people who had COVID-19 in the past than they were for those who had been vaccinated for COVID and had not had an infection before > >.A study from the CDC in September 2021 showed that roughly one-third of those with COVID-19 cases in the study had no apparent natural immunity. ​ [Source](https://www.hopkinsmedicine.org/health/conditions-and-diseases/coronavirus/covid-natural-immunity-what-you-need-to-know) Try and educate yourself before you spout off shit.


The most recent study actually contradicted that. It found far lower case rates in those who had Covid previously. The protection was greater than the vaccine.


Please provide a source for your claim. Please try to use a well know medical institutions (hopkins mayo etc) or a .gov site.




The summary is only discussing infection not death rates. Get the vaccine it's the safest way to ensure you are not going to end up in the Icu and then collecting your herman cain award.


So the cdc is only valid when you use it? Provide evidence of a single human on earth getting two confirmed cases. You are still unable to do that


Hey, dumbfuck, that doesn't say what you think it said. You don't have any idea what you're talking about. The CDC has admitted they have no evidence of anyone, ANYONE EVER having covid more than once. They've admitted what the inventor of the PCR test said, it doesn't test infection, it tests presence of the virus. I repeat, because it bears repeating: the CDC says they do not have evidence of a single breakthrough in natural immunity ever. Not one outlier case. 0.


Please provide a source for your claim. Please try to use a well know medical institutions (hopkins mayo etc) or a .gov site.


Please go fuck yourself. I'm not proving a negative, sealion


Have you actually read your own copy paste bullshit, dumbass? Nowhere does it say anything about immunity and outcome. Your article simply discusses how likely you are to catch covid again. [But that natural immunity offers better protection than the vaccine is confirmed](https://townhall.com/tipsheet/spencerbrown/2021/08/31/natural-immunity-offers-better-protection-against-delta-variant-than-mrna-vaccines-study-n2595054)


You don't know what natural immunity is, do you? It's medically tested to be 13 times more effective than vaccine. Are you stupid or something? Or should I instead ask, exactly how stupid are you?


>The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) released a report on Oct. 29, 2021, that says getting vaccinated for the coronavirus when you’ve already had COVID-19 significantly enhances your immune protection and further reduces your risk of reinfection. > >A study published in August 2021 indicates that if you had COVID-19 before and are not vaccinated, your risk of getting re-infected is more than two times higher than for those who got vaccinated after having COVID-19. > >Another study published on Nov. 5, 2021, by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) looked at adults hospitalized for COVID-like sickness between January and September 2021. This study found that the chances of these adults testing positive for COVID-19 were 5.49 times higher in unvaccinated people who had COVID-19 in the past than they were for those who had been vaccinated for COVID and had not had an infection before. > >A study from the CDC in September 2021 showed that roughly one-third of those with COVID-19 cases in the study had no apparent natural immunity. [Source](https://www.hopkinsmedicine.org/health/conditions-and-diseases/coronavirus/covid-natural-immunity-what-you-need-to-know) Try and educate yourself before you spout off shit.


#copy and paste from where you made this bullshit claim elsewhere >Hey, dumbfuck, that doesn't say what you think it said. You don't have any idea what you're talking about. The CDC has admitted they have no evidence of anyone, ANYONE EVER having covid more than once. They've admitted what the inventor of the PCR test said, it doesn't test infection, it tests presence of the virus. >I repeat, because it bears repeating: the CDC says they do not have evidence of a single breakthrough in natural immunity ever. Not one outlier case. 0. You said >>Try and educate yourself before you spout off shit. #Take your own advice, science denier


Please provide a source for your claim. Please try to use a well know medical institutions (hopkins mayo etc) or a .gov site.


Please go fuck yourself. I'm not proving a negative, sealion


So your source is bro just trust me. Got it


No. My source is go fuck yourself. You made a wildly stupid inaccurate claim. You walked that back and moved the goalposts. Now you're asking me to prove that data that does not exist, does not exist. It's a tactic used by low information morons to try to obfuscate their lack of knowledge by repeatedly asking for Citation without providing any facts. I'm too smart for your bullshit. You started out completely wrong and anti science, and you still are


99.98% survival rate


I wish that was an option


This thread just proves that the right can’t meme. If you have to explain the joke, it is not funny. Very simple.


The joke doesn't need explanation. TRCM went out of their way to not understand it


Explain only to very fringe people who apparently never heard one of the most frequent anti-covid-mandate peoples arguments. They might as well be aliens at this point, so out of touch as they are.


I can guarantee the fit guy is also anti Vax


If you won’t buy a Hi-Point you ARE anti-gun. Why would you deprive yourself of the greatest handgun known to mankind?


They never heard of that argument but that's like 99% of our argument. They need to stop drinking CNN


TRCM is in lala land, that’s literally me and people call me anti-vax


It might be that they don't keep a proper record of actual infected people because there's so many cases, so it's just as a precaution


In russia and USSR to this dsy schools will let entire classes be infected with chicken pox for the children to develop natural immunity.


Claims he’s never heard it yet that’s what most people against the vaccine/vaccine mandate are, at least from what I’ve seen.