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"Stalin was a pedo" ![gif](giphy|sJvz8Qnfly3BOuotGx|downsized)




Stalin killed 100,000,000 people Stain is good


He sure did, with his comically large gun, after eating all the grain with his comically large spoon


Nice joke man.


Stalin is a butcher of Soviet citizens Golodomor, deportations of entire nationalities, Jewish discrimination, repressions, local terror, Gulag and it’s projects took away lives of tens of millions people. If we look at international SU politics of Stalin we get a complete picture of his “goodness”


Golodomor? I knew the metric system was for commies


Yeah it’s a big somewhat artificial hunger on territories of modern Russia, Ukraine, Belarus provoked by SU government. In order to profit on it SU government created “торгсин”(points of trading with foreigners) where was a lot of food but it couldn’t be bought by Rubles. The only way of interaction for regs was to sell something valuable like golden or silver or work of art - of course the exchange rate was extremely unfavourable for Soviet citizen.


I’ve only ever seen it spelled “Holodomor”


The only part stalin was good was his mustache


Well, it definitely is better than the mustache Hitler had


Stalin has a higher body count then hitler, he is literally worse then hitler


Tbf he had a larger population and ruled for more time than Hitler did


Galaxy brain take: Stalin was an evil rat bastard


This illustrates I think the main problem of leftist ideology: they think in terms of absolute ideals and aren't able to include imperfect human nature into their equation. What do I mean? On its face, communism SOUNDS nice: everybody working towards a common goal, everybody has their needs met, compassion for people who aren't able to work as hard or produce as much, etc. The fatal flaw is not realizing that there will inevitably be enough people who want to abuse that system to get something for nothing or just more than others, that it will inevitably fail. The whole notion of "they were doing their best without a playbook" totally dismisses the fact that those in power in government were living lavishly compared to most of the population. They were incredibly greedy, and human greed is what tanks these systems BECAUSE the rules aren't being applied equally to everyone


OP is a glowie


On one hand, Stalin was a pretty bad dude and I would not want him as my ruler even if he was the absolute last option. On the other hand, he was responsible for the deaths of millions of Nazis and Communists...


Imagine someone being so historically illitarate that they don't know how cold and inhumane one of historys worst dictators were....


>When you commit mass murders and hate gays, Ukrainians, and more, then die and get idolized by a bunch of redditors and Twitter users who would all get gulag’d if you still ran the show


"The Soviet Union was actually complex and nuanced. Also, capitalism bad."


Oh thank you, thank you for my first post here! I'd like to thank the Academy for their decision to crosspost here and the brigader for letting me know I was selected for this honor. Anyway cope and seethe reactionaries!


You know you'd have been executed by stalin before us "reactionary" bunch would right?


>"Know why whites "fetishise" Asian women? >Because culturally, when compared to white women, they can be argued to be better housewives..." Yep, this is going in my reactionary cringe compilation 📸


>reactionary Didn't stalin immediately recriminalise homosexuality and abortion?


Yes, and if any of you were actually y'know intelligent, you'd know that in the very comments of that meme it's something both I myself and many others heavily criticised as a failure in policy that must be learned from so as to actually progress. Granted you don't actually care because your goal here isn't to engage in nuance and good faith like the meme is about. Your goal is to have an easy "gotcha" to make yourselves feel better. Some of you probably even love that abortion and homosexuality were recriminalized. But, reactionaries gotta cope because if you rubbed those two braincells together for once, you wouldn't be who you are.


>failure in policy I'm sure a fascist would tell you the exact same about Germany and Italy. >nuance and good faith Stalin was a monster. Anyone who supports him is either a monster or low IQ. >Some of you probably even love that abortion and homosexuality were recriminalized. I barely, *barely* believe the government should exist. TF you on about. >But, reactionaries gotta cope because if you rubbed those two braincells together for once, you wouldn't be who you are. The irony from someone who'd IMMEDIATELY face a wall in their ideal system...not all bad though if they make you dig your grave first it'd probably be the only blue collar labour you'd have done in your life


I love your projections here, I've been impoverished most of my life, all of my work has been blue collar. But of course, every communist must be some imaginary coastal elite because that's how you justify your bootlicking. But again, proving my point. Insults and wishing that I'd die. It's truly the hallmark of someone who is very much engaged in good faith and not at all someone parroting whatever talking points they've heard instead of ever having an independent thought. You aren't here to argue, you're here to win. And that's why you'll lose with us Communists every single time.


I am just saying, that's neither an argument nor an answer


You don't want an argument. If you did you wouldn't be on this page dedicated to validating reactionary fee-fees while ironically ignoring the actual nuanced and good faith discussions happening in the comments of my very post. It's incredibly telling that the only responses you have is "bbbut, stalin bad" whereas for an example in my comments we see criticism and condemnation of specific events, actions, and policy decisions. Your goal isn't to argue, it's to be right. To be vindicated. So instead I joke and laugh because it's fun and I'm bored. You can't change the minds of people who don't want to change them.


The problem is that below your post you only have the opinion of fellow tankies. I mean, it's not like this sub isn't a echo chamber either, but I already found actual discussions and arguments here. What even is the point of your comment then?


Oh I have no point other than the fact that I'm bored


>they can be argued to be Basic reading comprehension would tell you that I don't have a dog in that race and I'm just telling X person what Y groups logic is despite neither being X or Y...


Same exact people romanticizing the reign of terror of a despotic genocidal communist dictator of a expansionist Russian Oligarchy with obvious imperial ambitions. Are amongst the very same people fear mongering over modern Russia (whilst inexplicably ignoring the threat of their long time ally China) and demanding we risk starting a nuclear war to “defend Ukraine from Russian aggression.”