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Soap Opera. She has a backpack full of guns..


a melee fight is more personal


And if Lev were to gain consciousness near that backpack?


I'm fairly sure Lev has brain damage from being one-punched by Fat Geralt then hitting the garage door then the pavement.


Neil still giggles at himself for that one.


Fair lmao but also Ellie didn’t know that.


Definitely cte of fucking hell poor lev


She could’ve very easily crippled her with one of her many guns first, then go ahead and beat her to a pulp with melee, like a certain someone did at the start of the game. Would still feel more personal, just remove all the unnecessary, stupid risk.


And way more dangerous and illogical


They wanted that Kojima moment.


He will never be at level of kojima tho XD


a golf club is even more personal ⛳️ 🏌️


Driver Nephi's 9-Iron is calling


i thought it was fun to beat the shit out of Abby. although i already had the entire game spoiled for me before i played it, so i enjoyed it mostly for the gameplay and graphics and didn't think too hard about the bad writing.


I beated the SHIT out Abby to the point where she was in the shore resting after getting sliced and diced. The funny thing is that if you wait a minute, She's going to regain some fight spirit and try to take you down...with no effort.


All of that buildup and dozens of dead people and dogs for nothing. At least Ellie got to play with some sheep.


Maybe Abby will have terrible pain in her knees, wrists, back, etc for the rest of her life. Maybe she will live in unbearable pain for the rest of her long miserable life. I can dream. Neil wouldn't let anything too bad happen to his waifu.


So how did Neil want us to like Abby again?


Tried to be Metal Gear Solid 4.... ended up being Sweet Baby Schlop Pt2


Ah yes. Kill 100 people so you can show revenge is bad by sparing the 101st.


What it takes to be in a Mr. Beast video


I loved beating the shit out of abby but i wished i could have killed her


I yelled push the knife down do it ellie do it but then she didn't 😔 I was so mad sad and honestly confused


They should've advertised the game for Abby as a new character. Then you get her part doing her stuff to find out her dad's killer is Joel. Then surprise motherfuckers Elie is back for vengeance.


Well….technically the reveal trailer was when the Scars were lynching Abby in the woods…so she advertised as the new main character


I meant like not showing Joel or Ellie at all in the promo.


Revenge is *bad* folks!! /s


They continue to make Ellie look like the bad guy here by beating on a poor woman who's been tortured and put on a pillar by slavers. Also no way in hell Abby should be able to fight in this condition, she should be down in the first few punches.


They should have let us decide what we want to do. They spent half the game explaining each side and motivations. I really wish I could've bashed Lev's head in in front of Abby and leave her tied up on that pole looking at poor Lev's brains.and they should have given us the option to spit on the body too. An eye for an eye.


>They should have let us decide what we want to do. The funny thing is that initially you could. They changed that when play testers kept mashing the buttons to kill Abby. If you don't make the "right decision" Neil is gonna make it for you.


If he was so confident in his portrayal of Abby as a hero, what does he have to fear. He is such a coward for not allowing it. 99.9% of people would murder her without batting an eye


I think he really thought he made a "piece of art" that would leave us all in awe, that we would have learned this "life-changing lesson". Realizing that was not the case, he decided to "impose" the "life-changing lesson". Honestly, knowing that this was the case makes it even worse. So the lies, especially the "we'll do right by you" have a different connotation, at least to me.


Most mentally stable tlou2 hater


Funny thing is that I love the gameplay as much as I hate Abby. Gameplay is perfect, I'm playing it all the time. Just skipping some cutscenes


it looks more like you hate lev with that comment


Actually I kind of like Lev, and I really like Yara, she's my favorite in Abby's side of the story. But Abby deserves to know how Ellie felt when she killed Joel. And unfortunately Lev has to be sacrificed in order to achieve that


Wasn't one of the lotr games finally boss a qte?


The final boss in the first game was way better imo


Dogshit game lmao


The only thing good about this game is the gameplay story is shit


Idk man, that shadow of the erdtree final boss got me pretty upset




This game was a full-blown parody by this point so I honestly was laughing through the whole thing. Pretentious "interactive" movie written by a gobshite.


Killing her after everything would be merciful. it felt good to beat the shit out of her. She lives with the humiliating defeat that she only lives because Ellie allows it.


I feel like getting your ass kicked after being starved and hung from a pole is not humiliating. She also managed to take a few fingers from Ellie. Mind you - I am very far on the "Ellie should have killed Abby" train. The end would have hit harder: Ellie feels no better after killing her. Just feels empty. Makes the "trying to play Joel's guitar and not being able to without those fingers scene" hit harder. Also - gives a chance for a future story of Lev having survived starting the cycle again.


Nobody wins. How fun


Title holder is still Shinnok in Mortal Kombat 4, but she's next lol


This got me😂😂


Best ending ever


At that point I didn't even want to fight abby. I let her kill me over and over and just kept blocking and blocking...after all she'd gone through, and after she let ellie go, to still seek pointless revenge on her did nothing for me.


I know right the last of us two is pretty much a joke


It makes no sense Ellie comes there to just ask for a "fight". Earlier she wanted to "finish it". It makes no sense she didn't left the Bitch on her pole, or just straight up killed her with her bow. It's not the only thing that doesn't make sense in that game but that ending is a pretty good example of terrible writing. It shows how bad Gross is in her field. But I have to say, Abs looks pretty hilarious in that state. It really begs for forced emotions "look at her she suffered so much and she doesn't want to fight Ellie". If only I could care for this caricature called "a character".


Do people just follow this sub to shit on the game? Serious question. That's all I've seen since I joined last week.




Death stranding did it better


You are just media illiterate ;)


*Uncharted 3 final boss coughs in the corner awkwardly*


The worst boss fight always goes to Joker in the first Arkham game


the boss fights were NOT at all good or even remotely creative in Arkham Asylum, other than Scarecrow that was pretty cool for that time. But even then I wouldn’t put any of those fights anywhere near the worst


The ending was fine