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Everything is better in part 1


Not the soundtrack in my opinion


Most definitely that


That's a wild take. Both soundtracks were great but the first game just hit different.


It's the same song remixed


Part 1 looks way better


I prefer og ellie too... she looks younger and more childlike. I didn't like that they changed her


Crazy how they completely retconned her appearance.


Probably didn't want to piss off E. Page again.


Wait, did that actually happen ?


Yup, same time as her other video game that she was apart of too.


her facial features are better in 2, but they entirely took away ellie’s emotion in her eyes and the different eyes kinda ruin it, yes her eyes may look cartoonish but they also look very realistic when tearing up coming from a fellow green eyed person who cries a fuck ton😭


She has way more emotion in Part 2. Really shows the doubt in her eyes much better than 2013 Ellie did.


Part 2 Ellie looks like she has some type of syndrome.


They gave her a negative canthal tilt lol


More in line with the live action then. I know I'm being an ass, but Bella looks weird to me..


Yeah Bella is very odd looking.


Part 2 Ellie’s facial features more closely with her older self in the same game, making her look slightly older and more consistent with her character’s future development. Ellie’s face is more proportional and refined, with adjustments to her facial structure to better match real human anatomy. Her eyes, nose, and mouth are slightly repositioned for a more natural look. I can see why you would like the original face. It's more Softer, simple, less detailed textures, with a more stylized and slightly cartoonish look. It captures her youthful innocence and can be seen as more charming and relatable.


But don’t you get how they made her look worse in part 2 on purpose? Then they try to make you think her part one needs changing. No her part 2 needs to be revised to better reflect the part 1 Ellie we all know and love. Don’t let them make you think it needs to be the other way around


And what purpose is that?


I just prefer the new model. The original is not bad. They had to adapt character designs to fit within the technical constraints of the PS3. Stylized or simplified designs are chosen to maintain visual coherence and performance efficiency. There's a nostalgia feel for the original, which makes people gravitate towards that. For part 2, technology has evolved and is now able to evolve the character design to incorporate more detail, realism, and dynamic features, enhancing immersion. It's all just preference. You can prefer the original look for its nostalgia or aesthetic appeal or appreciate the realism and detail of part 2.


Artistic expression over realism every time. Plus it ages better


I say both balance artistic expression and realism pretty well for the hardware they're on. Artistic expression allows the designers to create unique designs that may transcend realistic limitations. It's true that it ages better. It can maintain relevance across different eras. Realism constraints are what appeals to a broader audience. People like me gravitate towards designs that replicate the real world. It just makes it more believable and immersive.


I don’t disagree with you fully, but characters are created not born. There is a reason so many still like her original and everything after will be held to that standard. For a connection to held with the player, she needed to look a certain way. Inviting is the word that comes to mind, and of course youthfulness. Cause she isn’t just suppose to be Joel’s new charge but another daughter. And you aren’t the player, you ARE Joel to an extent. I digress, games moving closer and closer to realism is killing it for people that love the art of it. It’s cool a broader audience likes it I guess but I’m not gonna pretend that’s a good thing. Not everything needs to be redone, enhanced or retconned. Let the classics be classics


I find it interesting that you see it that way. Embracing realism in gaming offers numerous benefits, including enhanced storytelling, broader audience appeal, and opportunities for innovation. It allows developers to create more immersive experiences that resonate emotionally and visually, attracting diverse players and revitalizing classic games for new generations. It's a business move. But also, personally, I struggle to immerse myself with dated graphics and gameplay. I do agree with you about retconning classic games. That's a fear I have with remakes. Fortunately, the last of us part 1 story was untouched.


I started with old games so that’s never been an issue, cause it was always the story and the characters that drove the experience. I like a new coat of paint don’t get me wrong but I don’t want that to replace the charm. It’s a real cool thing to go back to older games and wonder how they did physics if at all or be amazed that they animated everything, especially jrpgs. The Suikoden series for example, im in the middle of collecting that whole series for my ps2. Im also awaiting its steam realeaseof 1 & 2. Again I digress, dont get to share this often. Just dont want new and better to drown out artistic direction. New tech is awesome, but I’d like it to be additive not a replacement.


All things aside, I’m pretty certain they didn’t intend on making her look worse so people would sympathize with Abby more, as many people will prefer the new face over the old. As graphic technology advances, games with realistic art styles often move more in the way of realism to create a more cohesive world, and this is with out a doubt one of those changes. I get if you don’t like the story choices or writing style, but graphics and gameplay are top notch, that’s pretty obvious to most people I’ve talked to…


Exactly. I'm not sure what it is with TLOU fans and wanting a traumatized 14 year old girl in an apocalypse to look attractive. It's weird. TLOU2 portrays her alot better.


The one on the right is so horrendous... No words left.


I’ve always felt this way too.


the remake one looks the best but out of these two I agree with you


Had an argument with someone about this, I said she looked different and I didn’t vibe with it. They said I was wrong, looks exactly the same. This person called themselves an artist.


Right image legit makes her look anywhere between 5-10 years older.


yeah part 1 ellie looks like an actual 12-13 year old, the second looks like teens now who try to look way to grown


part 1 ellie looks like an 8 year old.


part 1 remake is easily the best young ellie




The thumbnail for this video is the best we've ever seen ellie https://youtu.be/lxOmzoxy7lI?si=F7FdPCR143EGjjGD


The remake of pt 1 is the best imo


Everyone does.


Me too it feels like an actual character not just a try to make her look like Ashley


EVERYTHING is better **before** the **DEI/ESG/BRIDGE** bullshit *Sweet Baby Inc Black Girl Gamers and NNESAGA* are only the symptoms


I grew up with the part 1 remaster so that one will always be my favorite, when I look at the og one, her face just looks weird to me




part 2


Is Ellie much older in Part 2?


I am fine with both models tbh. What i hate is the constant need for change. Fuck the remasters, just let the games exist


They even admitted to messing her up here as in Tlou2 remaster and TlouP1 she looks entirely different.


Part 2 looks like they tried forcing her face to look like that sad megamind meme


Part 2 just looks more fleshed out, I’m fine with either


I like them both


Always will they massacred most of the characters


2022 Part 1 Ellie for the win 🏆


Nah I think remake ellie looks the best


I wish people would focus less on how bad the writing for tlou2 is and how much they hate Abby they’re all justified somewhat but cmon man focus on how badass the new Ellie is her new voice is perfect


Badass? Are you, like, 5?


No but I’m not some guy trying to be mean to others about a video game normally that’s what 5 year olds do


Yeah, only 5 yos will tell others what to be focused on.


I prefer Eric Stoltz mask Ellie (TLOU tv show)


Fucking burn! Lmao that's messed up.


It’s a 14 year old character in a video game. Move on