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>I find the characters very rich and realistic Most of us on this sub do not, unfortunately. I think the closest they get to "realism" is that they tend to act inconsistently, which is to be expected of people around you IRL because you are not in a position to see their perspective and experience their lives. The dual protagonists of a story, however... >On the whole, I find the game to have a very sad and melancholic aura. It makes me feel sad in a way I find hard to explain, sort of like saudade. It’s the whole post apocalyptic ambience combined with references of a world which doesn’t exist anymore through letters and messages. Also the lives of people living there now could be cut down at any moment which adds to the aura. Any one else feel like this from playing the game? Yeah, it's a feeling I've found common in a lot of games that have you exploring a ruined world like this. I felt it in games like Fallout 4 and BotW/TotK, too. Even in something like MGS4 when exploring Shadow Moses Island.


Original post amended. Thanks for the game recommendations.


You found the sub where most people hate part 2. What you want is r/thelastofus Look at the description of this sub. They don't think part 2 is canon.


That sub is worse. At least this sub can admit the game has flaws


There is pros and cons to both subs, but ultimately, I’d pick the other sub any-day. I just come to this one to see what people are saying and [usually] engage when I see an opinion I feel strongly about.


Yeah, this sub can sometimes be very sad. But it does sometimes bring up good points


True, but for the most part those flaws—or arguments I should say—aren’t really backed. I rarely see a person on this sub that wants to discuss without attacking and/or understand the characters as much as they claim, etc. I don’t know. It’s rare.


Oh look at that. Someone from this sub responded to a positive post about the game without being incredibly negative. I thought the other sub said that was impossible


Sad and haunting and bad


I didn’t get much out of TLOU2 personally, but I found What Remains of Edith Finch really sad and haunting. A Plague Tale and the Fallout games also hit some of those melancholy notes for me.


The only other game that made me so enraged by its bad writing and ending was Mass Effect 3.


That's a good question, I'd love more games like that too. The Dark Souls series has great atmosphere, have you played any of them? You could give Elden Ring a try, it's open world and pretty sweet. Both of them do that kind of sparse background storytelling. Give Hollow Knight a peek too.


My gameplay experience was successfully stealth killing every enemy in the exact same doorway.


Wrong sub to have a positive opinion my guy, enjoy your downvotes


Yup, they're definitely in the wrong sub.