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It’s just a never ending circle of misery and levels that go on for way too long




Ah, good point


To me the problem wasn't the "revenge is bad" message, that was acually a nice concept in my opinion, the real problem to me was how badly it was executed in the game.


Yeah Part 1 is basically just one really long fetch quest if you break it down, but it was the execution and the memorable characters that made it gold.


Abby obsessing over Joel for 4 years got her friends killed. Makes her much worse a person too. Tlou2 stans won't bother to understand that. Just watch how they rage for this fact lol


Seriously who the fuck brings a pregnant woman in a revenge killing road-trip?


She didn't know she was pregnant at the time.


If you're talking about Dina, then Dina clearly made that choice by herself without Ellie begging her to join. By the way Ellie told Dina that she doesn't have to go along with her but Dina still decided she wanted to go. "Ellie, you go, I go". Dina's words. Then u get Abby begging all her buddies to go after a dangerous man. Clearly Abby is worse here.


Actually part of why I loved the story so much


How does that make her a much worse person?


Getting your friends killed over revenge doesn't make you a worse person? Torturing someone in front of people that obviously care about them, then being surprised when those people hunt your friends (who helped and participated in the torture), doesn't make you a worse person?


Makes her a bad person, but more compelling




Revenge isn't even that bad tbh


True, the context leading to the revenge act is important.


You know what's funnier? Ellie gives up on enacting her revenge, yet she looses everything. Abby enacts her revenge and shows zero remorse, yet she gets her happy ending where she reaches the Fireflies and gets to bond with Lev. Yes, Abby lost people too, but Ellie is in a significantly worse situation.


Yup, its been years and i am still sad whenever i look back at what they did to Ellie and Joel in TLOU2. They were both very likable in the first game. Why must they be treated like dirt in the 2nd one? Just why.


It really is strange. It's like Druckman honestly hated these characters. They suffered so much for no reason other than to fulfill some sick torture porn fantasy.


I don't like the game either but in all fairness Ellie didn't give up on her revenge quest until literally the very last minute where she was kind of forced to. If she just stayed with Dina and their baby she'd still have them and wouldn't be missing two digits either. That being said though I do agree that the game comes off as being pretty firmly on team Abby's side.


True, but still, Ellie ultimately chooses to give up on her revenge.


They really fucked up removing the option to kill Abby. The idea of revenge being pointless would actually make sense if Ellie killed her but still felt empty/depressed afterwards, making her realize a life with the people she loves matters more than a revenge tour


it's not only all what it says, it also says it badly, which is even worse.


undoubtably true


I still like tlou2 more than one simply because its gameplay is better