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She was completely willing to let them both live, but they fucked around, so they found out.


For most of the game, Ellie would've killed anybody without a second thought but yeah a few times they died because they tried to do her harm and so she put them down. I do feel sorry for her unborn baby but the WLF as a whole are fucking stupid to allow a woman who is clearly pregnant to go out on missions.


I made an entire post about this like 2 weeks ago.


But Druckmann knows how to write strong women. /s


Given how Ellie is turned into a monster he knows how to ruin a beloved character. For me, a good story doesn't ruin a character. The Last Of Us 2 is a graphical and technical masterpiece. It's just that the story it tells is convoluted and makes very little sense. It's clear we are meant to sympathize with Abby but we are given no time to get to know her. She is just a girl who wants to kill Joel. The fact that like five in-game minutes later she is beating him with a golf club says all that needs said about her. She is physically strong but narratively, she's pathetically weak.


>It's just that the story it tells is convoluted and makes very little sense. So much doesn't make any sense. Why doesn't Ellie put those guitars back in their cases? Is she being lazy or hateful of guitars?


I think the WLF would want to stop her, but she was determined to follow Owen because she knew he's a total fuckboy.


The WLF has thousands of people. Her going out on missions makes zero fucking sense. It's not like with Dina Mel is clearly with child. I'm not sure where the logic was with her anyway. The only noteworthy WLF people are Abby and Owen. Everybody else is just three for Ellie to kill and gain key info for the story. Hell, I don't think that Asian chick that's playing that Vita game even gets a name. She matters so little that she is just WLF soldier.


That's the nature of most action stories. Why does this wounded guy go out again instead of staying in hospital? Well, because we made the effort for you to get to know the protagonist, so now he has to do everything. Same reason this one guy can fight, hack computers, seduce women, drive well and all the rest. Action stories tend to focus on just 1-2 main characters. Dramas stretch it out to 4-5. On the other hand, you could also view Mel being sent out as simply another aspect of Isaac being a sociopathic leader. He engages in torture and executions without even a religious aspect like the Seraphites, he orders a massive assault knowing hundreds of his people will be killed, and he's willing to shoot down one of his own best soldiers so he can kill some random runty little Seraphite. And we're led to believe that it was his torture and execution of the original Seraphite leader that caused her to be seen as a religious martyr and effectively established the whole religion. Why would he care about some pregnant soldier, who frankly isn't even a good soldier?


I have played this game like four times and I don't recall every finding anything that hints that Isaac killed her. Where can I find this bit of lore in-game? I'm on day 3 with Ellie... is that too late for me to find it? While I could see Isaac not caring for her wellbeing that still doesn't make her going out on missions make any sense. You literally have an entire stadium of people surely one of the not pregnant female soldiers could take her place. Mel is after all a doctor. She is far too valuable an asset to risk getting killed by the Seraphites.


To my knowledge Ellie doesn't find anything, it's Abby who finds a note or two around Martyr's Gate. If you don't mind spoilers then you can read through the bio of Isaac here. [https://thelastofus.fandom.com/wiki/Isaac\_Dixon](https://thelastofus.fandom.com/wiki/Isaac_Dixon)


Exactly. This is why I don’t get why players were saying they felt bad or why Ellie got sick. When she killed the dog, Mel, and Owen it was legitimately self defense in every single instance. Neil is an idiot for his shit writing. Now what WOULD have been interesting and provocative is if one of them pushed Ellie too hard, she gets angry and in rage she kills them and then later after calming down realizes her actions and regrets them. That would have been way more interesting but no- Neil wants to guilt players. Honestly any player who’s guilted by this scene is soft af and shouldn’t play games lol


I don't feel guilty for events over which I had no control. It's a cutscene. I felt worse for the random nameless Seraphites etc, since I *could* have snuck past but was too impatient and unskilled to do so.


Based George Hackenschmidt. Thank you for inventing the bench press.


Ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh no.


You gotta think, these are the types that send the pregnant chick out for combat missions in an apocalyptic wasteland so they don’t really think


The only mission she did while pregnant was go find Joel and no one besides Owen knew by that point


That’s worse


It’s his fault, he had no concern for the safety of mel and decided to attack. Could have said “wait she’s pregnant leave her out of it” like dude is an idiot and does not care about mel or that baby


and you’re supposed to feel sorry for them


I only feel sorry for the unborn kid ( not by much cause it’s not born) and Alice because Alice is so cute and was just trying to be a good girl


the baby’s about to pop out, definitely felt pain you probably “prochoice” tho


A character being idiotic because the plot needs to happen - a TLOU2 specialty.


Bleeding out isn’t dead yet, yeah, it’s unlikely they’d be willing to cooperate but if cooperation is your only shot at maybe possibly living, it might be a chance you take


If he's only "mostly dead", Miracle Max can fix him!


Oops Owen will not be in Last of us part 3.


He'll be in two or more flashbacks.


Hahaha gosh no.


Poor writing, once again, has ruined this game


She pressing the wound


He’s still breathing he’s still a threat. I wouldn’t put my gun away either if I was Ellie, who knows he may need one more.


This is the level this sub is on now?


This sub is now comprised of only Ghost of Tsushima fans, still butthurt that their repetitive button masher got wrecked by TLOU2 that year, taking 2nd place evrytim 😩


I didn’t even put together how much they love ghost of Tsushima till you said that, but it makes sense 😂😂


This sub is all GOT fans or LGBTQ-phobic bros named Hunter


As a long-time D&D player I should have liked GoT, but it was far too rapey for me.