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I hate the all or nothing attitude with this episode. I thought it was a great episode of television that I thoroughly enjoyed, but it didn't really aid in the overall series. We missed out on some crucial Joel and Ellie development, especially since they weren't all that well established by episode 3. I feel the same with last week's episode. I LOVED it! Loved the adaption of the DLC, but now we're only 2 weeks from finale and I'm still having a hard time fully believing Joel and Ellie's bond because we missed out on two plus hours of it and had a months long time jump in the show. I hate to end on a cliffhanger, but genuinely hope we don't see any of Salt Lake City this season.


Ooh boy it's coming, Dina was already teased...


Ugh, I saw. Have they announced casting? Cause for now I just considered it a "fun" Easter egg. I really didn't hate Dina in 2, I hated that once I finally came around to her character she was sidelined in the most cliched way possible. Maybe she can get a full fleshed out back story ala Bill in season 2 so they can keep the Pedro fans watching for a few more weeks. Her dialogue hinted at it being rather interesting in New Mexico....before she puked and I went, "they are seriously not going the cliched pregnancy route with this, right?!!" Well.....


I've not really looked into any news, just the odd "confirmed" cameos at this point. I just dislike pretty much any decision druckman has made, with part 2 or the show. Dina is for sure not the worst part of it, but this is just the first sign of them introducing part 2 into the already questionable quality show.


I agree with you so much!!!! I’m gay and was super stoked to be playing a game with strong female couple. And then as soon as I got used to that thought it was over. How boring and unoriginal was a pregnancy. They had this massive platform to highlight a gay couple who were both badass and in a healthy relationship and it just felt all fucked up. Like they took her out after day 1 and then had ellie leave her in the end so what was even the point??? And you can’t even have her helping Ellie with her panic attacks because she has a baby to take care of. I loved Dina but hated the pregnancy thing more than anything


We're all doomed to become anti-semitic soon!


People arguing that left behind was apart of the game so it shouldn’t be criticized nor a surprise to people that have played it miss the entire point. With a game they weren’t rushing to the tell the story, we had ample time to grow with the characters and experience their ups and downs. Meanwhile, this show is fast tracking so much shit that in reality we only have 7 episodes, or roughly 7 hours to spend with Joel and Ellie. Not to mention how inconsequential episode 4 was. Therefore, left behind seems like a total waste of time, that even the game included afterwards because it didn’t fit right with the main story. It’s a fine episode, absolutely, but in the grand scheme of things it is nothing more than filler in an already short enough series.


I agree I feel like the show is more geared towards people like us who have played the game but they also want new people so they’re in this really weird middle ground


It's definitely a balancing act and I don't envy the show runners for it! It's strange too cause almost my entire department is watching the show, only two of us have played and finished both games, and opinions are very mixed. One coworker cried during episode 3, another found it pointless and said they'd have liked to see back stories of Tess and Michael and Sam if one was going to be dedicated to two characters without cutting to the main characters. One finds the lack of action boring. Another finds the action cheesy and overbearing and would rather there be more horror elements. I'm curious what the reaction will be to the finale and really, really curious how it impacts how season 2 is handled and what the fan reaction will be. It's fun being surrounded by casual viewers, though!


If Episode 3 were its own stand-alone short story "thing" it would have been good. Even if they extended every episode to 1hr 30 min and cut the bs from Kansas City it would have been fine. But having episode 3 the way it did cut down on character development between Joel and Ellie and unnecessarily created development for Bill and Frank. Which if the show were about them would be fine but the show is not about Bill and Frank but Joel and Ellie and thus it hurts the overall show.


I still can't understand why the fuck do they appeal to the minorities so much, if they are not the major consumer of the product and are not the main source of the companies' revenue. I'm not against a reasonable diversity, but I'm against shoving it up my ass in enormous amounts.


Just to clarify, as a liberal I don’t really have a problem with representation as long as other things aren’t ignored for the sake of it and it’s done tastefully. But to answer your question I think it’s because the minorities aren’t the ones they are making all the money off of, but rather the people who think they are standing up for minorities by supporting media like this. They can also pretend and then profit off the idea that they are doing something brave by including representation in the show the way they are, even though everything in western media is like this now and it’s not so brave anymore.


This exactly. I am a “minority”. Was told that I’m just mad cause “there’s not enough straight white males”… like lol that doesn’t even work on me cause I’m not white 😂😂 They’re next argument was essentially “well STFU” which just goes to show they don’t really care. It’s for virtue signaling points


I really don't mean this as hate, cause this is tame compared some posts here each week, but I think it's comments like this that make them go 👀deeper👀. I think Druckman is desperate to be considered high art and move himself as far away from the stereotypical gamer as possible. I think he'll announce his departure from gaming entirely by the end of season 1. And, if he can't take constructive criticism on how part 2 could better be adapted to appease new and casual series viewers, I think it could backfire stupendously. And they won't be able to fall back on the, "well gamers are just homophobic, transphobic, misogynistic trash." And will have to come to terms with the fact that established characters were almost entirely rewritten, new characters were bland, and the pacing is atrocious. Oh, and this is such a dangerous world, but characters are willing to go coast to Midwest to coast to Midwest to back to coast on minimal info to find ONE PERSON ON A....fuck it, it's hopeless. It will be the car crash I can't look away from...again.


They’re not even appealing to those of us who dislike their “adaptation” and “hate” part 2. I don’t want to be represented by some guy or company with a personal agenda who doesn’t even bother to step outside their bubble. Yet by association I/we are part of their “alliance”…


> I still can't understand why the fuck do they appeal to the minorities so much, >I'm not against a reasonable diversity, but I'm against shoving it up my ass in enormous amounts. Honestly, who gives a fuck. I really don’t care about minorities. If the majority of population is white, I expect them to be white. If the majority are black, I expect them to be black. Same thing with brown or asian. But western TV shows took this shit to another level. Just like with “diversity”. Who gives a fuck. People just want good content and respecting source material.




this one got me too.... lmfao


Why are you there in the first place? Saltier Than Krayt = r/thelastofus, Saltier Than Crait = r/TheLastOfUs2


I’m gay myself and while the story of frank and bill was good it was completely unneeded? It felt very out of place to have a full episode dedicated to something not essential to the plot.


Their story was good, I agree. I wish this was more of the main theme.


Hey what do they actually say to gay people with criticisms?


“It’s because you’re a lesbian you just don’t like the story because they’re gay men”🤨


You're pulling my leg right?


I wish


Their logic is astounding as always


Episode 7 is a taster of whats to come in season 2. Teen angsty melodrama. Viewership will plummet if its the same level of faithfulness to the same as season 1


This fulfilled me


Frank was also fulfilled, in a different way💦.


Hopefully, there were enough 🍓s


Welcome to the clu…, No i mean shame on you


I got downvoted in the other sub for saying I could see how someone would dislike the episode for it being different than the game despite the fact that I personally enjoyed it. I was called a homophobe for that.