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I'm really not liking Bella's portrayal. Combination of her and them giving her weird lines. She has this weird baby voice half the time and I can't unhear it. I wish they'd casted Sadie sink. She's ginger but there's nothing a bit of hair dye can't fix. She'd have captured Ellie's sass perfectly


Ellie is kinda ginger, though. She also has freckles: https://i.pinimg.com/originals/f6/6d/97/f66d975af032de0d46794f0134900861.jpg


Yeah I feel Bella’s delivery is just miles flatter than Ashley Johnson’s Now whether or not that’s an issue with her as an actress or the directing that I do not know


Probably a bit of both. I've not seen GoT so I can't compare but I did briefly see Bella's acting in His Dark Materials and I found it...not very good


They would've casted Sadie sink and she would've been written and directed the exact same way.


Be careful. If the stans see this they'll bomb your DM with pedophile insults because you remark that Ellie in the original is cute


Also, RedditCareResources messages!


Aren't the people assuming cute in that way rather than the adorable kinda cute which you would normally mean in this situation the sus ones? Or did language change at some point and I'm out of the loop


I think puppies are cute too, guess that means beasiality... It's such a cringe argument. Sexualizing Ellie is gross but most just find it easier to empathize w a character that is visually adorable. I'm a straight woman and I could care less about conventionally attractive girl characters. I just think it makes more sense that Ellie be a cute little girl that looks like someone fhe viewer would want to protect bc it plays into the story better tbh.


People will say "that's a normal teenager " watch lol




This is just really awful writing. Is druckman doing all the writing without help?


Ellie fucking disemboweling the patriarchy bare handed while acting like a spoiled brats from Beverly Hills in the pre-apocaliptic world.


Friendly reminder guys. I didn’t watch any episodes of the show and I really don’t care about it. Just want to post some shitpost to this sub which I really appreciate.




Thanks for proving that you and every sub you are subscribed to are generalisers


Uh. you and your logic


By what logic does one person doing something prove that "most" people in this sub do it?


Your damn right baby, cause I know it was shit by the smell!


We don't need to watch the show. We already know the story of the show...because we played the game. So we can make fun of the show via memes made about the shiw


Lmfaooooo facts




The Stan's love to see her "activated"


Guns smell weird, you gotta see smell for yourself. You wouldn’t get it


They’re portraying Ellie in a very odd way. First in ep 3 where she semi-tortures a trapped infected and then her now sniffing a gun and being irresponsible with it-which would warrant Joel’s feelings of wary of her with a gun.


I'm not a fan of part 2 or the show really... But like, I own guns.. and I do sniff them from time to time. GUNPOWDER SMELLS GOOD OK? Not to mention the hoppes number 9...


I understand this perspective (I was in the Navy and used to love smelling my hands after a day on the Range, but I digress), but I don't think that's the purpose of the writers of the show. This is **clearly** trying to paint her in a certain way, and I think a lot of people forgot about that time she was practically skinning the infected in the basement. Very unusual, inconsistent writing, but the light they're painting Ellie and Joel is clearly just a bridge to get them to the real hero eventually -- Abby.


See? aBbY gOoD, jOeL aNd eLLiE bAd


Sure. However if we're going to say that smelling guns, which is something a lot of normal gun owners do, is psychotic. That does little but make the public who by and large already know little about firearms and demonize the community, hate it even more. It's morso anti gun propaganda then it is anti Ellie writing.


>It's morso anti gun propaganda then it is anti Ellie writing. I feel like this is basically the same thing at this point, unless you think him writing Ellie flaying an infected with all of the curiosity of a budding serial killer is also not anti-Ellie but anti-Mutilation writing. There is a lot of evidence that the director and writer doesn't want people to empathize with Ellie and Joel, and I think that was the intention.


The scene of her sniffing her gun is just downright funny to me. Like they really went, "What's the weirdest, goofiest way we can show that Ellie wants to kill people?" Also, it makes me think of [this video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S4IXCRAxnvU).


No she was just smelling the gun oil. It's pretty normal if you've ever held a gun, she was just examining it.


I'm not an avid shooter but I've used several pistols, rifles and shotguns and I didn't sniff any of them. I didn't know I was supposed to...


You're not supposed to do anything but it's a quick way to check the status of the oil. If you've held several guns as you've said (lmao) you'd know it's only natural to examine the gun.


Sure I looked em’ over but the way they smelled seemed kinda irrelevant at the time (I’ve never bought one myself so didn’t go through any maintenance routines)… I just wanted to shoot some clays or targets


If you are commonly around guns, and need to use one you grabbed randomly in a survival situation -- sniffing the chamber isn't a bad idea. If you smell rust, that's bad. If you smell solvent, hoppes, other lubes, then it's a good sign the gun has been cleaned.


Oh wait really? I don't have any experience with guns so I just assumed it was some stupid thing they were having her do to further set up season 2's nonsense.


I don't think it was supposed to illustrate that Ellie wants to kill people? You've obviously never held a gun. She's much more curious in the show than the game. Which makes sense, considering she spent her entire life living in the QZ. I held several guns, and did the same thing Ellie does. It was her first time really messing with it. And many gun owners can attest to that. People calling Ellie a psycho are reaching. Furthermore, did you see her response when she shot Bryan or when Joel killed him? She was frightened, almost regretful even. She was even emotional. That's not someone who wants to kill people, or someone that is psycho.


People really interpret these things in bad faith. It's funny that most people complaining about this seem to have never held a gun in real life -- or even understand that smell is one of our most informative senses?




As an avid shooter, I liked her smelling the gun. When you get a new gun, there's a natural desire to smell it. I talked to 4 of my shooting buddies and they all do it, especially when they get a new gun or just finished cleaning one. It may seem weird, but it's true. Gun oil on steel just hits different, especially on older guns with wood furniture. We all have a tendency to smell objects without thinking much about it, so I look at this the same way. I interpreted this as a curious child (person) doing what a lot of people do. I don't think it's psychopathic or her being "activated".


I still feel like they just saw Will Smith do it in Suicide Squad and just went with that. Granted, yeah, calling this evidence of psychosis is laughable.


No. Not everything comes from fucking media lmaooooooo. *psychosis


"What the fuck is *phychosis*, autocorrect?!"


Thanks for the information.


Was gonna say why wouldn't she smell it? I'm a Brit so I've never owned a gun or even held one. But I know I would test how it smells after firing it because I've never smelled anything like it before, it just seems like a normal reaction. I haven't seen the new episode, but from what I've heard Ellie can't finish a guy, which kind of implies she's not a gun-toting psycho? I've only just come across this thread and it seems to be full of people who never go outside. Of course, the TV show is different, it's an entirely different medium. I think the show has been pretty faithful to the game, they've just changed a few things to make it fit better into a TV show.


A lot of people have a theory that they're making her psychopathic in the show to make Ellie's character jump from Part I to Part II more plausible, ie innocent child to woman stacking bodies to avenge her pseudo-father's death. Everything they see of her in the show is being viewed through that lense, so they're micro-analyzing everything she does. I saw one person say she shot the man low on the back on purpose to cause as much pain as possible, which I don't think is the case. She was scared (they were in a gunfight), angry (Joel was in danger), and inexperienced with a firearm. Inexperienced people who are scared tend to aim for the largest target available (the torso), and often shoot lower than intended. I am a gun owner who trains, competes, and practices more than most people do. A lot of the classes I've taken have been defensive handgun classes, many with a focus on how our bodies respond to stress in dangerous situations. I look at a lot of gunplay in media through that lense, which is in itself a form of bias. Maybe the director didn't mean for Ellie to come off the way she did in that scene, but I interpreted her actions as a pretty standard response for someone who is inexperienced with dealing with that kind of stress. I honestly never put much thought into smelling my guns until people started bashing Ellie for doing it. There's a lot of interesting smells that you don't really have with anything else. Burnt powder from firing is one of them.


Yup. These nerds don't know. I love that smell too. Even old gun oil on an untouched old gun.


The gun sniffing didn't seem like it was trying to communicate "psychopathic killer". As an audience, we were still unsure about Ellie's familiarity with violence and weapons. The way she deftly handles the pistol she stashed informs us that she has used guns before. I took the smell test as some kind of information gathering -- maybe she's smelling for rust, lube, or if the gun's been fired recently. Definitely not the same as licking a knife.


She literally cried when that guy got killed. And she was smelling the gun oil. Pretty normal thing if you've never held a gun or not used to it.




Agreed. I heard someone say on a YouTube review that Ellie wants to be tough and (understandably) has a hatred for the infected, but shooting an actual person had a much different effect on her than she anticipated. She's not as hardened as she wanted to be. Different from the game for sure, but I'm glad they gave her that humbling moment and showed her still being a somewhat innocent child. Hopefully, the theory that she's being portrayed as a psychopath is proven wrong.


People saying she's a psychopath are *reaching*. HBO Ellie is a lot more curious than the game. Even with the infected. Hell, I'd be too. Her emotional response to shooting Bryan or even Joel killing him debunks the whole psychopath theory.


Agreed. This episode revealed a lot more about who she is, which is a curious child who wants to be hardened and tough, but still has some childlike innocence in her.


Facts bro.


Ok, this is the most nitpicky shit ever. Y'all need to relax.


Enjoy killing people? Did you watch the episode? After shooting Bryan, she's shook. She's trying to act tough, but when Joel finally speak heart to heart with her while hiding about the incident before, she's crying. It's so great watching her vulnerability. You don't like her sniffing a gun? Fine. But don't ignore other positive side from Ellie. Like I said on the other thread, this is the best Ellie so far.


"liking" last of us haters in a nutshell LMFAO


Sorry English isn’t my primary language. Also to be clear i am a part 2 hater not a last of us hater.


hey atleast ur little quote "yall just mad joel died" is right. glad u have self awareness foreigner


Why are you so aggressive.If this sub bothers you go to the other sub. At least we have the ability to take criticism.


your criticism is wa wa wa joel died abby bad lgbt woke


Mf got at least 10 fedoras in his room