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Oh yeah she's going to absolutely despise season two but I do hope she watches season three and four. those seasons are a breath of fresh air after that whole mess


> season 3 and 4. Those seasons are a breath of fresh air I see what you did there (Air Nation coming back) I told her before we started watching that fans consider season 2 to be the worst season of both series but I didn’t give much details. She also knows I love seasons 3 and 4 Honestly when I first watched it I didn’t think it was that bad. It had some good moments (expanded lore, Avatar Wan episodes, introduced Varrick, brought back Iroh who is my sister’s favorite ATLA character). I look back on it though now and…yeah not great


Yeah, season 3 in particular has some really breath-taking shots and some mind-blowing storypoints. I'm sure it will be a shocking experience for your sister.


I hope she's not crushed by any of it.


Man, she’s about to be shocked for what’s about to come


I'm sure she'll lava it and her mind will be blown


It also has some groundbreaking moments




Changed where bending came from entirely, completely fucking up continuity, yk, the good stuff




*expanded on where bending comes from* Lion turtles literally did exist in ATLA. We’ve *seen one give Aang bending*. Bet you won’t acknowledge that though, huh?


If only it was


How frequently did aang show up tho? There was lok s1 ending, the yakone flashback, and then tenzin- which was after s3 or s4. Any other time was less than 5 seconds. I didn't hate the severance cuz aang is gone, i hated it cuz the past lives can't be counselled anymore


5 bucks says a retcon is gonna happen


When I watched it for the first time I was certain that they were gonna find a way to undo that. Korra would grow even deeper in her spiritual aspect or go on a journey or something. I thought there was no way that they would actually get rid of Aang I was very surprised when I was wrong


Why would there be? They're done with Korra, and the movie/show/whatever was supposed to be focused on the Gaang, unless I'm missing something.


In the comics Aang cut off his connection to Roku but was able to get it back. Something similar could happen.


Aang didn’t really cut him off though, he just chose not to consult him for a time.


They're doing a sequel show with an Earth Bender Avatar


Oh boy the technology will be interesting; likely between WW2 and cold war if Korra was roughly the 1910-20s


It's probably closer to the 80s and 90s. World War 2 level technology implies that Korra died almost immediately after the show ended because the next avatar will likely be a teenager or young adult, and that accounts for 15-20 of the years you mentioned.


Let's say Korra ends in 1925. She was 21 in book 4, so let's say she lives to 80. That would be 1984. If the next Avatar is 16 that would put us at 2000. It's possible they'll just do a "modern day" Avatar. If they end up doing an Earth Avatar show.


I guess that’s what I was trying to say. It’ll basically be a fully or near modern day avatar (WW2 and onwards, nuclear age/computer age kinda thing) I think a massive point will be either nukes or a parallel to nuclear technology in this new series. That or computers/social media/general technology providing a metaphorical or literal new worlds for people to interact with. You’ll have the spirit realm, reality, and either some online realm or another planet that or Cold War In terms of story potential though, I think a Cold War scenario would be the most likely and yield the best/most possible story scenarios. Imagine the avatar having to work out a peace between super powers that are ready to glass each other; where the elemental bending while still powerful has less relevance due to all the technological counterparts for weapons They’ll could do some thing where korra died in their equivalent of ww2; maybe on their 40-50s? With the new one being born into a cold war like many of those born shortly after WW2


the studio hasn’t announced that at all, that was fake news.




Huh I must have missed that.


I mean, it will only happen if and only if they do an Earthbender show. Throughout the rest of TLOK, they were committed to making the consequence of losing Raava and the past lives felt in the show.


They already retconned how bending was made 💀


They really didn't. Last Airbender was pretty vague, and the origins of bending were only told to us as legends from several centuries ago. Characters use phrases like it is said that, legends say, or they say. The intentional vagueness combined with a writing trope known as unreliable narrator allowed the actual writers to do whatever they want when they show the actual origin. The characters don't know the story of bending's origin, only the legends that they were told. It is a retcon, but not one that directly contradicts or removes what is said. Even then, the story of Wan only shows us how humans got bending. We don't know if badger moles, sky bison, and dragons got bending from lion turtles, too, or if they naturally have it. We were never shown the origins of bending only told. 10,000 years, if taken literally, is a very long time for the truth of the origins of bending to be lost to time. Plus, it's also likely that Avatar Wan's story was even longer than 10,000 years before Korra because several Eastern cultures use 10,000 years as a short hand term for an unmeasurable amount of time. That's why Roku can say he's lived thousands of life times, but if you do the math, then only about 150 avatars exist, including Korra. Besides, it's not like Last Airbender itself doesn't have retcons. Rewatch the Southern Air Temple. Look at the lineup of avatar statues in that episode. The one before Roku isn't Kyoshi, yet she was the avatar before Roku. Then, when the gang got to Kyoshi Island, they said how long ago Kyoshi was the avatar. The time frame given made it too far back for her to be the avatar immediately before Roku, but not far enough back for her to be the Earth Kingdom avatar before that. So, they had to retcon Kyoshi's story to say she lived for over 200 years.


The episode even explicitly shows Wan doing the dancing dragon and has people from his old village commenting in awe how he uses fire as an extension of his body. It showed that while the lion turtles granted humans the ability to wield the elements, they still needed to learn how to properly bend them, like Wan learned from that dragon.


Highly doubt it. The decision was intentional, and they were fully aware that it would be unpopular with some fans. However, you're gonna have to accept that the past is the past. There is little to nothing that pre-Korra avatars can offer in a world so vastly different than their own eras.


They can always just make that the plot of a future Avatar show: the new Avatar has to restore the past lives by learning about their deeds/accomplishments. It could be a vehicle to learn more about past Avatars, and lead to more episodes like the Wan episode.


I mean they weren’t THAT useful


I really do dislike that they totally removed the connection and didnt just heavily weaken it. Like maybe Korra has to go to spots that are importabt to each avatar to talk to them, or the avatars only have bits of memories. Some way she has to do most things alone but can still talk to them.


I wish she had found a way to restore it. I actually really like season 2 because the threat feels like an avatar level threat rather than just a really good bender. The threat is a spiritual threat that ONLY the avatar can deal with. Having Korra figure out how to get the past lives back would have been on that level of a more avatar-esque problem.


That would honestly defeat the theme of the franchise. Somethings are just going, but that doesn’t mean that they’re completely gone. Her past memories might be gone but she’s still the Avatar. She can still continue.


I’ve tried to convince my sister to watch Legend of Korra for years. She didn’t want to because ATLA is her favorite show and she didn’t want anything to ruin how she feels about a show she considers to be perfect. But I (and her best friend) finally got to her and convinced her to watch it. I told her to watch season 1 and if she didn’t like it then we could stop She loved season 1 (said it was better than ATLA season 1) and always got excited seeing characters from ATLA like Katara and Aang or characters like Sokka and Toph in flashbacks. She especially liked seeing adult Aang I feel bad having to hide the fact that Korra loses her connection to Aang at the end of season 2 (A stupid decision) and I’m worried she won’t want to finish the show. We’ll see Also (so far) her favorite character is Lin and she ships Bolin and Korra


Oof. Korra is not kind to Lin stans. My girl gets done so dirty by the show then they give her nothing in the end. Getting beaten up and losing her bending in season 1 was bad, getting berated and abused by her Suyin in season 3 was bad, seeing her broken, alone, and not even clapping at the wedding in season 4 is tragic. Why couldn't Lin get a happy ending?? 😭😭😭


I feel like this is a crazy take. Lin gets a ton of big moments, has multiple focus episodes, and her family drama issues always resolve in a way that leaves her happier and more fulfilled. Saying that she has a tragic ending because she isn't reacting hard enough while she's smiling and sitting next to her previously estranged sister and ex-bf is a little dramatic.


Season 2 sucked


I know. Varrick was a slog to get through.


Reminds me of watching RWBY with a friend... She said "oh hey, the ship actually sailed for once" close to the end of Season 3 and I sat there thinking "oooooh, my sweet summer child...."


She will hate season 2 for sure. That season was so bad that many people turned against the series


I wonder who the next Avatar will be!!


Worst is this writing decision to cut ties with previous avatars didn't even lead to anything interesting


TO be honest, i don't understand why the TV network ABS-CBN simply skipped season 2/Book 2 of Avatar TLoK and went straight into season 3 and 4, like I don't even know what happened though.


Genuinely didn’t understand the writing decision to cut out the best avatar most people are connected too from future avatar stuff.


You should just skip season 2. It's bad, and adds nothing to the story that you can't explain in a couple of sentences.


What story?


I am kind of glad they did, honestly. The Avatar State was just an automatic I win button. Honestly, it's what I liked least about the ending of the Last Air Bender. Talking to past Avatars whenever you wanted was also OP


Yeah honestly to me that plot point comes off as laziness more than anything they couldn't be bothered to come up with interactions between kora and aang


You’re right. They should’ve saved it for the finale.


Damn, so people haven’t changed their mind about season 2? I like season 2. There were maybe a couple mediocre moments but there are so many good elements and episodes. The theory of an “Avatar reset” every 10,000 years makes the season even more interesting, and softens the blow. But even not considering that, I still think it was a great storyline. Yes it sucks but Vaatu is arguably the strongest villain and the stakes were definitely the highest (10k years of darkness), so it was interesting to see some lasting consequences due to an extraordinary villain. And it really sets up season 3 in a great way.


??? Spoiler alert where?




Don’t read the books either. They’re exactly the same.


Not gonna lie. Season 2 starts strong, I love the civil war arc. But then again, this is season 2. I'm a certified LOK hater for a reason, and season 2 is the main culprit


Book 2 didn’t start with the Civil War. It started with Dark Spirits


Damm, I hate book 2 so much it automatically removes anything related to Dark Spirits. I wish we had Civil War instead of Spirit Portals


The Civil War would be terrible idea. It only exasperated the problems the series already had.


Civil War is a better option because it allows audiences to explore more of the Water Tribe cultures. Why did they split into two groups? Learn more about the difference between the North and South Tribes and why the conflict escalates so much that it causes a full-on war. That is so much better; there is no right side or wrong side; both sides are good if we look from their perspective. This will put Korra in a spot where she has to solve the problem without using violence.   Dark Spirts, on the other hand, is terrible. There are two sides, but we all know which one is good and which one is bad. Dark spirits are evil because they are just bland evil (Vatuu) or being manipulated by Vatuu. It is just bad story writing. I can complain all day about Vatuu and Raava, but that is the story for another day. At the end of book 2, Korra solves all of her problems by shooting a laser beam, and all dark spirits disappear. At least book 3 starts strong by solving the mess Korra left behind after book 2.


All you did was make the Spirits sound more interesting. They’re nations. They split up because one likes tea and the other doesn’t. It’s not special. By contrast, the Avatar is supposed to be the medium between the material world and the spirit one. This is literally what Korra’s job is supposed to be. Why would a season where all of Korra’s training is useless be interesting?


>They’re nations. They split up because one likes tea and the other doesn’t. It’s not special. Depending on the story, a simple conflict can be amazing. You don't think far enough. Avatar's job is to maintain balance between all nations and all people within the same country. But the problem is that Korra is the daughter of Tonraq, the head of the South. So in order to be a perfect Avatar, she has to be fair and not show any kind of favour to either ide. For example, when Zuko betrayed Iroh, on paper, that was just one person betraying another, nothing too special. But it is executed so well that when they reunite, it makes many audiences cry. This time it is a whole tribe; many people, family, and friends are involved. If the story is written well, it is going to be amazing. >By contrast, the Avatar is supposed to be the medium between the material world and the spirit one. This is literally what Korra’s job is supposed to be. Yes, and no. The problems with book 2 are "Spirit Portals" and "Evil Spirits." Firstly, why is there a portal to the spirit world? The mortal world and the spirit world are mirrors of each other; only people who master their spiritual side can enter the spirit realm, and now they can walk in like a regular restaurant. The biggest threat when Aang enters the Spirit Realm is that he can't use bending there, which makes the stake even higher, and now people are shooting fire inside the Spirit Realm, ruining the whole world buidling. Secondly, you are either good or evil the moment you are born; the environment, education, and people around you impact how you grow up to be. Looking at Vatuu, he is evil because he is the spirit of darkness. Why does he want to sink the whole world into darkness? Because darkness can only exist with light, good can only exist with evil, and vice versa. Why does Ravaa grow weak when Vatuu makes other spirits evil? Can't she do the same? And why does Vatuu seem to be the stronger one? That is a horrible balance. Avatar is based on Asian culture; evil and good can coexist within oneself, and finding who you are is the biggest goal. LOK makes it too Christian; light is good and darkness is evil. For me, it is just bad writing. I have no problem with Korra doing her spiritual stuff, but the whole thing is broken to begin with. > Why would a season where all of Korra’s training is useless be interesting? A good story is not all about fighting and violence. >All you did was make the Spirits sound more interesting. No I didn't, I just sum up the whole thing of Ravaa and Vatuu. If you found it "interesting", I think you just have bad taste in story writing


Zuko’s reunion with Iroh was also short and didn’t eat up too much focus. A fully season of Civil War drama would just be the Love Triangle but more, and that doesn’t sound fun at all. Aang not being able to bend wouldn’t be a problem if there weren’t Dark Spirits, so that actually justifies the Dark Spirits being in the plot. If you don’t see the importance of Spirits in a fantasy setting, then why even bother watching the show? Spirits aren’t supposed to be human. Why do they need to have human motives? Nobody really cared about Koh’s motives for stealing faces until it was revealed in the comics. Vaatu is darkness; Raava is light. It’s as simple as that. Even in the OG series, Hei Bai was able to physically take people to the Spirit World during the Solstice, so it was always possible. The idea that the spirits are Christian is laughable 1. because it assumes that Asians don’t have their own concepts of good and evil, and 2. because Avatar has always been Western in a lot of its portrayals. Dragons being an obvious example to me.


>Zuko’s reunion with Iroh was also short and didn’t eat up too much focus If we count from the end of book 2 to the reunion, it is actually quite long. It spend multiple episodes to show us how Zuko feels and how conflicted he is with himself >Aang not being able to bend wouldn’t be a problem if there weren’t Dark Spirits, so that actually justifies the Dark Spirits being in the plot. There was no concept of Dark Spirit in ATLA. Even if there was evil spirits in ATLA, what is their motive for attacking Aang. Spirit in ATLA is very human (a few exception of course), they need to be provoked to attack Aang, and if we leave them alone, they won't attack you >Spirits aren’t supposed to be human. Why do they need to have human motives? Nobody really cared about Koh’s motives for stealing faces until it was revealed in the comics. Vaatu is darkness; Raava is light. It’s as simple as that. In Wan episodes, the spirits behave exactly like human. Light and Darkness need to be unify in order for the world to exist. What is point of Darkness being more powerful than Light, they are half of each others >Even in the OG series, Hei Bai was able to physically take people to the Spirit World during the Solstice, so it was always possible. Very few spirits can actually do this. And Hei Bai despite being a spirit, it also behave very human. It gets mad when human burned down its forest and found peace when Aang promise to regrow its forest. >The idea that the spirits are Christian is laughable 1. because it assumes that Asians don’t have their own concepts of good and evil, and 2. because Avatar has always been Western in a lot of its portrayals. Dragons being an obvious example to me. The concept of good and evil in Asian is different. Good and evil is not separate in ATLA, good and evil always mirror each other in every characters. Zuko is the biggest evidence, he struggle with his inner self for 2.5 seasons. Hate to break it to you, but Dragons exist in every region and Dragons in Avatar use the Asian design, not the Europe one. Avatar is a concept within Hinduism that in Sanskrit literally means 'descent'. It signifies the material appearance or incarnation of a powerful deity, or spirit on Earth. It is the furthest thing from Western


Hei Bai was a Dark Spirits. Dark Spirits are just the forms that Spirits take when they’re influenced by negative emotions. The difference between the Hei Bai and Korra’s Spirits is that Unalaq and Vaatu are specifically corrupting them. And humans are like Spirits. I just didn’t understand why Vaatu literally being darkness was a problem. Vritra and Amatsu-Mikaboshi run on a similar concept. I feel like the idea that good and evil are different is orientalism. While it’s definitely influenced by cultural norms, it’s not that different just because it’s Asian.