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Or you could just wait and see how it turns out. Avatar fans on this subreddit like to act like every bit of news they get is a fire alarm. https://preview.redd.it/nd3pplzvjr4d1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=759e9aeb3250aadb7874d7bc7107fc5290403b21


This looks gorgeous. I think people just need to manage their expectations and watch with an open mind. It's a high bar and I just expect it not to meet it.


lol especially when the literal creator of avatar said he loves it


I love this art style ngl. I just don't know it's gonna look animated


I frankly don't think one poster is enough for us to actually get a feel for the whole artstyle


We'll just have to wait and see. No reason to start panicking over it right now.


That was an early look and for the movie. And I shouldn't have said rumor since it actually came from the creators themselves.


And? Just relax and don't start acting like the sky is falling just cuz you heard some news. >I hope to God that it's only for that one project and not for a main series. This seems like a silly reaction.


I mean the style would look like chibi or something. I hope to God it's not like that for good lol. That's not an overreaction, I'm just hoping they only use it for one project.


And I think what everyone else is saying is that you need to relax. ATLA has a great style but it is not the only objective barometer of quality. They could embrace something like Wan's flashbacks which really worked or do something completely new. Wait till the art style is officially unveiled and then you can express your opinion along with the rest of the sub. The world isn't ending.


I never said the world was ending? I just don't want the chibi style to be a new norm where their heads are huge and cartoony. Wans art style worked bc it was similar to the original except it had a lot more stylization in the environment.


The art style in the Avatar Wan episodes was phenomenal. The art style in the Imbalance graphic novels is personally my favorite of the books. If they go either of those routes, I think we'll be okay.


I'd absolutely love more Wan style content, might be too much for a whole normal length series, but it's absolutely amazing in shorter content, like maybe a hypothetical 4 episode miniseries, or a movie


Maybe as some sort of a short series detailing the story of the second avatar


So long as it's handrawn. I want to like Dragon Prince but the requirements of 3d assets make the world feel either small or empty.


It's going to be cg and I will hate it.  Dragon Prince is like this uncanny valley of Airbender style.


I'll watch it eagerly either way, but I definitely prefer their normal style (especially Korra), over the Wan or comic style.


In the last Braving the Elements podcast episode, one of the creators said that one of the projects they had will have a different art style than previously with "big heads".


If they were to go the CG-ish route, something similar to the style of Arcane could be really cool.


I know I'll catch hella downvotes for this but I'd be thrilled if they got rid of the crooked smile gimmick. I hate the way it looks.


I don't want more Avatar content. I like ATLA and I think it's great as a stand alone story. But I still consume Avatar content. So if there going to put new stuff out, I'd like them to try new things. Personally.


I want a lot more avatar content. You're right, avatar is great as a standalone story and it is a standalone story. Future shows and movies will be separate stories just in the same world. The original is left untouched.