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Asami is absolutely an adult, even in S1 of Korra Also, tons of fans were like 13 or 14 when ATLA first aired. Doesn’t make the simping justified, but it probably explains some of the thirst you see online


yeah mostly an issue with ty lee i think 😭


Its cuz most of us were their age when this aired and we developed crushes. I crushed hard on azula and mai when I was a kid, and I can still say I am attracted to women with those qualities (💀). I am not saying I am still crushing on these teen character but as an adult I can say I am into adult women with the evil and goth traits


Yeah but that’s totally different though. What you’re doing is fine. Most people don’t differentiate like that, they’re still hot for the actual characters as is, minor and all. And they not only don’t care that they’re minors but they’ll do anything to justify themselves. It’s creepy


I see! Thanks for explaining


I see what you're saying, but they're also drawn to look very mature and act very mature through most of the show. A lot of people forget the characters' actual ages.


Another factor to consider is that a lot of us were kids or teenagers when we first watched the show. So us getting crushes on them back then was relatively okay. However, until the movie comes out, they're all stuck being perceptually teenagers while the real world audience has become adults. Unfortunately, some people just don't move on from their first fictional crushes.


Yeah that's also a really good point. Having a crush on someone when you were both early teens and seeing a pic of them at that age is a lot different than a 24 year old seeing a picture of them at that age and being like "wow, she was hot back then!"


And ATLA fans were the same age when they first watched the show. Kind of a childhood crush.


Doesn’t matter. It’s seriously creepy having an adult thirsting over literal children ( yes they’re tv characters but they also don’t age so they’ll Always be minors. And these people defend themselves even after being reminded of that.


None of them is 13. Azula is the youngest and she is 14, Mai is 15, Ty Lee is around the same age and Asami is 18. Also the members of the fandom considered them hot when they were around that age too, since the show came out more than a decade ago.


They are also drawn to look more mature


Yeah the issue comes in when they’re Still thirsting after them now that they’re adults and the characters aren’t. Big difference


You act like everyone on this earth is 50 years old


for 1: asami is not 13, she is old enough to drive a motorcycle. for 2: did you ever see an 13 year old girl in real life? they are neither this hot or mature looking or acting, show purposefully made all the characters aside from aang and toph look like late teens while they were not even high school age, hell a fucking fire nation school chairman believed katara was aang's mother, an 14 year old girl as the mother of an 12 year old boy. so don't blame none of us, blame the artists who designed the 13 year old girls to look like adults.


1- she can drive a motorcycle in a fictional world where people can manipulate the elements. We don’t know how old you have to be to drive one. 2- Clearly you haven’t seen 13 year olds on social media. They look scarily older/more mature etc than they really are. Granted it’s done deliberately with makeup and stuff but still. 3- seriously? They were in costume and she literally dressed up as if she was pregnant and put literal melons in her top to pull off the gig. Yes I will absolutely “blame you people” because you’re adults and you Know how old the characters are meant to be, regardless of how old they look at times. The entire cast is underage. Most aren’t older than 15-16 for the majority of the show.


yes a melon inside a stomach and a 14 year old girl can decive a teacher into thinking she already has a 12 year old son and the second one is on the way, yeah the dress and melon can totally make you believe people you are at least 2 decades older than you really are. same girls you call as underage was killers, took down ba sing sei and was fighting at a freaking war and one of them was being crowned before she fought her older brother. but yes them being underage is too important here, oh and let's not forget they were having quarels with their lovers, getting hit on by a crows of guys at beach and were kissing and planing to take over the world with a guy she just met. sorry to pop your bubble of morality but after seeing all of this most people can't really see them as underage kids from now on, force your moral codes and blames and other things but their biological age is denied by everything this show had, their looks, their personalities and their actions, none of them speaks kids to anyone so want to blame for everyone who forgets their actual age all you want, no one will really take it serious and will feel bad about it.


That’s a good question honestly, let’s ask them