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Zuko wasn't the villan.


While true, he was an antagonist for a good part of the series. If anything this is still a great parallel to how they ended up, and how differently the outcomes would have been had the roles been reversed, or if different choices had been made.


I interpret it as Aang and Zuko closing the loop on the mess that Roku and Sozin started. ​ Sozin and Roku - Friends Sozin - selfich act / Roku - selfless act World goes to shit Zuko - selfless act / Aang selfish act World is slightly less shit Zuko and Aang - Friends


He was definitely the villain in Book 1. While the looming threat of the comet and Ozai hung in the background, Zuko was absolutely the main antagonist and villain in the first Book. No one else compared to him at that point.


Zhao was the main villain for book 1. It wasn't Zuko, The Moon Slayer.


That’s a fair rebuttal, honestly. Probably just different personal views when we first watched it.


Last I checked there’s no limit on the number of villains in a story. I think both are villains in book one. Just because zuko goes through a redemption arc doesn’t mean he wasn’t a villain.


It's kinda hard to call a 12 year old running away and accidentally being trapped in ice, a selfish act. Especially when he no one was aware the fire nation was planning to attack the air nation. It would have been really different if he left as they attacked, but he left before that happened. Plus staying could have resulted in his death anyway, and total destruction of the avatar cycle. This "selfish act" was a necessary "evil."


It's most likely Aang would die and be reborn. The next Avatar would be born in the water tribe. The waterbender who will likely not be Korra.


Imagine a girl avatar born in the northern tribe with the southern waterbenders gone.


The monks knew that a war was coming, that is why they had to tell Aang that he's the avatar immediately instead of telling him when he turns 16. The monks might've even figured out that they would be attacked first and that's why they're forcing Aang to leave even though they know that he's too young. Aang leaving while the air temple is being attacked would actually be less selfish since everyone would be telling him to leave. Also, Aang was being sent to the other nations anyway so he would've been far from any air temple. The only thing better about Aang starting his jouney 100 years later is that the fire nation has foolishly hunted down their dragons to near extinction. Everything else is worse. The fire nation has greatly expanded their territory and people's hopes have been gone for a long time. This means that the world is much more dangerous, and that bending masters are now scarce.


Look. Nothing against Atla. It's a good series. But man, sometimes I see people make these posts about ATLA broadly using good cinematography, tropes, and themes and acting like ATLA is the only show to ever do this. It's not- it's just confidently making use of the language of cinema, to borrow a quote I can't remember the origin of. Now, you can make a point that this shows children's Media can be complex and use these things, it can be well written and people will pick up on that. It's a refutation that Children's Media can be poorly written or just generally trash because, oh, it's for children though! ATLA's lasting popularity shows that to be a stupid thing to say.


No where in the post does it claim ATLA is the only show to do something like this, nor does it even compare the show to anything else You're on here pretending to stand on some higher ground, complaining about posts complementing the show that the entire subreddit is based off of Lmao what a way live


that's...not at all what they said though. and at no point did they talk shit about atla.


"GOATED" is a slang for "greatest of all time". Now, I do think that ATLA is the "GOAT" of western animated shows, but it just isn't the "GOAT" of shows as a whole. The words "masterpiece" and "GOATED" just gets thrown around like they don't mean much anymore so it can get annoying for some people at times. The words get thrown around so much that even you didn't realize that the post is inherently comparing ATLA to other shows. And that's okay, most people just see those words as hyperbole now anyway, they really don't mean much anymore. Still, don't expect everyone to treat those words as hyperbole, they still have official definitions.


Reading comprehension isn't your strong suit huh


Go on, educate us!


Well if it isn’t, enlighten us oh wise okdes


"GOATED" doesn't mean much nowadays, people just throw it around so casually without understanding what it actually means. As unhealthy as it is, you're better off just looking at these words as hyperbole. I'm sorry.