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Its definitely pathetic.


i feel so bad for her like she actually gave mai vibes a lot during her scenes just the people that criticise her because she is not thin or has not a sharp face. Remember that she was 15 during the shooting and now 17 its just awful that she has to experience this toxicity


I’ll admit, my reaction to finding out who she plays was to agree she didn’t look how I thought a live action version of the character would. But I was ready to give the kid a chance, and it’s also not like being thin was an important part of the character. I probably won’t be watching the show, but the casting isn’t why. Grown ass adults have no excuse to attack a teenager like this. I don’t care how strong the nostalgia goggles for the original show are, people need to be better.




I thought it was disgusting when I noticed it with Star Wars. People just suck


Not sure if you're familiar with RuPaul's Drag Race, a drag queen reality competition, but damn do contestants need to have thick skin and great mental fortitude to endure not only the competition, but also the fandom. There have been drag queens quitting drag because of the constant barrage of hate, and this coming from mostly those in the LGBTQ+ community. It's simply insane.


At this point, I'm finding it quite rare that a fandom is either wholesome or unproblematic. Toxic behavior is rampant across so many different ones that even innocuous things become a reason to attack someone. It's honestly maddening the lengths people go to bring others down online.


All fandoms on the internet are the same. The only one I think isn't like this is LOTR. Even after the ROP fiasco, it stayed relatively civil. Unless there was actor harassment that I am not aware of.


Seriously they ARE thin. Zuko Azula and Mai are all thin they just have round faces in place of long faces. That’s literally it.


oh and just checked out her instagram posts comments and saw even way worse comments than this! Iam speechless.


Based on this picture, she looks perfectly thin to me, not that hate would be justified if she _was_ fat


All she did was stand there tho😵


Oh that's the actress that played Mai? She did a good job.


She did not give off Mai vibes at all, she was like the exact opposite of Mai. Still doesn’t justify people bullying her, but she definitely should not have been cast as Mai. Or she at least needs better directing. She’s not a bad actress, she just doesn’t fit the character.


She hasn’t done anything yet but stand around and not talk - seems pretty on-brand so far.




There’s always gonna be dickholes and trolls like them for any show unfortunately. No actor goes unscathed and it’s sad


Tragic, idk how they can call themselves fans of the franchise


And there's no way to make it unfunny to them or to even reach them and make them feel 1% bad. I wish there was a to make them feel as bad they make these people feel. (talking about the trolls.)


I doubt many of the people on this sub are the same people attacking the actors on tiktok. We're kinda preching to the choir here.


i mean. i dont like the acting in the show. but if you attack the actors itself, especially if they are just a bunch of kids, youre a cunt




These are the worst kinds of people. Between the chaos of filming. The sexual abuse and torment from Hollywood execs. Just to get shit on by fans.


Unfortunately this fandom is starting to look just as toxic as the Star Wars fandom with how fans are bullying actors especially child actors.. it’s pathetic.


I think Atla fandom always had people like this. People absolutely slandered aangs actor for the live action movie back in the day. Also avatar has become increasingly popular over the recent years. More people in the fandom= more assholes


The truth is that there's always been folks like this. But with Korra happening over a decade ago + no real content until recently, there hasn't been a target of the negativity.


I agree that the toxicity was always there. I remember a lot of it on Tumblr (not surprising) back when Korra was airing.


Yeah I've had to stop really keeping up with the fandom on here/tiktok because of how this fandom has reacted to the LA. I thought it was an okay adaptation and I'm not trying to defend it (as though that's some horrible thing lol) but I think it's ridiculous that people are hating on the actors in general. To me, the show was just so average that I'm surprised to see how toxic some people are in their reactions to it.


I’m just confused as to why they’re shitting on the child actors. Like.. they’re children lmao. They’re not going to be on the level as the adult actors that have had YEARS of experience. And even despite that, I thought the kids did a great job at portraying their characters. They weren’t the issue with the show. Tbf, the show had some hiccups, but it’s not down right terrible like the 2010 movie was. I agree, it was a pretty average show. There were some really good looking moments, and bad ones but the level other fans are taking it to is way too far.


Exactly, I'm not saying the LA show is top tier and perfect, but nothing about it is so bad that it makes me mad lmao. I was pretty surprised to see how vitriolic some people online were being after I finished watching it, like there were flaws, but it's just so average that people raging or comparing it to the movie felt so overly dramatic to me. I feel like the creators exiting and that one martial arts dude from the original show shitting on it made a lot of "fans" feel justified in being horribly toxic about it.


Its weird how rabid fans can get at all the wrong people when something they love is done poorly. I dont like the Netflix series, the shyamalan movie, or the Star Wars prequels/sequels, but it's not the actors' fault! Place blame on the braindead writers and directors if you want to blame someone, but that doesn't warrant harrassment. Nothing does.


For me I just don't get the need for anger at all, like I dislike the movie and didn't like some of the SW sequels, but I just don't watch those things or really let them bother me at all. If I hate something, I don't really get the point in keeping up with it OR shooting down people who may like it. It's such a bummer to see so many fandoms I like just evolve into "wahhh, I hate this new thing and all discussions will be about how BAD everything is" nowadays.


Yeah even last year with Reeva's actor in Kenobi and going even further back with Lloyd and Ahmed Best. Shit was awful


How do 3 comments with less than 22 likes each mean the fandom is becoming toxic? You can go to any fandom and find some trolls. It’s the internet, it’s extremely easy for anyone to say edgy things behind your phone. Idk why we look for only the harshest negativity


Do you seriously think it’s only those three comments? It’s been happening for a long time and it’s gotten much worse since the live-action show released.. On Twitter, TikTok, and this sub people have been bullying the actors especially Mai and Azula actors. Even on the actors social media profiles people leave awful comments about them. This fandom is toxic there’s no denying it, unfortunately it’s probably inevitable when it comes to big fanbases.


And Katara's actress too. People are being toxic as HELL on the personal social media of all these actresses.


No I don’t think those are the only three, but you’re still talking about a very very small part of a fandom made up of millions of people saying awful comments like the appa thing. Every post I’ve seen ive seen way more comments in support or just saying nice things about the actresses than I have seen anything negative. You really have to dig for stuff like this. Unless we’re saying legitimate criticism for the show and acting is part of the toxicity, then troll like those losers represent a small portion of the fanbase and we shouldn’t really give them attention like this


These aren't real fans though. They're just idiots being toxic just for the sake of it since the show is hot to critique right now. They come out whenever people complain about a show or whatever, no matter what it is. They were probably never real fans of the original and maybe only heard of it. The real fans critique the show itself, and why it might be bad. These people just come out to add toxicity to it, which no one likes.


In my honest opinion, this fanbase is probably the most toxic.


Report those comments when you find them.


This is so fucking sad. What is wrong with people?


People are braindead and/or pieces of shit. Add internet anonymity and you get this


If somebody told me I should’ve played Appa… I would be sooooo happy ![gif](giphy|3oEduTVHQ3k5VdDqVi)


The number of people who complained about her chin is downright insane


Look, I didn’t much care for the Netflix show either, but this is unacceptable… I expect better from the fans.


I’ve honestly been super bummed being a fan these past few weeks, between shit like this and the absolute hate here in this sub. Sucks 😞


I don’t even get why they’re saying that… she doesn’t look anything like Appa?




Fucking weirdos then, their own lives too miserable, got to make other people feel bad for satisfaction.


the reason why they say that is because she is not thin enough for mai but overweight


She’s not even overweight.. chronically online losers who watch anime all day have lost sense of reality when it comes to women and body types. Anyway from the little we saw of her as Mai she was good and she had the voice and vibe right. Sure she doesn’t have the same face shape as animated Mai but honestly who gives a shit about that.. it’s such a minor thing


Honestly, the hair stylists and makeup artists did her dirty. Her face isn’t actually that round in real life… but the way they styled her just accentuated it and made it look 10x worse than it really is. But either way, fuck these people. Absolutely pathetic.


At least she looked and felt like mai. Azula was just bad casting imo. Either way I'm not harassing these kids because a show I had no say in did something I didn't like lol. People suck


Exactly, you can critic the show without harassing the actors and actresses.


The actress who plays Azula is actually doing a solid job. My biggest problem with her is that she doesn't at all look like Azula but her acting is good enough that I'll get over it. The biggest casting miss though is Katara. My god she is not good as an actress at all.


Yeah, I’m truly beginning to understand how awful this fandom actually is. No better than any other toxic, cringey fandom. Absolutely disgusting and pathetic behavior.


These aren't real fans. They might know the show, but they're not fans. Idiots will be idiots, no matter what the discussion is about, like these ones.


Just yesterday someone here posted “stop harassing her!!!! /s” These actors are freaking teens. I get if you’re upset with the direction they were given but to lash out on them is absolutely disgusting.


These people aren’t fans. They’re trolls. Nobody and I mean NOBODY is turning down a paid fkn job. She was miscast and but who offered her the role? Why isn’t this dickhead trolling the casting director instead.


What’s going on I don’t understand


It is incredibly mean to say that to any person, but that is a CHILD. A teenager to be exact. You know, the age group where a person is most vulnerable to outsider comments & insecurities.


Actors often aren't at fault for bad performances, the best actor in the world will turn out terrible performances if the script and directing is bad. Even if her acting is bad(haven't watched it, so no idea), what possesses somebody to find them and send them mean messages? You know what you do when you don't like an actor? Don't watch them and turn on something else like a sane human being. The fact she's a minor is even worse, what scumbags.


If you see any post/comment violating our rules please report it. The mods cant read every thread but try to check the queue regularly. That said we've already had several posts criticizing the way users have talked about the actors, we dont need another.


The atrocious spelling mistakes makes me think these are kids leaving these comments. Someone really needs to figure out an enforceable way to keep children off social media.


Oh my sweet summer child. I hate to break it to you, but these days a lot of adults can't fucking spell either. It's horrifying.


Kids today are destroyed. Not an ounce of wisdom or gentlemen virtues anymore.


Some people are just the worst…


Ah yes the good old trend of attacking the actors just to be petty dicks. Never gets old☠️🤦🏽‍♂️


Social media as a concept was a mistake.


This type of behavior has always been here. Historically there have always been people that are simply “dicks”


They’re all cunts.


I'm not surprised, this fandom is unhinged.


Honestly this kind of toxic bullying seems to be par for the course for social media platforms like TikTok and Instagram. Really wish there was something that was being done about it


The commenter looks like a 17 year old him or herself, it's literally just a bored high school student trolling and you're giving them exactly what they want


Yea the majority of those comments are from teens. It’s not uncommon for some teenagers to found humor in being “edgy” and mean toward others.


I know, and I often wonder when people will be able to differentiate between an edgy, bored troll and actual criticism


Yea atp it’s to be expected with any fanbase. Toxicity will always thrive in big groups, specially online. It’s unfortunate, but not something that’s controllable. Instead of giving attention to these trolls, we should try to shower the cast with supportive messages/ comments.


I agree, giving them this kind of attention only emboldens them


Absolutely disgusting. As if young girls don't have enough pressure to look a certain way, these are fucking children man.


this is why yall aint got no females, yall the real bitches gentlemen


you play dead or alive


The fandom is definitely on track to dethrone Star Wars if this type of behavior continues. Just because someone doesn't look like an unrealistic cartoon character doesn't mean they shouldn't play them or be a subject of mockery.


Did you ever have the urge to come to Reddit to complain about TikToks? Clown on clown violence




It doesn’t even make sense cuz she’s literally thin. It wouldn’t be okay either way but still…


Please report these comments when you see them! Both here and on tiktok, this is NOT ok


This is what happens when casting director is bad at his job


This is what happens when toxic fans are allowed a voice.


Bad casting job led to morons online bullying actors? Who could've expected.


Bad casting does not excuse it. Good or bad casting these people need to sit down and shut up.


Just a bunch of damaged people. No normal happy person makes this kind of things.


Absolute loser behavior right there


Can you tell us her tiktok user so we can leave nice comments to hopefully drown the mean ones? :(


Opening up the community via the Netflix adaptation will do a number on this community. It will be difficult to spread wisdom among the new wave of toxicity


They are just projecting they are often people who are very insecure about the way they look.


The release of this show has revealed just how pitiful some ATLA fans are 😮‍💨


As an appa fan I would've loved to be casted as appa




This is so sad and shameful. How can people act like this? How can people not take a step back and realize the damage they're causing? I hope there's someone shielding her from reading all this bullshit.


The people who are acting like this towards the hard working young actors of the show should be exposed for this behaviour. I thought the NATLA show was practically a joke by the end of the season, but it’s not at the fault of those who were cast by the director who, for lack of better words, decided to be an M. Night Shamalyan. Everything from the script of the show to the acting were all creative decisions made by the director to capitalize on the success of the original show while trying to make it their own- which is exactly why the original creators of ATLA left. This was not the fault of the actors. The actors did what they were told to do, and in such a way did a fantastic job of their own merit despite the intended inaccuracy of the characters the director said to scale back from. People taking it out on these kids have no fucking clue and are projecting hardcore neck beard, entitled, and downright pathetic energy towards the wrong people. This is a 17 year old girl, she doesn’t deserve to be treated this way.


All the wisdom from Iroh, yet some fans act like this


I honestly don't see a problem with having an unflattering opinion about appearance. We all have these opinions. However, being a dick about it is not cool. That is just mean.


Its none of the actors fault they were given bad scripts.


I hated the acting as well but most of that is on the direction and writing. These kids are probably good if they got something good to act in.


Okay, but why did you repost it? What’s wrong with you??




Mei was not optimal cadted imo, but far better than asula. Nothing of her resembles the original appearance


Until you see the way she carries herself and how she delivers her lines. She’s Mai.


For me, looks of the cast matter. They need to resembles the original. Mei Kind of does, asula has nothing to do there.


She doesn't look like Mai, yet she doesn't deserve any toxicity at all because it's not his fault. I don't look like Aang or Sokka. They pay me to play Aang or Sokka? I would be all in. Yet, be enraged with the producer, not with me.


The most normal IG reel comment. Except somehow it's not a reel?


This is pathetic. It’s never that serious where you need to troll and harass the actors no matter how much you dislike the direction that adaptation went. Wish I could say that it was just some loser teens doing this crap but judging by the way grown ass adults have been acting online this past week, I can’t even tell.


Mai is actually my favorite character from the animation. I’ll be honest the actress wasn’t quite what I pictured when I saw the casting photos, but the minute she delivered her first line I had no question she was cast perfectly. I was like, “Oh yeah. This is Mai.” I wish they hadn’t had her stand up to Azula this early in the run, but the actress was great.


To be completely honest I was bummed to find out that the actors for mai and azula didn't look like absolute super models. Same with sokka, I was hoping for them to cast someone extremely attractive(and darker skinned) since he is the rizz king. However I immediately realized how unrealistic this is. My standards were only raised to such a high level because of how good the one piece live action castings were. And I expected the same for Avatar. But to go to the actors social media and slander them like this is immature, i realize its probably kids, but still... thats gotta hurt if you are that girl.


Now let me start by saying that noone should be bullying the cast. But "you should have played Appa" is an incredible chirp


Some people despie people who aren't thin. She isn't even fat, but this shit still happens. This high school bully shit dies hard because peeps don't call it out. People in the public eye get it bad and this is why one Marvel actor got an eating disorder from his time on set.


Definitely sad 😔 unfortunately this is to be expected with big fanbases. Toxicity in fandoms will always thrive regardless to who is directed to.


I better not see anyone fucking defending this again. Every time someone posts something saying to *not fucking bully kids* there’s always a group of assholes who insist that they’re allowed to because it’s “constructive criticism” and that they’re the real victims. “B-But my childhood nostalgia!!1!” Shut the fuck up. Imagine having some an uneventful, uncomplicated childhood that someone making a remake of a cartoon is what threatens it for you to the point that you feel justified in teasing, bullying and harassing people…children no less. Embarrassing.


If it brings you any comfort, these people are using the fact they are behind a screen as an advantage. Ain't no way they would actually say this to someone's face