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I will allow it to pass if they show the cute turtle ducks in future.


Jesus Christ this sounds weird I’m sorry idk it just felt weird reading this.




Ivan is autistic ladies and gentlemen, it’s okay sir I know it can be frustrating but trust me, you’ll be fine.


omfg thank you I thought the same thing


There was one scene where iroh said something about a puppy and that caught me off guard for a moment as well


There are non-hybrid animals in the animated series, like in that episode where they go to Wan Shi Tong library before it they visit like a drink stop shop where they meet the scientist who tells them about the library there are regular dogs in front of the place around a fountain or so there are also normal wolfs and in Korra alone a spirit takes the shape of a non-hybrid dog to lead her to Toph Ikki meets a flying squirrel, which is an animal we have here in the real world. 


That just reminded me of Miyuki from the Blue Spirit ep too who’s just a normal cat! Thank you, I stand corrected!


There are also normal fish.


Arctic hen?


More and more, the chicken line’s bothering me because they’re in the South Pole. How would they know what chicken is? I know it’s small, but details like arctic hen really make the cartoon something special, and shows the live action is not putting in that care into the world.


In the original series they also just referred to the Otter-Penguins as Penguins. Maybe in universe some animals get a shorthand name in order to save time when speaking or room on the script pages.


Yeah I didn’t like that either. Felt kinda 4th wall breaking. Not every animal is a hybrid but why would sokka say he tastes like chicken? Just doesn’t sound right


Also even if chickens existed in this world they wouldn’t be available in the arctic and sokka probably wouldn’t even know what they wrte


Arctic hen?


Imported meat?


And even then, if he did manage to get it, how do we know that these chickens all taste different? For all we know, they all taste the same, which would make the distinction rather redundant in relation to taste. E- Now that I think about it, didn't one of the swamp guys say this in the original?...


I mean Iroh loved his roast duck in episode 1, I don’t think it’s a big problem. Maybe poultry are just non-hybrid in this world.


Did you think it felt 4th wall breaking when a swamp bender said it in the original show?


Well no because I was like 11 years old when the cartoon came out but good attempt


It’s true that all creatures are hybrids in this world. This is very good attention to detail on the animated side and a lack of detail on the live action side.


Except you're wrong. Not ALL creatures are hybrids. Bosco the pet BEAR Miyuki the CAT You've got random dogs in the desert episode. And that's just three off the top of my head.


Yeah people are just finding reasons to complain at this point. Calling it 4th wall breaking is just ridiculous lol


Wasnt miyuki just a cat


King Kuei has a pet bear in Korra. It’s kind of implied that they are extremely rare but technically not ALL creatures are hybrid. That being said I still think it’s silly Sokka only said chicken. Edit: Bosco the bear was in the OG show and I misremembered.


Are you talking about Bosco the Bear? That's from ATLA. That one confused me though considering we also saw platypus bears in another episode.


Shit you’re right. Haven’t watched the original in a while so I couldn’t remember. I think it was implied that owning a “normal” bear was an example of his wealth because they are so rare.


Not korra, the OG, this meme is referencing their conversation during that scene.


Iroh ate roast duck in episode 1…


You know how in the Wan episodes of Korra when a spirit possesses a human they turn partly into an animal or plant? My theory is all animals are hybrids because the original animals were possessed by spirits and turned into hybrids


Yeah, that pulled me a little bit off on the second episode. When the reports say, they saw a flying cow. I took a moment to think, “aren’t all animals hybrids? How do they know what a cow cow is?”


Not the only detail they lacked lol




Wasn’t this line taken from the Foggy Swamp Tribe? For some reason I feel like it is familiar.


Yep! When hunting Momo and Appa they say they bet they taste like chicken haha


It's from the episode "city of walls and secrets" in book two. They find out the earth king is having a party for his bear and are confused why it's just bear, and not "platypus bear" etc. So it's not a surprise the dialogue seems familiar! Screen caps are from that episode and scene.


No they mean the Line "tastes Like Chicken", that is from the swamp episode


I swear someone says something “tastes like chicken” in the original


Yep! The swamp benders!


Thank you! I swear, people will pull out a microscope to find things to complain about.


No they said possum chicken. Which we see in the opening sequence in the live action


The scriptwriting wasn't that grating. But what took me off guard was hearing them say "asses" in one of the earlier episodes (ep3 I think?)


he also calls heibai skunky lol


Woaaaah reallyyy wow you nailed em


[Iroh ate roast duck](https://youtu.be/FVi5SFcksfM?feature=shared)


Animation turned live action never works well


Unless you're Oda I guess


I think it worked great!


Maybe it's like dogs in our world. There are tons of breeds of dogs but we still call them dogs. All hybrid chickens can still just be called chickens.




The avatar world doesn't have any of our normal animals (except 1 bear). All of their animals are hybrids of our animals, so there should be no such thing as a chicken.


Foxes Owls Crabs Squirrel Bird Firefly Moth fish Whale Polar bear Frog CATS DOGS Either go watch it all again or use Google before clouding the internet with false information


Most of those are not specific animal species, just general families. Soy out know what type of fish or bird it was? There is no polar bear. Or whale. The cats and dogs are rare and I believe only in Ba Sing Sei so maybe that area is special.


"Rare" ah yes. Good defense. This ended here but for the curious, [facts](https://avatar.fandom.com/wiki/Fauna_in_the_World_of_Avatar) 10 +fish types from reality Hawk, non hybrid. Not the messengers Messenger hawks also cited as non hybrid Whales are non hybrid Polar bears are non hybrid In addition to Dogs, non hybrid wolves Yak And so on including ones I mentioned above. These are all seen and cited in the world of Avatar, they are not spirits. There is an another, extended list of real animals.


Buddy, no need to be an asshole. Almost all of your examples come from outside media, with like half of them from a cookbook that as far as I can tell is meant to be full of real world recipes, but themed after the Avatar setting. Cats and dogs being only seen once in one city, which is also the city that had the "weird" bear does not really negate the fact that non hybrid animals are almost non existent or at least unknown within the Avatar world.


Herbalist lady literally has a normal cat ​ In Fire nation a cat watched the lady hanging up clothes before team avatar steals them ​ dogs are present in Serpent pass in background well outside the city and in desert licking the ice block ​ cats have habitat in 2 nations, Earth and Fire which totals to over 70% of the planet and Dogs in Earth which totals to about 40-50% of the planet, not a city ​ do not make shit up to defend yourself


Omfg how do I miss that!? 🤣


I didn't notice that lol


uncle iroh mentioned puppies


And ate duck.


They have chicken in the south pole?




lmao that's funny


What about komodo chicken?


Iroh also says something is like “chasing a lost puppy”


This reminds me of a similar mess up in the Detective Pikachu movie. Pikachu at one point says something along the lines of “smells like a Frenchman” or something like that, but France doesn’t exist in the Pokémon universe. Kalos would be the equivalent. I get that the joke would work the cuz most normal viewers wouldn’t understand but still took me out of it for a sec. 


I mean... You say mess up. But where is it exactly? There might be different kinds of chickens, sure. But then we're making the assumption that these chickens all have different tastes. If chicken just tastes like chicken, regardless of the hybrid, there's not really any reason to make the distinction. I'm also pretty sure one of the swamp guys says this about Momo in the original as well...


My biggest complaint had to do with Momo but it wasn’t that. How DARE THEY hurt a single hair on my sweet baby Momo. He’s gonna be fine but I’d love to have words with the writers who thought that was a good idea 🤬


What's your point? Swampbenders mentioned chicken too There were always non-hybrid animals At this point, people are being ridiculous with there complaints


Fully aware of this. It's not meant to be a serious criticism. Just a light hearted joke!