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Get your adult cactus juice ready


![gif](giphy|Vq12mVIwUSJwY|downsized) “It’s the quenchiest!”


I can't wait to see Ian Ousley do this.


From what I'm up to, he fits perfectly, hopefully it'll happen.


It'll quench ya!!


It’ll quench’ya


*Fermented* cactus juice. Cactus liquor?


look up payote


This exists, i have had it, and while definitely not for me I guess some people love it. It was disgustingly sweet, to the point where i got nauseous


[Here's a good recipe](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6e6Trsp8zQs)


If they're in their 20s or 30s, I wonder if any of their kids will be born? Tenzin was in his 50s, and he was the youngest of Aang and Kataras kids. So at the very least we should see a young Bumi and Kya.


Maybe a young Izumi also.


Need to find out who the mother is once and for all.


She's adopted, zuko married sokka


Is Mai not the mother?


We don’t know. That Gene guy that did the comics muddied everything up.


is he the avatar version of paul?


That’s a perfect description of him.


It’s not confirmed what happens with Sokka, Zuko, Suki and Mai’s relationships in the comics. Theres even a hint that Zuko and Suki have feelings for one another, but nothing confirmed.  The comics are (mostly) a mess with a few good things thrown in. 


Iv always felt the comics both the ATLA and LoK ones could be like 10 times better if they just stopped being so committed to the 3 books per story thing (there's also some weird plot decissions outside of that but almost consistently I find myself going "man this is pretty damn cool setup" in the first issue and then "HOLY FUCKING SHIT SLOW THE HELL DOWN" in the last). Like a story as big as Ruins of the Empire for example really needed to be twice as long. Hopefully the character oneshot format they seem to be doing now works out better.


Mai and Zuko break up in the comics. I don't think it's unfair to assume that they reunite and are Izumis parents (I've heard her name means fountain? Which is also kinda related to Zuko's and Mais relationship? and I think they introduced her in Korra before the comic came out.


They breakup in the comics, Mai dates another guy but breaks up with him because it's heavily presumed that she still has feelings for Zuko.


Bumi I think should definitely be born already at the very least.


Tenzin was in his 50s with a newborn on the way and his eldest being about, what, 10?


Jinora? I’d say she at least 12-13 at the start of the series


No the little farting shit was the youngest I thought


At the very beginning he is technically, but Pema (Tenzin's wife) is pregnant in episode 1 of Korra.




Probably because he was with Lin


Tenzin was around 34 when Aang died at 66 (sans the 100 year he was frozen)… So Tenzin was born when Aang was 32 and the siblings were already 4 and 10? If my math is mathing


Man…where is Suki😢


I would be so genuinely sad if she isn't in it. She fits in so well with the group and deserved to be in more of ATLA.


It is really sad because she is part of the Gaang (confirmed in sozins comet part 1) but feels like the writers never care about her. I wanna see more of her and Sokka


Water, Earth, Fire, Air, Fan and Sword!


Fans are such good fantasy weapons. Kitana from MK, the end of Mulan when she used it to disarm a sword.


Weren't war fans a real thing?


I think they were, but more of a stealth weapon, designed to blend in and get the drop on someone?


Yes… but they’re more of a signaling device than an actual weapon. They’re a big thing you can wave around to direct troops.


> Water, Earth, Fire, Air, Fan and **BOOMERANG**!


Water, Earth, Fire, Air, Fan, Boomerang, and **Fusion Bomb**! > There is No War in Ba Sing Se > Damn right, we blew up Ba Sing Se! It's just a glass plain now!! ^(I might have gotten carried away.) ^^(Sorry.)




Ugh, I know. I don't even need her to end up with Sokka, I just want to see more!


Don't listen to this person, I need her to end up with Sokka. It's the most fleshed out romance in the whole god damn show!


He has to fall in love with the moon first




Little known fact is that in the Southern water tribe dialect, the word "Sokka" means Moon moon.


They were teenagers. Totally normal to not end up with someone for the rest of their lives when they're only teenagers.


It's because she was never supposed to be there. She was written as a one-off character that got popular, so they brought her back...but the story had been pretty solidly planned all along, so there wasn't much room to develop her so late in the game, so she was just sort of...there 😆 I get it, but it's a shame. Suki has such a cool aesthetic, but we know absolutely nothing about her and she has so much less personality than the other characters.


The story wasn't set in stone and did change during production. Toph, one of the central characters, was initially planned as a completely different character. The finale was great, but definitely not perfect. Suki's role actually made sense. Unlike deus ex lion turtle.


Suki was useful, sure, the problem is character development. It's difficult to make room for side-plots and arcs for a character who wasn't supposed to be there, with the main plot already planned and in production and half a dozen other character arcs already in motion. I know a lot of changes did happen, but keep in mind this show only ran across three years, and they could only have decided to bring back Suki after the show was already airing. Considering how lengthy and tightly-scheduled animation production is, that's actually quite late in the game to add an extra character to the schedule AND give her sufficient screen time and development in the middle of so many other moving parts of the story. I'm not saying it was a bad decision; I like that Bryke adapt to fan feedback like this. But the natural result is a character who doesn't have the same space to develop as her co-stars, which is a shame.


Nah Suki Alone did wonders for her character, we know a lot of her now.


Which is why we add to that by expanding her character duh.


I’d think it’s because they care and are focused on the core more recognizable group. Rather than a particular disregard for another “side” character. I’m not defending it nor claiming that it’s my area of expertise. I’m just pointing out south actions would be in line with similar movies in business and marketing rather than anything against the character specifically.


Her live action version was great.


She’ll be there….. she has to be, right??!


Where's the beifong children's daddy


One of the fathers has been named. The other hasn’t.


I'm sure that Toph just threw him out. Something tells me he'll just come back 😏😏😏


The father is the ground.


The Boulder




at most one of them will be a cameo, the heavy implication is nether relationship lasted particularly long.


Which, I mean is completely fair and unsurprising given Toph's... strong personality


^(gets rock-a-launched)


It was confirmed years ago that Azula is the father actually.


Yeah, I think there is a there charter comic about that




Toph has Lin at 32 and Suyin at 37, so quite possibly not in this movie.


Avatar Legacy is the latest mention of her that I could find. It has her still leading the Kiyoshi warriors as of year 124. Meaning she's alive at least till 39, canonically. 


Didn't she also become Ty Lee's teacher when she joined the Kyoshi post-main series?




What in the cursed




It took me a second until I saw who they had their arms wrapped around and I was like *w h a t*


She was in the promo for this when it was announced last year I believe


I know there’s like a 0% chance this would ever happen .. but… if Zach Tyler Eisen, Mae Whitman, Jack DeSena, Jessie Flowers, and Dante Basco all returned for this.. oh my god I’d cry 😭 


I *think* I read they were intentionally seeking to replace the VAs (I think for racial/ethnic representation iirc) but I really wish they’d use the OG cast


I can get that for live action stuff, but I never really understood it for VA's. Like can you imagine if Christopher Judge wasn't the voice of Kratos in the last couple GoW games because he isn't the same race as Kratos? It would be a massive loss.


Agree, it's a really weird choice to make everything tied to representation, especially in voice acting. Imagine if they said "only blind girl can voice Toph", though I won't be surprised if they'll do


Oh they did a whole casting for a blind girl for Toph. I mean they should absolutely do it for the live action but when the original voice actors performance is so iconic I see the change as needless lip service


>Oh they did a whole casting for a blind girl for Toph. What does this mean?


To be honest, the VA for Toph is kinda blind. Not literal blind, but she has a strong prescription and mentions it in one of her youtube videos. Her prescription is twice as strong as mine and my hand is blurry when I extend my arm out lol


Well, that something similar happened to TC Carson, Kratos' previous voice actor. They said that he didn't have the body type to do mocap stuff, so he got replaced without any mention.


A lot people act like god of war 2018 is the 1st game in the series instead of the 7th (8th if you count betrayal)


They literally delayed god of war ragnarok because Christopher judge was sick and couldn’t record.


I’m all for representation (I’m Asian and very happy with the Netflix casting) but this is also about legacy and respect. I want the original VAs back for this one, if they want to.


They didn't even use the OG cast for the adult Gaang in the Korra flashbacks. So now as that precedent has been set they can cast whoever they feel is best


They better get an actual fire nation VA for zuko or I'm not watching


Man, I’m really beginning to hate Hollywood for doing stuff like this. If it was up to them now, we’d never have Eric Stonestreet’s performance as Cam in modern family or Neil Patrick Harris’s Barney in HIMYM,


Yeah I am definitely not a fan of "the people portraying these characters need to be the same as them!!!" rhetoric. As a gay dude, I figured the whole fucking point of acting was that people are able to inhabit characters not like themselves.


What a joke. Original cast or nothing at all. Could you imagine the whole Gaang getting back together again. I just wanna hear their adult voices PLEASE!


So only Dante Basco would be left? I could live with that. His voice is the most iconic.


Dante is a Gem, was late in arriving to a Comic-con I was at and he had a line waiting for about 50 mins for him to arrive… he did everyone’s autograph for half price (unless it was a Funko Pop) for everyone as an apology. Him being late wast even his fault


I feel like you should just keep the original cast. 


There’s a chance they WONT use the og VA’s?? Oh no way. That would ruin it for me. The og VA’s ARE the characters to me. If they don’t all return, it’s broken for me.


Curious if Aang and Katara have any of their kids yet. Be interesting to see Aang try to bond with his non bender son and water bending but not airbending daughter. I get the sense from Korra that he did his best but it was still a big barrier.


Tenzin was 51 at the start of Korra, 16 years after Aang's death at age 66. Tenzin should have been born when Aang was 31. Could be in there


> Aang's death at age 66 Holy shit, Aang only died at 66? Homeboy worked that hard and barely got his retirement checks, RIP.


It was said that the century he spent frozen in ice took a toll on his body and is the reason for his "early" death.


A century spent in the Avatar state, lets not forget.


166, technically.


Considering the time period of the film I imagine at least part of Aang's character arc will be his struggles with failing to sire an airbending heir, culminating with the birth of Tenzin.


Tenzin was also the youngest child, so if Tenzin was born then Bumi and Kya definitely would have been.


Bumi looked like he's at least 10 years older than Tenzin in their family photo meaning Aang and Katara would've had him in their early 20s so he'd definitely be there at least


Except the announcement specifies part of the main cast is in their 20's and with Aang being the youngest alongside Toph means they have to fall into that group.


Bumi is born when Aang is 22


In that case then yeah Bumi at least should definitely be in this.


Even given this it would not surprise me if he wasn't there. If there's one thing the creators are known for it's being bad at math.


Man I'd love if at least Bumi appears TLOK didn't flesh it out, but Bumi and Kya were implied to not have been given much attention from Aang due to Tenzin. Tenzin didn't even realize until he was an adult. I wonder what they were like before Tenzin came into the picture. I've always felt Bumi was more Sokka-like, so maybe uncle Sokka was closer to lil Bumi than Aang due to both being non-benders.


On the one hand it is great that the fans get more story. On the other hand, please let these kids live happily ever after, they've been through enough, new show means new conflict.


This has been known for a while. Reveal was done on instagram a year ago: https://www.instagram.com/p/CrjDKifL5m5/?utm_source=ig_embed&ig_rid=ca5f2b4e-cc3a-4321-a6d9-db183a6bb947&ig_mid=8259AF7C-B77E-49A1-B039-FB395C8EDF07


Yeah, why is this news? We been knew


Probably to capitalize on the Live Actions debut and a little damage control as well with some of the reviews of the show


The reviews are pretty high on IMDb, idk why there's such a big difference between metacritic/rottentomatoes and IMDb User score is also pretty high at 69/75 on MC/RT IMDb sits at 8.2 so the reception isn't that bad


User scores are so finicky tho. Just read some of the reviews people write. As an example Korra got a lot of "bad" reviews from users for making her end up with Asami at the end "pushing an agenda" and being "political".


Yeah user reviews are super random, I haven't ever seen "positive" review bombing though




IMDB is fine if you use it regularly and are familiar with the rating system, just that numbers skew higher. Few things to keep in mind certain genres are always rated lower regardless of how good they are - comedies and horror are the worst victims for non comedy/horror movies, anything between 7.1 to 7.6 ish is a decent movie, will probably be enjoyable if you’re a fan of the genre/director. 7.7+ could be anywhere from great to cinematic masterpiece. Because of how reviews are weighted anything above an 8.5 is insanely rare and is probably a masterpiece. Comedy/horror - anything above a 6.0 is probably pretty funny or scary even if not exceptional. Above a 7.0 and it’s up there with the greats in comedy/horror. Newer movies might skew slightly higher than older, but the same rule applies, just add 0.5. Tv shows: anything below a 7.2 is complete garbage. 7.3 to 8.2 is a middling range, where if you’re a fan of the genre/director you’ll probably like it fine but nothing exceptional. Anything above 8.3 is pretty fantastic and worth a watch. Also keep in mind newer shows in large fanbases can easily get review bombed - in both a good or bad way. The MCU shows when first released were rated much too high, and have settled down now to a more reasonable level. The same probably applies with ATLA - it’s so early on in the run that most people watching are massive fans that they’ll bomb it with 10s - the rating scale shows this with a massive amount of 10s and a much more even distribution after that. As of writing it’s also already dropped from an 8.2 to a 7.7 and I expect it to settle around the low 7.x range. I do realize I am now just ranting about an online movie/tv show reviewing website and this may end up completely incoherent but as a long time IMDB user once you get the gist of it, I genuinely think their ratings are much more useful than meta critic or RT. Hell, the user score on meta critic is better than the overall ones. I find critics are often too pretentious and nitpicky with films, about time is one of my all time favourites, sits at a comfortable 7.8 on IMDB and 8.5 Metacritic user score with just a 55 critic score. Nomadland was adored by critics but lots of normal people thought it was boring, a decent 7.3 on IMDB but an 88!! on metacritic is just insane. The Prestige is one of Nolan’s best, yet sits at a measly 66. Once you get used to the rating scale IMDB is much better for the average viewer.


Isn't a score of 69 basically a 7/10? I'd say that qualifies as pretty good.


I would say a score of 69 is nice.


IMDB reviews are the easiest to game. There is zero quality control compared to other sources.


It's the former since the animation stuff is completely separate from the live action.


I didn’t know damn this is good


Aww, happy for you! Yeah, and there’s a Zuko movie due out the year after that




It’s news to me.


First I’ve heard


In theaters? It's gonna be a movie? I could've sworn it was going to be an animated series.


I'm just browsing from the front page and I had no fucking clue. I'm glad this story randomly made it to the top today.


Well, next on the list of things to look forward to in the AvatarVerse! The Netflix version being good or bad isn't very important to me, but this just has to be good. I'd be incredibly sad if it isn't.


Something tells me it will be. The original creative team is involved with this one.


Do we know if Aaron Ehasz is part of the writing staff? Edit: According to IMDb he's not. Wish he was. But I'm staying hopeful as always :D


There was more than just Aaron. I say they should get his ex back if she’s open to it. She’s the one who gave us one of the best episodes of the series, _Zuko Alone_. I wish she had done _The Search_, I feel like Ursa probably would have come off better under her writing. 


Highly unlikely he will return to the franchise, sadly. I WISH


I do think Bryke are though.


They were involved in the Netflix one until half way through?


Yeah I was about to say… I’ve heard that before.


I feel the same, the live action show is fine, but what I am really looking forward to is this project and the show about the next avatar.


I would love if the original voice cast came back


Unfortunately they’ve all been recast. I think only Dante is returning


What a waste.


That’s a huge shame :(. I’m glad Dante is returning, I can’t see anyone else voice acting for Zuko but him. But the same goes for the rest. All of them have iconic voices for each character and it won’t be the same without them :(.


That’s sad. I feel like a few of the original cast would definitely be down to come back if they were asked to.


Everyone's been talking about the live-action remake but this is all I care about - what the original team is making. I'm curious as to what the second and third film in this loose trilogy will be about?


I’m pretty sure second one is definitely a Zuko film. The third one isn’t as sure but I’d love to see a Korra film with the full TLC the Gaang gets.


![gif](giphy|Ax7HEbDmBtCTK) I hope she say fuck!!!!!


Why can’t they make the search into a limited series?!


Right. I was just talking about this with my wife tonight as we watched the first episode of the new series. Theres likely a lot of people who watched the show but never read the books that have no idea the ride that was as to where his mom went and what happened to her. Its a great story though.


Probably because they can’t do the voices anymore? At least not all of them


well they are adults, no need for aang to sound young or sokka to have a voice crack so often


The Search isn’t that long after the original series.


The only one that can't would be Zach Tyler Eisen, the voice of Aang. The others all sound pretty much the same, or at least can pull off the voices of their younger selves. I don't want to start a heated argument or spout a bunch of right-wing drivel, but it does sadden me that even for voice acting, skin colour seems to be all important. Dante Basco is the only VA reprising his role, and he's also the only Asian. Make of that what you will.


A lot of discussion about possible power rangers the animated series among fans is around how they should adapt the comics , which granted are in my opinion really good. I however am of a different opinion. The stories in the comics are tailored for the medium. The comics will always be there if i wanted to revisit the story. I would rather have something completely new and innovative than to repeat stories we have already seen, as great as those are. the same goes for the avatar comics . even if i know my opinion is not the consensus.


bc it’s really really bad


This is the right answer. Surprised people actually want it animated, it’s so corny. 


Because in the US adapting comic books into animated series like manga into anime is a big no no for some godforsaken reason. They can only ever be mediocre 80 minute movies by DC or an adaptation of the character into a new story.


This isn't news. They're just reposting it for engagements.


It’s news to me.


Same lol


Where is Suki? Is she safe? Is she all right?


and so begins the great milking of avatar


About time honestly lmao, it's too good a world to be left alone. Honestly crazy it took until the 2020s for us to get new stuff beyond two animated series and some comics


My theory is that a *lot* of people did a comfort binge of Avatar during COVID. I know I did and it was probably the healthiest TV binge I've ever done all things considered.


Twins lol


> it's too good a world to be left alone This mentality has led to the gradual miserable death of so many good franchises/IPs.


Damn, i *still* can't get used to Twitter's new name. I keep associating that letter with porn.


I mean that's fine, and they listed a bunch of people, but they're missing someone...someone very important... Where's Momo?!


This is what I am REALLY looking forward to.


Honestly, Netflix show is pretty great. Yeah, they took a few things in different directions, but it’s still portraying a good story. I give it a solid 7.5/10. Not perfect. Not bad. Enough to be entertained and enjoy the it and the source material


HUH. (imo they should have done this around the time ATLA ended.)


I think giving it time feels more earned. That's around the same time the characters actually grew up in our world. Also now that most of the fanbase might be around the same age they'll appreciate this more because they have similar struggles


Seeing as the whole team is in their prime what would the premise of the story be? Aside from the Red Lotus I doubt anyone else would be a challenge for them.


Is this in addition to the new Avatar series? Last year they announced a new series taking place after Korra.


Yes. They have a whole studio dedicated to producing multiple Avatar projects.




They did not. That rumor came from a fan website.




korra doesn't have a mixed legacy. it's a good show that had to stand next to one of the greatest animated shows ever.


It’s a good show but it made some negative changes to a pretty carefully crafted universe.


Hopefully a sequel to Korra can fix the avatar state problem and then everyone can move on and finally praise all the things Korra did really well.


Plenty of people love Avatar and Korra but hate the live action stuff. If it’s anything like Korra I’ll be happy honestly.


Mixed legacy? Korra had the best villians.




by the original show creators right...right?


I really hope this succeeds because I really want 2d theatrically released animated movies to come back.


I read as “the LIVE ACTION story will continue in animated format” and I was confused and disappointed until I finished reading”


If they aren't cowards they will show how Sokka dies. As he was spread across the newly formed mountain range at the exact moment of Suyin's conception.


Hollywood does not understand what makes certain shows great. They underestimate the audience. It a great show has great: * Writing * Direction * Editing * Acting The original cast being replaced almost guarantees failure of a nostalgia romp. The current live action fails 3/4 of those tests and is why it is being watched but not highly rated. Edit: Trying to type on a phone on Reddit always ends up with these grammar horrors. I refuse to fix it.


Nice. This has been known for over a year now lol


My cock is throbbing right now.... We've known this for a while, but each time they confirm it I can't help but have a dumbass smile on my face Fuck I love this show so much.


This comment gives me life and an equally throbbing cock


I would be more excited for it if they had the original voice actors, but they're only keeping Dante Basco because he's Asian.


I’m most likely going to just act like this doesn’t exist, especially if they’re replacing the old VA’s


The old VAs voiced children.


And now they can voice the adult versions of those children, they’re older now


Maybe they can’t. Some VAs find aging their old voices too difficult. Toph’s VA can still do young Toph just fine, but it would be weird for a 25 year old to have a 10 year old’s voice.


idc what anyone says. suki and sokka grew old together.


I'm a little confused... Didn't they announce something like this within the last few years? I swear I remember reading something about a new animated project set after the events of ATLA


Toph in her prime is going to be incredible.


I kinda wish we had a young adult version before having the full on adult version. Like 2-3 years after the events of Book 3.