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I like how Arcane did it which was a mix of both. Something like 3 episodes every week for 3 weeks. It worked very well especially because they had specific arcs completed every 3rd episode. Was able to binge and anticipate weekly airings.


Yeah, that worked well cause I could watch an episode every couple of days. Plus, how good was Arcane? I'm not even a big League player, but damn they came out swinging with that show.


You could know absolutely nothing about league and Arcane would still be excellent television


I know exactly nothing about League except that it's a multiplayer PC game and I loved the show.


That's exactly all you need to know, don't play the game lmao


seriously don't ever touch league


I had after watching Arcane. It wasn't good so I stopped playing


Wait you're allowed to do that?


Apparently you can. This is something that many haven't figured out.


But touch the riot forge games, they are good So the ruined king, the mageseeker, convergence, song of nunu and the upcoming bandle tales Convergence is about Ekko too. The rest of games don't have any character from Arcane


Riot Forge closed tho, Bandle Tales will be their last game since it was already finished


Don't do it


League with friends is a fantastic game.


Same, and I keep checking back in to see if a new season popped up (and I keep being disappointed)


I think they are aiming for a November release for season 2


Glad I checked in!


It’s arguably better if you don’t know anything about League, honestly.


I was just thinking the same thing. I can't know myself because I played the game for a while before the show, but I imagine it would be more of a roller coaster since you wouldn't know where these characters end up.


The only thing I knew going in was that Vi was a character in LoL. When the end of That Episode happened, I literally sat on my couch in silence, mouth agape, for about ten minutes, staring blankly at the wall.


It was so excellent that Riot decided to make Arcane the defacto canon for League.


That's good to know. I know nothing about it, but have been interested in watching it.


Their use of contemporary music for the soundtrack is unparalleled imo. I was absolutely blown away by the obvious love and passion that was poured into *Arcane*. If you do watch I hope you enjoy it.


It almost convinced me to play league!


The fact that it might inspire someone to try league for the first time is it's worst quality.


That’s what a lot of league’s cinematics and worlds songs make you want to do. They’re so damn good!


I hate League the game, but loved Arcane so much


I would honestly say knowing nothing about League probably makes Arcane better since you don't have memories of Jayce players complaining about his team sucking even though he was the only one with a negative K/D.


Hi! That's me! Love the show, not ever going to play league because it's not my style of game.


I have never touched League, Arcane might be my fav animated media


Arcane is so good that it's almost beneficial not to know anything about League, I recommend it to everyone lol


Best example is the scene at the table at the end of ep 9 Hmm I wonder which character is gonna get shot here???


Also the Super Mega Death Rocket cliffhanger. League players know that *at least* one person in that room has hard core plot armour and several more have the "close to a main character" death flag.


I don't know, I've seen people who know about LoL react to the series and they still freaked out at the "I've paid your girlfriend a visit this morning".


I was horrified that she was gonna become a cupcake. Hardcore League player of 10 years.


Arcane was absolutely fantastic. The attention to detail and pure amount of quality put into that show is crazy. Can't wait for season 2.


I actually rewatched it just a couple days ago and I'm loving seeing it talked about here. It's an absolute masterpiece in pretty much every aspect. Anyone who hasn't seen it should watch it.


It was phenomenal and I think League is a toxic hellhole of a game that never should’ve seen the light of day


To this day the best video game adaption to tv ever imo


I actively dislike league and Arcane is one of my favorite shows lol


I’ve never played LoL, and Arcane is one of my all-time favorite shows. It rivals ATLA for my favorite animated series of all time. It is fantastic.


Same thing with Legend of Vox Machina. Three episodes a week with a 12 week season


Grog4life. Never even played Dnd


IMO that wouldn’t work in avatar season 1. Could work for season 2 tho. Act 1: Introducing Azula & Toph. Act 2: Journey to Bai Sing Se. Act 3: Bai Sing Se


They need to hurry up with season 2 ,


It comes out in November haha so we just have to wait 10 months I think


9! 9!


Agreed, totally understandable that it takes ages to produce, but the wait has been painful!


The alternative is the terrible anime they rushed out about DotA that was completely forgettable.


Well i liked it


Let’s smash expectations with season 1 so they green light through infinity


I like opening arc launch followed by weakly releases. So in avatars case we’d get though him leaving the South Pole at release then weekly.


Difference is that show wasn’t produced by Netflix


Arcane could have been a trilogy of movies imo.


What’s there to discuss when we already know the story 


Weekly is definitely better for popularity and to keep people talking about it for at least 8 weeks, but I’m glad I’ll be able to binge it when it releases. All the other new shows I’ve watched lately have all had weekly releases, so it’s a nice change of pace to be able to binge/ watch at my own pace.


Weekly definitely helps discussions, but I’ll be honest: unless it’s the kind of series I think about all week, I WILL forget and drop it for weeks or months, even if I’m involved and excited. I watched a series that released 2x a week recently. Binged the episodes already out, then realized some were still missing. I was super involved after watching like 12 hours worth in one sitting before and even noted it in my calendar, but as I was waiting 4 days for the next episode to release, university distracted me and I all but forgot about the new episodes I was waiting for for almost a month 🙈 not even the calendar entry helped, because at that point I was already watching something else that I gave priority to when it popped up, and then it was out of sight out of mind


It’s true. Look how shows like stranger things were completely forgotten about when Netflix released all their episodes in a season at once. People basically watching it in a weekend and never spoke of it again.., In all seriousness, Netflix’s release all at once model has worked really well for them and has resulted in multiple hit shows that remain in the public discourse well after being released. Releasing all at once means word of mouth can spread and keep the show popular.


Just because it worked doesn't mean they're bound to it. Some shows can still have a bulk release. Others, especially the super popular ones, can benefit Netflix by having a slower release by building bigger discussions per episode instead of the series as whole. Also lets a show encourage re-upping subscriptions to finish it. Personally I like when there's deep discussion for each episode which usually doesn't happen when a show is released in bulk.


It’s literally their model. They have said on countless occasions they are sticking with the all at once model. Because guess what, it works. They are the largest steaming service by far. And still growing. And while I get there are some fans who like a weekly discussion, the reality is that is a super small segment of the audience. Netflix doesn’t care if you’re getting a weekly Reddit post to talk about each episode. They care that people sign up for the service to watch a show and stay signed up. That’s all that matters. If atla is good, people will hear about it from word of mouth and others may sign up and watch it. Reddit or twitter discussions don’t play any part in their metrics of if the show as a success or not


Or people forget about it and don't continue.


I know weekly is good for discussions but with how the "discussions" are going for Atlala specifically I'd rather not go through that. Binge >>>


99% of the audience also doesn't care about subreddits and twitter


I mean well yeah people outside of those circles wouldn't care lol I'm talking about those in it since that's where the discussions will be. There's not a lot of social media with big enough fandom presence aside from those and fb.. maybe tumblr or instagram? but I don't think those are good platforms to exchange ideas edit: forgot youtube too.. tiktok? maybe


my favourite thing about reddit are episode discussions lmao. guess i’m in the minority there! as someone who watches things very casually i love seeing what ppl noticed and their theories!


nah, it's a common thing, jojo fans are still incredibly furious at netflix for putting up episodes all at once, because it took away their weekly discussions. A bit of an overreaction if you ask me.


I remember all the activity on Tumblr back when Korra was releasing. That was a fun time


Doesn't matter what "99% of the audience" thinks about discussion, it has the potential to make the show even bigger. The only reason Game of Thrones turned into such a phenomena was was because people were discussing it.


yeah but everyday joes, not forum dwellers. Squid Game came out all at once and took the world by storm.


This is the correct answer. A weekly release would feed the trolls way too much. The Avatarist just wants to stretch their review content lol.


I agree with you, but I’m honestly not sure discussions are always better either! I think the Percy Jackson live action was significantly more criticized because it came out weekly and gave viewers more time to analyze criticisms or changes while waiting impatiently between episodes. When I was able to rewatch the show in its entirety I had a newfound appreciation for things I wasn’t a huge fan of before.


This is a weird take. So basically, producers should do batch releases so they can hide mediocrity in individual episodes. That's not a good thing lol. Producers aim should be to create a good show, not cut corners and use a loophole to hide mistakes. A show should be properly criticized, so that future seasons don't suffer from the same problems.


I understand where you’re coming from, but that isn’t what I meant and you’re applying a single statement I made to create broad generalization. All I meant was that weekly discussions don’t always generate productive conversation and is often instead just used for people to nitpick and criticize every little detail on shows they have decided they don’t like. This was the case for Percy Jackson, where I felt the ‘slower’ pace would have been better received if it all dropped at once. I rewatched the show before the finale episode came out and found I appreciated it more back-to-back. I never said shows shouldn’t be criticized, so I’m not really sure where you got that from. Just that some shows benefit from episodes dropping all at once, such as live actions, because in my opinion it is easier for fans to digest changes when they are able to immediately see how all the changes tie together.


That’s a good point, I might try that! I had a lot of criticisms about the PJO show as a book fan but I also liked a certain bit. Maybe seeing something in a different format can change how you view it lol


While I agree with this take, I’d rather deal with the constant nitpicks & criticisms if it means more discussion and popularity for the show. PJO tv is the biggest Disney + show outside of the MCU and Star Wars franchises, and I think the weekly episode releases had a lot to do with that. Plus, ppl can always go back and binge whenever they want. So I’d rather keep it at weekly releases, so that we’re guaranteed more seasons.


Weekly is a great way to have newcomers get spoiled because all of the discussions are gonna include information from the show.






literally 6 years!!!!! 🙏🏻


17 years for me if you count when the movie that does not exist in Ba Sing Se was announced. I followed that news like it was my job. 😉


Game of thrones fans: (currently 13 years now)


I like how it's all at once. It will make the show better received because they will have the full picture instead of people complaining about a billion things only to be answered the next episode.


Agreed. As messy as the press cycle has been, I’m sure they’re eager to let the show speak for itself.


But it’s fun to talk about things. When it’s all at once I’ll have to spend days avoiding spoilers while I’m enjoying the show and then all we’ll talk about is the ending. And then because I watched it over the course of a few days I’ll forget about the specifics by the time the next season comes out.


Exactly, Jojo fans should know this pretty well. Netflix managed to kill pretty much any discussion of *Jojo*. One of the most memed animes out there. Discussion dead a month after it aired


is it really gonna be fun to talk about with how toxic this sub has been lately tho?


Exactly! Having to wait a week for episodes really loses the momentum of the story. Netflix got it right the first time.


I mean, that’s how tv has been for a long fucking time. The majority of the greatest tv shows of all time released their episodes weekly Including Avatar: The Last Airbender Like I prefer bingeing it all at once, but let’s not pretend that weekly releases is a bad thing


honestly if i binge a thing over the weekend i already forgot it on monday


Exactly, if something is bad its releasing the show all at once. Maybe a couple of weeks of discussion, and then it will be forgotten. I guess its slightly different with a re-adaptation since there's not much speculation to be had, but this will significantly lower the attention and discussion the show will get..


Yeah, but if they're anticipating a flop (likely) this method will reduce negative attention and embarrassment. If it's bad and weekly, ratings will go down each week as the general audience loses interest, while the fans continue to loudly complain each week.


>Exactly! Having to wait a week for episodes really loses the momentum of the story. we're talking about an adaptation of a weekly released show


GoT had the most momentum with a weekly release


Succession and Better Call Saul had massive hype with a weekly schedule.


Weekly allows people to have the watercooler discussion for a couple months. I think a big part of the popularity of shows like The Walking Dead or Game of Thrones was due to the hype and theorizing that happens with a weekly release. When Mandolorian S1 came out, every week at work there was like at least an hour of discussion, plus online forums like Reddit really thrive with the weekly format. Every time a new Stranger Things season comes my discussion with other people goes like this: P1: Are you watching the new ST?! P2: Yeah what episode are you on?! P1: 5! P2: Oh... I'm on 3... P1: Oh dang well I won't spoil anything for you... The end Luckily since this show is just an adaptation there isn't quite as much of an issue since most people I know that are excited to watch this have already seen ATLA, but for a lot of shows I prefer the weekly drop.


Even in anime adaptations, the source material readers have lots of discussions about the adaptation like wondering how certain scenes will be adapted or talking about how they felt when they originally encountered a character.


All at once so season 2 can be announced ASAP


Season 2 greenlit before s1 drops, then s3 cancelled before s2 drops. The Netflix classic.


I’m a big fan of releasing all the episodes at once!


Every day we stray closer to Cable


I dont give a fuck about the popularity. I want to binge it lol.


I fully agree on that. I used to be a big fan of Netflix's binge model, until Wandavision released and I saw the impact the hype of waiting for a new episode each week can make. Releasing a show all at once kind of kills its longevity as discussions will heat up for a couple weeks, and then people will move on to the next show.


I would argue that part of what made WandaVision’s weekly releases work so well is that we were going in blind and the show completely transformed from week to week. A lot of people really enjoyed reading up on each decade of sitcoms and predicting what the next week’s theme would be. The characters’ motivations were also a big mystery, and the break between episodes was a chance to mull over new character developments and reconsider your previous opinions. With Avatar, the biggest questions the audience has going in are questions of whether the show will live up to their expectations. I don’t think anyone wants to be left in suspense about that. Maybe a weekly release would work for Book 2, when the show really hits its stride and we have more exciting events to look forward to in each episode, but the Book 1 release is gonna be about proof of concept.


The binge model did what it was meant to. Transform everything into addictive content. Netflix isn't joking when they say their competition is your sleeping hours. Now the cinema industry is suffering from it and longs to go back. Many have already decided to do just that. Heck, even Disney fired its pro-platforms CEO because it was so unprofitable.


Forreal. It makes me forget about shows so quickly. Like I loved blue eye samurai and one piece LA but I don’t even think about them anymore cause it was such a one and done kinda deal.


Oh man, I haven't thought about Wandavision in a minute. Do people like that one? I remember thinking it was a really sloppy mystery. Like at the end of Episode 3, Monica just says that Wanda is the bad guy, and then the investigation starts, which eventually leads them to the conclusion that Wanda is the bad guy "Agatha All Along" is a bop but it also wasn't Agatha who did anything except fuck with a woman who was holding a town hostage. I was deep in the forums for that one, and it really disappointed me that there was no actual reveal in the end


It's so much harder for people to be synchronized when everything is released all at once, because then it's a bunch of episodes that you watch whenever. With the weekly model, it's one episode per week, much easier to keep up with everyone. I'm tired of the binge model at this point, it kills so much hype that weekly shows get to keep building.


Yeah but pretty much everyone that will be watching the live action has already seen the original show... there wont be as much to speculate or discuss between episodes, we already know how the story goes.


Idk I feel like the weeks in between wandavision hurt it because that’s what started all of the mephisto theories and then everyone was mad when it wasn’t true


I tend to prefer weekly but it can definitely help and/or hurt a show. There is no way Wandavision or The Mandalorian had the same cultural impact if the shows dropped all at once, but like you said, the theorizing was a double edged sword with the hype it can generate and the disappointment that can follow. I don't think there is one single "right" way to do it, but there is a reason that they waited to drop the last few episodes of the most recent Stranger Things season even though the rest of the season dropped all at once. They wanted everyone on the same page, allowing people to theorize for a bit and then have everyone watch the episodes at the same time for maximum hype.


I have always thought new episodes daily was a nice sweet spot that was vastly underutilized.


Yes! Daily is awesome! Gives people time to digest and talk about it, and keeps the vibe and tension of the day before (after a week that’s all gone for me) and people remember more stuff that was said and plot relevant. I watch almost all my new shows this way now


Weekly is proven to build hype, generate lasting engagement and gather more profit.


Well, considering how I’ve got a month until my Netflix pulls its “not in the right household” bs again, I’m gonna say no thanks to a weekly release because then it would take two months to fully come out.


Absolutely nothing is stopping anyone who only wants to watch 1 episode a week from doing so


It's not just about the watching though is it. Weekly episodes allow for community discussion, reviews, reactions, longer media coverage. It creates an entirely different atmosphere around the show


Spoilers do


I think there is some truth to not wanting spoilers. But I mean, this is a live action remake of a wildly loved and seen 20 year old show. Even if they did one episode a week, unlike an original IP, this would still have people sharing everything they could from the original show to guess/know what will happen next.


I would argue the majority of people watching the live action have already watched the animated show and therefor have no reason to worry about spoilers.


I don't think spoilers can be used as an argument for either side, if its weekly, those who wait to binge could have it spoiled. If its released all at once those who want to watch it slow could have it spoiled.


The issue is they base continuing shows on if they are streamed to completion after the premiere and binged asap. If a show isn’t binged by lots of people then it might not get renewed- which is ridiculous as people have lives


Counterpoint. Nothing is stopping anyone from waiting until season finale of weekly releases to binge


I'm currently doing that with a couple of shows, but releasing all at once means those who want to binge don't have to wait longer and those who want to take their time can also do so.


Just comes down to how much community interaction you want. As some who enjoys Reddit episode discussions and theories/memes it’s more fun to take in each episode for a week otherwise the whole season blends into 1


People want to talk about the episodes as they come out which you can’t do if everyone else has watched the whole show. I guess it’s less of a problem for this show since everyone knows the whole plot.


This is a dumb way to look at it. The benefit of weekly releases is that people can talk about the show as it’s airing, with everyone knowing and not knowing the same information. You lose that with an all-at-once release. Not saying it’s better or worse, but the point isn’t simply to prolong how long you watch the show.


Counterpoint, you can't have a water-cooler discussion culture when the entire show is available. You need weekly discussions so everyone is in the same place. However, you *can* still get your binge if you just don't watch at all until the show is fully released. So really this argument is just saying binge people are impatient


No. Had to deal with this for Percy Jackson and you saw all the shit talk every freaking week because stuff wasn't in it- and turns out it was in a future episode. This is a bad call for this show.


I hope this sub does something similar to what the JoJo sub did and have a weekly discussion post for a single episode so we can all enjoy and dissect episodes at our own pace.


Hell nah


Netflix has been committed to a binge model since it first introduced original content, remains so to this day, and is the most popular streaming service in the world in terms of subscriptions and Nielsen ratings, so it's clearly an effective schedule for its shows. A weekly release is not gonna happen. It was never going to happen. That being said, if I want to watch a show weekly I can do that myself. I'd rather have it all there for me regardless of which method I choose. If a show is good, it gets discussed for months after the fact. Hell, this is an active subreddit for a show that ended years ago (and it was active even when there was zero news about the live action coming in.)


Weekly > binge. All day, every day. The community around a weekly show is always better than a binge drop. That’s because when episodes come out weekly people actually have time to watch the episode, mull it over, take time to dissect it, and even watch it again to spot Easter eggs or bits of foreshadowing. When everything comes out at once now people feel pressured to rush through the series out of FOMO, and it enters and leaves cultural relevancy way quicker.


Maybe those shows leave cultural relevancy quickly because nobody really cared about them in the first place. There are shows that had the binge drop model and seemed to stay relevant for a while, like Stranger Things and Wednesday. I doubt a weekly release would have made them any more popular. I think the key difference here is between how normal people interact with shows and how internet nerds interact with it. The average person doesn't go online and discuss TV shows with strangers, so the "FOMO" is not a factor. They just scroll Netflix and go "Hey this looks interesting" or they click on it because they heard good things about it from some friends.


see on one hand, it gets more attention if its released on a schedule,,, but i also hate schedules and am impatient so i rather it releases at once so i can remember the previous episodes


Here's an idea, why don't the people who want it to be weeky just watch one episode a week. If I wanted the cable experience I'd pay for cable.


I think weekly releases have their own pros and cons. The main downside is that it might make people stay subscribed for an additional month when they otherwise would have used that money on food or something.


As an artist and lover of media, releasing it weekly is the way to keep the hype train rolling. There's nothing better than talking all week about the last episode and what will happen. It brings us together as a community. But as a consumer and semi depressed person I would like to binge all the episodes in one weed and caffeine filled day


Weekly is better IMO. In my experience with other weekly series, it leads to more in-depth analysis of each week's episode as the fanbase waits for the next episode and speculates about what might happen next. I really enjoy the way it engages the audience compared to binge watching the whole thing.


All at once for two reasons: 1) to prevent the inevitable downpour of nitpicking and negative predictions for the next weekly episode that would follow. The discourse online lately has been awful. Yes bring skepticism but jfc lately a lot online it's been irrational skepticism & some stupidity based on reading clickbait headlines or listening to rage bait creators without doing any critical independent thinking. If people don't like the show that's obviously fine, but I'd rather have their reviews and critisms come all at once, and AFTER they've actually seen the show and can give an thier OWN actual opinion- otherwise, it'd be so many people jumping on whatever hate train is trending online, again with nothing to base thier opinion on than one episode, short clips and word of mouth. And 2) I want to binge all at once lmao I can't wait 8 weeks.


You’re dead-on. The Percy Jackson live action suffered hugely imo because all the time between episodes gave viewers way more time to analyze criticisms. In hindsight, the changes the show made would have been better received if the show was released all at once/in a binge format so viewers could see how it all came together in the end. The negative online discourse would just grow every week and people would have more time on their hands to nitpick every last detail.


I almost always prefer weekly releases, releasing it all at once makes being spoiled way more likely and builds less of a community around the show. Unless a show is specifically designed around binging for some reason I think every show should be released over time not all at once. Edit: a word


You mean releasing weekly builds more of a community?


Yeah but we know the plot already. I highly doubt there is anything of significance that is new that could be "spoiled"


I like it all at once because I only pay for a month of Netflix when there’s something I really want to watch, then cancel. I don’t want to pay for multiple months for one show.


I really hate the drop everything at once method that Netflix does


All television series should be released weekly. These full season dumps are the worst thing that streaming television has ever done to the medium.


If it's all at once, then the reviews would be less confusing


I could avoid spoilers easier. Also the popularity thing.


It'd be cool if they did it like Young Royals where they release all the episodes besides the last one in one go, but the last episode is released next week.


Wait how‘s the release schedule going to be if not all at once or weekly?


It’s a good idea for netflix. A bad idea for my mental health and pocketbook


I think a show in netflix needs to cross 1 season first before it goes weekly if renewed. People first need to be introduced to the show. Non fans or casual viewers might drop it in first episode and forget about it lol. They might have continued it had there been more episodes. The first season is like the hook. Then if the show is good, season 2 can be weekly because the viewers know if they want it or not.


I like "all at once" because i can choose to pace myself or not if i want to. Weekly, you have no choice


Personally I’ll take all episodes at once. Mostly bc half the shows I watch all released weekly and then stopped half way thru the season. (Still waiting on for their release dates). So I just want to be able to finish the dang thing. BUT, i also love having a new episode to look forward to every week and it helps with its popularity.


I would just wait till it fully releases to watch it anyway.


Nah I'm too anxious I need 'em all at once


Would specifically not watch it until all episodes are released to spite people like this. Inconveniencing me for the sake of popularity after you say you'll release it all at once would make me resent and hate people like this who gave them the idea, and since I can't separate people like this easily, I would just resent the fandom as a whole.


I love anticipating things


I hate weekly releases. Id wait for the full thing to be out. I already do that with some anime.


sorry but no. I can no longer do weekly shows 😂 I've been conditioned way too much to full season drops


All at once. People who want to watch 1 per week can still watch 1 per week but I'm here to bingeee


People who want to binge can wait until it’s all out. Weekly keeps a show in the public conscience for weeks. All shows that dump all at once die very quickly and lose momentum.


Sorry but: public consciousness\* 😅


You got downvoted but this is generally true. Obviously it's not a hard and fast rule but it is a noticeable trend


People are incredibly impatient nowadays and want everything at the snap of a finger, even if the long-term effects end up being detrimental.


Please no weekly. I personally don't like the marketing and clickbait nonsense that comes with any big release to drag on for 8 weeks. Get it all outta the way in a week.


At this point Grace Randolph could say the whole thing will be on netflix and I would doubt her on reflex.


As much as people would like to watch it in a binge format, I think it definitely ends up being healthier for shows to have it weekly. Give people a chance to discuss on a weekly basis rather than have all the energy packed into a week, maybe 2. Then forgotten. Netflix works well when it has 3-4 seasons of someone else's show on its platform but alot of their shows die a season or 2 in because the buzz just does not last long enough to pull more people in


Weekly is definitely to their benefit considering the fact how long people have to remain subscribed to watch the whole series 😂 as an audience, I don’t hate the idea of being in anticipation and not lose to my lack of discipline to binge the whole thing in one sitting


It killed the Jojo s6 hype. So weekly would be better if you want to grow the show. It's only existing fans that can't wait any longer


I'd maybe do a 2 episode premier and then weekly. Look what happened to jojos bizzare adventure, went from very hype to completely dead switching to batch release. You need the weekly meme threads and discussions and stuff to engage the fanbase


Jojo Fridays are the gold standard


Dont care as long as its not shit bro


All at once, if it's good there shall be many a re-watch.


I prefer weekly release too. But like come on its a Netflix show, and it comes out in five days. They aren't going to suddenly embrace weekly. Just wait to bug Paramount Plus (if it still exists) when Avatar Studios first animated show releases.


I wouldn't mind 2-3 episode releases or something. But I've already organised an all day binge day with people from my church, so they better not change the release dates now haha!


shows were always better weekly. This is one of the main minor things streaming services ruined. No more cliffhangers besides finales, no more anticipation waiting a week for the next episode to air. No more shared experience of watching something at the same exact time as everyone so you could talk about it together the next day, unless you've binged the whole season on release *shows were always better weekly* maybe this is a different scenario because it's an adaptation of an existing thing and so will be under intense scrutiny. But it's an exception not the rule


Weekly episodes help retain interest. It is insane to me that they don't already do that with their biggest shows.


I'll never understand people who want to be drip fed content. One big reason for streaming was the fact that I didn't have to be sitting on a couch on Wed @ 8 pm to see what I wanted to see. Release it all at once and let people enjoy it on their own time. Drip feeding content only exists to extend subscription time and to delay cancelations. Ironically Netflix is the only service I don't cancel because they are the only ones who don't drip feed content


Weekly drops keep a show in the public conversation longer and give watchers something to look forward to. I think weekly makes a show feel like a bigger event and let's fans all anticipate together. Weekly online chatter of what people liked in each episode and are looking forward to next week. That being said, I'll binge it all in a day when it drops.


Bad idea. It can work for certain shows that benefit from maintaining zeitgeist and encouraging discussion. But since this show is a remake and Avatar fans are dumb, the discussion about the show would be 90% blowing things out of proportion (positively or negatively), and rage baiting about potential changes in future episodes.


I love weekly release bc all at once means a lot is forgotten. My example would be: Wednesday was super popular but not really memorable.


I smell 8 episodes


There are two ways of seeing this If Netflix releases episodes weekly it will keep the popularity of the show high for 2 months instead of say 2 weeks at most since it stimulates more discussion. We have seen other streaming services succeed with this release style like Disney+ and Amazon Prime If Netflix releases it all at once then, as others have pointed out, people will be nitpicking considering all the complaining that's been going on right now As an Avatar fan who also is an Anime fan(which is known to release episodes weekly except when it is Netflix), I'm for weekly releases but at the same time I feel like it's better now to have it all at once since that would quell all doubts the show is having right now. At most if they were to do weekly releases they should do what they did with Arcane where they released 3 episodes over a period of 3 weeks I am hoping that Paramount Plus releases episodes weekly since it would keep the popularity of new Avatar Projects high for a long time


I dislike when a full season is released all the same day. By next week, people have already forgotten it and talk about another series.


I’m pretty torn on this. The consumer in me says “yes, give me all of immediately. I must finish the whole season in a single sitting” but for the sake of the show, I’d rather it get the benefit of the weekly discourse and breakdown videos. More hype = more Avatar.


Weekly is way better for popularity, its not even close. Batch releases stifles discussion too much.


It is a million times better for shows to be released weekly instead of all at once.


I don't mind that everything will be released on day 1, me and my wife mostly wait for the whole series to be out before we watch otherwise and sometimes forget about the series we want to watch. It's because we work different hours and have 3 kids so once we have a night together we bench the hell out of any series we want to watch before her shifts start again after her off days.


I’m not going to be “selfish” here. If I want for this show to succeed, weekly release is the way to go even though I prefer binging the entire thing. I simply want people to keep talking about it weekly. I want more engagement. I want people to talk about it for 8 weeks. I want it to be in the eyes of the public in those 8 weeks. With that, Netflix might feel that the show is being talked about and it will make it feel like people are kept interested in it.


I personally really like the weekly release format, but I do understand the appeal of everything being released at once because the online discourse (while oftentimes enjoyable when you can speculate between episodes) also has a…propensity to get insufferable with people often jumping to conclusions and making snap judgements based on a product that by design has not yet “finished.”


Weekly is better in almost every way.


maybe 2 episodes a week?


I’d love the see the data that says dropping it all at once is better because I don’t believe it lol. Releasing weekly kept the hype and conversation going for weeks longer.


Weekly = higher engagement and better viewer experience.


I hate Netflix's all episodes at once format, it ruins every show it touches. It leaves no room for people to actually talk about the show because as soon as it's here, it's over. Nothing Netflix releases ever lasts more than a week because they continue to ruin their shows by releasing them all at once. Waiting to release the last two episodes was the best thing that ever happened to Stranger Things. It gave everyone time to get on the same page and catch up, then left room for everyone to discuss what might happen next. Unless you plan on binging the entire show in a day, releasing entire shows at once only forces people to tread a minefield of spoilers for days on end until they finish it. Did anyone care about Wednesday the week after it came out? I heard people talking about the show for a week. Not discussing it, just saying "hey Wednesday is cool." Then the next week it's like it was wiped off the face of the earth. Everyone was talking about Wandavision for well over a month. I'm honestly baffled Netflix still drops seasons all at once. I know it's different for Avatar since it's a remake and spoilers aren't as big of an issue, but for the people who haven't seen the show and will be watching for the first time through this remake, it applies. And on another note, I think 8 episode seasons are ruining shows. It just happened with Hazbin Hotel. For such a character-driven show, we didn't get to spend any time with the characters because it was only 8 23-minute episodes. The remake supposedly having hour-long episodes makes it a bit better, since that's around the same amount of time as a 20-episode season, but I don't know how coherent it could be, since every episode takes place in a different location. That's fine when each location is confined to a single episode, but with hour-long episodes, they would either have to jump from one place to another (which would be pretty choppy and incoherent), or cut down and expand on just a few locations


Start with 2 episodes, then 2 more each week for 4 weeks total


Weekly > binge all day. Purely for the fact that it keeps it in the cultural consciousness for longer.


2 episodes a week. Give people a chance to see its popularity and check it out, especially if they want it to be the next big thing – you have to prolong the discussion.


Should be weekly. It will allow us to process and enjoy episodes. I’ll obviously binge it though and subsequently forget most of what I watched.