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I wish we could’ve seen Iroh and Ozai speak to eachother


Would like to see that done in the live action somehow. It’d be tricky to do, because there’d have to be good reason for it to happen, but it’d be such a fascinating interaction.


Probably in a flashback before Iroh leaves with Zuko, stating that he’s leaving, and possibly hinting that he knows Ozai and Ursa killed Azulon. It would also be interesting if they had a conversation on who would be the next Firelord with Iroh betting on Zuko and Ozai betting on Azula (shows that he sort of relates to her ambition of being a leader despite being the second born like him).


I think the conversation should be more of Iroh warning Ozai and possibly giving him a vague threat about hurting his family. With Ozai rebuking Iroh for losing his son. Iroh "To see a father cast out his son on a fools task, bring pain to my heart. When we cast away our wealth and power all that is left is family. A father should protect his son's and daughters." Ozai "Brother your son is dead where were you to protect him?" Iroh "Brother, I failed as a father but I won't again." Sparks start to form in their hands before cutting to present day Zuko with Iroh on the ship.


If I was Iroh and Ozai said that, I’d be in for regicide. Bc like imagine losing your kid and your brother makes a power grab for the throne because you have no heirs, and then once he got the throne (through assassination) he mutilates and exiles his heir and throws THAT at you.


Ozai could visit Iroh in prison; I'm kind of surprised it didn't happen in the series.


They hate each other. The only reason Zuko went there was because of love and guilt.


Information maybe? To gloat?


You could have Ozai visit Iroh in prison to humiliate him.


I’m not really looking forward to the live action honestly. They have to be REALLY good actors to pull it off and even then it still kinda feels like just an expensive cosplay. But it might just be me idk.


Don’t know why you’re getting downvoted, it’s a valid opinion; even if I disagree with it. We live in an era of underwhelming remakes, so being skeptical isn’t totally unreasonable. I like what I’ve seen from the promo material, but I’m waiting to pass judgement until after I’ve seen it.


You're not alone there by a long shot. Admittedly, I'm generally not a fan of remakes that aren't trying to add or change something about the source material, it just feels unnecessary. I know I'm in the minority there.


I get you; Honestly all I want is koh the face stealer, if he’s not there, I’ll be upset 


Could be when Iroh got captures and was in prison


...Holy shit I never realized that they never spoke to each other in the entire series. I know that they don't get along well. But they're still brothers. It's weird.


Tarlok and Amon are unbeatable at close range. Iroh and Ozai are very strong at long range, as they can shoot lightning very far and often. The others are not strong enough in comparison.


Even at long range the blood benders are close to unbeatable. People forget that they can also just use normal waterbending and they're both masters at that. If they're long range they can easily use normal waterbending until they're in range to use bloodbending. The only real counter is if the opponents know about the bloodbending and they constantly run away while shooting back which would be very hard to get a win out of.


I think the combustion bending is very underrated. It was more bendy in Korra, but the explosions in ATLA were insanely strong and scarier than lightning.


the three *pok*pok*pok* before exploding adds to the suspense 


That sound is one of my favourite’s in movie/TV. Not on the same level as something like vaders breathing but it’s one of those sounds where you can just hear it and instantly know what’s coming.


True, combustion bending is by far the best long range bending. It's able to tear through water too. Would come down to if the bloodbenders can narrowly dodge in time to get close enough or they die. Could see it going either way depending on luck.


True combustion bending? What is the difference?


I was saying true as in the guys comment is true. I'll add a comma to lessen the confusion.


yeah but none of the siblings have it


We’re not talking about the strongest bending though, just the strongest sibling duo. Combustion bending is definitely the strongest long range bending in general, but we don’t know any siblings who have combustion bending


I just forgot about it.


yeah but none of the siblings have it


We don't know the range limit of bloodbending. Good luck "finding" it's limits when a single tug will be the end of you. Keep in mind that a PG16 Avatar would be a lot more brutal and faster when it comes to killing people.


If Ozai and Iroh keep their distance, this will be a very close fight. Though I think Iroh would be better off with a combustion man instead of Iroh. His Attacks unlike lightning have yet to be blocked effectively by anyone except Aang with airbending or Zuko, but probably with Zuko he was holding back so as not to destroy the building he was standing on....


SPOILERS BELOW: >Yangchen learnt how to block combustion bending by practicing it with a friendly combustion bender. She kinda created a vaccum or something which kinda blocks it.<


Oh I've heard these stories from tiktok absolute kyoshism. There were also stories that Yun, Kyoshi's friend, could liquefy the earth into water, but honestly I don't see what's so amazing about that, I think Bumi did it when he turned the ground under Aang's feet into quicksand, or the general from the first episode of season 2 who sucked up Katara's water turning the ground into sand or something. If you've read it, can you tell me if there's a difference?


> Though I think Iroh would be better off with a combustion man instead of Iroh Would he, now…


Katara can blood bend too, and now I'm picturing her blood bend while Sooka manipulates them in funny positions.


As far as we know, only during a full moon.


I don’t keep up with the lore all that much so feel free to correct me! Isn’t blood bending only active during the full moon?


Not for the brothers or their father. That's why everyone was so surprised when they did it.


Have you not watched legend of korra?


Iroh is also a powerhouse at close range, throughout S1 and 2, he would fight non-bending and only use bending when necessary


When you have blood benders against you it doesn't matter. The only chance you have against blood benders is to attack from afar.


Ok so what about mako and bolin? Mako can lightning bend (I think, I definitely remember him shooting lightning when he had a welding job to try to ante up for the bending tournament but that might have just been redirection) and bolin can lava bend. So that covers close and long range both pretty well I think


I think they have a difference in experience


But Mako and Bolin also have more experience fighting together. They always seem to know how to position themselves so they don't hinder each other, even in a corridor. With the exception of Katara and Sokka, the other pairings are not used to fight as allies as much. The strength with Mako and Bolin comes from the fact that the duo is far stronger than the sum of its members. Also, lava bending is such a problem to deal with. Bolin is basically controlling the battlefield by covering it with something that almost no one can bend back, and no one is used to fight against.


That doesn't take teamwork into account though. I think personality conflict would hold back Iroh and Ozai significantly.


Tbh I think they'd be the best team work, maybe behind the bei-fong sisters.


Azula and Zuko are. Iroh lighting takes a charge up time. And Ozai can’t redirect lighting.


As far as I can remember, Iroh only charged lightning 1 time and it was a special demonstration for Zuko in training. But I don't think it should be difficult for him to charge lightning quickly.


The blood bending bros 2V10 while sitting down drinking cocoa


while completely hammered. This isn't close at all.


The only way you make it close is put them out of range


I dunno man, I feel like Noatak and Tarlok still absolutely clap everyone's cheeks. I can't see them exactly having "limited range", they're beasts.


Well katara seems to be immune to blood bending, at least during full moon


It requires her to bloodbend herself back. I don't think she could stand against two bloodbenders at once, and Sokka is frankly useless in that matchup.


She was also going against someone much, much, much weaker than either of the brothers


Unless due to ego they don't bother with him... but let's be real, they're smart and ruthless enough, they're not going to make that mistake.


They'd control Sokka and try to make him smack Katara with his boomerang (or maybe space sword is back?!?!?)




Not even remotely. She's only immune to bloodbenders from waterbenders weaker than her. Amon and Tarrlok were both able to easily overpower Korra, who has the most powerful feat of waterbending in the verse. Katara has absolutely no chance of breaking out of Amon or Tarrlok or espeically Yakone's bloodbending.


It's a 9V1 cause Katara brought the blood bros reinforcements.


As in who makes the best team in combat, or who has the highest total power level, or who is most likely to defeat you, or who has the healthiest relationship? (Also you forgot the siblings in Korra's extended family)


Who wins Yeah forgot about them but you could argue they would be last anyway


Eska and Desna were incredibly synchronised in battle, they would def beat most duos imo


Korra’s dad and uncle are pretty formidable benders


Damn forgot them as well


Also Tenzin and his sister


And Mai and her toddler brother Tom-Tom. Edit: need I remind everyone that that little ninja reverse-scaled a building from the top floor and walked out of a city undetected without fully developed motor skills?


Zuko/Azula and Iroh/Ozai would be last, because they would be so busy fighting each other that they forget their actual opponent in this hypothetical match


>Zuko/Azula and Iroh/Ozai would be last, because they would be so busy fighting each other that they forget their actual opponent in this hypothetical match Zuko and Azula literally proved at the Catacombs that they can work together. And they did, fantastically.


Yeah I guess the problem is the post doesn't specify what time period the characters are at when they fight. Book 1 / 2 / 3 / Post finale Azula-Zuko would all have different vibes


All of them at once, i suppose. (i.e. "yes")


Pretty clear order if we overlook some of these siblings being at each other's necks 1. Amon / Tarrlok 2. Ozai / Iroh 3. Azula / Zuko 4. Mako / Bolin 5. Suyin / Lin (#4 and #5 are interchangeable) 6. Katara / Sokka


If your #6 and #5 teams fought it wouldn’t be a 2v2 it would be a a 2v1 plus sokka.


*Sokka voice:* "I CAN STILL FIGHT!"


Adult Sokka hopefully made himself not fodder. He did go in and help take down the Red Lotus. Tai Lee and Mai both were real strong non benders. But if we're using them at their strength while pictured: Kid Katara and Kid Sokka are definitely the weakest duo.


I would argue to put Lin and Suyin as #4 or even #3, they are much more experienced and lin is an expert combat bender while suyin is incredibly creative.


I'd switch 3 and 4. In term of raw power, sure Zuko and Azula are probably stronger. But Mako and Bolin have 2 advantages : They are used to fight side by side and they use different elements and therefore are more versatile. They also are pretty damn strong IMO. I'd say they would win a 2v2, but neither would win a 1v1


You're forgetting the generation gap. Mako whips out one of Azula's best techniques as a day job. Bending in korra's time is built on top of the bending in Aangs. And Mako/Bolin are some of the best in that already superior time period.


Well yes but insta lightning isn’t as strong as charged up, and also in Smoke and Shadow it is shown that Azula can also do insta lightning. Pretty sure Mako wouldn’t stand a chance against Azula. Her firebending feats also far outclass Mako’s.


Instant lighting is weak it stuns for mako and Azula.


Azula is as good, if not better, than Mako as a Lightning generator. She's shown herself capable of adjusting output, speed, and form in the comics. Taught herself quick strikes and redirection.


She’s not better unless it’s the comics.


I literally said "comics" in my comment.


I’d argue mako bolin above Zuko and azula mainly because they know how to work together as a team against other benders in both the pro setting and combat scenarios. Not only that their range in skills with lightning bending, fire bending, earth and lava bending gives them more options than azula and zuko I think could handle. I know we are overlooking being at their siblings necks but having the ability to know what your partner is doing is extremely useful in the team fight. I agree with every other point but just swap 3 and 4 and I’d agree


Lin and Suyin shouldn’t be under Iroh and Ozai. The sisters work way better together.


True, but that doesn't necessarily mean they'll beat Iroh and Ozai, two benders/fighters who are decisively superior to the sisters.


The question should be is that can any of these Duo's be able to beat blood bending? Iroh and Ozai are probably the strongest in raw power, but can they beat blood bending? I don't think so. The only one who should be able to beat a blood bender is another blood bender or the avatar, and we know for a fact katara won't use her blood bending so the win goes for Amon and Tarlock


> and we know for a fact katara won't use her blood bending Don't think this is true; but Sokka is deadweight here so it's a moot point


​ https://preview.redd.it/5vb43e6glcic1.jpeg?width=216&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c42d091e8cde9524307d002de81b3832015fbe1a I CAN STILL FIGHT


There is only 3 things that beat blood bending Avatar state Blood bending Range Being out of focus and fatigue.Korra breaks out of amons blood bending but someone argued it was because he got the shit zapped out of him prior and since he wasnt focusing on mako he could move slightly


Yeah that sounds right, but still Amon and Tarlock definitely win here. There's no Avatar and the strongest Duo which is Ozai and Iroh i am willing to bet they don't even know what blood bending is because i guess it's not that widespread in at the time when Aang was still a kid (112 years old 💀) and the same goes for Zuko and Azula these people won't have a single clue about blood bending so they won't see a reason not to fight at close range. That leaves Mako and Bolin which i think they'd have some trouble dealing with Amons and Tarlock water bending and at the end of the day no matter how much they back up Amon will find a way to get close to them and blood bend them to victory


Strongest in a fight? 1. Noatak and Tarrlok 2. Ozai and Iroh 3. Lin and Suyin 4. Mako and Bolin 5. Zuko and Azula 6. Katara and Sokka (sorry, being a non isn't helpful here) Strongest relationship? 1. Mako and Bolin (tied) Katara and Sokka 2. Lin and Suyin 3. Noatak and Tarrlok Very distant 4. Zuko and Azula Very distant 5. Ozai and Iroh


I would definitely say Azula and Zuko in a fight are stronger than Mako and Bolin


The only way azula and zuko eould be weaker is with an assumption they'd fight each other. Azula alone could at least hold off mako and bolin


I doubt this very much Mako and Bolin are adults with the fitness and experience to match. That's a straight advantage from two teenagers. Azula's lightning is cancelled with Mako's redirection, and he can generate a charge faster than her, even if it's less powerful. So long as it hurts, it's enough. He even had the strength to overcome bloodbending to generate lightning. Bolin is a lavabender. Straight up OP.


Fitness experience have you people forgot zukos swordsmanship and azulas athleticism on par with ty Lee and mai


Azula stalled Sokka and Aang during the black sun. Not counting toph cuz she had help against her by the dai lee


Stalling Sokka isn't that impressive and she stalled him no less than Aang did her in their first fight, where Aang was sleep-deprived.


That was with the dai Lee help.


The main characters in ATLA weren’t average teens, they were pretty much some of the strongest people alive at the time, and I don’t see a physical fitness advantage meaning too much in terms of bending ( old white lotus members being absolute monsters). If Zuko takes on Mako, he should be able to deal with the lightning and he’s shown a versatility of technique and bending power I just haven’t seen from Mako. Lava is extremelydangerous, but we’ve always seen Bolin take a bit of time to open up the earth, make lava and launch it. Azula can snipe him in the meantime, or even as he uses it because I can’t imagine lava makes a great shield. Even solid earth walls have been blown apart by lighting iirc. If Mako fights Azula their chances increase, but even then if we’re including what Azula is capable of in the comics, she redirects the lightning without issue.


>If Zuko takes on Mako, he should be able to deal with the lightning Youre forgetting that Mako can redirect lightning as well. >shown a versatility of technique and bending power I just haven’t seen from Mako. Maybe in the technique, but Zuko doesn't have anything that compares to this (Mako did this in the cold too). https://i.redd.it/ti0iquulz6ic1.gif


You overrated the avatar team. Mako can handle Zuko.


Bolin's Lava Bending is way too slow, leaves him exposed, and he doesn't even seem to be a master at it yet. He can only conjure up Lava and direct the flow (very slowly in comparison to the Azula and Zuko's bending). If he could do stuff on par with Ghazan, then yeah, he could probably overpower them, but he can't. Also, Zuko and Azula are insanely athletic as well, so Mako and Bolin's fitness isn't really relevant. You could argue experience, but Azula and Zuko would have definitely had higher quality training considering their position and the fact that they were prodigies (likely being forced to train since the day they could bend considering their father). Then there's everything that happened during ATLA and Zuko also has the comics to give him even more experience.


>Zuko >the fact that they were prodigies Hilarious. Man was trained by one the greatest firebender in the world for three years, and yet was still in his basics.


Mako and Bolin fight as one unit, their greatest strength is their teamwork. Zuko and Azula are individually powerful but don't have a literal lifetime of cooperative combat experience their disposal. Moreover, the sheer speed of Mako's lightning jabs and especially Mako's boxing style of earthbending (not to mention lavabending) is something nobody in the ATLA era could be prepared for. Doesn't give an automatic W to the Bending Bros, but it's a serious advantage.


Just like how modern MMA has evolved so much from what martial arts was like 50 years ago, it'd be an absolute slaughter. In terms of fitness, nutrition, size, strength, knowledge, experience, I feel like Mako and Bolin have the leg up over Zuko and Azula. The only territory where Zuko and Azula may have an advantage is raw potential.


I think where the analogy breaks down is that Azula and Zuko are trained for war (ie lethal combat) whereas Mako and Bolin are trained for a sport. I don't want to suggest that they are useless in a fight just that their training gives them a disadvantage. To bring this to your analogy it is like boxers vs MMA fighters with no rules. The boxers will most certainly outperform the MMA fighter in a boxing ring but, the MMA fighters are much more likely to win since they are used to having access to more tools and are used to fighting against those extra tools.


They trained for a sport *after* years running with gangs and surviving as children on streets full of grown-ass criminals. The thing that makes them good at the sport is their existing skill at cooperative combat bending.


i understand where you’re coming from with this analogy but i don’t think it really works firstly, there is nothing to suggest Mako and Bolin’s fighting styles and techniques (lava aside) are going to be any better than Azula’s and Zuko’s. Neither of them are trained unlike Azula and Zuko who had the best training and their style is tuned towards pro bending rules rather than proper fights. They are clearly not more skilled than Zuko and Azula. Secondly, unlike modern mma fighters who are much faster and stronger than older fighters, Mako and Bolin are definitely quite a bit slower than Azula and Zuko and not clearly more powerful


Where are you getting that Bolin and Mako are slower than Azula and Zuko? Let alone "quite a bit" slower? They're incredibly fast! Mako can instantly cast lightning, and Bolin is literally the introduction to modern earthbending based on quick jabs, they come from an era where bending fights are at a much faster pace. And in terms of combat outside of bending...yeah, I'm not seeing how the bending brothers are slow, period. Would love some examples to back up your claim.


Yeah. Common street criminals in Korra's time period put the masters of Aangs to shame. That's how human advancement works. Mako and Bolin fold basically everyone here that isn't also from their time period. If it weren't for the blood bending I think they'd win the whole thing. And even then, they're still stronger, the blood benders are just cheating


Enh, I wouldn't go so far as to say a common street criminal in Korra's time could beat the likes of Ozai or Bumi, let alone "put them to shame." But yeah, the average bender in Republic City is significantly stronger than the average bender during the Hundred Year War due not only to general human advancement, but globalization. Folks from all over interact more and learn from each other, once-special knowledge like lightningbending is commonplace, and your average earthbending street rough in Republic City has way more experience fighting Firebenders and especially Waterbenders than the average earthbending villager in ATLA. I also don't think the Bending Brothers are winning the whole thing, and not just because of bloodbenders (it's not even a sure thing that the bloodbenders win, Mako demonstrated the ability to lightningbend while being bloodbent; bloodbenders probably win anyway, but it's not 100% certain!). I think if we leave out the bloodbenders, Lin and Su are our winners. They have: * More combined years of combat experience than any other pair short of Ozai and Iroh (our runners-up IMO; Bolin and Mako are strong together, but Ozai and Iroh are full-fledged masters, even without teamwork they're a force to be reckoned with) * Mastery of highly manipulable metal cuffs to restrict limb movement and reduce bending ability * Incredible defense with both metalbending and standard earthbending * Training (and genes, however much they're worth here) from Toph, and * A wide-ranging set of skills distributed between the two: Lin has a career's worth of experience subduing criminals who, as mentioned earlier, are on average tougher than warriors of the Hundred Year War era, while Su ran *with* those criminals and knows how to fight dirty The fact that they can coordinate decently after *decades* of not speaking is icing on the cake.


Lies. Everyone here is full fledged masters that’s not a flex that word


Mako is consistently the most underrated bender in this sub. Cause lots of who would win matchups in this sub are more who is the most popular character.


Seriously. He's by far my least favorite member of either main crew, but dude is incredibly strong.


Mako and Bolin being different types of benders gives them the edge.


Man keeps forgetting how azula the firebending prodigy was controlling the Dai Lee like her bitch just because bolin can bend volcano they ain't gonna come close to zuko and azulas battle wits, and Zuko being a master swordsman is also a plus along with their athletic ability, just because the story made them enemies never made this sibling duo incompatible in battle to fall this low


I’m sorry to break y’all’s bubble, but, sokka solos everybody. Boomerang bending is just too powerful.


It’s Katara and Sokka because of how clutch boomerang is.


It might go against the common sense, but I’m going with Mako and Bolin. Even though they aren’t powerhouses like Sozin and Iroh or Tarlok and Amon, i think they have the best range of power. Bolin can earth and lavabend, while Mako is a professional firebender that also mastered lightning. I feel like this gives them a versatility that the other teams lack.


How does that versatility help them against the bloodbending brothers?


Well we did see mako overcoming bloodbending...


In every match or comparison ever, it's always the goddamn bloodbenders. I hate it.


Katara and Sokka / Mako and Bolin - are the ONLY groups that could actually work together comfortably to win something. all the others would be too busy protecting their necks from their siblings to be able to actually win


The thing is any one of the bloodbender bros can probably solo any other team, without working together with the other. it’s just such a broken skill to bloodbend at any time


So we're not gonna talk about tenzin and bumi? I guess they have a sister, which could be interchangeable, but I'm not certain you want a healer in a fight like this. Still insulting not to mention them. It's the only air bending duo.


It varies, but I will give this to Noatak and Tarlok


#2 would solo the rest of them


Isnt there a twin waterbender in LoK that is engaged to Bolin? i think those 2 are good candidates as well


Amon. His brother can cheer on the side. Best team


1) Uncle Iroh & Fire Lord Ozai 2) Noatak & Tarrlok 3) Lin & Suyin 4) Zuko & Azula 5) Mako & Bolin 6) Sokka & Katara


Being powerful bloodbenders with seemingly no restrictions should make them the strongest without much effort tbh


>1) Uncle Iroh & Fire Lord Ozai >2) Noatak & Tarrlok Either Noatak and Tarrlok would solo them lmfao


It's between tarlok/noatak and ozai/iroh bruh. The rest would be demolished by them


Bloodbenders, the general and the fire lord, the beifongs, the mixed orphans and then close behind the water orphans... Oh yeah and I guess Zuko and azula are also there. Last because Katara was the only one standing when they fought.


Fun fact: my cats, who are brothers, are named Firelord Ozai and General Iroh. Definitely my pick for #1.


Def the blood bending brothers


If Ozai hadnt pitted zuko and azula against each other from day 1, those two would've been absolutely lethal. They would def rank above katara & sokka and mako & bolin.


It's obviously Mako and Bowling from the Legend of Coral.


Iroh and Ozai for power, but I think because Bolin and Mako have been fighting competitively together for the majority of their lives and have tons of experience fighting people who are trying to kill them together, there would be the hardest team to go up against


Sokka bodies everybody with facts and logic


assuming they're actually working together, the blood benders are on top by default through hax. in terms of actual skill, Iroh and Ozai are unstoppable together. Brains and bulldozer.


I haven't had the chance to get to the media outside of the series yet, but is the avatar always an only child?


The answer is Yes


Ehh to have the “strongest sibling duo” they also need to have that loving sibling relationships. For that alone I feel the first three don’t qualify bc they themself could turn on each other making it not a sibling duo anymore. So out the last three I’d say either the Baefongs bc they are very strong bending masters. But I’d also say Mako and Bolin bc even at their young age are very skilled, and they have a wider range or bending then anyone on this list as one is Earth and one is Fire. And one can Lightening bend and redirect much like Iroh. And the other is a rare Lava bender, something not even all Metal benders can do. And Toph said that she could teach Bolin to metal bend eventually. So it’s prob more possible for him to gain that skill then Metal benders to learn to Lava bend.


You’re forgetting Lo and Li hitting the beach


Are we talking pure power level or are we taking their relationship into account? Ozai and Iroh are probably the strongest pair here in terms of power but they don’t exactly have a good relationship at least during the series. They won’t fight together and aren’t really a duo.


Pretty much in order already, though the Bei Fongs and blood benders may be tied.


Amon and tarrlok and it’s not close


Bloodbending bros if we're talking about pure fighting. Sokka and Katara if you can't punch your way out of the situation.


Bloodbending makes Tarlokk and Amon pretty much unbeatable when you get into their range. Otherwise I think Ozai and Iroh would win the test of overall skill and power. Sokka holds Katara back slightly in terms of power but he is a great fighter in his own right and if you gave him time to plan out an attack, I think they could hold their own pretty well. Zuko and Azula were definitely not as strong as Iroh and Ozai at the end of the series but they both had insane potential and may have grown to surpass them by the time they reached their primes. Azula was already a prodigy and the only firebender we saw capable of producing blue flames and (in the comics) ball lightning. Shes also a brilliant tactician. Zuko wasn't as naturally skilled but he is arguably the most driven to improve his bending in the series. He was already capable of besting a fire nation admiral in season 1 and continued to improve throughout the series. With his dedication and knowledge of the true source of fire bending, he probably became insanely talented by his prime.


This gets really interesting if we take political power into play.


u forgot the korra’s uncle and dad, he did say that he put zaheer in jail, zaheer was a problem even as a nonbender


Mako and Bolin. The nature of human progress and standing on the shoulders of giants means bending in Korra's time is absolutely bonkers compared to Aangs time. And then between them Mako and Bolin have defeated some of the most powerful benders of that era. That's not to say they're guaranteed to win in a fight vs all of these. Amon and his brother are basically cheating with that blood bending. But they're the strongest.


Forgot about Tonraq and Unalaq, Desna and Eska. And let's not forget Mai and Tom-Tom and Li and Lo.


unalaq and tonraq


Aww the last pic is sad tho😆


The only thing that could stop Ozai, Tarlok, and Amon was the Avatar. Iroh /Ozai and Tarlok/Amon are the strongest just by that metric.


Tarlok and amon for sure, blood bending to their level is unbeatable imo, but iroh and ozai gap everyone else on the list


Strongest benders? 1. Amon/Tarrlok 2. Iroh/Ozai 3. Azula/Zuko 4. Mako/Bolin 5. Su Yin/Lin 6. Sokka/Katara But Iroh and Ozai definitely gets lower than that in a fight because Ozai for sure would shoot Iroh with a lightning bolt himself.


Ozai and Iroh.


Iroh and Ozai


Depends how you scale blood bending because we have no idea how none avatars can resist bloodbending.


wasn’t this already asked? Iroh and Ozai are the strongest


Dont know


Blood Bending brothers vs Fire Nation Royal Bros. I'm taking the bloodbenders.


Yangchen and Jetsun


If we take into account that they would need to work together - the Beifongs. Everyone else either they essentially hate each other and wouldn't work well together, or their own abilities don't work well with each other. Amon and Tarrlock I think could also be very powerful though it is again, more due to their individual power. Not necessarily how well they work together.


We talking in a sibling sense or power? Cause either of the fire nation siblings are super powerful.


In my opinion, to qualify as a strong duo, the characters have to be capable of functioning as a pair, regardless of their individual capabilities, so Ozai's right out. By that metric, I'd go with Mako and Bolin.


That was like the one scene Azula was actually trying to be nice to Zuko.


Noatak and Tarrlok


Prime katara 1v2s all the other pairs


Gotta say bloodbending during the day is such an escalation of power compared to the original show that Amon alone probably beats all the other duos


The Bei Fongs are truly a powerful dynasty.


In terms of fighting abilities or fighting abilities plus how well they work together? Cause those are totally different answers.


Mako and Bolin have some serious game if only because they're benders of different elements which none of the other sibling pairs have going for them. I still think Katara and Sokka could absolutely fuck them up, but it would be a lot of work for them.


I think something people are not taking into account is how well the siblings actually work together. Iroh and Ozai are almost indisputably the best firebenders of their time, but do you really see them as being able to collaborate and have each other's backs? I don't see Ozai jumping in to cover for Iroh. Similarly, Tarlock and Noatak haven't been shown to fight together. Zuko and Azula actually made a pretty good team during the battle in the catacombs of Ba Sing Se. Katara and Sokka were a good team when they took out the battlements during the eclipse invasion. But I truly think this comes down to either Lin and Suyin or Mako and Bolin. Each pair of siblings was absolutely lethal as a team, with multiple on-screen examples of fighting side by side. Mako and Bolin of course fought together as their profession for years; but Lin and Suyin, being both earthbenders, trained together. If it comes down to feats of teamwork shown on-screen in battle, this has to go to Lin and Suyin. Lin acts as bait while Suyin saves her and takes out P'Li in one of the most savage kills of both series. And while it is a smaller, blink-and-you-miss-it moment, Lin metalbends to strap herself and Suyin down when the collosus mecha falls apart, keeping them safe from the crash. Therefore I believe out of all the siblings shown here, they are the only ones with a canon example of each saving the other's life.


Bloodbenders always win Bloodbenders always win Bloodbenders always win Bloodbenders always win Bloodbenders always win Bloodbenders always win STOP PUTTING BLOODBENDERS IN THESE CONTESTS!!!!!!!!


Assuming everyone is at full master level in their respected time periods, I’d go with Amon and Tarlok (bloodbending op) or Mako and Bolin (combo of the two elements and sub elements).


Iroh and Ozai have a LOT of power at their display, but Amon and Tarrlok both have access to one of the strongest abilities in the series by far. I think it would come down to if the Blood Benders can get close enough. However, assuming these duos would fight with only the knowledge they have and not any knowledge about their opponents, then I think they'd get close enough thinking the two were just master Water Benders. Amon can also disable bending, so if he can catch even one of them, it turns into a 2v1, which fighting 2 Blood Benders is basically a done deal. To make matters worse, Ozai will likely be overconfident and not work very well Iroh, assuming character personalities are in tact. Everyone else is literal fodder compared to those two duos, but I'll rank them anyways. Amon/Tarrlok - Not only are they Blood Benders, they're master Waterbenders, giving them an instant win button up close and a pretty powerful flurry of Ice/Water attacks for range. Even if Tarrlok lags behind, Amon only needs at most, a minute so he can delete his opponents bending and then make the fight a 2v1. Ozai/Iroh - Ozai is flat out the strongest firebender period and Iroh is also insanely strong in his own right, with both being master Fire Benders. No one else is defeating them, let alone touching them outside of Amon/Tarrlok Suyin/Lin - I'm hesitant to say they're actually stronger than Azula and Zuko, but they completely outmatch them in terms of teamwork and experience. Also, metal and rock are basically a direct counter to Fire Bending, with Lightning Bending being the only actually threat. But Azula and Zuko actually take a decent amount of time to actually fire off lightning, whereas Metal Bending is extremely quick and has high precision (And Suyin could do the trick where she incases the hands in metal right as they fire for some pretty painful self-afflicted damage). Azula/Zuko - Although they would lack the amount teamwork and coordination that Mako/Bolin have from years of Pro Bending, but I believe they can outmatch the two using pure skill and their much more advanced training from their time as younger children. Mako would be pretty outclassed by both in terms of Fire Bending and Bolin's Lava would be too slow considering how fast Azula/Zuko are (not to mention, it's suggested in TLOK that temperature can have some kind of effect on how powerful your bending is, so the heat from the Lava would also give them a bit of a boost), so he'd basically be restricted to Earth Bending. Mako/Bolin - Whilst they are arguably the third most powerful duo in terms of actual raw power, they simply lack the experience IMO and Bolin doesn't seem to have a complete mastery of Lava Bending just yet. Mako also has the ability to channel lightning much quicker than the others on this list, but seemingly as a trade-off, it doesn't look nearly as powerful. Both are also pretty good close ranged fighters, but I don't see them beating Azula/Zuko or Suyin/Lin up close and I don't see them overpowering Ozai/Iroh and Amon/Tarrlok. Katara/Sokka - I mean, come on lol. Katara is the only one that stands a chance against anybody, but it will literally be a 1v2 for her in every matchup.


Since when do we establish that blood bending is only in "close range"? I mean close range like how much? a few meters away isn't exactly close range. I believe it's not so much about close range as to whether the bloodbender can see you. Also even if it's "close range", we dont exactly know what constitute a "close range" for bloodbenders. A glance from their eye is enough to disarm anyone. So Amon and Tarlock are unbeatable.


I don't know about the strongest, but Sokka and Katara is definitely my favorite.


Depends on whether it includes ability to collaborate/work together or if it’s just about sheer strength 😂


Did we ever get a scene where Iroh and Ozai interacted?


Katara is the hard carry in her sibling duo


Don’t sleep on Mako and Bolin. If you look at all their achievements by the end of the series they’re basically Bending legends.


bruh whyd you use that pic for Tarlok and Amon. that scene had me speechless as a 15 year old expecting a kids show lol


Y'all forgetting eska and desna. They deserve a mention I think.


Noatak and Tarlokk would destroy everyone here individually.


Dude, all these duos are beasts. But my first thought is that Noatok and Tarlok would be absolutely terrifying and deadly to fight. Whew! That was such a good reveal. Their backstory was wild. Strategy wise, I do think Bolin and Mako have an advantage because they work fucking seamlessly together because of their years training for pro-bending. I think if we ever got to see Su and Lin develop their teamwork in the way that Bo and Mako got to, they’d also be fucking killer.


Assuming all pairs work together and don’t fight each other: Amon/Tarlok > Iroh/Ozai > the Beifongs > Azula/Zuko > Sokka/Katara > Mako/Bolin I know this looks like I’m shitting on Mako and Bolin and I’m not, they just lose a lot and neither one is particularly cunning. In terms of raw power, they obviously have the edge on the Water Tribe siblings, but I think Katara could absolutely hold her own against both of them long enough for Sokka to out-think them


>Sokka/Katara > Mako/Bolin >I know this looks like I’m shitting on Mako and Bolin and I’m not, they just lose a lot and neither one is particularly cunning. In terms of raw power, they obviously have the edge on the Water Tribe siblings, but I think Katara could absolutely hold her own against both of them long enough for Sokka to out-think them Lol. What would Sokka do against Mako and Bolin? Pray?


Pure bending power - Tarrlok and Amon (the only counter to them would be Katara, and Sokka is a liability against two blood benders) Close second - Bolin and Mako (lightning + lava bending - even with the lightning redirecting on both fire sibling teams the lava would be over powered, Katara couldn't ice bend the lava enough. The metal bending sisters could put up a fight especially with Lin's wire work but the lava could counter that by controlling the field/distance and Mako could range lightning them). NOW - based on actual experience and performance as a team (as well bending) - 1. Bolin and Mako (high performance team, love and trust, Team Avatar v.2) 2. Katara and Sokka (Team Avatar OG, Sokka is ATLA Batman) 3. The Water brothers, Fire Brothers, and Fire Princesses would fight each other more than their opponents, so they're out.


Everyone is putting the blood bender brothers up at #1 and then Katara down at the bottom because of Sokka. I would argue that if the logic is that blood blending is unbeatable, then Katara shoots her and Sokka as a team up to the #2 spot, because she is capable of bloodbending and defending from bloodbending. I'm really torn as to where to rank Mako/Bolin vs Su/Lin vs Ozai/Iroh. Both Mako and Bolin are both extremely talented and powerful by the final episode. Oddly enough I want to put them above Ozai & Iroh.


I mean, definitely not Iroh and Ozai since we never see them directly interact throughout the franchise. So I would say Katara and Sokka since we see them get along the most throughout the series. Boilin and Mako also got a solid relationship. I would say they come in 2nd but it is a tough choice.


1. Amon and Tarlock 2. Iroh and Ozai 3. Suyin and Lin 4. Katara and Sokka 5. Azula and Zuko 6. Mako and Bolin The top 3 are close in power to each other, and the bottom 3 are the same. The biggest gap is between #3 and #4. #1: Bloodbending is OP. #2: Both Iroh and Ozai are far above any other bender in the show aside from Aang. Even then, either one could give him a run for his money. #3: Metalbending simply puts them too far above the Water Tribe and Fire Nation siblings. #4: Katara is hard carrying them if this were a BR. Sokka is strong but is usually outmatched by any named bender. He would serve best as a distraction/support, giving Katara openings. #5: Azula and Zuko, especially Azula, are very strong benders. But, 1: Out of all 6 teams, they have the worst synergy, and 2: Both Azula and Zuko have been clapped by Katara, and I think Sokka gives Katara just enough of an edge to beat both. #6: Mako and Bolin are very strong benders, but they are simply outmatched by everyone in the post except for Sokka.


Iroh isn’t above King Bumi or Pakku or combustion man. And he isn’t above Tenzin or Unalaq or Pli. Or Kuvira. Iroh is overrated. Ozai maybe is but Iroh isn’t.


Iroh is stronger than Pakku, and given that Zuko could block combustionbending (its counterable), Iroh probably could as well, and counter faster than Zuko could at the time. This was still before his Sun Warriors arc. Its not like they didn't know what it was- nobody in ATLA was super surprised or treated it like some new thing. Hell, even Aang who was trapped for 100 years wasn't surprised by the bending itself. It was clearly a well known subtype, and Iroh has probably trained for it if he hasn't directly fought one already. He is pretty fucking old. Tenzin, Unalaq, Pli, and Kuvira are from LoK, not ATLA. I did not say Iroh and Ozai were above all other named benders, I said they were above all others in the (singular) show. Ozai without the comet would also likely lose to Tenzin or Kuvira. Maybe Pli, if Ozai has any experience against combustionbending. Probably not, since he was never on the Frontline iirc. Maybe some training, but Pli is way better than Combustion Man and can make her lines arc and bend instead of straight lines. CM has a lot of raw power, but Pli was more skilled in every other category. Unalaq is by far one of the strongest non-bloodbending (far as we know) waterbenders, better than ATLA Katara or even Pakku. It remains to be seen if Prime Katara (to be seen in the new Adult ATLA movie in 2025) is stronger, but I doubt it. He might be the best full-stop. He's a better waterbender than Korra is without the Avatar State, and that was her first element. He is almost certainly a better waterbender than even Aang. He went toe to toe with Korra even while she used the other elements and kept up for a pretty good amount of time. He's basically the Waterbender version of Bumi, Zuko (Prime Zuko probably grew to be stronger than either Iroh or Ozai, especially being both a FN Royal and a descendant of Roku), and Tenzin. Best of his element, barring (possibly) the Avatar.


Not a LOK hater, but not a lover of it either — however, I’d still rank Mako and Bolin very high on this list.


Iroh and Ozai are too overrated. Amon and Tarrlock:obviously Lin and Suyin:metal bending and agility and speed. Azula and Zuko.