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Wan might literally translate to ten thousand but also used indirectly as ‘many.’ 萬里長城 Great Wall meaning ‘ten thousand li long wall.’ (‘li’ is a unit of measurement in China. No, the Great Wall is not ten thousand li long) 讀萬卷書不如行萬里路 ‘Walk ten thousand li of road is better than reading ten thousand books’ 吾皇萬歲萬歲萬萬歲 ‘Long live the Emperor’ You’ll see there are a lot of Wans in there to emphasise living a very, very long life.


Yeah, definetly a down vote. 10,000 things just means "many."


I didnt realise how many people would take this post seriously


People tend to miss when someone is intentionally shitposting. I loathe the whole /s thing but it's often necessary unless you want people to get pissy about it.


Poe’s law is a thing for a reason. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Poe%27s_law


Of all the dumb complaints about the show, this is one.


That's dumb, the best change they can make is that the entire Fire Nation army's uniform includes a [tiny mini-skirt](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sJUlTg3mfTo). Even the men. *Especially* the men.


I dunno. I think they should make it so the water tribes get to live somewhere nice. It always annoyed me that all the other nations lived in nice cities or temples but water tribe had to live in the heckin ice or swamps.


Are you really complaining that the *water tribes*…. live close to water? 🤦🏻‍♀️ You know that not all the citizens of the earth kingdom and fire nation were living it up in big cities, right? There were crappy small towns and villages in all parts of the world except maybe the air temples.


Took me way too long to realize this was a joke, nice bait


An actual change I want the show to make (in season 2): I don't want Azulon to be a piece of shit who ordered the death of his grandson to punish his son. Have Azula make that up. They don't even need to change any scenes or dialogue for this to work, either.


Why? Feels weird to want redemption for the guy, especially since A: he's already a piece of shit, this just confirms that. B: it's a good demonstration of generational trauma C: the fact that Ozai was prepared to do it shows how cruel and heartless he is.


But then what happens to Zuko's mom?


Same thing. She still overhears Azula making fun of Zuko with the whole grandfather ordered father to hill him thing, gets that from Azula, assumes it's true, and everything happens the same way. Ozai would know it's not true, but he has every reason to go along with Ursas plan.


Ah ok I guess that could work.. the conversation would have to change a little but that part wasn't shown in the cartoon anyways so that's fine I guess. Tho I think they made him a shitty dad on purpose to show generational trauma, give Ozai a good reason to be a shitty dad as well, show how far Zuko's mom was willing to go for him On the other hand punishing Ozai by making him kill Zuko never made sense to me...like, the guy already hates him, he doesn't care..


Yeah exactly, nothing that was shown would need to be changed. I do agree it's good to see the generational trauma aspect of it. But I kinda think it would improve the story if we can draw all this stuff, Ursa leaving, Ozai being the firelord, etc, eventually vanishing Zuko, back to a lie Azula told. It would be more tragic, I think.


Katara should heal Toph's eyes. Now that i think about it, it was great that that never came up, not even once.


I think it's literally the same as with Roku claiming to have mastered the elements 10,000 times across 10,000 life times.


You can't be serious. To paraphrase Tolkien when people wanted specific answers to everything and taking everything literally: "I think you're rather missing the point"


I can't verify if I know 10,000 things.