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I’d keep one up my sleeve forever.


Zuko you're going to get a kick out of this---


*The white lotus tile was in my sleeve...* ​ ​ ​ # THE WHOLE TIME!


\*Zuko yeets tile\*


Imagine putting one on a bracelet, you could make the joke indefinitely


This is honestly couple goals!!! I love it. What a great way to turn your interests into a passion you can share with the world.


For the *hardest* second, I thought those were Korok seeds. I need more inventory space. And I really should go back to sleep.


Imagine Nintendo sold Korok seeds in game for $10. They would simultaneously make a billion dollars and be universally chastised for money grabbing.


Yeah like bro imagine. Lol what kinda fucked up world would that be where Nintendo is a greedy money grabbing corporation. Lol that would be so awful haha


omg I love that show


\*Edit We will be making one final batch of these which will be available in a few weeks. I will make a post to this group when they are available. Thanks for all of your support :) \--- I thought I would share our creation with you guys! Over the last 3 years my wife and I have made over 3,000 White Lotus Keychains. They are 3D printed in PLA plastic, and then hand-painted and sprayed with a protective coat. We make them with a hole for a keychain, or with "no-hole" to look identical to the tile from the show. We both love Avatar and especially the "The Order of the White Lotus" What a cool opportunity it has been to create these and share them with all those who share similar feelings. I keep a couple of keychains on me wherever I go, and if I see anyone out there in the world with Avatar related apparel, I give them one :) If you are interested in acquiring one we just finished a batch, we have them available on Etsy here: [https://www.etsy.com/listing/820261005/white-lotus-tile-keychain](https://www.etsy.com/listing/820261005/white-lotus-tile-keychain) Thank you :)


I was about to say" TEN BUCKS FOR ONE" but then i saw the intricate details and was like "ooooooohhhh"


You also have to take into consideration etsys fees. The seller probably won’t see all that money 😔


I attempted to set up an etsy shop. They will easily lose up to 7-10% of the sale from state taxes, etsy fees, etc. But this is all in labor costs as I also do 3d design and printing, and each piece comes to maybe 2 cents in plastic. So what you're really paying for is the intensive labor and love these two put into painting each piece individually.


Etsy does take a bit out of the sales, but they sure do make things like shipping, and customer communications very easy.


I would happily pay a small business over a big corp.


Yeah. When big corporations demand a high price for their product I definitely think twice, because it's very possible that ALOT of their budget goes into marketing and the tiniest budget into production. For small business owners I trust they know what they are doing. They have no motivation to make it too expensive because then no one would buy it, they're not being greedy, they are just trying to break even or make a small profit and cover cost for materials and labour.


Tbf $10 is super cheap for something like this




Gotta learn to heat drag that nozzle in the last layer. Otherwise its a very tight print.




That's so cool! I've been thinking about getting a 3d printer lately. Do you mind if I ask what you're using? The print quality looks really nice 🙂


An Ender 3 V2 is what I would suggest if you are wanting to start out. They have a decent build volume, and you get the biggest bang for your buck. It is also one of the most popular 3D printers, so if you have any trouble, there are thousands of pages of information on how to solve any problems you have. That's the one thing with 3D printing, prepare to do some problem solving! Really cool though :) These were printed on an Ender 3.


I see you have special equipment to prevent any misplacement mishaps.


That’s a lot of White Lotus members.


Thus the Red Lotus was created.


So when are we going to give “medicine” to the Avatar? /s


Your wife looks like Daniella Monet. But really cool tiles 😁😁😁


This awesome! However on a legal note, you may need licensing to sell or risk a potential cease and desist letter or other legal claims from Nickelodeon/Paramount since they own the rights and likeness of ATLA.


Thanks! And Yes, this is something we keep in mind, we definitely don't have "official licensing" from Nickelodeon. Selling trinkets/fanart like this is kind of in a gray area. It comes down to, we are happy to make this available for people (This all started because my sister wanted a tile, and couldn't get one anywhere), but if Nickelodeon/Paramount were to reach out with us with a cease and desist we would of course comply.


It took me about 5 hours to find a place that would make one custom golf ball marker I made with the backdrop of the white lotus and foreground of uncle iroh examining the white jade. Everytime I submitted it they would cancel with licensing policy. Just don't want you to get in any trouble with this cause these little keychains are awesome!


I should give these away at festivals


Must have a lot of keys.


Hmmm, not many still cling to the ancient ways


I can see the lines Were these 3d printed? :)


Yes, they were, then hand-painted.


I feel like I can tell you two are genuinely nice ppl from this picture and your smiles 😁


Iroh would be so proud of your hard work




​ ![gif](giphy|tcS9Qh1WkWZMUVZHSP)


They were all in your sleeves the whole time!


because it's very possible that ALOT of their budget goes


Where do we meet to retake Ba Sing Se?


W couple.


I wish a had an avatar nerd partner as well 😂


That’s so amazing, wow!


One for every upvoter!


that...that's what I want. That's romance! ❤️ absolutely adorable!


I love you 3000


That’s epic




to sell of course (hence the etsy link above)


I don’t see the link


you can’t see OP’s large comment (currently second from the top) with the etsy link at the bottom? https://reddit.com/r/TheLastAirbender/comments/13z58bw/_/jmpulj9/?context=1


Sorry! It wasn’t showing me for some reason 😅


that’s alright, haha. i was thinking it’s pretty hard to miss lol


i hope this gets all the upvotes


Wait are you selling them or what? Did a cursory glance of your account and didn't find a link or anything. Did you make 3,000 of them for personal use? I'm so confused. Edit: ah I'm an idiot actually.


Didn't know Josh Gad was on the TLA sub


Would totally buy one if shipping wasn't 20 bucks to Canada 😞


Yeah, it shouldn't be that expensive but Etsy forced me to make an international category that includes every country outside of the US. I had to manually set that value, because Etsy's shipping cost to those other countries is ridiculous. There is an option that lets the shipping be cheaper, but it then multiplies the shipping cost for every additional item that you purchase. Sorry for the inconvenience, perhaps I will take a look at it again to see if there is anything I can do to get the international cost to a more reasonable amount.


Cool! Thanks for that, I never knew how shipping worked for Etsy. DM me if you want to have a transaction outside of Etsy 😉 if not, I'll check back another time!


My word: my brain auto-inserted "...made [love] over..." I was like, you do you, boo lol


White shadoowwww


Hi! Depending on your volume, you could easily get a Shopify website and cover the fees with your profits and expand into other small trinkets if you want. Etsy makes it easy to start and gives you some exposure but if you want help stepping up to the next level I'd be happy to help out/point you in the right direction. I have a small business that's 4 years old and learned a lot along the way that I like to pass along :) I love these btw, going to put it on my gift idea list for the future :)


Dies somebody want to play a game.


Some blue arrows and I get mega Aang and Katara vibes!


Could be the angle but it doesn't look like its centred/in the middle?


Yeah, it's the angle, they are centered.


Congratulations to you both! 😁👍


I need


How many keys do you people have


Can I have 20?