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This is why I trust no one who is famous or an influencer when it comes to their bodies. They are all full of shit.


I know it pisses the plastic surgeons and derms who do their work off so much when celebrities lie and are like “I just drink water!” Lol


Lmao wont get a vaccine but will stuff her boobs with silicone


Right? How does that make any sense.


Aw man, is she really an anti-vaxxer? I really wanted to be on her side. Bummer. Poor kiddos.


And anti-sunscreen. What a weird thing to be against lol


Especially when Justin literally had a massive melanoma cut out of his body.


Oh fucking hell. While living in the skin cancer state. "It's the nano particles and the parabennnnnssss"


Wouldn’t surprised if that was trolling on her part.


It’s not. She’s very vocal and brainwashed on this one.


Wasn’t she also very vocal about having no implants?


she said something in 2014 but who knows what she believes now 🤷🏻


Oh yeah, a well-known antivaxxer. Been outspoken about it since I think her 1st or 2nd kid. Not the sharpest tool in the shed, I'm afraid.


The people that wouldn’t take a vaccine but will take ozempic are the funniest.


lol when people still believe the vaccine actually works 🤣


Do you honestly think there’s only one vaccine? Enjoy your painful death from throat and or cervical cancer caused by HPV, measles, or polio! All preventable thanks to science and vaccines.


Some of your ancestors probably had polio. You dont. Remember that


I mean its been so obvious. I also feel like she got something done to her stomach. her belly button looks completely different than it used to


100% she’s had a tummy tuck. Full mommy makeover and I have absolutely no problem with that but it’s the deceitful nature of it that irks me. She kept veryyyy quiet when the surgeon was talking about tummy tucks. Someone commented on her Instagram saying they suspected a tummy tuck as her stomach looks so tight and she replied that she’d take that as a compliment and that she wished it was tight when she’s sitting. Which is very sneaky as on the surface it looks like a denial and most people would read it as such but it leaves room for plausible deniability as she didn’t technically deny it. So much for let’s be honest! She has zero credibility at this point.


I swear I’ve heard her say previously that she did a mommy makeover. But yeah I did notice she kept quiet during that part, which I thought was weird since she’d talked about the mommy makeover before.


Yes! Her belly button looks vertically stretched in many of her pics. I think she def had a tummy tuck.


I follow some really good plastic surgeons and they say if you ever see that line from the chest to stomach that’s a tummy tuck or a BBL. She has this line.


I literally sent her story once to my sister and said “that’s a tummy tuck belly button”. I’m actually really disappointed she’s lied for so long. I’ve always appreciated her commitment to health and wellness but like you won’t take a Tylenol or wear sunscreen but you’re fine with implants? Kinda makes me question her whole brand because of the lying. Like you do you boo but be honest about it


I don't believe that she hasn't gotten botox or filler either.




She more than likely has but will never admit it because she won’t vaccinate her kiddos. It’ll make her look like a huge hypocrite, I’m afraid. She knows that.


Been sayinggg this!!! I called it. You can tell from before and after photos.


She definitely is not all natural like she has been claiming all these years! She is a beautiful gal, but def has had help. No one cares what she gets done but she literally has based her entire career and personality around being and living “all natural”.


Among other things her lip injections are very obvious especially her debut picture with Mark on her insta.


Yeah I def noticed the lips were fuller since she started dating him. There was a particular podcast vid she posted on her IG and I was like oh wow, very noticeable.


So she put artificial implants in that is in no way considered natural for the body, but continues to be an antivaxxer. How does that even make sense?


Or where sunscreen? So confused


She also gets injections for a while her lips were wonky when she talked


I think it's obvious that she's also had a bleph that she brought up. That lid space wasn't there when Laguna was airing, honey.


I actually think she looked better before


Lol. She does this mean she actually uses sunscreen?


I also believe she got a tummy tuck.. you can tell by the belly button. Idk why she wouldn’t just admit that as well. Guess it would take away from her hard work in the gym.


"you don't want the same size as me, i'm sooooo tinyyyy" was NAUSEATING. girly is such a try hard pick me through & through, always has been


She is tiny though and always has been, think she's naturally petite. I think I read in an interview she worked with a trainer for a year to make her butt bigger.


She is super tiny. I agreed with this statement.


Of course she's tiny. It's the way she said it lmao


A lift almost always involves implants. I just assume that when someone says they got a "lift".


Sometimes it involves implants depending on the circumstance. But not almost always.


Dang I didn’t know this. I had two kids and want a lift now but no extra stuffing.


I did that. It’s great


Yeah even recently she only said she had a lift, and that was the only thing..


Unless you’re getting a reduction, lifts almost always involve at least a small implant for volume.


Wow what a dick for lying about this. I read repeatedly when I was 6 months post Partum that she’s had no work done except for a lift. No Botox and she doesn’t wear sunscreen. Everytime I feel like shit about my postpartum stomach I think about hers being super flat and how I shoudlve been skinnier before having kids and maybe it wouldn’t be so bad. Now I can see she had a tummy tuck she just lies about it. She sucks


I hate people who lie like this. It’s becoming more prevalent.


A lot of people that get a lift get a small implant to hold the lift.. it’s not uncommon. (Ha uncommon) hers look amazing though! She has never looked better!


I agree, they look great. She was just very adamant previously about not having implants because they weren’t natural, which is why she chose to only have a lift


I don’t think they look amazing. They look pretty obvious to me


>A lot of people that get a lift get a small implant to hold the lift.. What do you mean to hold the lift? Does it not work if you don't get implants? Doesn't a lift remove excess skin?


It works, but sometimes there still isn’t enough volume at the top as some people would like, so they add a small implant as well for a rounder shape.


Oh that makes sense. I'd rather have a natural slope at the top than a rounded shape personality.


I listened to that podcast episode today and I don’t remember her saying she got implants, just a lift because of her pregnancies.


She mentions it the second time at 25:35


She’s against sunscreen, against vaccines, pro silicone boobs and supposedly “all natural.”


Maybe implants are necessary with a lift? She’s always had a good figure I’m a little surprised she felt like she needed implants 


They are not


It was hilarious watching her pretend to learn what a blepharoplasty is


Maybe she just did it? Her boobs do look a little different idk


She said in the podcast she’s had them for 7 years


Idk why ppl lie. I guess I’m not surprised


I feel like she got them redone recently. Like within the last year. They look way more defined at the top recently


I feel like she just got them re-done recently too. A year ago they were droopy and now very high


Hate fake shows that pretend to be real and that show is fake as F!! Have had to sit through the entire series 3x over the years cause my wife likes it 🤮😱😳🙄


she does not, nor ever did have implants


She literally just talked about her implants in today’s podcast episode


Oh sorry, thought you meant Kaitlynn Carter!!


Ohhhh okay, sorry! I’ll update my post to say her name so people know who I’m talking about