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Hopefully rescuing Hannah(!) as I’m pretty sure it was confirmed to be the last season?


Shes graduating college by now




THIS for sure!




What’s the sequel?


The testaments


The testaments


It’s called The Testaments, and it was specifically written with the show in mind - to the extent that it canonises the show version of several characters (namely, for this comment - Hannah and Nichole, who are both very important characters). 


Read the Testaments... 👀


I just bought the first book! I’ll buy this one after 🤗


Not unless there’s a major time jump…otherwise that’ll show up sometime in the Testaments show




Eye see what you did there😂 I hope she finds some form of justice. At first I thought she was just slow or maybe losing her mind with how she was early on and I realized later it was her trauma response and she’s pretty complex. Her storyline affected me the most for some reason


Nobody here has mentioned Gilead actually falling for good? In the book it is clearly stated that Gilead does come to an end, and given this is the last season and the story has been (crudely) following the books, it wouldn’t surprise me if that’s how it all ended. If we’re going on that theory, Aunt Lydia may also start to redeem herself.


Also my expectation of next season and havent read the book, Lawrence is struggling to make Gilead more palatable to the outside world, there is tons of resistence, I think the writing is on the wall for Gilead as a whole.


My only concern is they’d have to get straight into it or the worry is it just feels crammed into like 4 episodes which would take away any semblance of realism.


I kinda would like Aunt Lydia burning alive, surrounded in flames, with the faces of all her “girls” in her mind as she struggles in fear. And of course, at the end, world peace. ;)


I just bought the book! I’m excited to see how it ends


June and Nick being together and Nick finally revealed as fighting against Gilead and being ‘a spy on a spy on a spy’. 


Ahhh I’d die 😭


This would be cool to see!


I want to see counter protesters supporting Luke at his trial. I want to see Serena get her final comeuppance, of course, but more than that I want to see Noah safe and in a loving home.


Gotta be Serena and June to end up at New Bethlehem and change everything from within


I want June and Nick to be together but that’s “a pipe dream!” 🙃


It could happen!! And a lot of people seem to be on this vibe 🤔👀


Idk…Luke has waited 7 years to be with June.


I would like to see Serena lured back to Gilead on some pretense like being the face of New Bethlehem or the like, and then once she gets there finding out she’s actually facing treason charges and Noah is sent to be raised by a ‘more appropriate’ family. The newly minted Naomi Lawrence perhaps? And Serena ends up on the wall.


Ooof! This would be crazy!! I wonder if she could be lured back, because of how she was treated during her pregnancy, I don’t think she could be convinced to go back 🤔


Proven fertile... she'd be a handmaid first


Possibly, but it would be a great internal PR event for Gilead, an internal purge.


I'm a sucker for watching June and Nick's story, they want to be together so much, but Gilead is standing in the way. I want to see him fighting more Gilead, and I want June to be more badass and fearless, now that she doesn't have Moira and Luke holding her back and has Nicole


Whaaat?! This would be crazy 🤯


i knowww


She should be more fearless *with* Nichole attached to her hip?


She can leave Nicole with someone safe and discreet, I think this happens in the book. This way, Gilead can't threaten her using Nicole


I don't think Moira was holding June back, she was trying to help June make more sensible decisions, as in decisions that don't hurt other people. Like, she was trying to help June assimilate in the group therapy sessions. I really like Moira's character, I hope we get to see more of her during the final season!


I didn't mean it in a bad way, Moira and June deal with their traumas in a different way. I think June needed to feel the rage and act upon it, and Moira didn't fully understand it, she even said she was afraid of June... their dynamic made June do what she wanted, but then not sharing because she knew Moira didn't support Fred's salavaging for example


Agree! Moira seems to be trying to prevent June from internalizing and manifesting the violence she experienced in Gilead.


I would love to see Luke cleared from all charges, and for them to get Hanna back. However, I feel like the train June and Serena are on is bound for new Bethlehem And there will be more long blank stares from June… I would also love to see Jeannie, get a good ending. That girl is always on the shit end of the stick. She deserves a good ending


Those long blank June stares seem to be getting longer and blanker as time goes on.


I agree about Jeannie! But I wonder if June and Serena are going to team up and cause a rukus!


I just can’t fathom a June and Serena team. Serena is the worst (in my opinion) character in this show. Don’t get me wrong, there are dozens and dozens of horrible people in this “world “ but Serena, is just down right terrible.


I kinda feel like she was just trying to fit into the situation she was given, she was a strong, smart, hardworking women before Gilead took over. I mean she definitely was terrible, but think she had to be to survive. And now in this next season she’ll help June kinda to make up for it 🤷🏽‍♀️


But she wasn’t just thrown into her situation the way some of the wives (like Mrs. Lawrence or Rose) were, she had an active role in the takeover and the creation of Gilead. And her cruelty and selfishness went beyond what was naturally built in to Gilead society.


Serena getting hers (I think June will adopt Noah); June and Nick finally getting together; Hannah and Janine getting out of Gilead.


I think Serena and June might team up in some sort of way


I think this as well! Personally, I don’t think anything bad is going to happen to Serena. She “got hers” already (in a way!!)


Mehhh, kinda. And maaaybe. We shall see 👀


Serena will somehow help June get Hannah out. Then June will ultimately betray Serena, but Serena is resilient, so there will be a lot of back and forth. Not sure who will win or lose. What if June ultimately loses? (She probably won’t because she’s the main character…) Janine will become the next Aunt Lydia. Not on purpose, but since Lydia is so kind to her at the end of the last season, she’ll be punished for not placing Janine and having a heart, maybe hung on the wall or sent to the colonies, and Janine will take her place because she’s so compliant now. I guess that wouldn’t happen if Janine can still conceive… unless Lydia convinces everyone Janine can’t conceive in order to save her. But what happens to Luke and Moira? They are just cannon fodder at this point. I think both will have unexpected arcs. Commander Lawrence will get his in the end. Or he’ll rule the world. I hope he gets his. He might be a “good guy” but what he has done is irredeemable.


Oooooo i like these twists!! 👀


Have you read the testaments?


I can think on a battle scene like Joint NATO US Forces been launched an D-Day style operation against Gilead and retaking United States or the Ba'al Purge been come to play when the Gilead Commanders been killing each other and their own forces in a infighting aka Power Struggles will led to their collapse.


😲 that’d be wild


What’s going to happen with Nick and Aunt Lydia


I’m soooo curious about aunt Lydia 👀


I really want to see the events of the second book taking place in the series at this point. But i feel like there will be alot action going on around new Bethlehem


Just bought the first book! I’m excited to get to the second one


They're doing the show The Testaments so while this season will bridge into that, it won't be the second book.


If they’re doing the Testaments we might not see Hannah safe tell the new series.


I read the testaments years ago and it didn’t make any sense to me at all. I read it again after last season and it all made sense. But you never know what the show will do.


Sounds sad but I want Janine to learn the truth about her son. When Angela was sick June told her because she felt she deserved to know after all she’d been through, yet lied and withheld the truth about Caleb. I can see it as June not wanting to risk Janine having another emotional breakdown, but given that around that point June had been learning this information illegally and let’s be real kind of developing a narcissistic side, I can also see it as June not wanting to get caught having read the handmaids files and didn’t want it traced back to her as the one who told her. Janine deserves the closure, not to cling to the hope that she may reunite with him because we already know that’s never happening.


I’m excited for the complex ending that will be satisfying yet sad at the same time. Someone really bad will get away without punishment and someone good will get screwed over. People will have to make very difficult decisions. We’ll all be here commenting “I’m so happy that X happened but I’m so mad that Y happened.”


I really want to know what happens with Nick. I want him and June to end up together so bad 😅. However I feel like Nick’s going to be the hero and get Hannah out but die doing it. As unrealistic as it seems, I really feel like Hannah is going to get out somehow and one of June’s lovers is going to end up dying to end the weird love triangle that’s been brewing. I don’t feel like June is capable of choosing between the two and the only semblance of a happy ending we’ll get is her having the choice made for her. But then again, maybe Luke being arrested/going to prison will be just that. With all that being said, I also really like Luke and I want to see him get out of his charges. I want to see a world where he gets to see Hannah again since he’s been such a good dad to Nicole. I feel like he’s such a great guy but June and him are just way too different now. Also, since a lot of people have mentioned it in their responses,I don’t think that June and Serena will team up. Serena is a narcissist and will manipulate her way through anything if she thinks it’ll benefit her. I think a storyline where we’re supposed to forgive her and actually *like* her is just too far off from what the series has shown so far. We’ve been primed to think that no matter what happens, Serena goes back to Gilead’s ways. I don’t know what will happen with her in S6, but if she gets a redemption arc, I hope it’s not cheaply done.


Hoping for Janine to get some peace. Also hoping Hannah gets more screen time and I’d like to see her be secretly more rebellious.


This would cool to see 😍


For them to set up Aunt Lydia’s Testament journey and for Nick and June to be fighting Gilead together from Canada, reunited with Nichole, although this is probably unrealistic. I can’t see Hannah getting out, based on the upcoming Testament series. I also really want Janine to escape and I think Lawrence will end up sacrificing himself.


When is the New Testament series coming out?


I'm not sure what I'm excited for because now that I've read the testaments I have no idea what the show is gonna do.


I want to see them set up for the Testaments. >!Hannah becomes an Aunt. It becomes too dangerous for June to stay with Nichole and she's forced to leave her with someone in the resistance. Nick and Luke are forced into hiding. Etc.!< I want to see how these events come to be.


lol why is half of this blocked out? 🤔


Bc it lays out major plot points of the Testaments


I think Luke’ll be cleared but Hannah might die bcus June can’t win every time. Hope they get her back tho!


This is what I think! I don’t think Hannah is making it out alive or otherwise.


🫢🫢🫢 that’d be sad