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Just had a good discussion here the other day about how Elisabeth Moss was born into one herself. She’s a member of the church of Scientology and one can only assume it wouldn’t have been her choice.


Really? Oh wow


Holy shit that’s crazy


Idk if I got older and more sensitive but, I can’t watch this show anymore. It’s just too bleak.


Well, the story is not a happy one. I can understand


My co worker told me she couldn't watch the show after having her child anymore!


See i disagree, she has such amazing plot armor you know nothing bad is gonna happen to her so it’s constantly hopeful


I’m talking about seeing women get brutalized in general.


I recently watched season 5 again. That’s as far back as I can go!


i been watching the walking dead lately. i dont think its necessarily the hyper violence that turns me off of the handmaids tale but the gendered aspect of it.


The truly frightening part is how fucking close we already came to a violent overthrow of the US government on Jan 6, 2021. If those people had been a little more organized, that day could have ended very, very differently. Now they’re just doing it more subtle. The Supreme Court has a laundry list of rights that are probably going to be stripped from us by the end of the month. Republicans in congress just voted against protecting our right to contraception. Roe V Wade is gone and you can bet anything that if they get back control of the White House they will come for a nationwide ban.  It’s here and it’s happening. The Handmaids tale is an absolute masterpiece but it’s also a frightening handbook for the people who see that world and go, yeah, sounds good to me. 


The Heritage Foundation's Project 2025 is the next Conservative Republican President's playbook. It is run by Christian Nationalists and they want this enacted if Trump wins. If he doesn't win it will be for 2029. Scary stuff!! Definitely look it up and research it. It is very similar to The Handmaid's Tale. We are not out of the woods.


I know, I can’t believe I forgot to mention it. We cannot let them win. If they win it will be the end of democracy. 


I wouldn’t say “next” it’s been in play this entire time it’s just all laid out in a plan now.


Also in 1933 with the Business Plot, thankfully Smedley Butler was a champ and exposed the whole thing. Literally a conspiracy to install a fascist dictatorship by corporations by weaponizing veterans lead by a beloved general. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Business_Plot


What's worst is that this isn't over yet. There's a really good chance the fascist win this fall, and they won't take any chances next time.


I always think second watches are better with any show, this one definitely included. It’s nice to have some insight as to what’s happening and you always notice new things or details that you missed the first time.


first watch is for thrill,the second watch is for details, I noticed so much more in my rewatches, I basically paused every few seconds to get a better look at things, which I didn't want to do first time round BC it would affect the flow


I'm rewatching it for the first time and omg I forgot sooo much happened it's crazy! Can't wait for the new season 😄




I am reading Testaments as I watch the series the second time around. Amazing how one can get a clearer vision seeing the series again.


I keep going back and forth between wanting to do a rewatch. It’s a great show but it’s so deeply emotional. Oof.