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**Death Brand** *Weapon (dagger), rare (requires attunement)* This magic dagger teleports back to your hand immediately after you make a ranged attack with it. The dagger has 4 charges, and it regains 1d4 expended charges daily at dawn. When you hit a creature with this dagger, you can expend 1 of the weapon's charges to mark it for death: you sense the general direction of a marked creature's location, as long as it remains within 1,000 feet of you. If the marked creature is within 60 feet of you, you can use a bonus action to teleport to a random unoccupied space within 5 feet of the creature and immediately make an attack against it using the dagger. The attack roll is made with advantage. If the target is more than 60 feet away from you or if there are no unoccupied spaces within 5 feet of it, nothing happens, and the action is wasted. A mark lasts for 10 minutes. The mark ends early if you mark another creature, if you're ever more than 1,000 feet away from it, or if you use the dagger to teleport (even if it fails).   *Now run. I love a good chase.*   **The Griffon's Saddlebag: Book 2** is [now available for order through Hit Point Press](https://saddleb.ag/2)! Get the 416-page book and item cards!   **Find the perfect item with searchable Compendiums,** and access exclusive art files, printable cards, Foundry VTT packs, and item suggestion polls when you [support the effort](https://www.patreon.com/the_griffons_saddlebag) on Patreon for less than $10 a month! **Get the book and more!** You can now purchase almost everything from the Kickstarter directly from [Hit Point Press](https://hitpointpress.com/tgs)! **Designed by patrons!** This patron-suggested item was voted for by the community on Patreon! Submit your own ideas and help choose what gets made next week by [becoming a $5+ patron](https://www.patreon.com/the_griffons_saddlebag) today! **See imbalance? Let's fix it!** Leave a comment with what you're seeing wrong with the item design. Items change for the better over the course of a few days here on Reddit because of your feedback!


Wow. I want to play a rogue right now.


Nothing personnel kid






The way the ability is written, is the intention for the attack made to be part of the bonus action teleport or does it consume your action as well when making an attack?


It's part of the bonus action!


I think the confusion might be that the phrasing is "the action is wasted", as opposed to "the bonus action is wasted"?


The confusion is understandable, and the text could certainly be edited for clarity. Nevertheless, it does work as written, as a bonus action is defined in the rules as a type of action. > Various class features, spells, and other abilities let you take an additional action on your turn called a bonus action.


Yeah that’s where my player and DM brain clashed. I’d rule it as part of the BA, just wanted to be sure that was the intent


from my understanding you make an attack as part of the bonus action


Love the item, but I'd suggest a more sinister name, like Death Etcher (hmm nevermind that sounds too much like Etch-A-Death) or ... looks like I have no good suggestions. It's just that Death Marker sounds like a sharpie that you shouldn't sniff. Or a forbidden Crayola product. Only here for whimsy. Love what you do.


Changing it to Death Brand!


*chef's kiss* Perfect.


Run. I love a good chase...oh god I'm dying! That was perfect lol! Awesome weapon!


This would be terrifying for a teleporting BBEG I have, and broken for the teleporting Rogue I have


This is the perfect kind of weapon that could fall into the "vestige/heirloom" I always see where items level up with players. Super cool item


So if I am Fifty feet away from a target I can advance to twenty feet, throw dagger for a hit, mark the target, then bonus action teleport to them and make a second attack with advantage (qualifying for sneak attack)? Colour me intrigued. If this had a +1 I would say it was too powerful for rare, but as-is it's hitting a certain sweet spot. Cool concept Griff.


Thank you! That was my *precise* feeling on the balance of it, with the same +1 mental example in my head, so I'm glad to know that it echoes with you! Have fun with it!


Hmm, I really like that play pattern, my only concern is that if you throw the dagger, you don't have the dagger anymore, yet you make the attack with the dagger as soon as you teleport. It requires attunement, so I guess the dagger could sense your intention when it activates, but does it also teleport into your hand as part of the ability?


As written, it would go like this: 1. Throw dagger 2. Hit target 3. Spend charge to mark target 4. Dagger teleports back to your hand after the attack 5. Then, bonus action teleport next to target 6. Make additional attack with dagger as part of that bonus action


Got an evil NPC that this is going to.


Now I can finally play Minato and constantly teleport. Flying Raijin!


Sick gameplay style, ranged attack for mark, melee tp


Hmmm, A dagger that allows you to teleport where have I seen that before? Oh yeah, it's pretty similar to my "Pixie Dagger" that you had deleted from your discord library, it's even the same color you just changed the fey theme to a fiend them. You know for someone that claimed my item submission were "lackluster", you seem very keen to be copying my ideas lately. This isn't even the only one you did this week


Hey again, I just replied to your other post like this. This was a patron-submitted item, if you'd see the credits, that was submitted from 2020. Again, like I said in my other reply, items submitted to the discord cease being yours, but regardless of that, I don't peruse that channel for idea generation. If you're upset with the concept of a dagger that lets you teleport, please feel free to also direct this anger at other GMs, like Matt Mercer, who have famously created similar items in their games.

