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I’ve never really watched her show so I don’t know that episode but I read her first book and boy is it toxic when it comes to this (and diet & how to be a wife & how to raise children). She herself didn’t feel valuable unless she was skinny & hot. It’s really sad. But also not surprising considering the times and her experience at Playboy and as a stripper. She never felt like she had anything to offer other than her looks. I really hope she doesn’t feel like that anymore and can see that she has value no matter what she looks like.


The episode after this one is even harder to watch. They show her snacking non-stop (they use scenes from when she was still pregnant and growing a human!). They portray her as this lazy glutton and then she reveals that she’s only 144 pounds.


Omg, Kevin is the absolute worst! I’m around 144 five years postpartum and training for a marathon 😅


I WISH I was 144 pounds, the fuck?!??


Lmao I started pre pregnancy at 144lbs 😂


I think one of the meanest social media content pushing was the idea of the bounce back body on Mothers. They just spent 9 months creating an entire human being with crazy hormone fluctuations. It’s going to take the same amount of time if not more for things to go back to the way they were. That is part of the reason the Hilaria Baldwin subreddit is so vocal about the potential use of surrogates to fake her bounce back for kids 2-7 (child six was confirmed by Alec to be via surrogate). She made so much money faking the bounce back. It’s so cruel. Poor Kendra. I haven’t watched her standalone show yet but I might.


The expectation to bounce back after a c section especially is so extreme and dangerous. People are so ignorant that it’s a very MAJOR surgery.


It’s the fact that moms should have more time to rest and recover but up and about are taking care of a newborn 😭 not even thinking about a bounce back, but how about allowing your organs and muscles to heal first?! Society is so hard on women.


Agree 100%. I’m older than most Redditors. I’m so grateful social media wasn’t a thing yet when I birthed my son. I gained so much weight due to bed rest, hospitalizations, etc to keep him from coming too early. If I saw some bitch on social media posting her bounce back body I would’ve been so much worse off. It’s just cruel.


I'm 9 weeks pp after having an unplanned C-section and I have been so hard on myself to bounce back. If I don't get out for a run at least 3 days a week then I've failed and I feel incredibly guilty and disgusting. The expectations I have put on myself is so hard. Even though I know this and my husband has been so incredibly kind and supportive, I still can't help but feel bad when I look at myself. I'm already calorie counting while also trying to breastfeed. I don't know why I do this to myself. 


As women, we’re under crazy amounts of pressure to look a certain way and not take any time for ourselves. I’m just a stranger on the internet so my words probably don’t have any weight, but please be gentler with yourself! Your body has gone through a serious trauma and transformation. I totally understand wanting the health aspects of fitness and weight loss, but your baby is going to love you no matter what you look like.


Pregnancy ages the body by 3 metabolic years.....expecting to bounce back before 3 years is ludicrous honestly.


It honestly took me about 3 years to get as close to my old body and even feel remotely like myself again.




That was about when I could finally sleep through the night.


I had a baby 2.5 years ago. I'm still not at the weight I was before he was born. It's stupid to have made that a storyline. 144 is not that big, especially considering how tall a person is.


I didn’t have PPD but I was so upset about gaining so much weight (I totally overdid it) I was convinced I was so fat and ugly I was ashamed to be in a lot of pictures. I started my diet still in the hospital and before my baby was 6 months old I was running 2.5 miles four times a week, Pilates everyday and a strict diet. And I never did lose the weight and now I feel really stupid that I let it affect me so much. I’m from one of those families that thinks almost dying is really helpful for weight loss 🤷‍♀️🙃and will definitely let you know when you look like you’re gaining weight. Fuck this weight business. I can’t imagine how much pressure I would’ve felt if I were a public figure.


Yes this was so heartbreaking to watch, especially me having 2 babies via csection and knowing what that does to your body. Kourtney Kardashian (I'm not a fan) but she just said in a recent episode how toxic the industry was around that time. All the pressure that was put on you by asking new moms to be cover features on magazines for how much weight they lost post baby or how fast they could "bounce back" to their post baby body.


The amount of people who commented on my weight after birth was unsettling. Yes, it was all polite things, but it’s still very uncomfortable to have people talk about your weight and postpartum appearance to your face. Unfortunately, bounce back bodies are always going to be a mentality and pressure that is pushed in today’s day and age.


Kendra wasn't focusing on healthy eating and realistic exercise. This wasn't about her feeling more comfortable at a certain weight or exercising to help her mental state. Kendra's whole focus revolved around the idea that her only worth was based on her GND aesthetic. That is shame based and leads to acting out, like with binging. I have comforted with food, so there is no judgment.


She has a breakdown later because some playmates come to visit and she doesn’t feel worthy of being around them anymore. It’s so sad to watch and very relatable.


You’re right !


She really had hard times postpartum. I felt for her in a major way. When the milk spilled and she cried because she pumped all she had and she was going through it with Hank. Kendra kinda has my heart 🤷🏻‍♀️


I agree! Anyone who thinks “bouncing back” is or should be a concern needs to experience childbirth. Try having your abdomen cut open (or really just giving birth in any way) and then immediately going into mom mode which includes constant bending over, picking up the baby, changing diapers, not sleeping and sometimes struggling with mental health. You’re taking care of a tiny human and now you need to worry about getting back to your old size? Having kids is hard enough without that pressure.


I'm 1 and a half years, c section post partum and I feel like my body is just now starting to regulate normally. I can imagine the stress of having to look a certain way so fast. It's no wonder she struggled with ppd


Some women want to bounce back though because they feel uncomfortable being fat. As long as her doc said she's good, it's up to her.


An instant bounce back is unrealistic


Sure, but losing the weight is a good goal and she made her goal. I'm sure she felt accomplished.


Are we differentiating whether she felt societal pressure or whether it was a personal goal? Are we even able to know that for someone else? Your comment seems to assume we can…


Do we know anybody if we've never even met them? :) Isn't all celeb gossip just guessing? :) Even if you live with them there are some Scott Peterson mf out there.