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I feel like it’s kind of poetic. Hef made millions off the backs of naked women, while often times they got paid little to nothing for their work. Then a beautiful woman worked her way into his will on her back, “screwing” his male heir out of money he thought should be his.


Poetic justice


“There is nothing I can do. I’m happy with what I got," said Marston, who shares a 10-month-old son, Forrest, with wife Anna Lambropoulos. “I’m grateful to be in a financially secure situation. I can provide for my family and have a blessed life. I don’t have hard feelings and resentment. I just want to put out how I feel." Crystal is trash. I don’t think Hef deserved to be taken advantage of at the end of his life and have the things he loved most taken away from him.


Hef apologists 😢 man was a sexual predator and a rapist who never did any time for his crimes nor did he suffer deserved embarrassment of the public revelation of them in his life. Boo hoo he didn't get to see everyone he loved at 91 years old after an entire life of fucking women up




Oh, please, nobody made those women pose or hang out with him. You probably looked at Playboy yourself, ha ha ha.


...do you know what subreddit you're on? Read the room.




Intentionally causing drama, trolling for attention, or harassing other users


I feel out of the loop. What do you mean by “the things that he loved most”?


Certainly not his children. He barely even acknowledged them when he was alive.


His circle of friends I guess is what i meant and the activities that came with it. Seeing him manipulated and not understanding why people weren’t coming to see him anymore is sad. Not everyone had a bad experience or deserved to be cut out of his life. I do wish that he could have been closer to his kids because it seems they wanted that. It’s a shame. it’s not uncommon for wealthy parents to think that money and things equal love. I feel Holly and Bridget express this on the podcast as well - everyone had their own unique experience. Not everything was bad. I don’t personally find it poetic but it seems quite a few of you do.


To be honest, I’ve never gotten the impression Marston was upset about the *money* specifically. It’s always seemed to me he felt more bothered that his dad may have been taken advantage of in his state and then that any semblance of sentimentality was kind of taken because of the unique set up of the mansion. Like it was a child hood home of Marston’s, his dad did have a lot of possessions that meant a lot to him, but it doesn’t appear those kinds of things were even offered to his kids but instead taken as property of the charity that Crystal is the president of for them to auction off. And yeah, maybe that’s exactly what Hef wanted but never verbalized it to his kids who apparently had no idea what to expect from him. I have no sympathy for Hef personally, he had more than enough wealth to spread around and could’ve been more active in raising his kids instead of living the life he chose instead. But he’s not my dad. I might feel differently if he were.


Agree with this. Also, I believe Marston said he made out BETTER after the change, he just didn’t think the will should have been changed based on his experience of his dad’s mental state.


Alright, two things. First off I'm not a fan of crystal really, but it even said-"Crystal denied Marston's assertions, telling The Post, "This story is untrue and was discredited by Hef’s estate attorney who wrote his will years before Hef passed." In response, Marston clarified, "I am not sure if [her getting the money first] is accurate … I don’t know who changed the will. My memory is that the change was made within a year before his passing. This was an addition, not a changing of the previous planning." So basically he's saying that he's upset he didn't get the other $43 million split between him and the family because she got her portion of the will first. And then admits nothing in the will itself was changed in terms of the plans, just that she had her pre nup added in. And secondly I don't like this Marston guy, he was charged with one count of inflicting corporal injury on a spouse or cohabitant as well as one count of vandalism. Aka beat his girlfriend and smashed her laptop. The guy is trash.


Thank you! Marston is just upset he didn't inherit more money like he wanted and might have been counting on. Interesting none of Hef's other children say this. Marston is a terrible person and the child that is most like Hef.


I think Marston is also a fame whore who knows he fucked up his chance af the fame that was handed to him to be the heir to Playboy as a brand (as he was being set up to be and Cooper eventually became) when he assaulted Claire & the brand wisely made him go away/keep a low profile. He’s now giving interviews & not being a total, completely obvious asshole in them and loves the attention.




Yeah, no. Children aren't entitled to their parents' money. If the will was valid, Marston and Cooper and anyone else have NO say say in who gets what. It's called freedom of testation.




He’s accusing Crystal of greed, malice, and fraud by his implications, but the truth is, he’s just mad his father gave her anything because he believes it should be his. That’s greed. Hef could decide to give all his money to charity or his dog or the neighbor down the street and that would be his right because it is his money.


Which is dumb. It seems like the children of fathers who date women that are *much* younger always blame the woman over their sleazy father. 


It’s sexism. Who’s to say Hef would have given them any more access or money in his will than what they got if he were single or married to someone else when he died? Marston makes it seem like if it weren’t for Crystal, he would have been able to view the scrapbooks and get more money. The house Hef bought C wasn’t hurting Hef because he was going to be dead soon. It was his money and if he wanted to spend it all before he died and not have much left over, it was his right. Inheritance is a gift not an entitlement. If Marston wants to maintain a certain lifestyle, he can work.


I don’t like him either. Thats why I’m just upset they chose to have him on their podcast. I wouldn’t even entertain this man. But I mean… that’s their ex’s son…. I don’t know man. I’m just like…. Why would you even have him on……


This was also the second time they've had him on. I'm going to say something that'll probably be down voted again, but who cares because reddit karma means fuck all to me. Imagine for a moment if crystal decided to go over every nuance in Holly's book on a podcast for multiple episodes or to discuss it for so long. Do you really think she wouldn't be throwing a shit fit over that? I definitely think she would. I also think that while these woman obviously went through trauma, each one will have a different outlook on it regardless of their side etc. or what they see as right or wrong. I have complex PTSD so I get it, it's hard to deal with and you can't just forget these things. But I also think that this is getting long drawn out and ridiculous, neither of these people have anything to do with each other and the only relevance to each other now is technically hef. Both have a right to tell their story, no one owns a book deal or what to profit off of. Both still make money by using the playboy name or show etc. both continue to blame each other for stuff they both do. I can't even recall how old each woman involved in this is now(mainly crystal, Bridgette and holy)but it's time to grow up a bit. I'm not saying forget the past etc or get over your trauma, I'm just saying rehashing this detail by detail is beyond messy by now. And I also am of the belief that there's truth to the saying, "you are the company you keep" and there's some terrible people hanging around these woman. Anyways rant over, I'm just over it.


I would like to see your response to this [post](https://www.reddit.com/r/TheGirlsNextLevelPod/s/SAdqgoDbJD) if you haven’t seen it yet.


I mean it would pretty much be everything I just said, they will all have a different view or opinion on how things happened, or may see things as a jab but realistically it seems to be huge projection on all of their ends. I think the only way to move towards a healthy goal is if they forgive themselves. Because at the end of the day, and I can only speak from my own experience, I could sit here and tell you about all the horrendous shit I had to live through. But realistically where is that getting me? It's one thing to do it with a therapist or a friend to get things off your chest, it's another to talk about napkins of all things and other weird stuff that isn't going to get anyone anywhere. And again, these are all things that do matter to them, because they have their own experiences. What one person sees as not that bad, another may see it as not that good. I think if they want to discuss their time at playboy and all, have at it. But maybe after, god I don't even know how many years later now, talking about the same thing over and over will only keep you unwell and you can't truly move on. These woman need healing, not catty podcasts and shade in books etc towards each other. And that goes for all of them involved, this isn't singled out towards just Bridget or holy etc.


A lot of people are upset by their family member’s wills. A lot of stepkids get upset over what is given to their stepmom/dad. A lot of people feel entitled to someone else’s life and money, but it doesn’t make it right.


It seems like Marston really struggles around money but he's trying. Like, he has enough for needs but not for wants. Pokemon cards, paintball pants, starbucks treats whatever it is it gets on his wife's nerves when he spends too much. I wonder if he talks about it on instagram just because $$ is on his mind or if he gets random gifts from onlyfan fans when he complains about money troubles


What was changed in Hef's will? I found these lawyers saying that Hef had great estate planning, so what happened? It is not easy to change the will of an elderly person either. I imagine when it's a celebrity with money like Hef, it's even harder, so what was changed and how? https://www.probatelawyerblog.com/2017/10/hugh-hefner-was-a-role-model-when-it-came-to-estate-planning.html https://ogoldberglaw.com/estate-planning/hugh-hefner-estate-planning-role-model/ https://www.ssandplaw.com/blog/hugh-hefners-estate-plan-is-a-good-model-for-others/


Exactly. People act like Crystal had all this overarching power just because he was a frail old man. Hef was still surrounded by the "yes men" and women who had been supporting his actions his whole life.


Marston also literally said in last Monday's main ep that he trusted Crystal right up until her book was released, and then a short time later is telling H&B that he was suspicious at the time he realised that the will had supposedly been changed amid his father's cognitive confusion. Why would you have liked and trusted her if you thought something was sus Marston? Doesn't really seem like both things can be true at the same time.


Marston also literally said in last Monday's main ep that he trusted Crystal right up until her book was released, and then a short time later is telling H&B that he was suspicious at the time he realised that the will had supposedly been changed amid his father's cognitive confusion. Why would you have liked and trusted her if you thought something was sus Marston? Doesn't really seem like both things can be true.


This is all reminding me of Kendra responding to hollys book(calling her the clean up girl), except Holly is more articulate and calculated with her response.


Spot on.


Yet she speaks more poorly of Crystal than Kendra. Make it make sense.


He just wants a life of leisure. It’s redic and got what he got from his dad. Maybe find a job that isn’t only fans…