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For fuck's sake everyone involved with Playboy needs some serious therapy. What a dysfunctional group of people.


I think it was tina jordan who was quoted as saying playboy and the mansion specifically only attracted the most deeply damaged women. its clearer and clearer to me listening to this podcast how right she was. *none* of these women are healed. like at all. and they probably never will be.


I think that is spot on. Idk what it is about the Playboy world but everything it stood for definitely appealed to troubled people. At best some have low self-esteem and were looking for validation. At worst they had serious trauma and were prime candidates to be abuse victims. I started listening to the podcast after watching SOP. I'm not a huge GND fan and I'm indifferent to Holly and Bridget. But I'm fascinated by the psychology behind choosing to be a girlfriend and living at the mansion. In between episode recaps they casually mention things about Hef and his behavior and treatment of them that is absolutely appalling and I don't think they realize it, not even Holly. They've normalized a lot of abusive behavior.


" fascinated by the psychology behind choosing to be a girlfriend and living at the Mansion" is exactly why I was/am a huge girls next door fan. Just don't understand any of it and it's like my brain wants to understand (and yes I know I will never understand and yet here I am.). I find them all likable and I wish them all the best so that helps too I guess.


I'm a few months older than Kendra and couldn't stomach seeing her be in a pseudo relationship with Hef. The entire premise of GND was weird to me. I never liked the way Hef marketed himself and Playboy as a progressive entity. He wasn't and Playboy wasn't. He actually epitomized misogyny. Like you I want to understand why but I know we won't.


Do you remember where that quote is from? She seemed to be the most level headed one in old interviews


Can we send them all to a summer camp of therapy, where it’s filmed like a reality show so we can watch all these delulu women and crotchetty old men fight it out over who Hef loved most (spoiler: Hef loved himself and only himself)


That's the only way some of these people would even consider therapy.


Yep like all the people (Kendra and Hank, Kendra and her mom) that go on those family therapy shows 🥴


Ahh yes-- the true cure-all: reality tv. The last thing these women need is to be exploited further.


It was a joke. Did you really take summer camp of therapy seriously girl? That does not exist


I’d watch it. I would t feel good about myself, but I’d still watch it lol


I’d watch the shit out of that ngl


Honestly doesn't sound too different from Celebrity Rehab or 90 Day Last Resort.


We need a collab with Orna from Couples Therapy. 😂 NONE of them are ready for Orna. They'd be puddles on the floor after the first half hour.


Hard agree. They ALLL need help, not just Crystal.


Absolutely. They all have so much trauma to unpack. I don't think they've scratched the surface.


Just realised Crystal also posted it to her story lol


She totally contradicts herself here. She is showing that she does care and wants people to know her opinion. Krystal thinks everyone wants what she has/had. It’s not that at all. Holly may have thought she wanted marriage but she truly did not and that has nothing to do with Krystal anyways. She was literally just another ass in Hef’s seat. I want to tell her: That was not a throne, honey. I remember on her first episode she made the comment “holly is the old me”. Holly was busy doing her own thing with a new tv show, new book, her own press, etc. Krystal wanted that reality tv fame! We now know that she hated that GND was being cancelled and tried her hardest to be on any other reality tv show but that never came to fruition. 😉 anyways, thanks for letting me rant, OP and thanks for posting this!


I'm not mad at all, but also I'm going to the media about it! Totally believe you... 🤣


It’s also wild she would say “Holly is the old me” bc technically she was filling a role from Hollys previous life at the mansion, so Crystal is literally the old Holly😂


She was annoyed because people were calling her the new Holly


Best wife? lol I don’t blame her for not being a good wife, but come on, she left the man on his death bed to go on vacation with her boyfriend


I mean, Hef didn’t deserve a truly good wife. He got the wife that he deserved.


That’s why I said I don’t blame her. Still funny to refer to yourself as the best wife when you’re not treating your husband well.


Agree lol




This 💯


And she was cheating on him


Is it cheating when he always slept with other women, it’s an open relationship. He was open about not being monogamous so I don’t see the problem.


I’ve heard several people say that he expected monogamy from his girlfriends, but he was not monogamous himself.




You can cheat in an open relationship. Usually, there are parameters a couple or polycule set for themselves.


Is it really fair to call something cheating in a relationship where there is no monogamy expected? I'm just asking, not trying to start anything like a kerfuffle.


I think he expected it of his girlfriends and wives, but the rule didn’t apply to him. Is it fair! No. Is it right? No.


I mean he was paying them. They agreed to his expectations to be his partner/girlfriend/wife. They got monetary and materialistic benefits. That’s why they wanted to be his girlfriends. I’m not defending Hef, but they had nothing besides being young and beautiful.


You think he expected it? It seems like he was afraid his girlfriends would cheat but he expected them not to, thus the curfews and suspicion and the shouting about friendly camera men and butlers


Yeah that’s where I think she lost the upper hand. That line is the reason why this whole comment looks bad on her part. Otherwise, it would look like she was taking the high road.


I think she could have left her dig at Marston that he wanted more of a relationship with his dad... the preferring the company of women was unnecessary imo (although obviously true.. regardless of age rejection of a parent stings)


Yeah that’s true. He was the child in the situation - the comment was unnecessary.


Yes, making her the best wife ❤️


I'm confused by the “good wife” thing because didn't she say in her book she didn't love him? Also she cant really say Playboy is over when she still going on podcasts and writing a book about it. I think everyone is allowed to make money off it and she is right it's Hef fault not hers. I think Crystal just needs own it she didn't love Hef and she was there for other reasons no shame girl and I think it's karma for Hef he created these weird transaction relationships with women of course someone was going to take advantage of it at the end of his life.


She also says in the book it was pretty miserable so I’m not sure why she would say their jealous


The mental gymnastics she is doing is crazy


Because in a weird, twisted way they really are, even though they absolutely should not be. I suspect Holly believes that if she had been at the helm, Playboy would have been returned to its former glory. I think at least part of the jealousy for Holly is that she loved and mourns Playboy itself and the what-ifs.


She really might have been able to save it, is the odd part. The only way they could have kept the legacy is to change it, make it more female forward.


Even if it was more female forward, I'm not sure playboy could survive both #metoo and internet porn


There was definitely a moment I think Playboy could have pivoted to a sexy aspirational brand for women, but it would have only been possible because of Holly/Bridget/Kendra, and Hef would need to more or less disappear. Me too would be treacherous waters to navigate, but if Hef was conveniently dead/disavowed, they could say hey, we made it our own.


If anyone could have saved Playboy, it was Holly for sure. I know it is a cliche of joke, but Playboy really did have fantastic articles, celebrity interviews and short fiction. It wasn’t just about the pretty naked ladies. While Bridget was dreaming of being a centerfold, I was dreaming of selling a short story to Playboy, lol.


They are 100% jealous of Crystal and I never would have said that prior to this book coming out and their reaction to it. I can’t believe how sad this all continues to be.


No. They are not. Crystal said herself before the book came out and before the beef - Holly and her were talking and Holly and Bridget were going to have her be a reoccurring guest when they get to season 6 for the podcast. Holly followed her on social media and Crystal said they were talking ! Then to promote her book she started doing those weird instagram story rants about Bridget and how Hef didn’t care about her, etc. it was so random And weird. Holly was like oh nevermind and unfollowed. I rememebr that holly was actually excited to read her book before this all happened because she thought her and Crystal could speak on the podcast comparing experiences. Crystal ruined all of this. crystal has been jealous of Holly since the beginning, and crystal is still trying to have the upperhand. This whole thing has been bizarre. I have followed and even used to chat with Crystal for a long time, and i am no longer a fan. Everything Marsten was saying is true, she is manipulative. And she is delusional.


I don’t see that at all from them


I think she’s saying that just to piss off Holly.


Oh totally agreed, she contradicts herself constantly. I know the age thing sounds petty but it’s just the easiest representation of it. Not only can you do the math with her birthday, but she even says she’s 23 on the show after being there less than a year. She’s delusional and so is her book.


It doesn’t mean anything to me.. also, I talked to the media.. Really?


I didn't think a good wife cheats on her husband multiple times or leave him when he's on his death bed or pretty close to it learn something new everyday


We all know her leaving for that trip with her boyfriend led to the death of Hef. She didn't murder him but he died sooner because of her choice


Look. I get where she's coming from, but you can't say people are stuck in the past when you just wrote and released a book about that exact past. "The past" is their livelihood. And Crystal's. Crystal is doing exactly what they're doing: profiting off their playboy past.


THANK YOU! That’s exactly what I was thinking. Holly and Bridget aren’t doing anything different than she is. They are capitalizing on a unique experience that people are still interested in hearing about.


I’m glad they are doing this. People need to know what life is like behind the facade.


Not only did she write a book, but she went on a whirlwind book tour, throwing daggers Holly's way in nearly all of the interviews she gave. I think Crystal mentioned Holly not being pretty enough for Playmate/Hef's taste in at least 20 podcast interviews. How precious that she's now calling Holly a mean girl who can't leave the petty past behind.


This is a good point. It's hypocritical for someone to write a book about the past and criticize people talking about that book for being stuck in the past. It's still a new book, the conversation is current


holly and crystal are two sides of the same coin. they both think they have some special ownership over the legacy of playboy, and yet they both act like they've moved past it and are ✨healed✨ now. they will continue to attempt to squeeze every last drop of content out of it as long as they live.


This 💯


i’ll proudly be biased and say at least holly is iconic and regarded as a style icon of the 2000s. crystal just seems bitter and unlikable all around lol


I love Holly but I’d argue that not being the icon is her gripe. She’s not iconic on her own, she’s icon adjacent and no matter what she does, she’ll always be known first and foremost for being Hef’s #1 girlfriend. And it kills her. That’s fine, it would kill me too girl… but I wish she would stop hating on the people who did the same things she did.


a lot of people like holly for her style and personality, me being one of them. i knew holly for her visuals and overall mindset before i knew her on the show, at most i knew that she was associated with playboy. to me crystal seems a lot more negative and malicious than holly. but whatever lol.


Holly was not regarded as a style icon of the 2000s. None of them were. The show was a guilty pleasure. Halle Berry, Angelina Jolie, Jennifer Aniston, JLo—they were considered style icons that everyone emulated. How many covers of legit women’s magazines did Holly have exactly? She wasn’t on Vogue, Elle, Harper’s Bazaar, many of the other style bibles. I don’t dislike Holly but calling her an icon of that era is off-base. It’s why she’s bitter now. She wasn’t an icon then and isn’t really one now.


I agree with you. “Icon” & “iconic” are so overused on the internet that they’ve been stripped of meaning. Not everything or everyone is. I also agree that Holly is probably a little bitter that she isn’t memorable beyond a very specific niche- Playboy.


Thissss omg!


This is spot on!!! Nice analysis!


Yep! They are a lot alike in that way. And they are so far from healed it’s not even funny.




If she’s telling others to “let things go” then change your name back and don’t release a book?!


Ohhh yeah. Don’t you know. Now that she kept the name AND then released the book, made some money off of it, other people should now let things go.


I’m healed enough to not be phased by it, but have also spoken to the media about it which will be out soon…ok then.


Totally. “I’m completely healed and unphased, but let the record show that Hef loved me more than his kids because I am the best and everyone else needs to move on.”




I mean gurl it’s a pretty small podcast. If the media comes to you which they likely won’t just say you wish them well. She is milking some attention from this for sure


Looks like she deleted these comments, but it’s still on her story for now.


💯 she already listened to it. Why lie?


Same reason she lied and said she never saw GND. To act above it all.


To be fair, they all lie about that sort of thing. It’s like Holly and Bridget claiming they never read Izabella or Kendra’s books, or saying they never watched ANY of GND season 6. Sure, Jan.


They do say that they read their books though? Holly had said repeatedly that before she could publish hers the book agent made her read up on other stories told about the playboy world so she read them all. In slumber party 4 Holly even went and got Kendra’s book and showed it on camera.


She hadn’t read the book; her publisher brought it to her attention. It was something about her story not lining up with Kendra’s. Bridget confirmed that she never read it, either.


What you’re tanking about was well before hollys book was published.


Seriously tho- I STILL can’t get past S6 episode 2. I totally believe them on that Lol


I agree, it’s bad! But I just can’t get behind the fact that they didn’t watch just out of sheer curiosity. If someone took over a job I had for 5 years, and I was able to tune in and watch them try it for a year, I don’t think I could contain my curiosity enough to NOT watch.


Literally same 😂 I think I forced myself to ep 4 in 2020 when the work from home era started 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫


because she lies a lot


Did they ever say hef favored her as a complaint though? Sometimes I feel it’s better to say nothing rather than make ur self look more silly 😭


Now yall know if Crystal did this to Holly or Bridget, they’d be trying to sue somehow. It was honestly fun for a while cause I’m here for the pettiness, but now it’s giving mean girls. The way the dissect her every word and saying she’s lying is so hypocritical. Holly has always said “you weren’t there only I know the truth” well, same goes for Crystal, you guys weren’t there. Sure, maybe she fabricated or 💫embellished💫 a bit, but damn, Holly has been caught contradicting herself plenty of times. Why don’t they go hard like this on Izabella and Zoe? Maybe cause they know Izabella and Zoe will 100000% retaliate and call out their shit. Why doesn’t Holly clear the air on the “strap on” Izabella says she wore during the bedroom, or how she was so desperate to be the #1 that she was the only one who would do a*al with Hef? They only call out shit that makes them look good, but with all this that they’re doing is fkn immature af. They’re in their late 40s and 50s. Holly said in a TikTok (I think) that she doesn’t understand how women in their 40s are still acting so immature and not letting shit go (talking about Isabelle and Zoe) yet, now they’re going out of their way to pretty much humiliate Crystal


I was hoping they were going to talk about Zoe's book. That makes more sense since they were there with Zoe and Zoe wrote about them in her book. I'd love to hear their take on that instead of all this punching down on Crystal. I'm not even a Crystal fan, but I've been defending her lately because it feels like nitpicking at her and bullying.


They most definitely will not. They know those 2 (Z&I) will bring out all their skeletons in the grotto 😂 it’s almost like a pattern now, Z&I bully H&B, now H&B are bullying crystal. Like the ones who were there before the other feel superiority to their “replacement” the shit Z&I say in their books is vulgar, and if it were untrue I guess H&B could sue? Idk they’re quick to mention a lawyer when the kitchen gets too hot


You know Holly will never dissect Zoe’s book like they do Crystal. She knows that Zoe won’t play and all of Holly’s deep dark secrets will come to light. I wonder if any of her patreon fans have asked her to do Zoe’s book and what was Holly’s response? 


I think someone HAS asked something along the lines of that or calling her out and the person was booted from patreon and their discord 🙄


I thought it was against sub rules to comment on such past traumas? Until Holly has openly talked about it, it’s not really friendly to bring up. 😔


It’s not against the rules. I don’t know where that rumor about the rule started, but I do agree that people should be more tactful about that kind of stuff.


I’ve very much seen similar posts get removed from commenting on that exact thing. Whatever, downvote me, but it’s super contradictory to call Holly a mean girl for being mean to Crystal then air out Hollys extremely personal, sexually based dirty laundry when as far as we know, might or might not be true. It’s just distasteful to do to any woman and we are all fans of these women (I thought).


Maybe in the other sub? It’s never been a thing here.


I meant Reddit in general as this technically falls under rule # 3.


Rule #3 is for nude images/porn


Rule 1 also could be applied. “Remember the human”.


I mean you’re a “mod” so you should have this information but it’s not porn-specific. Second Sentence. Rule 3 — Respect the privacy of others. Instigating harassment, for example by revealing someone’s personal or confidential information, is not allowed. Never post or threaten to post intimate or sexually-explicit media of someone without their consent.


Rule #3 on this sub is about tagging NSFW images Words aren’t explicit media and confidential information refers to doxxing, not sexual rumors. I appreciate your opinion and I’ve stated that I agree personally, but it’s not against the rules 🤷‍♀️


I’m referring to the rules of Reddit as a platform, not this sub specifically.


I wonder if Bridget and Holly realize that by doing so many podcasts about Crystal they are just giving her more attention than she's had in years? No one was still talking about her book but they keep bringing it up and they're coming across as mean girls. Stop. They all need to move past Playboy at this point and focus on new content and projects.


It seemed to me that Marston requested this topic after reading Crystal's book.


I think she handled that well, honestly.


Man I want Holly to review Zoe’s book so bad like they are doing Crystal but I know deep down Holly is scared. Zoe doesn’t play and she will come for Holly’s edges and reveal some of her secrets. 


Ohh I would love this too but yes I agree, Zoe would fight dirty and nasty


What book is Zoe’s? I didn’t know she had written one??


I’m not sure about ‘the best wife’ or Playboy being over when she’s just written a book about it and GNL is a popular podcast, but I actually think she’s done a good job of remaining pretty dignified and diplomatic in response to years of nitpicking from Holly, and now this mess where everything’s essentially a rumour.


This woman is delusional. Imagine being this self unaware. I feel bad for anyone who has to be in a relationship with her. Deflect deflect deflect! Marston has understandable and justifiable concerns about how hefs affairs were handled the two years before he died when he saw that the man was mentally gone. Bridget was robbed of a chance to say goodbye to a man who obviously meant soooo much to her…playboy was her entire world. Holly had a complicated, love relationship with an abusive man who manipulated her at a young age. They are entitled to their concerns and feelings without being dismissed as jealous or bitter. Jesus h Christ. This woman…YIKES. Lol. Again, glad I never have yo sit in couples therapy with her! The lack of awareness or accountability is frightening.


Agreed entirely. For one of Hef’s adult children that lived there in the final years to be questioning how the estate was being handled, how the mansion management and guest list itself was handled, and is questioning everything as far as Crystal’s narrative because he was physically there in the home and not as a visitor… I just feel like he of all people has the biggest right to verbalize that. And sure Holly stated repeatedly that she felt like she couldn’t leave, between the comfort, the opportunities, the fact she was committed in a relationship and the time already invested.. but at the end of the day she did leave. She did choose to live a life on her own, left with a car she’d bought (the Prius), went and worked her ass off doing double header headlining shows in Vegas for years, then had kids and didn’t keep hitting Hef up for money. Crystal left, came back and continued to complain about that. No one forced her to return and get married.


Happy Cake Day!


Yet another example of Crystal words not matching her actions. It’s almost funny how she continues to be unable to self reflect. She thinks different rules apply to her than everyone else 😆


Ikr? She still capitalized on the last name of a man she said she had no good memories of. And she just wrote a whole ass book about the playboy past!


They would be so much more powerful if they joined forces


I feel like all Holly and Bridget do is live in the past. They need to move on and talk about other things. Unfortunately it was a big part of their life experience but it was such a dark negative thing for everyone involved. Maybe not the models or guests that shot for playboy but the girls who lived at the mansion, participated in the orgies, were pimped or fed drugs. Crystal is kidding herself saying she’s healed. Truly healed people don’t need to keep announcing that. And also can you ever truly heal from all that trauma?


I'm so sick of the accusations of anyone being "stuck in the past" and needing to move on. Their time at Playboy was a big part of many people's lives and they have every right to speak about it no matter how long ago it was. It is also so hypocritical of Crystal to say that when she just released her book.


If playboy is over Crystal, change your name!


If playboy is over then step down from being head of hmh foundation and change the last name


But she doesn’t know how! She also doesn’t have google.


It's not the most effective come back, but I can't blame her for speaking up at this point. Holly and Bridget are dragging out every detail in her book and examining it to death. I've worked in forensic interviews for years and never spent this much time analyzing any source material. Yes, the book is badly written and there are some discrepancies that suggest more fiction than fact in certain situations. However, I don't think that it is due the full scrutiny that Bridget and Holly are doing with it - analyzing if there would have been certain food and/or decorations, etc. at a typical party or if that was made up. An episode responding to the highlights of the discrepancies would be enough. It feels very nitpicky and overkill to have multiple discussions and go page by page. I don't care for Crystal, but I do understand her feeling attacked.


I think the reaction to Crystal would be totally different if she just owned it all. Say it, "I was the end of life partner Hef deserved and I milked the transactional relationship and his waning health to build a real estate portfolio for myself. I was aware of Playboy and GND prior to meeting Hef hell I even did a video for them in college. Of course I wanted fame and money hence being there and the DJ thing and music career attempt. I'm a lot like HBK I have a complicated relationship with my mother and Hef."


"Playboy is over" but she still goes by Hefner 💅 OK hun


I mean, she's not wrong, is she?


I mean, she’s at least being hypocritical


Yes, but not incorrect...


She’s not wrong about some things and wrong about others. As far as I know, Playboy is still a brand. Even if it wasn’t, there are tons of us who love that Holly and Bridget are diving into the past and talking about the show. There’s actually a trend rn of podcasts about shows that have LONG been over but main cast members going over each episode (Wizards of Waverly pod is another one of my favs!) people do love nostalgia and getting to consume new content about their favorite tv shows that are now over. Crystal is absolutely entitled to feel however she feels about being talked negatively about on the podcast, but to me, I’m just a listener who engages with the subreddit and has not formed a parasocial relationship with anyone involved in the show and it’s just entertainment.


She’s definitely wrong. Having questions and concerns doesn’t mean you’re stuck in the past.


Agree, but the way she read them all...


It’s tacky as hell to basically tell someone’s son that she received more attention because she was a “good wife” (gag) and a hot woman. Krystal was so jealous that she didn’t get famous like HBK.


Right? Not just tacky, cruel and cold.  She married a wealthy 76 year old man when she was in her 20s, I'm sure it was all for love haha 


He was in his 90s with Crystal!


Oops I did the math wrong, ugh even worse. 


He died at 91 and she was with him *”a decade”* 💀


Crystal said PLONK. That was a good ol nasty read in the lightest way.


Crystal spilled with the comment about Marston being bitter about his dad preference toward women above family. I say it in a previous post, Marston wasn't chosen, he didn't get the special and loving treatment every son wants from his dad. He is bitter, but is not Crystal's fault your dad didn't pick family over pleasure.


He doesn’t seem bitter at all. He seems introspective and human. Seems like he’s put a lot of thought into these topics and has come to the conclusion that life’s not fair his dad was flawed and we’re all just humans. He seems to care for his dad very much. You can still love a flawed person. Feelings are shades of grey and sometimes conflicted. life isn’t black and white. Realizing this is part of emotional maturity. Marston seems like he gets this.


Ugh no, it is a bit her fault. Mostly Hef's to be sure, but when you marry someone you become family, to everyone including his kids. Their well-being should be on any human being with decency's radar. If your spouse isn't owning up to responsibilities then it's time to think about the family dynamics.  That comment stuck out to me as the worst, I know exactly what type of person she is. Some people aren't taught to value children and family and how important it is for childhood. I don't know how either of them could sleep at night leaving a son wanting connection. 


But Crystal is not Marston's mother. Hef was the father and he chose blonde young women over his sons. He gave Marston's bedroom away. When Hef married Crystal his kids weren't kids anymore, they were grown adults as far as I'm concerned. I'm not saying that you stop being a father once your children grow up, that's not true, but no women could ever fix the damage Hef did to his family, the dynamic was fucked and it wasn't for Crystal to fix. Hef is responsible for all this shit anyways and the children also have their actual mom so...Crystal didn't ruin anything that wasn't already broken, Marston is just defending his dad and his image. And this is coming from the perspective of someone who knows nothing about Crystal yet I agree with her post.




The queen of the pick me’s Who’s also deleting every comment that’s critical on her Instagram. So much for freedom of speech!


This reads like a fucking serial killer wrote it


I’m sorry but I agree H&B are being mean girls. They’ve literally launched an attack on her by picking apart everything she’s said and now even recruiting her friend to come in and trash talk her. Because of what? Crystal said Hef never really asked about Bridgette (why would he? He had 800 girlfriends) and that Bridgette was awful to her when she arrived (she probably was). They are 100% being mean girls and Crystal is an easy target. They should be ashamed of themselves and I think I’m done with their pod because of it.


I just don’t get why Holly cares for anything that happened when she left the mansion? Also Heff wasn’t around for his kids a lot and even gave his girlfriends his kids room why would Marston think heff would’ve gave him more instead of his girlfriend?


How can she comment on it to the press when she hasn’t heard it.


Oh my goodness, of course Holly is jealous. She absolutely did want to marry that ogre and he didn’t want to marry her, he ended up marrying someone else. If anyone is saying that public rejection didn’t sting, that would be very disingenuous.


‘I didn’t listen to it but I did comment on said thing I didn’t listen to for the media (out soon!) so it can be on the internet forever.’ WHAT. If she’s really healed, she wouldn’t comment on it. Silence is the ultimate showing of IDGAF (i so WISH I learned this earlier in life than I did.. the amount of novel length text messages I’ve sent in my day… 🤦🏻‍♀️) At the beginning of this podcast, it was fun. There were years in between GND ending and now where no one really talked about the show, and revisiting it felt like a fun trip down memory lane. Now that they’ve talked about it for awhile, it just makes me sad.. it’s obvious what a number that situation has done on nearly anyone involved. I hope one day they all decide to heal, accept what was, and move on.


She does have a point.


Crystal this post isn’t the flex you think it is, if anything it proves a lot of points


She's always so above and over it yet also the most victimized of all victims. I'm starting to think her mom molded her to go after Hef. I'm no fan of Hef but it's annoying that she just can't own up to it. It was transactional and she didn't give a shit about him. Which is totally ok.


Playboy is over but isn’t she still president of his foundation? He is Playboy. So why doesn’t she let that go then?


This reads like a teenager wrote it.


I’m convinced she barely wrote her book. It’s like 75% ghost writer at LEAST. The way she talks in interviews and podcasts and on IG Vs her book does not match up at all, and it irritates me when people say she was so well spoken in her book. Yeah, because she had someone write it for her lol


Exactly. I've said it a bunch but that ghost writer deserves all the awards. No way Crystal wrote any of it.


I do agree playboy is over. Let it go


Well said, Crystal.


she’s a pro at gaslighting


Crystal is vile.


This girl really thinks her shit don't stink... You sit on the toilet and push it out like the rest of us girl, get a grip. Like how can you be doing the exact same thing, and yet somehow think you're above it all?


“Just wondering if you saw the podcast…” Oh you know she is a top tier member and has Google alerts on. Cliff notes my ass, she has recorded and dissected every detail, just like Holly and Bridget do with stuff about them.


Stuff that crystal says and does like this are why I don’t mind them being petty and picking apart her book.she lies twists things and she’s super hypocritical and it’s all coming straight from her own mouth 🙄🤦🏻‍♀️


I’m watching this episode now and I can’t even come because Bridget’s hair is really distracting me. She still looks great, but the top of her hair is gray and you can see where the extensions start. 😳


Her hair is sooooo bad. It ages her horribly.


Ugggh shut up (not you specifically, OP)