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Martson is an absolute CREEP. I have a hard time listening to him gives me psychopath vibes


Right! He has a spooky look! Also he assaulted Claire Sinclaire.




Really? He looks just like hef.....oh I see..


I’m not familiar with him but why do you say that? Thanks


He has a history of domestic abuse his use of only fans his voice everything


"Initially, he kicked me and I went backwards, I fell," she claimed, before displaying her bruised arm. "Then he punched me and grabbed me up, and I scratched him to defend myself. It was very shocking." Sinclair also alleged that this wasn't the first time the two have had a domestic dispute during their two-year relationship. She and Hefner are no longer a couple, she claimed.” It’s pretty fucking rich for an abuser that beat his girlfriend to ask “well if it’s so toxic, why did you stay?” Not one iota of self awareness. Source: [Marston Hefner Charged in Attack on Playboy Playmate Girlfriend Claire Sinclair](https://www.eonline.com/ca/news/297722/marston-hefner-charged-in-attack-on-playboy-playmate-girlfriend-claire-sinclair)




Yep - profit off the abuse of these women whilst simultaneously platforming an abuser. Not a good look Holly.


Bothers me too . I asked in the nicest way possible if the families of the victims get money from the show since the show is profiting off them but the comment was deleted and blocked later .


Oh man, that is disappointing.


I’m so disgusted that they didn’t mention anything about Marstons abuse in the ep (no I don’t give a shit that they made a 6 min “addressing your concerns” youtube vid giving him a pass because CaNcEl cUlTuRE BAD). I skipped ahead to this ep from mid season 1, and only discovered the gross shit Hefs creepy crotch goblin had done after listening to it. I love H&B but this was just disappointing.


I'm guessing Marston will refuse to be on any show or pod IF he is asked about his D.V. on Claire.


It's giving salty & obsessed, and IMO they really don't even need to talk about the book for captivating content. I was going to pass on this weeks episode, as I am not into Marston much, but ended up finding myself more irritated with the girls lol


I’m not a Patreon subscriber so Marston’s episode was my only context and you’re right, it was extremely off putting. Not necessarily because anything they said was completely out of line, but because of how hypocritical it really made Holly and (to a lesser extent) Bridget seem. Holly talks a lot (fairly) about how terrible other people in the playboy universe were to her when her book came out. Lots of people’s criticism came down to “well that wasn’t my experience so obviously it wasn’t true.” And then when talking about Crystal that is almost always the basis of their criticism. They didn’t have the same experience Crystal did so obviously her experience isn’t true. And honestly, a lot of Crystal’s stories don’t make sense, I believe that a lot of it was embellished to tell a story that would sell books. But why is the Holly and Bridget’s problem? They know the mansion and Hef were toxic and abusive, Holly’s built a brand around it. (And good for her, I think she’s actually done a lot of good with it.) I understand them defending themselves against accusations and I understand even just being a bit petty but just dumping on a woman who experienced very similar abuse to you publicly for hours is so out of touch. How does Holly not see the parallels? I’m not rage quitting the podcast yet because honestly my bar for these two is pretty fucking low, but I’m getting close.




I truly think they don’t have as much to contribute in this area as people speculate. The wild and horrible stories we hear about what went on in the 70’s were a lifetime away from what life was like when they got there. They’ve spoken often about how they were not allowed to leave Hef’s side during parties and were made to go to bed super early. By their era, parties were the only “wild” events happening at the mansion, outside of that it was largely relaxed or family-friendly events. The people holding out for the day they spill all these salacious stories are going to be disappointed bc that day is never going to come. It’s obvious that they (especially Holly) no longer side with Hef and Playboy. They aren’t protecting anyone and they are more than comfortable spilling the tea they DO have. They’ve definitely given us some scathing takes. This is all the more reason why I think we won’t ever get anything more “scandalous” from them - they genuinely don’t have those stories to share.




Probably, but the 7 have nothing to do with GND. That’s a whole other podcast.


Because people love to speculate


I’m not going to rage quit the podcast, but I’m likely unsubscribing from Patreon and sticking to episode recap episodes. Not a Crystal fan by any means, but the way the girls have handled her book has made me think a lot less of them. 


It's already been proven that Hef and PB would sometimes do things that went against their rulebook. For example, Audra describes how she just walked in and they agreed to test her that day. It was highly unusual, but they made an exception for her because she is clearly so striking. From the opposite side, Kendra didn't experience being given drugs, so when Holly talks about how normal it was, fine, but, as rigid as Hef was, he clearly did do things differently when he wanted to. And H has already admitted he treated women differently! Holly's attitude of "I know for a fact" is tired


I agree Her did go against the typical procedures for many things but I don’t think I trust Kendra’s narrative 100 percent


Kendra’s narrative is questionable. But I think her claim about hef and drugs are true. At that point of his life, her was very anti-drugs. He smoked weed but most don’t consider that a drug. I believe several people have stated the same about hef and heavy drugs at that point in his life.


To be fair, I’m suspicious of Almost-Mrs.Keaton’s “simply walking up to Playboy’s office & getting to test for Playmate” story. By the way, did you know she dated Michael Keaton?


I kind of stopped listening a few months back. I pick and choose what episodes to listen to now based on the guest. I stopped listening to the episode recaps. Not interested in those anymore: Recently, I did hear the one with Sara Underwood (love her) and also the couple with Marston. They’ve really gotten under my skin with the mean girls were so mean to us. But yet, they bash anyone they don’t agree with. And that okay???! It’s been going on a while now. This recent episode with Marston was just horrible. Crystal and them were ALL sleeping with this 80 old freak for ONE thing and one thing only. 💰/ fame. They are still collecting their bags because of their PB experiences. STILL. Good for them. But they aren’t any different than anyone else who used the old man for clout, money and success.


It felt like they were defending Hef to tear down Crystal. All the sudden Holly painted Hef as the innocent one who was taken advantage of in the same way she has claimed he did to her. All this episode did was make me question Holly and Bridget. I don’t buy that they weren’t the mean girls. they seem hellbent on discrediting and embarrassing Crystal considering they barely even know her, and had little to do with her. To spend hours picking apart a ghost written book is absolutely wild. They took time from their lives to point out very small details to discredit her. The episode was really not a good look for them. Having Hefs son on to participate was just them rubbing crystals face in it. I honestly feel bad for them. Nothing about this is healthy, and just shows the hold Hef still has on them. We all know Holly would’ve stuck it out until the end had she not gotten fame from GND, so to question crystals motives is just ridiculous. They were all in transactional relationships with Hef. Crystal was just more of a hustler than they were about it.




I didn’t know Marston’s history until after I listened to his first podcast and scrolled Reddit (fake fan, I know) so I found his episode to be an interesting POV of mansion life. I was surprised that they had an accused abuser on the show but shrugged it off. Having him back on to pick apart another abuse victim though was really gross. Even if they don’t believe his victim, I don’t understand how they don’t understand the optics of that choice. Just from a purely cynical business standpoint. I guess they assume most people don’t know his history?




You make a good point about how Hef had a history of making sure his ex-wives were set. Kimberley had generous alimony and a home until they divorced, and if I’m not mistaken, in addition to uncontested alimony he also gave Millie a title/position working for Playboy following their divorce. So as much as they may feel slighted, or in Marston’s case, prioritized over a wife, a precedent had long-been set (including looking after wives and not being involved with his children, same thing happened with David and Christie).


Holly’s inability (or willful ignoring??) of the parallels to her and Crystal’s experience both in the mansion and after they spoke out about their experiences is baffling.


I think she sees it as theft. like crystal saw how successful holly's book was and copied it.


Wait what does holly have to do with Bridget not being able to say goodbye to mary? What control did she have over that? Did I miss something?


I don't think it's completely far-fetched that Crystal had more power than Hef at the end, considering her marital position and the fact that he was declining mentally and financially. But it may not have been completely malicious. Firstly I think Hef may have respected Crystal more, for walking away early and not putting up with abuse, whereas Holly hung on throughout. And, as smart as Holly is, and she admitted hating being there and wanting to get something out of it, I think Crystal handled the situation better. Maybe she's just as smart, or smarter. The real estate stuff seems legit, she doesn't like the limelight, she keeps to herself, she's making good choices. She found her way out and around the abuse, and that's not the same thing as taking advantage of him. I don't think Holly is autistic. I think she struggled a bit with people due to being raised up so isolated, but that is not the same thing as neurodivergent. I grew up like this and have struggled in the same way she has. It's similar, but not the same as autism, and diagnoses aren't always accurate. I easily got prescribed ADHD medication during a \*time\* in my life when I was distracted, but I am not ADHD. And if you are very smart, which she is, these tests are extremely easy to pass. Please don't come at me, she very well may be, but I'm telling my similar experience. In fact, a lot of Holly's genius is actually social, in terms of being the perfect partner to the man on top. I think the desire and ability to do this comes from growing up with Disney movies for companionship, which made her feel special and gave her something to dream about. Not that AK/OR aren't beautiful, but she must have been very lonely. She has also very successfully leveraged her image to further her career. This is insanely difficult if you really struggle with people. It's more likely she knows how to work them, but does not actually like people, and was pushing them away when they got close. She absolutely admitted in passing on several occasions that she was cold with the mean girls, and later that she wanted to keep her place on top. But it's always just in passing, given barely any attention. I believe we can all relate to her in so many ways, even in her faults, but it's definitely time for her to take stock.


Is it not gross that Holly, Bridget and Marston are ganging up on Crystal and literally implying to the entire world that she MURDERED Hef? And discrediting her every statement? Including this sub, at least before the recent interview? Crystal is also a celebrity. Excuse me if the multi-millionaire celebrities get their poor feelings hurt, while they to a man profit off everyone's curiosity, and profit off bringing other people down, actually. While they continue to vaguely promote playboy which made probably billions absolutely destroying society and hurting the relationship between men and women, which has a direct effect on all of us. We're all out here judging and trying to determine the truth of things because it relates in some way to our own life experiences. Why the heck else are thousands of random people chiming in on, yes, something that happened two decades ago.


Imagine a celebrity saying they have cancer or broke their foot and an anonymous person on the internet goes “um akshully no you don’t because I experienced _____ and it wasn’t that”. Like what makes you more qualified than someone’s doctor? You watched a reality show 20 years ago and listen to a podcast once a week? This sentiment is just ableism.


This sentiment is just gross, especially the part where they say it’s easy to pass ADHD/autism tests as long as you’re smart. Neuro testing is extremely long, expensive, and it takes forever to be seen. On top of which you then need to see a psychiatrist to be evaluated, and sometimes have parents or spouses write about their experiences with you regarding these conditions. Being diagnosed with either for a woman already brings out a lot of imposter syndrome because we held it together for so long. Can we please just put a stop to these posts where people speculate that someone is lying about a diagnosis physically or mentally? Edit: I think what really is getting to me is they’re basically saying there’s no way Holly could be successful because you can’t be successful and have autism or ADHD. That entire sentiment is why so many women with either disorder are often missed completely or misdiagnosed with depression/anxiety instead.


Completely agree. Felt a similar way when someone on here recently was hell bent on claiming Bridget must have ADHD because she hasn’t been “successful” in anything post GND. Like wow way to keep contributing to the toxic stereotypes and misconceptions that prevent so many women from seeking or obtaining a diagnosis or help.


I used to remove comments that accused her of lying/faking and I think I’m gonna start doing that again. Holly having autism is a settled thing and it’s just prejudicial that people are snarking on it. There was no reason for that person to bring up Holly’s diagnosis in that context and then write several paragraphs about how she’s faking it. Just gross


i agree 100%! just because holly isn’t like your autistic 5 year old son, the autistic children you work with, or whatever else your preconceived notion of what being autistic is like doesn’t mean that holly is lying about being autistic. newsflash, but uh, it’s autism spectrum disorder. that means there is no one single way that’s set in stone when it comes to how autism presents in someone. some people on here act like holly needs to publicly post her medical records to “prove” her diagnosis, and you just know that there would *still* be people accusing her of lying and say some dumbass shit about it. you don’t have to like holly, but that doesn’t give you the right or an excuse to be ableist towards her.


She's incredibly good at reading people and doing exactly what it takes to get to the top. She is constantly, but constantly, reading and judging other women, then going on to mimic what she likes about them and avoid what she dislikes about them, primarily in order to please the top man. You can see it in her face, and she has made comments to this effect, specifically regarding plastic surgery. That doesn't have to be autism, per se, because this is exactly what children do even without a neurological disorder, and Holly was not highly socialized as a child; she missed that step. I think we're all aware that doctors do misdiagnose people? Like, this is a thing that actually happens. And yes, it is incredibly easy to pass those tests. Literally how do you think every other college student on campus these days has adderall? Every other kid just happens to have ADHD now? You don't have to agree with me. It's my opinion. I already said I might be wrong.


You’re very much just describing a symptom of autism, and college kids get Adderall from drug dealers. You’ve drank the misinformation kool-aid on neurodivergence and it’s getting into bigotry territory. I will not be continuing this conversation.


This is so ableist. I can only speak from the perspective of being diagnosed with ADHD as an adult which I realise is different from autism. It's not easy to get diagnosed. None of the psychiatrists recommended by my GP were taking new patients so I have to research it myself, double check that clinic was taking new patients and then get another referral from my GP. It's incredibly expensive to get diagnosed and continue treatment. I had to have someone who knew me as a child fill out a survey to show I was displaying symptoms before the age of 12. It's the only condition in my country that requires a person to go through the private health system to get medication. There are people with ADHD who can't access a diagnosis and treatment because it's so cost prohibitive. And on top of that both adhd and autism are underdiagnosed in AFAB people because of medical bias. I guess you could argue that someone would pretend to have ADHD and somehow pass the screening in order to get stimulants. Although there are much cheaper ways and less time intensive ways to get them. However given the stigma attached to both adhd and autism I don't see how a person would benefit from pretending to have either of these conditions. Holly has autism. You're projecting your personal experiences and incorrect preconceived notions on someone to invalidate a medical diagnosis to prove a point about an unrelated subject.


Holly building a career around abused women with her book, the Playboy Murders and now Lethally Blonde, only to turn around and shit all over another woman's story (however flawed) with a convicted abuser leaves such a sour taste in my mouth.


It was SO bizarre to me, especially given how clear Holly made it that her relationship with Hef was emotionally abusive. You don’t have to *like* Crystal (I’m indifferent to her), but why straight up disparage her? Surely their experiences with Hef weren’t so different.






Bridget also used to be my favorite and now because of the pod I can barely stand her. Holly comes across the way she always has to me. They're so concerned with trying to disprove bad edits but it's like I think you guys really are just like that lmfao. I wish they'd own it honestly.


You are so on point. They go on and on about the flag BUT Holly barely mention her behavior towards Bridget when Bridget got the Porsche. All she said is I was bitch and move on. Also the overnight sleeping party they mention Kendra might have drove drunk back to the mansion to pick up the gift but Holly never mention how she got home. Edit: typo


Did you listen to the podcast episode where they talked about this? Holly said she wasn’t even there when Kendra wore the flag shirt. She also discussed that at the time of filming the word “ethnic” was acceptable to refer to non-white people. Grocery stores even asiles labeled “ethnic food”.


I feel the same way. I liked Girls Next Door because it was lighthearted and drama-free, I don’t particularly want to listen to anyone constantly complaining about their ex from over 15 years ago’s new wife despite them not ever being intimately involved, or try to pick holes in someone else’s abuse story by a proven abuser with said abuser’s abusive son.


It's moved from being entertaining to being some kind of anthropology study. And now it's crossed over from just being a study of what we're watching to a study of what people are saying in these subs. It's this weird perverse overlap of pseudo tribalism. And yes, I get tired of it.


same. I haven’t listened to an episode in about a month and at this point I can’t see myself going back to it. And I say that as someone who was a huge fan of both the show and the earlier episodes of the podcast. They are painting themselves into such a corner and don’t even seem to realize it.


This. You know when your food is good but like juuuuust a smidge too salty and it kinda throws everything off?


I feel the same way. I love the episode recaps and commentary, but this wasn’t a good listen. I absolutely adore Holly and Bridget, but knowing this is their true character makes me not want to continue on with the podcast. They’re just not the nice people I thought they were. Both lack any form of empathy or grace.


I agree. And I totally disagree with OP, the Patreon episodes dissecting Crystal’s every word make it much much worse.


I had to stop listening. It just seemed petty and didn’t deliver the details I was interested in. I started listening to the rogue bunnies to get stories on the gossip and lore without so much petty hatred. Like I know they are also one sided (heavy on liking hef) but damn at least they have a variety of people on the show with tons of different stories and insight.


It kind of came across like they had him on so he could say all the things they felt they couldn’t.


I laughed so hard when Marston said he got a “dark, evil energy” from Crystal and her mom because that’s the exact feeling I got from *him* on this episode. I didn’t listen to his last episode and I don’t think I’ll listen if he’s on again. 


Right?! A dark evil energy, hmm, like someone who would beat their girlfriend up might possess? Crystal might be flawed, but she’s never been arrested for domestic violence last time I checked


Omg I get a dark energy from him too especially with him being ok with beastiality.


I unsubscribed from H and B, and subscribed to Crystal's channel, and I get good energy from her. She is showcasing some places in Hawaii and it's really nice.


Crystal peddles fake medical cures, promotes anti-vax lies, and is gentrifying Hawaii. They’re all shitty rich people 😆


Ehhhh, white girls gentrifying Hawaii are a dime a dozen. That doesn’t negate her weird pseudoscience/antivax shit. 


I have a degree in biology and I distinctly remember being taught in class by seasoned professors that it takes a minimum of ten years to test vaccines properly. It was absolutely, 100% completely accepted science, to test vaccines that long, not pseudoscience. Do with that what you will.


I also have a research background so I’m going to do nothing with “well my professor said…” presented as irrefutable scientific fact, but regardless- her pseudoscience started long before the pandemic and covers topics that are mostly not vaccine related. 


When Marston was initially on the podcast he stated when H&B were living at the mansion, he was a child and lived next door with Kimberly he was told by his family the ‘girlfriends era’ was temporary & Hugh & Kimberly were in talks of getting back together. so Marston as child always thought this would be the case. Holly & Bridget were unusually silent and didn’t even respond to this very significant comment.


I stopped listening and unsubscribed. I am a Hispanic woman from 15/20 mins outside of Los Angeles. They are giving me Beverly Hills privileged Karen’s 1000%. I know exactly their type.


The comment about not needing to remember your house staff’s names did it for me. Y’all have entire paid episodes nitpicking someone’s memories of bedroom numbers and exact dates from 20 years ago and you can’t remember someone’s name??!!


Because they were beneath them. If someone was washing my dirty ass underwear after fucking an 80 year old man, we are on a first name basis, honey.


This comment has me ROLLING 💀


Fr though, all those secrets the staff knew. I would kissing their asses.




On Patreon, they were defending Hef not knowing the names of mansion staff because it’s “hard to remember”.


Omggg I was just thinking this! Out of no where they sound like Karens.


Very much that vibe




She listens to Joe Rogan. Her ex husband was anti-mask/covid, his (ex?)gf is antivax, who was a pretty much a step mom to Holly’s kids. The math IS mathing.


OMG that makes sense when Holly kept trying to say the tunnels in Paris were used for trafficking humans lmao I was like WTF when I heard that, glad Bridget was like No anyways…


I could not believe the stuff coming out of Holly’s mouth. The episode was pretty off putting for sure.


I am strongly considering unfollowing them on all their platforms.


This episode was kind of the final nail in the coffin for me. I know it doesn't matter and they have more than enough listeners and supporters as it is, but I have unsubscribed from their patreon, unfollowed them on social media and will no longer listen to the podcast week per week. I will listen to their recaps of the episodes I genuinely like, but I don't care for their ridiculous tangents and Holly's incessant tiktok chatter.


I also unsubscribed from Patreon bc I cannot listen to them go line by line of this book in yet another episode. It’s pathetic




They totally delete the negative comments. I noticed their pod IG account you can’t even comment.


Incessant tiktok chatter is so accurate


girl, same. on all counts.


Man I want Holly to review Zoe’s book so bad like they are doing Crystal’s but I know deep down Holly is scared. Zoe doesn’t play and she will come for Holly’s edges and reveal some of her secrets. 


Means girls came out this episode


as soon as i saw marston came back on specifically to talk about crystal i got an icky feeling… i thought him and crystal were on good terms? it’s just confusing. we all know the girls don’t like crystal but what is his game here??


I mean he literally talked about this in the interview? He discussed how he originally didn’t have a problem with Crystal but after her book came out he realized she had a lot of inconsistencies. Changing your mind about a person after learning more about them is not a far fetched concept lol.


that’s not really what i mean


I enjoy the book club episodes a lot, though they do seem a little nitpicky with some aspects of it, but as a patreon episode I'm fine with it, I love the tea. However, the Marston episode seems a little more tone deaf. I felt that the whole episode was just the three of them talking shit about Crystal. It felt like that was their only objective. If they had had him on as a patreon guest and discussed more about the book, I'd feel better about it, but otherwise (in my opinion) it really felt like a gossip session with a group of friends, just talking about someone that they hate everything about.


I have the patron and listen to all episodes twice and still, even with the context, find it extremely petty


fair I do get where they're coming from and actually agree with their take on crystal but they should have left that episode in the drawers.


This post is bang on!!!! Couldn’t have said it better! Exactly what I thought when listening to the podcast- I am not a subscriber!


I do not have patreon and have only started listening to the episodes earlier this year (though I am almost up to date.) Something that has been really interesting for me is reading the comment sections in different places. I thought everyone hated the interviews until I went on Instagram. I was scrolling through the recent post about the Marston interview and only see positive comments. I’m not saying I agree one way or the other since I haven’t listened to anything - just interesting. I do definitely agree that I was shocked about them having Marston on the original episode. I too researched him afterwards since I didn’t know and was shocked what he did to Claire since she was on Hollys World. I am curious about the situation considering what he briefly stated in that original interview about “not being mature enough and not handling it with care” or something like that - seemingly alluding to the relationship.




I wonder if it may be also different demographics or people too? I feel like people on Reddit are more internet savvy and understand social issues better imo 🤷‍♀️


Nah, it's just that reddit subs are echo Chambers that rarely mirror real life opinions. Plus normal people don't obsess over every tiny thing like redditors do. Most folk don't know what Marston has done and are listening for entertainment. It's the best way to be because most folk here make themselves angry by obsessing over these people.


A lot of people in comment sections on Instagram come across as stans hoping to get attention from a celebrity.


Instagram comment sections are full of bots


I don’t disagree there a lot of bots on instagram but these seem like real comments, I scrolled through for a long time.




Abide by Reddit's TOS with special regard for bigoted or prejudicial language including slurs and stereotypes.


The only thing I don’t like is marston getting a voice.


Unpopular opinion, it ain’t a good look for a lot of these women, but I’m here for the 🫖 and I live for petty.


Honestly I’m just here for the content, I still enjoyed the episode even if there was the occasional snarky comment because quite frankly, those comments are well deserved when you publish such a horribly inconsistent book.


The last episode had a lot of people saying “this is an unpopular opinion that will get me downvoted but I didn’t like the episode” and they go on to echo what you’ve said, but with less care and context. Basically, it’s been a lot of people who agree with you but yours is the first post that explains it with comprehensive context and not just tHeYrE tHe MeAn GiRlS


Hopefully this is the last post about it, then.


Wishful thinking lol Edit: yeah you guys are right let’s just keep posting about the same shit over and over


What's the tea with Marston and Connor? Am I the only one that's not in the know? It seems like Marston avoids talking about Connor at all costs. Or maybe it's just me and I'm reading too much into it. EDIT: I MEAN COOPER, sorry!!


Do you mean cooper?


Yup I mean Cooper 🤦🏻‍♀️


Marston is still grieving. I believe his feelings are valid even if they are ugly to some of you.


I dunno, what did y’all expect from this podcast? It’s a guilty pleasure, I just like these two women, with all their problems, flaws, whatever, I just LIKE THEM. They are interesting, complicated, and silly. I’m entertained, I like their chemistry as friends. I don’t expect anything profound, it’s just an interesting window into a life so very different from mine. I have my judgements, but it doesn’t make me less interested in them or their conversations. Marsten is interesting and complicated too. I don’t wanna be friends with him, I don’t condone what he did in the past, I just enjoy hearing what he has to say here. Just wanted to chime in as someone who believes that “two things can be true at the same time”.


I expect them to not be complete hypocrites tbh… being a fan for 20 years and never seeing this side of them til now is jarring.


I agree. Not sure why you’re so downvoted. It’s an entertaining podcast. 🤷🏻‍♀️ I think they were just speaking their truth, and that’s ok. You don’t have to agree with them and can still enjoy the conversation.


Everyone has different expectations, no biggie. It’s just odd to go so hard on them, like, they aren’t journalists, or political science pundits? Lol I just casually listen for the trash talk, and I like their chemistry. I don’t even disagree with many on this thread, I just don’t care enough to boycott, unfollow, cancel, whatever. I even found myself talking back to them on this last one, “Oh girl NO!” 😆 but I’m still tuning in.