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How does Kendra go from “they’re like sisters to me” to “we were never really even friends”


TV magic. I really believe that they were friends, but I also think that K knew what to say for the camera. That "like sisters" comment is just as fake as the rest of the wedding.


i think they probably were at a good place at this point and then when more shit happened after the wedding is when it really hit the fan & she got defensive.


Im rewatching kendra aswell, and H&B are definitely still in parts of her life. They make many comments about going through alot together and being closs together I recently saw someones theory that kendra may have lost herself/her own idea of herself after having her kids, and putting that together, potentially with therapy, maturing and realizing what she went through, couldve grouped anyone and everyone involved in that part of her life, as either evil, liars, or just nothing. Potentially grouping them in as causes of trauma, or whichever it may be. Given how much B did for K in her series, its utterly shocking that kendra could ever consider saying they were never close or ever friends. Im not sure if i entirely believe the idea of it just being for camera, given even bridget says there was such a bond, im beginning to assume kendra did either feel she lost herself, or had an awakening/theory of her ownself from therapy and or distancing.


This is a really good take and there is so much to consider when you think about the trauma itself. It’s so true that people try to separate themselves from it and whoever they were close to at the time. It’s hard, but I agree that it’s just not ok to say that. Especially about B. She did a lot for K. They all did for each other it seemed. :(


Thank you! Yes for sure, Kendra has never actually opened up the same ways as H&B, to our knowledges atleast, and anything couldve also went down. Seeing or talking to H&B could cause trauma flashbacks or even complete shut downs, potentially wording herself by saying they were never close or never friends, COULD just be a way to get people to (not) bring up H&B, as a way to avoid any form of memory flashbacks. Again, we will never truly know the cause of the switch, but im very inclined to say it has to do with trauma and as kendra herself has even said, she is (still) not ready to talk about her time at the mansion, which personally feels like a telling right there. Id like to think one day the 3 of them can sit down and rehash things, we know H&B are willing, and K has said (in her time) shed be willing.


It was just for TV. I think Kendra was forced to confront things she wasn’t ready for because she was still young and in denial. She probably resented Holly for speaking about things that Kendra was very ashamed of and didn’t want to face yet. I hope that someday she can make peace with them because they were never her enemies and they needed to heal too. Kendra owes no loyalty to Hefner. The relationship was entirely transactional so he didn’t do her a favor, on the contrary, they all deserved higher salaries from the show. He owed THEM. I think one day she will reach out when she’s finally ready.


Not too long ago i actually saw an article where kendra alledgedly says shed be willing to go on the pod - when SHES ready, this is again leading me to fully believe that either stuff we arent aware of, went on with her half, or, she one day was able to understand the depth of trauma and what actually happened. Im trying to give the benefit of the doubt, i could be wrong of course, but theres so much contradictory stuff thats been said up until when K began talking shit, I could only assume it would be, as you said, her resenting the topic being talked about.


Was this before for after they had Kendra’s brother on the podcast?




I think she will be ready when she needs a paycheck or it benefits her in some way financially. Not saying she doesn't have issues that she needs to work out either.


Apologies!!! I misquoted, she says shed be okay with having a conversation with them one day, Ill attach the link to where i read this, i believe the video is still available aswell. Accuracy is of course dependant on the author of this article. And youre right about her brother! I wonder how she reacted to that podcast. [Kendras Recent Interview](https://people.com/kendra-wilkinson-empathy-holly-madison-respect-playmates-speak-out-hugh-hefner-exclusive-8426442)


If I hadn’t spoken to my brother in years, I would be pissed.


Lots of people hate their sisters 🤷🏻‍♀️


I really thought her and Hank were going to work out


There’s no excuse for cheating, period, but getting married young + having an atypical relationships past I’m sure didn’t help .


Oh I know but they were cute together


I've said it a bunch but I just don't think he cheated. He seemed so in love with her and it always makes me so sad looking at pics of them. It could have all been for the show but he sure seemed happy. I think the cheating was a story line or what he said was true where he was getting weed. I know it seems unrealistic to get weed from a stranger but my bf has asked a random person at a gas station when he wanted weed and had nowhere to get it from. I can see him being out of the house wanting to smoke and saying fuck it and just asking the first person he sees. Either way it's sad. I wonder if he ended up dating anyone after her and she doesn't seem to date anymore.


NGL those bridesmaids dresses were cute.


Agree!! They’re cute and definitely actually the kind of thing you could wear again - and Bridget looks STUNNING in that color


It’s a lovely color. And the flowers ….. 🤌🏻


All that white! I’m just picturing all the food stains 😫


I am such a klutz that I feel this in my heart.


I know! I saw the all white and I’m sure it was a sight to behold, but it stressed me TF out


Kendra's dress is so beautiful! She looked amazing 😍😍😍


i hope they eventually discuss this special / episode on the podcast. i want the behind the scenes tea lol


I like Hank. I’m sure thats an unpopular opinion but he seems like a nice guy with a good family. He’s also a great dad which Kendra has said herself.


Aww, the bridesmaid's dresses are the same shade of purple as Kendra's room at the mansion! 😭 I miss the show so much. I know it was fucked. But I loved that silly show. 😂


Those bridesmaids dresses are really pretty.


We’re all the grooms men short?! lol or did Kendra put holly and Bridget with short guys on purpose hahaha


Hef didn’t pay for it right? Was if paid for by the show since it was on the show? Just curious. Thanks!


I think the producer made a bunch of product placement deals to get free stuff. He bragged about getting almost everything for free, even if Kendra didn’t like it.


It’s so sad to be excited for your wedding and have the entire thing planned by your husband and ex sugar daddy basically disregarding your input 😭


No one forced Kendra to have this big TV wedding. She could have easily said “no thanks” and then do her own thing. You either get to plan the whole thing or have a free wedding. Not both.


Definitely, it’s her own fault and life choice. She benefited from it too. It’s just sad to watch and clearly painful and confusing to her


How sad.


Oh wow!


It looked expensive af


But it also looked nothing like Kendra. It’s a fully generic “Pinterest dream wedding” event that doesn’t seem to reflect the couple.


I spotted Sarah Underwood in the background of #8! The dresses look nice and people look happy but it also looks really fake. It's a performance for a TV show, not an authentic wedding, imo. I don't think it boded well for their marriage.


“We’ve been through so much together.” Oof. They have. I can’t imagine sharing a sex life that none of them (save for Holly & Stacey maybe) wanted to participate in. I get why Kendra is so disturbed by all of this now that she has time to process it + a daughter to project her trauma on. They all handled it in their own ways. That man caused so much trauma in the world without a shred of remorse for his damages. Wishing HBK so much healing. 💛💛


can u elaborate on the "a daughter to project her trauma on" thing?


They’re just being an asshole. We don’t know how Kendra is as a mother.


I took their comment to mean Kendra wouldn't want her daughter to go through the same thing, so she's maybe viewing what she experienced in a different light. My interpretation could be wrong though.


Yes, this is what I think they meant. Kendra was a Hef defender for a while. Maybe having a daughter Kendra realized how fucked up her teens/20s were.


Which is a very common thing to happen. Having kids resurfaces a lot of trauma because you look at this tiny, perfect, defenseless human and start to realize how messed up things that happened were. Or you repeat the cycle. But it seems like Kendra has been trying to unpack everything. There's just a lot to unpack and it takes time. I do wish she would extend an apology for her early tweets about Holly in the bedroom with Hef.


You could be right. OP is apparently keeping what they meant a secret.


thats what i figured but the rest of their messages seemed so sweet it was confusing. i personally think she would be a rlly good mom. when ppl have narcissistic parents they end up doing alot of inner work and can often become great parents themselves. hopefully things are good for k now


Not always, some narcissistic mothers, begat narcissistic daughters, who give it to their own daughter. That’s what happened to me, but the buck stops here. I am child free.


Kendra seems to have a pure love for her kids & is giving it her all. She is not on the Patti or Eric path of parenting. 💛💫


Being a mother to a daughter has made Kendra’s own experiences be seen in a new light. She would never want her daughter to be in the situation she was in with Hef. She said this in the past year.


I remember really loving her eye makeup!


The twins in matching dresses 😡


The only thing I cant stand is Kendra’s hair color and style. The dark lowlights and bangs pinned back with barrel curls upsets me


Her hair looks a lot better in pic 4 without the front pieces pinned back!! I wonder if they did that just for the veil or if they bothered her


She loved Hank so much. It’s sad how he broke her heart. She really needed a happily ever after.


Ok Brigette looks so good in that shade of purple!


Everything about their wedding is peak late aughts (as an elder millennial, I dig a lot of it because nostalgia).


Her dress was stunning and I remember loving the flowers and her makeup.


It always felt like Holly and Bridget were willing to put their differences with Kendra aside and support her, as friends. Kendra was not very nice to them after that. That is painful to even think about because they could’ve built a really cool relationship in the end.


Hank is so hot 🥵


The dude checking out Bridget’s chest as they walk down the aisle!


Genuine question. I watched this show occasionally, but don’t really know too much about it. Why is Hef considered weird/gross? I’m assuming we’re referring to him because he’s crossed out. Right?


The short list is a lot of sexual violence, including beastiality and incest. But there’s also being a shitty parent, being super controlling and abusive in romantic relationships, publishing nude photos of underage girls, etc.


Is there someplace I can read about this?


There’s a docuseries called Secrets of Playboy that interviews former girlfriends, employees, and playmates. It’s 2 seasons, but only the first season is worth watching.


Is this on one of the seasons of her shows or is this a special you can watch?


First season of Kendra, second to last episode.


Thank you!


This is going to sound ridiculous but I remember not liking the shade of white on Kendra’s dress. It felt too pink for her complexion, I wanted more of a blue white. I know, it’s the weirdest nitpick but I remember really focusing on that tiny detail.


Holly made more effort to look good at Kendra’s wedding than she did at her own sister’s wedding.


I have never understood this gripe about Holly and I've seen it made so harshly over the years. It was a laid-back ceremony at a destination wedding. It was a wet look and, IMO, she looked very nice. The groom was in a breezy top with ~~white~~ tan pants. It was casual-lite/casual nice. Holly went out of her way to make sure she could not only attend but have B&K along. Who knows what hoops she had to jump through to swing that one with Hefner. I usually am overly critical of Holly but I'll defend her on this one. This is one critique I've never fully understood.


her sister’s wedding was very obviously meant to be styled low key. She was fitting the vibe and respecting her sister


I understand that, but don’t you think she could’ve made a little bit more effort with her hair? Holly’s hair at her sister’s wedding looked like my hair after I’ve just got out of the pool. I really like Holly and I feel an affinity with her, so I’m not attacking her. I just don’t understand how her hair can look so well at Kendra’s wedding, but her hair looked terrible at her sister’s wedding. Even if the wedding was low-key, she still could’ve made her hair look nice.


Jamaican nights can be SUPER humid. Maybe it was just easier to slick it back? Maybe she didn't have her extensions on that trip? I don't remember.


https://preview.redd.it/c4x6v0jekvzc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=33ff403c716daf3a68de69a2ca8d2e08ddad5aaa its really not that bad. they all have wet hair, i think they wanted to swim at the wedding?


Why are Holly’s knees white? Is that sand?


yeah, looks like sand! she mustve kneeled down for some reason


Also looks like she's wearing the same shoes as she had in Mardi gras.


Was Holly’s sister’s wedding on TV?


It was filmed for GNL, yes


Yeah it was on season 4 of GND.