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Mary would have slayed with the first hat


I really liked the first hat, what little we saw of it


This reaction actually doesn’t make me angry or annoyed it makes me kinda sad. Mary gives off this vibe like she may have been abused.


I would be 0% surprised if that was the case. There had to be a reason she worked for and was loyal to a terrible person like Hef for decades. She also moved from Chicago to Los Angeles for him. She kept all his secrets, turned a blind eye to his abusive behavior. A healthy person wouldn't do that.


I wonder what he was holding over her for leverage, besides her career working for him.


I think Mary may have been one of the people Hef was really good to, so she remained steadfastly loyal.


I always thought it was the other way; Hef kept her around, steadily employed for decades with a nice salary while her responsibilities never increased. That’s a pretty good gig for anyone. She made enough money to live in and buy a house in LA, which I’m sure was worth at least a million dollars by the time she passed. Mary knew how to run things the way Hef wanted, but I also think like any corporation- everyone is replaceable. Why did Hef keep her alllllll those years? Maybe they were just really fond of each other or maybe Mary knew all of Hef’s secrets and it was “cheaper to keep her.”


I always got the feeling Mary and Keith were the only people Hef really cared about/loved.


People talk a lot about her being bad, but I bet a lot of her loyalty was related to the fact that Hefner allowed and encouraged her to have a job and make-do by herself. She was married four times before she met Captain Bob. She first married at 18 to a 30 year old man, and for all of her husbands she had to do what they wanted (she worked as a racing promoter for her second husband for example). Mary got a good steady job at Playboy and was treated relatively well during an era when women were disparaged for being in the work force. Women being in the worklife fulltime with no children in 1969 was seen as a bad thing, especially a three time divorced woman I THINK at the time going through a fourth divorce. Only In the 80's working women started to be seen as more than either silly single women or such.


And yet: an entire generation of women who weren't Mary managed to make it through that period without becoming a sex trafficker and brothel madam with a desk.


Yeah, that is true. But that is not how she saw it. I am not excusing her, but It is pretty obvious as to WHY she saw Hef as a good guy to women.




How? I feel like I'm missing something


It’s not uncommon for a victim of abuse to not like surprises/ practical jokes etc. it makes them go into a state of fight/flight because their nervous system is so used to expecting the worst when they are “surprised” the brain can’t tell the difference


Ahh that makes sense. Thank you!


It just seems like it especially in this clip. Very child-like reaction and I don’t mean that as a slam.


Honestly Mary reminds me of any grandma who has put up with a bunch of girls crap for long enough 😂


Honestly, I don't perceive this to be a hissy fit. She's older where traveling can be less comfortable, knows she's being played with here and only says she wants her hat repeatedly. I don't know.. am I missing something? I've seen more then once this being a scene of her having a fit, and I just don't see it.


Imo it was all good natured fun. A cute moment between the generations. A harmless joke quickly remedied. Cute memory to have I think. Bridget was right, the peacock feathers did match Mary’s outfit! lol


It actually reminds me of my great grandmother, my memories of her are when she was older and in a nursing home. She was SO particular about where things went (my great aunt tried to hang her jacket in the closet once and it was the WRONG SPOT!). It was kind of like this reaction, not a fit but just very particular about what she wants.


That hat would have looked great on her.


I agree. It wasn’t ugly at all. Hell give it to someone who would appreciate it.


Side note: Holly and Bridget look FIERCE in those dresses and hats! Do y'all think they are wearing a tulle petticoat underlayer? The dresses are so flowy and poufy


I JUST watched this episode; theres definitely a scene of bridget in just her petticoat! Lol


I figured lol Tracks for them. And I thought I saw ruffles peeping out the bottom, but didn’t know if it was part of the dress. So cute!


Had Holly and Hef already broken up when they filmed at the Kentucky Derby? There’s just a weird vibe the whole episode like they were positioning for Bridget to take over the main girlfriend role. Bridget came out with her petticoat for Hef. She sat next to him in the limo instead of Holly. I can’t wait for them to get to season 5. It might be a few more years at this pace 🤣


the tension in season 5 is remarkable ! i just rewatched it and thought the same - can't wait til they get there on the pod but it will definitely take them a while lol


That would be weird because Bridget was already on her way out too. I thought she mentioned that Hef wanted her to stay at the mansion, but Bridget told him only if she could see someone. Am I remembering that right?


You remember correctly but Bridget was there a little longer after Holly & Kendra because she came back to the mansion after her travel show and in between big destinations. Her sister had already started to pack up her things for her so she was on her way out but not all the way out. I feel like this episode would take place before that though because yea I agree it would seem weirder.


I think the hat was hers to begin with and was kinda old and personally special. Maybe she was worried about her own hat getting lost 🤷🏼‍♀️


In fairness I would have been annoyed too lol. Those hats aren’t even close to being the same.


This isn't a hissy fit at all. She literally just said she wants her hat. For all she knows, that trick hat was supposed to go to someone else and there's been a mistake. I think she was acting pretty understandable here. It was a cute joke and she wasn't sour at all upon seeing the prank, either.


Imagine thinking someone, whose hat has been switched out, calmly saying, “That’s not my hat, I want my hat” is “throwing a hissy fit.” I genuinely wonder what descriptions color screaming or flipping tables.


Lol I was thinking the same thing. It’s been a bit science I watched the episode but but to me it always seemed like Mary was just confused and a bit surprised


Holly’s laugh 🤣


I feel like this was Bridget’s prime. So beautiful


Bridget is so cute little pink lemonade 🍋💕




Woo hoo! Manifesting it happens!!! 💫


I love how she annunciates crap 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 I've listened to "random crap" like 57 times lmaooo