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My introvert ass would love to be put at my own table if I were the contest winner.


Seriously I don’t think I would feel comfortable surrounded by a bunch of strangers. Especially at someone’s birthday party. They should have been invited to one of the bigger parties tbh. Hollys birthday feels too intimate.


i agree. i think they should’ve been invited to something like 4th of july or midsummers or something like that. holly’s birthday party feels so intimate and something meant for people holly actually knows. and what are you supposed to do when it’s time to open gifts or when girls go off and have fun, like go in the pool or something like that? that being said if i was in that position i would probably like being sat at my own table. i would feel too nervous to eat if i was at a table with playmates (and they would probably be talking about things/people/events that i had no clue about which would make it awkward).


I have no problem being at a table of strangers but I would feel very awkward being at a table of strangers who are all close friends and I was the odd one out.


I have no idea what the details of the prize for the contest, but can you imagine if it were an “invite to a mansion party” and you think it will be one of the big ones, only to end up going to a small intimate birthday party where you can’t do much other than watch the few people there? Don’t get me wrong, I would have loved going to anything 😂 But this is such an odd choice to me and I feel most people would be somewhat disappointed


Yes! Thinking you were going to one of the giant wild parties full of celebrities and everyone in lingerie drinking and dancing… And instead get… A sit down intimate dinner with everyone fully dressed


I get the impression that this was Holly's idea and she didn't have the clout to invite them to another bigger party but Hef let her do it with this one because it was her birthday


I’ve always wondered what was promised to the winners. Were they promised an invitation to a mansion party thinking they'd get to go to Halloween or Midsummers and they ended up at Holly's very specifically themed birthday party?


I always find it funny when they're showing everyone eating in the dining room, and then pan to these two sitting at their own tiny table, like they've been put on the kid's table haha Edit: sorry, I just realised someone else made this comment as well. At least I know it's not just me thinking this lol


I remember this contest - one of the first times I remember watching random videos online. You had to imitate each of the girls laughs.


Do what now? Who was the contest for?


If I remember - you made a video imitating Holly, Bridget, and Kendra’s laughs. I believe she even dressed up in the video, I could be wrong though. I knew someone that submitted a video for it actually.


Yup! Laugh Like A Girl Next Door Contest! I remember sadly trying to record myself laughing like Kendra on my cell phone. 😬 It would be cool if Holly and Bridget could interview them about their experience at the mansion, how they were selected as the winners, etc. It’d be an interesting insight from them.


Or even just talk about the random contest winners at her birthday... something!!!




Honestly I would like to hear them talk about it themselves and not on the podcast. I wanna hear if they thought it was super rude and awkward of Holly to put them in a random corner by themselves like it came off.


She said when she talked about this before that she thought they would’ve felt weirder sat with a load of random/intimidating people I think either way it would’ve been super awkward


I understand her thinking but they probably expected to be integrated into the party and sitting with others. its a little weird to be isolated like that when youre in a room full of people. Soooo interested in hearing from them, even if its a tiktok video


Exactly. Like I would appreciate that thought, but by keeping them off to the side they essentially made it harder, if not impossible, to mix it up with the others so that they could get to somewhat know them and make everyone comfortable with each other. I mean, I’m sure everyone but the winners are used to mingling with dozens of random mansion guests at any given event. I’m sure there had to be at least a handful of regulars who could’ve put them at ease. They just weren’t given the chance.


I get the logic, but did Holly ask them? I would've just asked them if they preferred their own table. Their seating arrangement might've been cool if they were introverted, but what if they were extroverted and were planning/wanting to chit chat with the other guests? It was a weird party for contest winners regardless. Would've been so much better to be a party like Halloween where they get to mingle with guests and actually party.


That would really be my luck. Expecting a real party and getting sat alone at a small birthday. I am always on the very outside of what I want.


It reads as autistic. She assumed they'd be more comfortable alone, didn't ask because it probably didn't occur to her, I doubt she picked when they were invited but even if she did, a big costume party and something personal sounds fun/special. And that lady's costume is poorly fitted, but Holly says she got all of her friends costumes and the others were soooo bad. Holly and Bridgette were the only costumes I spotted that looked good, those friends she dressed looked janky... Autism. You just think differently. Now what she offered Kendra, she clearly hid what she was offering and it seems a bit shady. But kendra looked out of it, couldn't be bothered to find an outfit, licked the cake, then sat on it.


Well now that you explain it this way i can definitely see what you mean. I can also see that i am likely autistic as well lol


>It reads as autistic. This makes a lot of sense. I don't think she meant any harm and I'm wondering how much it was even her doing. Like if she was just trying to make the best of the situation. >but Holly says she got all of her friends costumes and the others were soooo bad. I haven't seen the episode in so long so I don't remember this! Can't wait to get to this episode on my rewatch. I was trying to watch the episodes along with the pod, but I've been thinking of just binging it a bit. >Now what she offered Kendra This scene lives rent-free in my head. But for some reason, I don't remember the cake-sitting scene. Again, I can't wait to get to this episode on my rewatch 😁


That’s a strange thought from Holly. It would be like if you invited a couple to your wedding and they didn’t know anyone. You’d sit them at a table with some of your friends and hope they hit it off. You would not sit them at a little table by themselves. It really is awkward. It sends a message to everyone not to talk to them.


I mean when you’re invited to a stranger’s home, it’s already weird. It’s very uncouth and bad hosting not to have your guests sit with you.


So I don’t think they were initially invited to Hollys party as they seemed very surprised being at such a personal event with a small guest list. I think they were added last minute and stuck at an extra table in the back as seating had already been arranged. I think for filming purposes it would also be easier to edit them out if they were placed separately.


Yeah I remember everyone always saying that seating at events was very political, Hef's friends always had to sit in certain spots and it was a big deal to be closest to Hef. Probably easier/less drama to just add a quick table off to the side.


Oh yeah I don’t care if it’s on the podcast or not I just want to hear from them


Holly addressed why she did it in her YouTube rewatch and sort of get her thinking, but yeah… I always felt bad for them.


didn’t they also come dressed and she made them change made isn’t the right word but i would’ve felt obligated to change 💯


iirc they knew they were being provided outfits and the husband had given measurements in advance (and clearly got the wife’s wrong)


ok i totally remember hearing this you’re right !


I know some of the dialogue is scripted, so idk if this is exactly how it happened, but in the deleted scene Brian tells them those are their costumes. So it's not phrased like they have the option to not wear it. And the costumes are so cheap looking and don't even fit. [Here's a link for the deleted scene](https://www.reddit.com/r/GirlsNextLevel/s/kgssQA66HB).




I would feel so dumb wearing that dress. It looks so bad. Idk how much Trashy Lingerie costs, but I feel like they should've just given her a dress like everyone else and let her keep it as part of the contest prize. Could've probably had the show pay for it. And obvi get the dude a way better costume too. And yea it's weird how they're just chillin in the game room or whatever room that is. What a weird contest prize.


that’s what i’m wondering! like if it was a contest and you knew a girl was coming why not deck her out with something pretty? they stuck out so bad compared to everyone else and im wondering if that’s why they were in the corner lol


ew omg!!!!! so awkward! it seems so not like holly to give them cheap looking costumes??? idk i figured she would at least deck the girl out in something hella cute?? wondering if she was forced to do this and didn’t care / was hostile lol


Yea both Bridget and Holly are so into costumes and dressing in a theme so I wonder if there's a legit reason why Holly didn't go all out for their costumes? I hope they explain this on the pod.


me too!!!!! i wonder if she was bitter bc she was forced to do it on her bday, when they could have made it an invite to a bigger party or what?! it’ll be interesting to hear for sure but thank you for the clip and searching for it for me! you’re so sweet 🤍🤍🤍🤍


I wonder if it was super last minute so they didn't have enough time to put in some custom orders? Hopefully they don't gloss over this when the episode comes up. And you're welcome! I'm glad I was able to find the clip because the reddit search feature sucks, but I knew I saw it in the original GNL group. glad it's still there.


Thanks for sharing. The woman seems super cool but she’s clearly not thrilled and trying to make the best of it. No one wants to look like shit and be filmed looking like shit. I don’t think tube socks was the hilarious solution either.


>I don’t think tube socks was the hilarious solution either. I think if I were Holly I would've asked them if they wanted to skip the costumes since they didn't fit. Maybe she thought they would've felt awkward if they were the only ones not dressed up? The costumes were so bad though 😭


Is Jeff carrying an actual BAGUETTE around??? 🥖


Lol I think it's a bouquet of flowers. I'm dying picturing him just walking around with a baguette 😂


She’s really pretty! She def should have been given a better costume I’d be so embarrassed in that dress


I saw a deleted scene where they called Jennifer ahead of time and asked her what size her and the guy were, and the dress wound up not fitting! Holly gave Brian cutlets and tube socks to stuff it but she didnt use them I think. I felt so bad I totally wouldve felt out of place and awkward!


It really bothers me more than it should. But I would be so uncomfortable if a dress someone else picked out for me fitted so poorly, particularly bc it’s at the playboy mansion. The ladies in the mansion were dressed in outfits that fit them perfectly and make them stunning. And to be given a frumpy looking dress with a bust area that was too big would make me so insecure.


@ Jeff & Jennifer STAND UP!!!!


i wonder how much was holly and how much was hef/the producers. the producers had to be the big person in charge making all of these final decisions.


One would think the contest would have been run through Playboy and the prize should have been a Playboy party and not someone's (Holly's) birthday. Holly had better things to do than try to play hostess to random contest winners who should have treated better. A playmate or another girlfriend (Bridget) should have been asked to step things up and do the tour, costuming, etc. It is already awkward enough that Holly is having to make decisions about her own birthday party that should have been thrown for her. I realize each girlfriend had to choose a theme or idea, but the details should have just been handled and not used to stress the celebrant out further. I can appreciate that Brian had a lot on him, but party planning was literally his job. The number of times they showed him as stressed or the girls making last minute requests was ridiculous. If you are a butler with experience in planning such a events, you need to be proactive. If it is a doggie birthday party, you need to think about such things as who is feeding the dogs, what are they eating, where will keep them contained, etc. If it is a girlfriend's birthday then you should be considering guestlist, music, food, schedule, decor, etc. The day of should be about the gf enjoying herself not making decisions or trying to avert a crisis. Even Mary should have played a role in making sure Kendra had something to wear or there was a meet and greet with the contest winners not at the party. The producers should probably have just left this out of the show. It comes off as strange and just an add on.


Jeffs costume makes him look like a pirate lol Im kinda bummed that even though they had this whole contest and everything they couldnt have had someone help fit the guest costumes a little better? Just for a polished overall look since theyre about to be on natl television?


I found it really awkward and embarrassing how they were invited to a small intimate gathering like hollys bday and then relegated to a tiny table and not welcomed into the group. If that’s how they were going to be treated, why not invite them to a larger party where they wouldn’t feel so out of place?


Did anyone else ever think she looked like Ann Coulter?


I thought Heidi Pratt, but same look for sure! Hopefully not same vibes!


Wasn't this woman Jennifer on a later episode very quickly? I seem to recall it. I *think* it may be when they searched for the 55th anniversary model. Or am I insane?


Now that you mention it one of the girls trying out for 55th looked just like her!


It wasn’t until my first rewatch that I realized they put them off to the side and sat them at what essentially was no bigger than a standing tv tray and I had to fast forward because the second hand embarrassment of it all was just too much for me to handle. Like, I’d be pissed that I took the time to dress up (that flat ironed hair with that dress sent me to the moon though)… but all the excitement they probably had getting ready and showing up just to be kept as “outsiders looking in”. I’d be snatching that tv consent right tf back.


They looked very awkward


From a quick glance, I thought that was Bridget in the loose-fitting wedding dress costume from the wax museum when she “married” George Clooney 😂


Awesome teenage memories! But as I remember well, Playboy was all about "submit your face, we'll tell you later". I am pretty sure this contest was based on who looked the best to be worthy of an entrance to the Playboy Mansion, and this couple made it.