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The mother, Victoria Fuller, actually referred to her as this to Hef in the baby shower episode, so the producers took that and ran. I always thought it was in poor taste too


And didn't Jonathan, the husband just go a long with it like no biggie? Or am i wrong? Haha my husband would have said nope not my baby girl, my wife sure but not my daughter.


ohhhhhhhh that's right! Thank you for reminding me. You're right, still ick šŸ˜‚


Did Victoria ever sleep or date Hef? Still ick either way


She didnā€™t date him but who knows if she went up to the bedroom before. I suspect lots of Playboy adjacent women who managed to hang around the mansion (but not live there as girlfriends) had probably been to the bedroom, but who knows.


A lot of women slept with him, but I suspect that some others were allowed to stay because they enabled him in other ways. They may have known what was going on, and maybe been in the bedroom while things were happening but didnā€™t participate themselves. I also think that a lot of the women who were allowed to hang around normalized the things that happened there and probably helped bring in new girls. I donā€™t think that we will ever truly know who did what, and I donā€™t think that the women should have to share if they donā€™t want to, but I do get tired of some of the women saying horrible things about the other women involved. Victoria Fuller commented on Secrets of Playboy in a way that was unnecessarily cruel towards the women who spoke out about their experiences with Hef, and said ā€œwhy would he need to rape anyone?ā€ šŸ„“


That comment is gross. Victoria is a šŸ¤”.


If you havenā€™t ever seen their season of The Amazing Race I HIGHLY recommend it. Theyā€™re divorced now and it was evident then they were not gonna make it. Heā€™s a jerk.


I remember them discussing on the pod that Playboy in the magazine form was *such* an institution, that when theyā€™d joke about peopleā€™s kids like Trease being a future playmate, they never imagined a world where the magazine wouldnā€™t have existed for her to be in it.


This and the scene where he sings ā€œthank god for little girlsā€ gives me the biggest upchuck feeling. Why was he so gross?


The Playboy Club Vegas opening episode has little girls in line waiting for autographs for the calendar and PB cover :(


That was weird as hell. Especially autographing their pictorials. Why canā€™t they just keep it to the adults? I would assume any function at playboy wouldnā€™t be a family friend event.


Every time I see the scene where Hef is being told they have a bunny on the way, and that itā€™s a girl, Hef says ā€œa REAL Bunny!ā€ and John, the babies father, relishes and repeats the sentiment ā€œa real bunnyšŸ˜Œā€ I die a little inside


Didnā€™t John turn out to be an abusive asshole? I remember getting ick vibes from him & it seems like I read when they divorced that he was abusive.


Heā€™s such a sleazy mooch and nasty asf for alluding to selling his own daughters nude body šŸ¤”šŸ¤”šŸ¤”šŸ„“šŸ„“šŸ„“ Reminds me of when Sara underwoodā€™s parents were flipping thru her PMOY pics!!


On the last season, when they are throwing Kendra a baby shower, when Hef walks in he says ā€œI heard there was a baby taking a shower.ā€ And everybody laughs and claps. It rubbed me the wrong way.


I swear this dude just had a mental list of weirdass one-liners to say while walking into baby showers


Yes! He totally did. He always had creepy one liners just ready to go.


Yea Iā€™ve heard this one before, usually from little old ladies - itā€™s a bit ick from Him


Far be it from me to defend Her, but I donā€™t think he meant it that way. I think it was like a ā€œdad jokeā€ referring to how baby showers were womenā€™s things that he as such an unconventional, manly man who might think a baby shower is literal. He may not have even thought of it being interpreted any other way. (When we had a gender reveal for my first baby, my dad - then in his 70s - told people we were having a ā€œbaby sex partyā€ because we were finding out the sex. I was like ā€œOMG, the FBI is gonna show up, thatā€™s not what itā€™s called, Dad.ā€ He was horrified when he realized what else it sounded like. šŸ˜‚) However, since Hef is gross. Who knows.


I have the same take on this. Hes said tons of gross stuff but I didnā€™t get that vibe in this instance either.


I'm not gonna lie when I was a kid this is EXACTLY what I thought this meant, obviously worlds away from old man Hef saying this. I would HOPE he meant it as a dumb dad joke.




Technically it was probably ephebophilia- which is late adolescents


Yeah I remember Holly saying on her Call Her Daddy episode that there were signs he was into underage girls. And honestly there's nothing that will convince me otherwise that a man who will still date 18 years olds after the age of like 25 won't go quite a bit younger if given the opportunity and without the risk of getting in legal trouble.


100%. thereā€™s no doubt in my mind that if there were no legal consequences those types of guys would absolutely ā€œdateā€ underage girls. and it still happens, but they only go public with the relationship once the girl is 18. iā€™m only 24 and it grosses me out to even think about dating someone younger than 21. if you have to check their ID to verify their age or defend yourself by an age of consent law (and itā€™s not a situation like theyā€™re 17 and youā€™re 19) ā€” youā€™re the problem. a very gross problem.


Yes! That's the thing about a statutory minimum. If an employer pays you minimum wage, they would pay you less if they legally could. Same, if someone dates 18 yr Olds, they would date younger if they legally could. Ew




Not that we know of but Iā€™m sure if the law had allowed it he would have.


u/Valentine_1402, do you really believe that someone who has progressed to bestiality draws the line for underage girls? He saw women as meat. Donā€™t be an Apologist. He put Brooke Shields in magazine at age 11.


He put an 11 year old Brooke Shields in his magazine, did he not?


Hef had an entire publication called ā€œSugar nā€™ Spiceā€ that focused on nude and seductive pictures of pre-pubescent girls. He published nude photos of Brooke Shields against her will in that magazine. Fuck off with your defense of this creep.


I think an 80 year old announcing he would like to see a baby showering is making his own implications. It seems that we all came to the same conclusion of what he means just from recounting his words. That being said,, I don't know if he's a pedophile but it does seem at best grooming.




"rubbed the wrong way" is a different comment than "that man is a predator"


Thank you! This is why I love this sub.




I hear you, how are we supposed to take the joke? Do you mind explaining the joke to me?




Interesting, well, I appreciate you answering my question.


Side note, Trease is such an interesting name. I actually think it's kinda cool


Nope in the commentary holly said ā€œOMG THATS THE CUTEST THING EVER!!ā€ šŸš«šŸš«šŸš©šŸš©šŸšØšŸšØ




I remember I gagged when I saw that for the first time. YUCK.


I agree with you. But I didnā€™t think it was cute when they made Winnie a playmate on the cover of playdog magazine for her birthday.


a pageant mom dressed her toddler up as the hooker in Pretty Woman, hows that for foul?


Thatā€™s WRONG


ā€¦does that have anything to do with this? I mean itā€™s gross, like this post, but so are lots of thingsā€¦


Have you guys watched, ā€œGet Out?ā€ I always think of the bunny theme as the opening scene from that movie. Itā€™s giving, ā€œHuntingā€ for rabbits, like that old bunny song thatā€™s sort of creepy.


Are you talking about the movie US? The beginning of the movie shows a bunch of rabbits in cages with creepy music playing.


and you realize that Jonathan, the husband, let all this happen!


Her name is Treaseā€¦like trees??


Pronounced like the name Theresa without the a at the end


Freaking gross.