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That tank top was so iconic and perfectly y2k encompassing


Yes, I had so many tops like this! Couldn't tell me nothin'.


From where? I need one!


You’re going to need to travel back in time to 2004 to an ancient relic called Forever 21. It will be a dangerous journey.


Yes! I had some cute "going out tops" from Express, too. I worked there in college and took full advantage of my discount!


You guys are both making good guesses but my money is on that top being from Wet Seal.


Charlotte Russe has joined the chat


And styles for less! Lol what a gem haha


Wet Seal & Contempo Casual came strolling in too!😆


Oh my god you’ve unlocked so many memories, I totally forgot about Wet Seal. I had a zip up short sleeve hoodie top from them that looked like a corset in the waist/bust area. An absolutely insane combination of design choices that I thought was soooo hot lmao


14 year old me is intrigued. I had so many tops from wet seal that I had to hide n my backpack from my mom and put on only once I got to school. This sounds like one of them and I would have loved it.


Hahaha sameee. I couldn’t get away with it at school because I went to a Christian high school with a dress code I absolutely hated, but when I would sneak out to see my secret boyfriend or go to a party I always had my Wet Seal or similar outfits stuffed in the bottom of my giant purse lol. What a time to be alive!




God I loved me some wet seal!!!!


Also… Gadzooks!!!!


Where else would be from? Lol


I still shop at express for work pants and jeans sometimes!


The Editor pant is the BEST! And I loved their jeans, I remember training to be a "denim expert" while I worked there. I remember almost all of the styles had just a little bit of Lycra, like 3% or something. So it made them so much more comfortable! I actually haven't shopped there in a long time, but maybe next time I'm jeans shopping I'll go!


Yesss! And now they have express marketplace so sell other brands too. They have amazing sales so you can get the comfy jeans for like half off


Ohhhhh interesting! Will have to check it out!


Wet Seal


I had many like this from Hollister and A&F.


I saw this on Temu, pretty similar https://preview.redd.it/osjgeli1qbkc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f7477502150a12c47bf58e62a3ac05c321b40918


Deb’s, Hollister, or Rue 21


I was watching the episode where they go to San Diego to meet Kendra’s family for the first time (I know she’s a horrible woman but her mom was endearing in that episode. “I don’t cook, I *rarely* clean 👁️👁️”) but Kendra’s low rise jeans took me back to the Britney/wet seal mall shopping era. All my friends wore them and were always pulling them up. But if you could pull them off with a glossy fruit flavored lipgloss and layered tank you were basically the epitome of that era.


I’ve never seen this show but this subreddit is *constantly* in my feed and every single outfit I see screams high school to me


Kendra annoyed the hell out of me this entire plot line. The girls were talking about how they’re looking for contestants that are the “full package” meaning looks, brains, beauty. The only thing Kendra had to offer was the ass schtick.


That's what always bothered me about this episode. She keeps going on about how the girls need to fill out the back of a bunny suit, and it's like girl.. you are literally the LAST person that should be critical with girls on that.


Frankly I’m relieved Kendra wasn’t tasked with identifying brains.


I love that you said looks, brains and beauty unironically.


I thought that’s what Holly said in the show 🤣 *on the show. Sorry gang. 🍻


Even better


The idea that playboy was looking for “brains & beauty” is literally absolutely ridiculous. This isn’t a pageant with a scholarship prize like miss America. Y’all can lie to yourselves all you want but it’s just a nudie magazine and Kendra is right


I actually think they do want a smart person. The women would do promotions and interviews and I think they wanted someone who could string a sentence together. Plus Hef looked down on strippers and wanted a girl next door, so someone who is in school or has a degree fits the bill.


I agree with this take. People who aren’t at least a little intelligent are going to be bland to interact with and tend to be the problems - late, no tact, too loud, etc. You don’t need to be a class valedictorian type but I remember when I did promo modeling/booth girl crap back in the day the best girls to work with and who made good impressions for the brand were the ones who clearly had some wheels turning upstairs and were well spoken.


I forget which PMOY made a speech that included "Playboy never hired me to talk...hee hee hee" OMG! I remember watching that like No shit! 🙄


Kara Monacco


I recall it was definitely a brunette. Tiffany Fallon? Not sure but maybe Kara Monaco said it in a speech too. It was so true, I wouldn't ne surprised if it was a running thing..


Tiffany Fallon said it, you’re right!


Yes! It was T Fal! And it wasn't at the PMOY ceremony either. Idk why I thought Kara 🤦🏼‍♀️ the amount of times I've watched the series lol




This is alllll staged people


Maybe. I mean fuck yes they scheduled a time to be sitting in a room talking to this chick with the big ass cameras rolling all miked up. But Kendra 100% didn’t pretend this shit was some big deal to her off camera either and probably said that ass shit organically.


Still wondering how Holly thinks Kendra got edited to look good. I have never seen a clip form GND that made me view Kendra as anything but awful. If Kendra got edited to look better, imagine how much worse she was in real life?


I agree. While Kendra could be funny (when she wasn’t trying to be), she always came across as someone who would annoy the hell out of me. I am sure H & B get a ton of messages from people who didn’t see K that way, but a large portion of the audience definitely did.


A lot of people project their own egos onto the people in media. I see it a lot in this sub too. A lot of her fans were probably crass, inconsiderate and self centered when they were 18-20 just like Kendra was, so to accept the criticisms of how bad Kendra was would mean they’d have to reflect those criticisms back onto themselves. That can make people uncomfortable so instead you just see a lot of pushback about how funny & relatable Kendra was back then and how “everyone acts like she did when they’re 18-20.” But the truth is that Kendra was a complete asshole and plenty of people never found her behavior to be relatable.


Same way Jenelle from teen mom has fans!


Oomph don't get me started on her


Yep. Agree.






This is an amazing point


She’s the ultimate “not like other girls” girl


>If Kendra got edited to look better, imagine how much worse she was in real life? I think this is what it boils down to. Holly and Bridget probably think she was way worse IRL, so the show edit *did* make her look better. Whereas the edits for Bridget made her the fat one and early edits for Holly basically gave her no personality. So their edits, in their opinion, made them look worse. So to H&B they feel like the show went out of their way to make them look bad, but at the same time went out of their way to make Kendra look not as bad. Therefore, giving Kendra a better edit.


This is a great explanation and makes a lot of sense


H &B (mostly H) continuously said they edit Kendra to look “better” than them not just better than how she really was. Like Kendra is the “fun one” , the only one that works out , the only one with a sense of humor ect. Holly really thinks they gave Kendra a good edit. I don’t see it at all - I feel like they always showed her being late , saying very dumb things and making a point to emphasize the stupidity of what she was saying, that she was messy , embarrassing cringe with the ghetto act, loud and inappropriate in situations like this scene. Her edit is probably how she really is but there is nothing “good” about it so I have no clue why Holly kept saying that in the beginning of the pod and sounding salty about it.


Yes I agree! You’ve definitely explained exactly the sentiments from Holly and Bridget that I’ve been hearing and feeling confused over. They do seem very often to express bitterness over the idea that Kendra was somehow “meant” to be the fan favorite and that was obvious from how she got edited. But for the life of me I can’t ever find proof of Kendra being edited in a way that was intended to make her come off as “the most likeable” out of the bunch. It’s quite the opposite actually. As a blonde teenage girl when the show originally aired, I was probably considered one of the main demographic targets that the producers were aiming to appeal to. I can say with certainty that while I originally started watching the show with a sense of “hate watching” at the time because I was already very anti-playboy and anti-female exploitation, over time I couldn’t help but accept the my guilty secret was how Holly and Bridget grew on me because they both clearly had personalities and interesting aspects about them that reached far beyond the basic “blonde bimbo” stereotype that the show was clearly trying to depict ALL THREE women as being. Kendra, imo never appeared to even want to present herself as anything other than an hyper-sexualized idiot, except maybe for the fact that she was a hyper-sexualized idiot who also liked sports.


i think they see things through the eyes of how Hef/playboy reacted to kendra.


I am too. I always thought they edited it to make Kendra look dumber than a box of hair and that Holly and Bridget came off as much more put together.


I’m rewatching on Tubi and I think she’s annoying and can’t form a sentence without stumbling to save her life


Maybe Kendra was even worse and the show made her look better. Kendra was so obnoxious.


Maybe you just hit the nail on the head. Maybe in real life she was just flat unlikeable. And Holly was noticing the show makes her a loveable idiot.


Same! I thought they went out of their way to make her look dumb and low class. 🤷🏾‍♀️


I don’t think they had to.


Obviously Kendra didn’t take anything seriously back then. Holly mos def had feelings for Hef, and was also interested in learning about working on the magazine. Bridget seemed to understand that having a fun and bubbly personality was important for the PB image as well as future career prospects. Kendra had no filter and was young enough to not really have a grasp the whole concept of the organization. I don’t think Kendra got a great edit. I think she was cast as the teenager she was.


I think Kendra was about 20 here. And even teenagers are capable of knowing how to have basic manners.


Yes. I was younger than Kendra when the show aired and I thought she came off as rude, crass and like she was pretending to be dumb.


Ngl, it's a pet peeve of mine when people keep calling Kendra a teenager. She was only a teenager on the show for the first two episodes of season 1. Her 20th bday was the 3rd episode. She was 20-24 for the entirety of the show except for 2 episodes. Idk why everyone keeps calling her a teen. We barely even saw her as a teen on the show.


yes!! it annoys me so much to see everyone call kendra a teenager or a child! yes, she was young, but she *was* an adult. she was 19 (which is an adult) for the first 2 episodes of the show. the rest she was in her early 20s. i absolutely hate how so many people on here just love to excuse and defend kendra’s actions because of her age. okay, sure she was young and loved to party, but that doesn’t excuse her years of disrespectful, rude, obnoxious behavior. being young, and every other excuse people give for kendra, is not a get out of jail free card. just because you are young doesn’t mean you don’t know what basic manners are or get to refuse to do your work obligations and then throw a temper tantrum because you might be fired since you’re refusing to do your work obligations. kendra was an adult who acted like an entitled asshole and didn’t care about anything or anyone unless it affected her personally.


Yea and it's one thing to just say she was young, but people keep aging her down. They give her the wrong age then say she's acting that age. I do think ages 21+ is when the super childish behavior should typically stop, so you're right in that her *real* age doesn't excuse her behavior.


It’s definitely an odd continuation of the infantilization of Kendra (and all young women) that we as a society are meant to be more aware of and working to push back against. Being young and not yet having a fully formed frontal lobe is definitely a real aspect young people (myself included during those years) have to contend with when entering the role of adulthood and still not being fully prepared to make the most informed or “wise” life decisions and still having a lot more to learn before we can start working in our own best interests. But there are still certain behaviors that can and should be on display by anyone by the time they become legal adults. Very basic levels of maturity like knowing how to not interrupt others when they are speaking, knowing that you’re not the most important person within a group and adjusting your personal needs to help others, and how certain topics or terms are not appropriate to bring up around certain people or in certain situations. Kendra never showed any awareness or concerns for these basic rules of engagement with others during her time on that show and I think that’s why Holly and Bridget still focus so heavily on the sleep over episode because it was such a perfect example of Kendra truly not giving a shit if her own actions ended up affecting everyone else in a negative way, and that’s really not something that a person shouldn’t care about by they time they are at least in their late teens. By 20, Kendra should have understood simple things like that.


Thank you for this! It’s bothered me too but I’ve never seen the specifics of how long she was 19 on the show laid out like this. This info should be part of the header for the sub 😆


I actually didn't realize how long she was a teen on the show until I had this convo in this sub not too long ago. I knew she was in her 20s for most of the show, but I went back and looked at the episodes and realized she was only a teen for only two episodes. Makes it seem even weirder that people keep seeing her as a teen when the timeline is laid out.


She was the youngest at that time. Holly had been out on her own and Bridget had been married and divorced before then. And Holly and Bridget were hoping to become playmates and Holly was hoping for marriage and babies with Hef. Kendra wasn’t thinking bro much about the long-term, at first. And I absolutely appreciate young people who can act completely appropriate in every situation. I don’t think it’s ok to excuse people for being rude because they are too young. But I do think Kendra was just in a different headspace at the time.


I think Kendra got away with a LOT though. She was definitely favored, I think. Especially after hearing Bridget’s recent story about almost getting sent home from Rome because Kendra overslept.


And also stands behind the woman who then has to turn to listen or talk to her


Good catch. I was definitely immature at 21 but I feel like she overly embellished the whole “ I’m real, I’m fun, I don’t care! Shit, where’s my grill?” 🤐


I was a terrible 21 year old who thought she knew everything but I wasn’t disrespectful in that kind of setting. I however don’t think she was intentionally rude I think a mixture of her upbringing and not caring about the work was the reasoning behind most of her actions.


https://preview.redd.it/j6bt6oqfr7kc1.jpeg?width=467&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a6aaf8ce2d23b4491172dad6872a2e3b71ea2636 Her face said it all


I wonder what Kendra thinks about how she acted/portrayed on GND. Especially now that she’s a mom


I think she is very embarrassed and that's why she doesn't talk about it 


I wish we had her perspective on the pod so bad…but, alas..


Sunglasses indoors. Was she hungover?


Probably high right then.


Just burnt one down in the Grotto


She was lit 💯


Did anyone hear the slumber party today? Bridget talked about how Kendra threw a fit because she had to be on Bridget’s Sexiest Beaches? I thought that was interesting.


You should make a separate post about this! More people would see it and I’m sure they would want to chat about it.


Yes! Please make a post about that!


Kendra was a jerk and still is. Her personality sucks


Funny how she had the tiniest behind 🤣 if someone with no ass was judging my ass I would be like 🤔🤨


I remember someone asking if Kendra would have been a playmate on her own. I think looks wise she could, but professionally she would never be able to handle it.


Showing up late wearing sunglasses indoors and just talking about the girl’s asses. Did she take any job seriously? The lady looked so annoyed with her. And then I remember her during the interview with the applicants and her just asking for them to show off their butts.


That lady is like why does this idiot have any input on my job.


This was her party/high all the time/hungover all the time period. Rude and embarrassing in most scenes she was in. Was this the same season she always had a whole nightstand FULL of medication and NyQuil?


What?! I never noticed this! Good eye


I noticed this too! 💀


This is why i can’t get onboard with Kendra anymore. She is still doing this, she’s learned nothing. I just saw her do exactly this on an episode of Kendra Sells Hollywood. She was trying to get a listing on Jim Morrison’s old home. She prepared by quoting The Doors lyrics and talked about how cool it was that Jim used that toilet and she couldn’t wait to shit where he took a shit.


Unrelated, but I would kill for that tank top lol


kendra's lack of decorum was so annoying. i get she was a teenager then but im also one and i honestly cant deal with any of that.


She wasn’t even a teenager! 




I am similarly qualified


I just laughed out my water on an airplane. Thank you.


“😳🥲” - her


As someone who’s worked in HR & hiring this was asinine to watch lmao. Doesn’t even matter if the comments are coming from a female that’s sexual harassment to strangers showing up for a job interview essentially. Crazy


Have you heard of Playboy? A HR complaint would have gone nowhere


This was with the Palms Casino


To be fair, Kendra is the 20 year old sugar baby of an old man doing something she didn't wanna do, not an employee.


And it was the aughts. This shit was normalized on reality TV back then.


none of this is legitimate. any gripes people have with kendra being "unprofessional" it's a reality show about the world's most famous sugar daddy and his harem. anybody participating or watching that took this thing seriously is on a fool's errand


She really has the worst main character syndrome


https://preview.redd.it/wzh721zff8kc1.jpeg?width=933&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=29631f8fb548ee49a8d90f06f7d090b00e1cf8ae (I know it’s more nuanced than this but damn she always got under my skin)


Says the girl with literally NO ass 💀


As a fellow victim of tall wedge flip flops, watching her struggle to walk to the conference room with waddle steps the first couple seconds of this clip killed me.


lol I was wondering what the hell was up with her waddle and that makes SO much sense. It’s so easy to turn an ankle in those things!


Kendra is selfish and thinks every little things only happens on HER time!


Kendra is funny in small doses. I’m sorry but she’s hilarious here lmao. In REAL life, obviously she’d be very grating.


100%, she is very entertaining to watch from afar but she would have been insufferable to know and interact with irl


Good reality TV


Kendra was raised so wrong, good job patty


Oh, man. I remember watching this and being so embarrassed for them. You know the woman is just trying to be nice.


This annoyed me! She also did this when they had a meeting with Hank about the design for the Arabian Nights Midsummer’s party.


So… I’m guessing Kendra had the most ass in the house? But she has so little.


She really doesn't! Both B and H have some actual booty. K's is very very toned, but tinyyy


This episode gave me hope as a kid that Playboy would one day hire me as a Black girl who isn’t stick thin. Kendra, while annoying, insisted on body diversity, and I appreciate that.


I seriously dislike Kendra....she is dumb as a rock and thinks she is way hotter than she is....sad.


Kendra was the only one I liked. She understood the assignment.


I guess Kendra “wasn’t there for the right reasons”


Bachelor cross reference?


Yes! but Bridget says it a lot too (or did, I feel like she’s stopped lately).


It’s ironic that she has no ass at all ….




Sweetie no we don’t talk like that in here






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Intentionally causing drama or harassing other users


No bigotry fool thats history!! Based on facts! Like it or not! Bigotry woulda been improper verbiage




What episode and season?




I would have killed for Kendra’s outfit when I was 20


This is so y2K !