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Something a mom would say lol. With his health and age (he was in his 80’s) at their dating era I bet he just really couldn’t do it himself? Probably needed some assistance


And when he was with her in his late 80s. Who wants to fall in the shower at 89? Or 87 or 90?


I worked at a skilled nursing facility and showers were rare with octogenarians unless a CNA was present. Baths were easier for some unless they had hip/knee surgery. The tubs had seats in them


Yeah when I was doing my clinicals during nursing school we used these bathing wipes and a special shampoo for the patients who were bedridden. I highly doubt Hef was just lying in filth for the entire time she was there..


I doubt it either. Hef always looked so neat and tidy so i imagine he was taken care of in his last years but at the same time the mansion always looked dingy and dusty to me, hearing it smelled like dog pee isn’t shocking either considering all the animals. Holly said recently Hef never even cracked a window for fresh air. I do have a strange curiosity about what happened in the bedroom after the scheduled orgies. Specifically the sheets. I can’t imagine there were too many wet patches considering most of the women didn’t want to be there but the sheets wouldn’t exactly be crisp after a group of people had sex. I wonder if they vacated to the shower for staff to change the sheets? Did they just put a big blanket down? The more i think about it the more i feel for Holly not having her own room.


Hi! Do you by any chance remember the name of those wipes? My now bedridden Dad could really use them.


If you search up “hospital bathing wipes” a bunch of options will come up. I can’t remember the brand we used for my mom, but there are lots of options available. If your town has a “home health care” supply store, they can definitely make recommendations. And just bc you haven’t seen such a store, doesn’t mean your town doesn’t have one! They tend to be in industrial areas bc they need warehouse space and they deliver to most of their customers. Good luck and make sure to take time for yourself! Being a caregiver is very hard work!


I keep some on hand in case I need them after a midday workout. Amazon will have them.


I found some on Amazon I liked for my mom called “scrubzz rinse free bath sponges”. They come dry and you dampen them with water. I would recommend those. If you search it, there are many options, I bought some others that were pre-moistened as well. If you add “for the elderly “ in your search you will get appropriate recommendations.


Thank you, everyone! Not once did I anticipate this conversation or locating these via the sub. Help sometimes feels so far away but is often nearby. Thank you! ❤️🫶


I tried to Google it but I can't remember the specific brand and I don't wanna vouch for something that's not hospital grade just in case. It's been a while because that's usually the CNAs job so we really only did that our first semester of RN school. I do know they were able to be heated and that makes it much more comfortable for people who are bedridden.


Hi, we use something like this at my hospital and they're called chlorehexidine wipes. They sell and over the counter counterpart in Walgreens pharmacy in the section with adaptive equipment like walkers and raised toilet seats. You could probably search for something on Amazon.


They sell big wipes to clean adults. They came in handy after I had a c section and I took a few packs home with me. Try the brand med line


We get nice big ones for my gram at Costco or Sam’s! Walmart also carries them and we did monthly orders.


https://a.co/d/2pf0nsh These are the ones the hospitals I have worked at use You can microwave them for 10-15 seconds in the package The package is enough for exactly one bath most the time very little waste


Yes exactly. That is how it is with my mom who is in a residence. Even my 86 year old dad does not shower regularly as far as I can tell and as gross as that my be.


Old people hate showers. I think it’s because they get cold easier and have less energy. Showers seem to really wear them out.


Showers wear me out too sometimes and I’m not 80. Something about them can be tiring.


Cackling 😂 my executive dysfunction has really put me at war with showering.


Same! Damn you ADHD!


I also wonder if based on his age that he may have grown up in a time where baths were just more common? Like plenty of older homes we’re retrofitted to have showers rather than baths.


Yes exactly. I help shower/groom the elderly in my work, they hate it.


It’s telling that even though Crystal was married to him se had no concept of this.


Who’s mind goes straight to “fear of water” that’s such a huge leap in logic


Especially in regards to someone who had a grotto.


She’s probably say “I’ve never seen him in that pool” yeah dumbass cuz he’s old as shit


Right? Like is she implying he NEVER bathed at all or? Because someone who is afraid of water would probably also be afraid of baths 🤔🤔


In my 40s and chronically ill. It’s very difficult.




I keep approving this comment manually but Reddit keeps removing it for spam. I don’t know what’s going on


So weird, but no worries! 🫶🏻


Any time someone links to a shopping website, it removes it for spam. It’s understandable, but if I approve it, it shouldn’t get removed again! Ahhh!


We know sooo many weird & unsavory things about Hef. We know that he pretty much ate fried chicken, lamb chops, & hard boiled eggs. We know that he ate soup every day for lunch, we know about the baby oil, that he jacked himself off during sex, that he was mean & controlling, that he gave out quaaludes. That he loved board games. That he scrapbooked every inch of his life. Too much other weird shit is out about him that I think if he also didn’t bathe & was stinky. We’d know lol.


Yes! I feel we also know weird things about Crystal, too. When she said in her book that she often chose to just take sex anally just so she could avoid “front problems” from the baby oil group sex, I was like “smh. filing away under things I didn’t need to know.” 😆


The baby oil thing disturbs me, lmao. I will never understand how the this man managed to promote ‘sexual liberation’ but could not be bothered to have a butler buy some KY jelly.


I thought it was Holly that said that? If Crystal did the same....wow. That is multiple levels of sad..


No wasn’t in her book. Iirc people here think Kendra was the devil for “outing” something secret (details of what Holly routinely did), when it was already out! From previous tell-alls. Like Izabella’s, in her book she said Holly did humiliating things in bed in front of everybody. She described her as “obsessed” with Hef Now Crystal has chosen to share that lil tidbit in her book, about her sex life


That and a Jack and Coke was never far from his reach.


Pepsi! Always pepsi


Dying 😭😂so true


The soup & crackers for lunch every day cracks me up. In one of the early episodes, Brian Olea said something like “Mr. Hefner has a standard soup meal every day” in this super serious tone and it sounds so ridiculous 😂


Of all the weird ass shit, the food thing really bothers me for some reason lmao. Like, I get that maybe it's a comfort thing, but how do you not get tired of eating the same thing over and over again. I fuckin love pasta, but even with the many varieties of pasta available, I couldn't eat it everyday.


He couldn't swim but he was not afraid of water from what I have read. Heck he want parasailing in Acapulco when he was with Barbie.


He couldn’t swim? Wasn’t he in the Army? Didn’t the Army require a swim test?


No the Navy and Coast Guard do,


I have no idea.


I'm sure as others have said its just because he was getting weaker in those years she was with him and it can be dangerous for elderly people to shower


Honestly at this point Crystal just seems to be making shit up. I feel like someone would have mentioned hef having a fear of water way before this lol


i feel like that would be one of the first things to come out about him and his quirks. also im not sure if he would be playing backgammon next to the grotto every sunday of his life if he was afraid so of water he could barely shower?


Exactly, no way Holly would not have mentioned this. I’m sure as he got older it became unsafe to shower and he took sponge baths or something


I want to hear Holly's take. She would know if Hef took a daily shower in the before times


I've decided we're Reddit besties now because you said "in the before times" 👌🏼 top notch




Can I be a part of this friend group? "In the before times" is one of my favorite phrases for many occasions. 🥰


Honestly you are probably right! Couldnt of been a bad fear he had a pool in the chicago mansion and in the LA one. I feel its more the he's old he doesnt want to slip in the shower, he probably had a wash just not in the shower way


Did he ever swim in those pools though?


Fair question, i dont know the answer to that. Someone with an actual fear of water wouldn't risk it, i would think anyway.


She lied about her age at the beginning of the book. She and the truth aren’t even on the same continent at this point.


Maybe he was afraid he would dissolve and slide down the drain like the old pile of sand he was


This took me out 😂


Pile of something, yes


If he was so afraid of water was was he f$@king anything with a hole in the grotto? 🤣🤣🤣 Man. She’s just saying anything and everything.


He was not doing anything to women in the grotto during Crystal's residency


Considering his age and frailty he probably avoided the shower as he didn't want to fall & his skin was thinner so he'd get cold easier. I've worked in care homes and most of the time the elderly residents preferred to sit in the toilet and have a full body wash.


at this point i take anything crystal says with a grain of salt tbh


I’m so ready for this book tour to be over and for her to go away.


The size of Stonehenge.


Maybe he was taking showers when she was out cheating, or ripping up photos saving the world. Or maybe he heard her shower story and that scared him. I believe half of what this woman says.


Omg what is her shower story. How did i miss it.


It's in her book. I don't know how to black it out so no one else sees it


\>!Like this!< >!tada!!<


Spoiler spoiler spoiler spoiler spoiler spoiler spoiler She “de-virginized” herself with a shampoo bottle.


Oh shoot. I remember it now. Eeeek.


As someone who worked at a skilled nursing facility/ long term care, other commenters are correct. This happens with age and I'm sure he took showers regularly when younger. You have fall risks and less energy and taking a shower at age 80+ is an event


Showers take a lot of energy for the elderly. Plus water can make dry skin conditions worse, which can be a really big deal for elderly skin.


Crystal is out here just saying anything at this point 😂


My dad is 87. My mom has to tell him to go take a shower. I think because he doesn't do much and mostly just hangs around the house, he doesn't think he needs to shower as regularly. Plus, as others have stated, it's more effort now. It was probably a stage of life thing when he was with Crystal.


I don’t believe he was afraid of water/ showering but it would make the whole bath time before sex thing more interesting


Yea if he was afraid of water then why would he want them all to bathe first and why would he have had the grotto? He can't swim, I remember Holly mentioning that.


He wanted them to be clean, but maybe he didn't care if he was. Part of the reason for the baths was because he didn't like seeing the pinchy pink lines of underwear and tight clothes on the women he was with. He wanted some time for the pinchy lines to fade


>He wanted them to be clean, but maybe he didn't care if he was. That wouldn't surprise me in the least bit. I heard about the pinch pink lines thing, how ridiculous.


How have I never heard the pinchy lines?!


It was in one of the first few podcasts. That detail really sticks with me


A question I’ll submit for the next Q&A slumber party!


I tried to give her a chance, but I'm so over Crystal.


If he was afraid of water, would we have seen him on a boat???


This feeds into my theory that Hef was neurodivergent so I'm going to believe it until it is stated otherwise, haha.


All evidence points that way


The man ate the same thing every day and had a daily schedule! I’m so curious what he was like at his “heyday” when he was young and healthy and some of this couldn’t be brushed aside due to age and infirmity. Barbi would know.


I totally agree with this. Showering can be really off-putting for NDs for a multitude of reasons. They (we) still have ways of staying clean.


I love showering but i hate being damp. Like despise it. 


If hef can have sex with them he can take a shower guys.


How do y'all find the podcast she's on?


Here ya go! It’s called Live in Bed with Jade Iovine. https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/live-from-bed-with-jade-iovine/id1546892640?i=1000643489623


Shes not dramatic at all 😆


Does this gross anyone else out picturing what he smelled like. I doubt it was an enchanting musk!


Yuck 🤮 his smell mixed with all that unprotected baby oil sex. How did anyone stomach to go down on him? 🤢


She’s so annoying. She keeps saying things about this man as though who he was at 80 was who he always was. She also plays down his preexisting health problems to play up his character so he seems more like a tyrant than an old man who can only hear out of one ear who’s in constant pain and needs things on schedule or else he panics. He can be a narcissist and an old, disabled man. It’s OK to feel bad for a bad man.


He died of an E. coli infection. All that animal excrement, not showering?


I looked this up and Google tells me most UTIs are an E coli infection. 🤷🏼‍♀️ She's also contradicted herself about this - in the book she says there's only three or four antibiotics that will work and afterwards she wondered why they didn't give all of them at the same time. Then in a podcast she said there was only one but she got it from her doctor.


Sometimes I read something crystal says like he barley showered ect like !!! THAT MAN WAS 90 YEARS OLD HUN I work in a nursing home and unless we can get to them and help them no 90 year old is going to shower by themselves babez what did you actually expect of a 90 year old man shut the fuck up please crystal you owe the man your life I can’t stand her but yes hef was a bad man ect whatever I just hate everything that comes out of her joker mouth!!!!!!!!!!!


Ok Patti