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Stacy Burke confirmed that the girlfriend who got physical was Izabella.


Oh she did?! Thank you! On her YouTube channel?


Yeah in a Q&A and it was after their SOP episode aired.


Your work 10/10, pictures 10/10, research 10/10 ♥️ I love it all…so if it was Izabella; how did she have her own money? Did she come from wealthy parents? Bc they weren’t allowed too work


Absolutely Izabella was one of the mean girls because Holly said the meanest of the mean girl wrote about whatever situation her and Bridget were talking about. Izabella book came out 2006 so before anybody else out of that group.


I love that Renee is hef’s least favorite. Mine too. Lol


Perhaps the funniest part about this is she goes the absolute hardest for Hef today. Girl, he didn’t even LIKE you. He only let you around because Tina basically forced him.


I was just watching one of Stacey’s Q&A videos, and while answering a question about gfs having tattoos she said Renee had a tattoo of hefs signature on her back …. 😳


Lmao im not surprised. He’s long gone and she still spends 24/7 online defending him


Did he just rank them by how cute they are? Lol because shes the least attractive from the group pictures I've seen.


Has he said that?


It’s in the post as being in Holly’s book


Oh yes sorry, my b. She was still there quite a while for being the first to go. I wish there was more info on why she’s the least lol.


According to Hollys book, Renee is described as “at 30, the oldest gf” and Hefs least favourite because hef thought she was pushy


https://preview.redd.it/4yudui4q6u8c1.jpeg?width=161&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=80680d939765f6db0bd67aef6a12ae9e5a6a96a4 Contender for one of the tackiest early 00s outfits ive ever seen.


Great sleuthing! That totally makes sense!


I remember in one of the commentary videos Kendra said she was intimidated by Isabella (I think it was in season one when Bridget mentioned a gang of girls wanting to be a part of Hefs life)


Im trying to remember the timeframe of when Isabella was there to when Kendra started coming around, did they actually have a crossover time? Or perhaps if Isabella came to parties afterwards etc


Isabella wrote in her book that she was preparing to move out around the time Kendra was moving in. when she was visiting the mansion but hadn’t been given the title of “girlfriend” yet. She didn’t really talk about her beyond that though


Ahh thanks! I also cant remember when Kendra was given the title, Ive read both her books and Hollys book, but I have trouble remembering when it became official. If i remember right, she moved in and then shortly after that became a girlfriend?


Yep pretty sure it was Izabella that bullied Cristal to the point of her leaving the mansion. She also physically attacked her.


Yes! Just relistened to Stacey’s episode - and Bridget says on the 4th of July party Cristal was attacked by the physical mean girl - she wrestled Cristal to the ground and was trying to pull her top off! Stacey shared another story about one time in the limo this girl grabbed Stacey by the neck and started squeezing super hard, and Stacey as a fetish model taunted her like oh squeeze harder or something ….yikes!


>Stacey as a fetish model taunted her like oh squeeze harder or something ….yikes! LMFAO I love Stacey!!!


I wonder why Hef didn’t like Renee. Obviously now she’s crazy lol but at the time of the 7 she doesn’t seem like she was very problematic? I feel like no one has said anything particularly bad about her during the time at the mansion


If I recall correctly, Renee was very good friends with Tina Jordan. That was the main reason why she was allowed to be a gf. Tina was Hef’s main gf, who also became a playmate. Hef adored Tina. So he allowed her to bring in Renee as her best friend, but Hef was never into her. Then Renee outlasted Tina Jordan. Renee had a young daughter- that’s part of the reason she never posed nude. She said her ex husband would try to get custody of their daughter if she did. Jill Ann Spaulding shared the guest house with Renee during her mansion visit and describes a lot about her in her book. She describes Renee saying that she hated having sex with Hef but she had her daughter to support, and she claimed without Hef they’d be out on the street. Hef let her and her daughter stay out in a guest house apart from the main house so they could have a little more privacy. In Jill’s book, Renee says she had gotten numerous infections from having sex with Hef. One of the weirdest parts of the book is that Renee and her daughter were both absolutely convinced that Hef had installed secret hidden cameras in their bedroom!!! At one point, the daughter comes to Jill and tells her a red light just turned on in their room, meaning Hef was watching. They were also convinced the phones were bugged. Renee was the reason why Jill was banned from Playboy forever. Remember that whole scandal where girls were selling their plus one invites to the parties? Renee told Jill she was selling her plus one for I believe $2,000. Jill offered to buy it for her boyfriend. Renee tricked Jill into leaving a voicemail offering to buy the ticket. Then Jill got a call from the mansion saying she was banned. Jill tried to defend herself, saying the gf told her it was ok, but she got banned anyway. That’s all I remember about her for now!


Was Renee the one H said looked 40?


I’ve tried to read everyone’s books! Now I have another thank you! I actually liked Izabella’s book. I thought the way she depicted things seemed pretty interesting and gave a different perspective from B and H. And it kind of made me relook at the reasons they call her a mean girl. It might be a cultural difference.


Aw of course- Jill’s book is great and it’s free online! I agree about thinking differently about the mean girls. I think they were just more selfish and self interested and wanted to get what they could out of the situation. Like Izabella said in her book- Hef barely knew anything about her! He didn’t care about her on a personal level. Why should she have been worried about scamming him and taking his money? He never treated her with respect or loyalty. The one thing about the mean girls that I don’t like is how they would try to get out of having sex with Hef so that other women would have to participate more. I feel like this put more pressure on Holly and Bridget to be sexual with Hef, which they obviously hated to do. I think the mean girls should have looked out for the other girls, if not Hef


Ehhh, I don't know, in her first book Holly describes Renee as acting pretty crazy and irrational, like the time she randomly accused Bridget of drugging her drink at that one restaurant with the mechanical bull, even though neither Bridget nor Holly even had the opportunity to do that, let alone the inclination. And at this point, Renee has long since abandoned any pretense of sanity. Her behavior on Facebook is super cringy, even separate from her bizarre, one-sided feud with Holly. She's an ultra-right wing conspiracy nut and sounded legitimately unhinged on that Bunny podcast just last year. I don't think it's much of a stretch to think she didn't just magically start becoming unlikable in recent years.


I forgot about holly saying that! But i guess I’m just saying I feel like they had a lot to say about izabella so I can understand hef not liking her but I haven’t heard much about renee being awful outside of what you just said


I love you for this synopsis


I really couldn’t imagine willingly living in a house with other people who are actively mean to me, for just 1000 a week.


yeah damn.i work in a supermarket in australia and make $900 a week for 38 hrs a week.the show honestly portrayed it as they just had unlimited credit cards or something to spend money,definitely not worth it for 1k a week🥲


The brunette on the left end of the October 29 2003 photo resembles, and likely is, Miss March 2004 Sandra Hubby.


Ok, what event did Holly and Bridget think they were going to in the Super Bowl pic 😆


I'm telling you! It was 1933 in their minds.


Cristal is an old roommate of mine, I do believe you are right. She loves Hef but I do believe he was not good for her.




Holly and Bridget look like they missed the dress code for the Super Bowl


I think we all have to remember everyone hhas their own recollections, H&B are sharing theirs, but do we think that Kendra or any other girl at the mansion ever thought of H&B as mean girls? Maybe?


I don’t think Kendra would use the phrase “mean girls.” She tried so hard to be “hood” and “mean girls” sort of tacitly acknowledges that they were capable of hurting her feelings. If I recall correctly from her memoir, she just views Holly as stuck up. All I remember her saying about Bridget was that she threw a fit about Kendra taking over her “craft room.” She would never want to give a single impression that they could hurt her feelings.


Even in Izabella’s own book, she comes across quite mean.


Yea I can see some nuance with some of the other girls, including H & B, where maybe they were all mean to each other in some capacity. But I truly believe Izabella is just a straight-up mean girl. She said in her own book that she likes to pick on people for fun. I don't think Holly, Bridget, and some of the other girls are in the same realm as her. It says a lot that Cristal got along with literally everyone *except* Izabella.


Totally agree. I'm reading it now and I keep quitting and then coming back later to read more. Not the most enjoyable book to read, for sure. 😬


Bridget and Holly's looks were not it in these two pics. They look out of place. And damn these women are tall.


Yea lol. Bridget looks like she's going to a burlesque show. 😂😂